How to Pass a Rental Credit Check | Avail (2024)

How to Pass a Rental Credit Check | Avail (1)

As of quarter three of 2022, the average credit score in the U.S. is714. Fortunately, most landlords don’t expect your credit score to be quite high to lease their properties — they generally require around 650. But what do you do if your score is below that number? And how do you even check your credit score and report in the first place?

This article discusses what a credit check is, why it’s important, and how to pass it. Keep reading to snag some tips on renting a property even if you have a lower credit score.

What Is a Rental Credit Check, and Why Is It Necessary?

A credit check is when a landlord or property manager looks at a prospective renter’s credit habits to determine if they want to lease their property to them. They do this because renting a property is a monthly commitment, so they want to ensure their next renter can pay rent on time every month. A credit check looks at the following:

  • Credit score
  • Credit usage
  • Credit bureau insights into the factors contributing to the credit score
  • Account summaries
  • Tradelines
  • Payment history, including whether payments have been missed

While reviewing, landlords look for information to determine whether you meet their screening criteria. Positive notes are consistent on-time payments, low debt-to-income ratios, and no delinquent accounts. However, negative remarks consist of the following:

  • Late payments:If you repeatedly didn’t pay your rent, utility bills, or credit loans in the past, landlords may be afraid you won’t pay your rent on time each month.
  • Significant debt load:If you have substantial debt that could affect your ability to pay rent, this could be a red flag to landlords. However, landlords will typically consider the nature of the debt. For instance, they see if it’s responsible debt, like student loans, or irresponsible debt, such as large credit card balances.
  • Delinquent accounts in your rental history:If your previous landlord has reported your payment history to the credit bureau, this will show up on your credit report. So, if you owe your previous landlord a large sum of money, the new landlord will likely deny your application. In this case, it’s best to pay off the amount you owe before applying.

How to Pass a Credit Check

Following the steps below will increase your chances of passing a rental credit check.

1. Review Your Credit Score and Report

Checking your credit score before applying to an apartment can help you see where your score is currently. To do this, you cancreate an Avail Renter Profileto add your residential information and a TransUnion credit report for a one-time fee. The credit report will show your credit score and what’s contributing to it. If your score is below 650, knowing the factors contributing to it can help you explain to the landlord what you’re doing to fix it.

If your credit score is low, that doesn’t necessarily mean your application won’t be accepted, especially if you talk to the landlord about it before applying.

2. Improve Your Credit Score

Building on your credit score before applying for a rental can increase your chances of being accepted.

Quick ways to boost your credit score include the following:

  • Catch up on past-due accounts:Pay off your debts and past-due accounts. This includes debt to your previous landlords and credit card debt.
  • Don’t miss payments:Try to pay all your bills on time, even if it’s the minimal amount due. This ensures your payment history remains impeccable and shows prospective landlords that you have a history of managing payments responsibly.
  • Apply for new accounts only when needed:Credit applications generally result in a hard inquiry being added to your credit report. While a single hard inquiry might not significantly impact your score, its effect can add up if you apply often. A conservative approach is to apply no more frequently thanonce every six months.
  • Dispute credit report errors:Mistakes on your credit report could pull down your score. Disputing them can help you quickly improve your credit.

3. Prepare to Apply for the Property

As a renter, you must fill out a rental application and allow the landlord to conduct a background check. This process can take anywhere from hours to days.

Gather all the necessary documentation so you can easily fill out the application. The documents you’ll likely need include the following:

  • Paycheck stubs
  • Proof of income
  • Tax returns from the last year

If you have anAvail Renter Profile, as mentioned earlier, you can save time and costs by giving your rental information to the landlord through a shareable link.

Your profile can also contain information about your credit score, background, and eviction history, so you won’t have to pay an application fee for more than one rental property.

How to Rent a Property If You Have a Low Credit Score

As mentioned earlier, having a bad credit score doesn’t mean you can’t rent a property. It just means you’ll have to find ways around it. Here are some things you can do:

1. Offer Advanced Payments

Landlords are usually only concerned by bad credit scores, which could result in late payments. If you offer to pay extra rent upfront, this could sway the landlord since it gives them a guaranteed income for a longer period. It also shows them you’re responsible since you’ve saved a significant sum.

The more you can offer upfront, the better. But two to three months’ worth often works just fine.

2. Get a Co-signer

Another way to overcome a bad credit score is to find a co-signer with a good credit score willing to put their name on the application. This will make you seem less of a risk since the landlord can turn to your co-signer if you miss a payment.

