Can an Employer Check My Credit Score? (2024)

Although federal law allows employers to check credit, some states don't.

Has your credit recently taken a hit due to late credit card payments, a foreclosure, or bankruptcy? If you're looking for work, you might be concerned about whether a potential employer can run a credit check on you.

Here's what you need to know.

Employer Credit Checks: Requirements of the Fair Credit Reporting Act

If an employer checks credit reports when hiring employees, it has to follow the legal rules set out in the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). The FCRA requires employers to:

  • get your consent before pulling the report
  • give you a warning (along with a copy of the report received) if the employer plans to reject you on the basis of the report, and
  • give you an official adverse action notice if the employer does not hire you because of the contents of the report.

The purpose of these rules is to ensure the accuracy of credit reports by letting consumers know when these reports are checked, whether the reports include disqualifying information, and how consumers can challenge incorrect entries.

Investigations by public interest groups reveal that one-quarter to one-third of all credit reports include significant errors. Given these numbers -- and how often credit reports are consulted by lenders, employers, and landlords -- it makes sense that the law builds in a few consumer protections.

Below we'll explain each of these requirements. We'll also discuss some state laws that limit an employer's ability to use credit reports in hiring.

Written Consent

Before an employer requests your credit report, it must notify you and get your written authorization. This notice and authorization must be set forth in a separate document that doesn't include other information. In other words, it can't be a section of the company's standard employment application.

If you have negative information in your credit report, this gives you an opportunity to explain it in advance. Although you technically have the right to refuse to consent to the employer's request, the employer is also free to reject your application on that basis. The choice is really between consenting and remaining in the running, or refusing to consent and giving up on that job prospect.

Pre-Adverse Action Disclosure

If the employer decides not to hire you based on something in the report, it must send you a notice stating that it intends to take this "adverse action" (deciding not to hire you). With the notice, the employer must give you two documents: (1) a copy of your credit report, and (2) a copy of a notice from the Federal Trade Commission entitled "A Summary of Your Rights Under the Fair Credit Reporting Act," which tells you how to challenge any incorrect information in the report. And don't be surprised if you find mistakes and errors: Studies have shown that the majority of credit reports contain inaccuracies.

Adverse Action Notice

Once the employer makes a final decision not to hire you based on your credit report, it must send you another document called an "adverse action notice." This notice explains that the employer is not going to hire you and provides some information on your rights, including the right to dispute the accuracy of the report and the right to obtain an additional copy.

States That Ban or Restrict Credit Checks for Employment

At least eleven states have passed laws prohibiting employers from pulling credit reports at all or restricting how and when employers may use them to make hiring or other job decisions. Those states are:

  • California
  • Colorado
  • Connecticut
  • Delaware
  • Hawaii
  • Illinois
  • Maryland
  • Nevada
  • Oregon
  • Vermont, and
  • Washington.

Some localities, including New York City, also prohibit employers from running credit checks on applicants and employees.

If your state or locality prohibits employers from checking applicants' credit reports or using their credit histories in hiring decisions, you are protected.

Even though the federal FCRA allows employers to consider credit reports, state laws that are more protective of employee rights override the federal law.

Why Would a Potential Employer Look at Your Credit Report?

A potential employer might view your credit report as an indicator of your overall judgment, reliability, or trustworthiness. If the job involves making business decisions or handling money, your employer might be interested in seeing how you handle your own finances.

Of course, a credit report doesn't always tell the whole story. You might, for example, have missed a number of credit card payments because you were paying for your child's urgent medical needs. That's why many states limit an employer's ability to run credit checks on applicants.

What Do Employers See When Checking Your Credit Score?

An employer who runs a credit check doesn't actually see your credit score. Instead, they receive a pared-down version of your credit report known as an "employment credit report."

An employment credit report contains a summary of your credit history for the last seven years, including:

  • your payment history
  • any outstanding debts, and
  • bankruptcies.

For privacy reasons, your birth date, account numbers, and other sensitive information don't appear on your employment credit report.

What to Do Next

If your state or city restricts an employer's right to use your credit report in making hiring decisions, and you believe the employer violated that law, contact your state labor department to find out your options.

If the employer acted within the law, but your credit report prevented you from getting the job, you might want to think about cleaning it up as much as you can.

Check out Nolo's book Credit Repair; you can find lots of articles on credit issues in our Debt Management section.

Can an Employer Check My Credit Score? (2024)


Can I be denied a job because of my credit? ›

The general rule in California is that an employer may not consider acquire or consider a person's credit report in making job decisions except for applicants for or employees in: managerial positions. positions with the state Department of Justice. law enforcement positions, including peace officers.

Can an employer find out your credit score? ›

While your next employer may take a look at your credit history, unlike lenders, they cannot see your credit score (or your credit account numbers). This is one of the most common myths about credit scores.

Is it legal for a company to ask for your credit score? ›

California is one of the states strictly limiting how employers may use credit reports for employment decisions. Under California law, employers must provide notice if they intend to check credit reports and if they intend to use the information in the report to make an unfavorable employment decision.

What states prohibit credit checks for employment? ›

Ten states have laws restricting the use of credit reports for employment decisions, including the following:
  • California – Cal. Labor Code § 1024.5 et seq.
  • Oregon – Ore. Rev. ...
  • Washington – Wash. Rev. ...
  • Nevada – NRS § 613.570.
  • Colorado – § 8-2-126, C.R.S.
  • Illinois – 820 Ill. ...
  • Vermont – Vermont Act No. ...
  • Connecticut – Conn.
Jan 25, 2024

Will I get hired if I have bad credit? ›

Keep in mind that it is possible for your potential employer to deny you a job due to poor credit. This may be due to the fact that poor credit could pose a risk for fraudulent activities.

What is the minimum credit score for a job? ›

Employers don't get a credit score during this process, and thus there is no minimum credit score for employment.

Can my employer check my credit report without my permission? ›

However, a potential employer must always obtain your written permission and authorization before it can perform a credit check. Most often, a potential employer will work with an agency that runs employment background checks on job candidates.

What credit score will prevent you from getting a job? ›

Know Your Rights

Before diving into employment and credit laws, let's dispel a myth that's been perpetuated online. When you hear things like “a bad credit score can prevent you from getting a job,” it's actually not true. That's because employers don't pull your actual credit scores like a lender might, says Griffin.

How to explain bad credit to an employer? ›

A letter explaining bad credit should be honest and transparent. Acknowledge your financial situation, and explain any extenuating circ*mstances that may have contributed to it. Honesty is critical since any lies or omissions will inevitably come to light and could jeopardize your job prospects.

Is it normal for an employer to ask for a credit check? ›

Many employers, especially when hiring for positions that include financial management, perform credit checks on job candidates before making employment offers. Employers can use credit report information to verify identity and may look for signs of excessive debt or past financial mismanagement.

Who can check your credit score without permission? ›

Banks, insurers, lenders, and utility companies may also pull a credit report if you've applied for credit or service with them. In some circ*mstances, government agencies may request your credit report without your permission.

Can my employer check my bank account? ›

Federal law does not prevent employers from asking about your financial information. But, the federal EEO laws do prohibit employers from illegally discriminating when using financial information to make employment decisions.

Can an employer deny a job because of bad credit? ›

The impact of a poor credit history extends beyond securing loans or making major purchases, it can also be a barrier to employment. Many job seekers are surprised to learn that their creditworthiness could be the deciding factor in whether they land their desired position.

Can you be denied a federal job because of bad credit? ›

Federal Jobs

The federal government isn't generally permitted to deny employment based on the results of a credit check under federal law. That said, if the job you're applying for requires a security clearance, you may not be eligible for that position if your credit history prevents you from securing it.

What percentage of employers check credit? ›

The Society for Human Resources Management conducted a survey that found that 60% of employers now run a credit check on applicants when they are in the hiring process.

Will my credit score prevent me from getting a job? ›

Know Your Rights

Before diving into employment and credit laws, let's dispel a myth that's been perpetuated online. When you hear things like “a bad credit score can prevent you from getting a job,” it's actually not true. That's because employers don't pull your actual credit scores like a lender might, says Griffin.

Can a job fire you because of your credit score? ›

Most people know that employers can check your credit score while hiring you, but they can also do it while you work there—and let you go if the results are bad. If you were to make a list of things that would get you fired, where would you rank “having a bad credit score”?

Do employers care if you have debt? ›

Even though your finances are very personal, your debt and credit could be important to your employer and it's accessible to them via background checks. Having a lot of debt might be viewed as a risk to them when they consider hiring you.

Can bad credit stop you from getting a government job? ›

If you have a history of unpaid debts and even bankruptcy, it could disqualify you from some federal employment positions. The exact outcome is determined on a case by case basis. If your application process reveals inconsistencies, this could disqualifier from federal employment.

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