3. Provide Strong Proof of Income

You could also provide the landlord with strong proof of income through bank statements, employment letters, pay stubs, savings, or other income sources. This will verify your financial capacity and show the landlord you can afford the rent.

4. Offer a Good Explanation

Being upfront with the landlord and explaining why your credit score is low could help them better understand your situation — instead of jumping to their own (incorrect) conclusions.

You might be recovering from a divorce or have lost your job and missed payments before finding another job. Letting the landlord know the reasons behind your score could make all the difference.

5. Live With a Roommate

Finding a roommate to add to the lease can also work, provided the roommate has a good credit score. A second person added to the rental agreement could make you a lower risk in the eyes of the landlord.

6. Get References From Past Landlords

The right references (such as those from former landlords) could also help you overcome a bad credit score when applying for a rental property. You could ask your former landlord if they’d be willing to speak to your prospective landlord about your reliability.

Just be aware of thequestions your prospective landlord may ask your previous landlordso you’re prepared to respond to any resulting inquiries.

Only use this approach if you have a stellar rental history with a previous landlord. Otherwise, this could work against you.

7. Rent an Apartment Month-to-Month

There are four maintypes of rental agreements:

  • Month-to-month:These lease agreements renew each month until you or the landlord provide 30 days’ notice.
  • Short-term:These lease agreements last anywhere from three to six months.
  • Long-term:These lease agreements generally last anywhere from 12 to 15 months. In some cases, they can be even longer.
  • Rent-to-own:These lease agreements give renters the option to rent the property for a certain period before buying it from the landlord.

If your credit score is too low and you need an apartment fast, you can opt for a month-to-month rental.

Landlords who offer month-to-month properties likely won’t care about your credit score as much since they can simply give you 30 days’ notice if you fail to pay your rent.

How Long Does It Take to Rebuild a Credit Score?

There’s no set timeline for how long it takes to rebuild a credit score. The time frame will ultimately depend on why the score is low and your steps to improve it. For example, if your score is low due to errors on your credit report, this issue can be quickly fixed if you report the mistakes.

But if your credit score is low because you didn’t make multiple payments and fell over 90 days behind on your payments, it could take much longer to recover. The effects can be even worse if your late payments resulted in a foreclosure or repossession.

Can I Rent an Apartment With a Credit Score of 500?

Yes, renting an apartment with a 500 or below credit score is possible. However, you might not get the apartment of your dreams until that score improves.

Fortunately, you can still get a decent apartment if you provide strong proof of income, get a co-signer, or rent on a month-to-month basis.

Can I Rent an Apartment If I’ve Been Evicted in the Past?

While aneviction historyis tricky to navigate through, you can still get an apartment if you explain your situation to the prospective landlord in your application cover letter.

Explain to the landlord that even though you have an eviction history, you’ve taken steps to live more responsibly. While you likely won’t get your dream apartment if you have an eviction history, a reasonable landlord may give you a chance.

How Long Does It Take to Hear Back About a Rental Application?

Depending on where you live, you should be able to hear back about your rental application within one to three days. If you live in a high-turnover rental market, application turnaround can take less than 24 hours.

During this time, the landlord will review your application and pull data from your credit report to analyze it for any red flags. They’ll also read through your other application details to see if you’d be a good fit for their property.

If your application is taking a long time to review, contact your agent or the landlord directly to find out if there are any problems.

What Should I Do If I’m Unable to Authorize a Credit Report?

Supposeyou can’t authorize a credit reportwith a social security number or an individual taxpayer identification number. In that case, offer the landlord alternatives to help them verify your information.

Provide them with a credit reference, landlord reference, monthly bill statement, bank account statement, or pay stubs. If you create an Avail Renter Profile, you can add these screening documents through the dashboard for your reference.

Create a Renter Profile With Avail

Applying for a rental doesn’t need to be complicated. Avail simplifies the process by allowing you to check your credit score and reports before submitting an application to the prospective landlord.Creating anAvail Renter Profilewill also help you save on costly application fees and make a good impression on landlords by getting an organized and comprehensive application in front of them in minutes.

How to Pass a Rental Credit Check | Avail (2024)


How to Pass a Rental Credit Check | Avail? ›

How can I pass a rental credit check with bad credit? Find a cosigner, offer to pay rent early with a higher security deposit, and show detailed employment histories and bank statements to show you are responsible with money.

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How can I pass a rental credit check with bad credit? Find a cosigner, offer to pay rent early with a higher security deposit, and show detailed employment histories and bank statements to show you are responsible with money.

Can you get an apartment with a credit score of 500? ›

Can you get an apartment with a credit score of 500? Yes, you can. However, your options will be limited, and you may have to put down a higher security deposit or bring on a cosigner.

How do you explain bad credit to a potential landlord? ›

Write a letter of explanation detailing why your credit score is not very good. Include how you now have good budgeting habits and about your plans to be a responsible tenant. Landlords are free to waive their own requirements—as long as they treat all applicants the same way.

What will make you fail a credit check? ›

Lenders like to see evidence that you've successfully repaid credit before. If you haven't used credit before, or if you're new to the country, there might not be enough data for lenders to approve you. You have late or missed payments, defaults, or county court judgments in your credit history.

How to get around bad rental history? ›

A bad rental history can make finding an apartment difficult, but it doesn't have to be a dealbreaker. Be upfront about past issues, gather strong references, and highlight your financial stability. Consider a co-signer, roommate, or targeting smaller landlords who might be more flexible.

What credit score do landlords use? ›

Most landlords use FICO credit scores to determine if an applicant qualifies for an apartment. The typical categories for those scores are: Exceptional: 800 to 850. Very Good: 740 to 799.

What is the lowest credit score to rent an apartment? ›

There is no minimum credit score to rent an apartment. Landlords and real estate agents will typically ask a potential tenant for permission to view their credit score or credit report to screen them for financial responsibility.

Can I rent an apartment with a 300 credit score? ›

For example, a poor FICO score is considered to be 300–579 and a poor VantageScore is 300–660. This doesn't mean that renting an apartment with bad credit is impossible—but you may have to take some extra steps to increase your chances of being approved.

Can I rent with a credit score of 550? ›

When it comes to renting a house or apartment, credit bureau service Experian notes that 600 is the minimum credit score that will look good to a property manager. However, what constitutes a good credit score varies from landlord to landlord.

Should I rent to someone with a low credit score? ›

If you're considering renting to someone with a low credit score, it's crucial to look at his or her income. Should the potential tenant have a reasonable salary or be working at the same job for more than a year, it's probably fair to consider this individual.

Can landlords discriminate against bad credit? ›

If you have a bad credit history, the landlord can decide not to rent to you, or can ask you to pay higher rent. If this happens, the landlord must give you the name of the credit reporting agency he used.

Should I rent to someone with a 580 credit score? ›

Fair Credit- Credit scores between 580 and 669 are considered fair. While you may think that a fair credit score can make it more challenging to secure a lease, that's generally not the case. Depending on the property and the location, most landlords look for a score of 600 to 650 or higher.

What does a landlord see on a credit check? ›

Information included in a landlord credit check includes payment history, the existence of a bankruptcy or accounts in collections, debts currently owed and more. Landlords also consider other information when approving tenants for a rental, including current income and history of employment.

What are the three most common credit mistakes? ›

3 Most Common Credit Report Errors
  1. Incorrect Accounts. One of the top mistakes seen on credit reports is incorrect accounts. ...
  2. Account Reporting Mistakes. Another common credit report bureau mistake is account reporting errors. ...
  3. Inaccurate Personal Information.
May 12, 2022

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Local banks and credit unions

If you're a member of a local bank or credit union, contact it to see if you can qualify for a personal loan. You may qualify for better rates and terms since you have a relationship with the institution. Select federal credit unions offer unsecured payday alternative loans (PALS).

Does living with your parents count as rental history? ›

If you have untraditional rental history such as living with family explain this on your application. Put down your family member as your landlord and report the amount you pay for rent to them if any.

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How to Win a Rental Bidding War
  1. Make a good first impression.
  2. Complete the application.
  3. Know your credit and explain any blemishes.
  4. Offer an incentive.
  5. Increase your income and savings.
Oct 8, 2022

How to spot a fake landlord reference? ›

Cross-check phone numbers

The first step to check if a landlord reference is fake is by conducting a reverse phone number lookup. Services such as Spokeo and can provide phone number owner details, location, alternate contact info, and names of family members.

How long does Get around take to verify? ›

We try to verify all profiles as soon as possible, but profile verification can take up to 24 hours so we advise you to start the verification process right after booking. After you've submitted your documents, we'll let you know if your profile is verified, or if you need to submit additional documents.

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Name: Trent Wehner

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Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.