50+ HR KPIs & Metric Examples (And How To Implement Them) (2024)

In the past decade, human resources (HR) and human capital have evolved from being solely service-oriented benefits management departments to more strategic organizational assets.

Managers seem to recognize that it is now (more than ever) vital to have the right team executing company strategy. Well-known organizations and enterprises from all over the world regularly discuss how important it is to hire and retain the right talent, and this ability is often regarded as one of the greatest predictors of organizational success. But how do you measure the success of the team?

While many organizations recognize this shift in thought, not all of them are correctly measuring success with updated HR key performance indicators (KPIs).

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What Are HRKPIs?

HR KPIs are strategic tools that can help you understand whether you’re accomplishing your HR objectives in a way that is in line with your strategy. In our opinion, managers need to be thinking about both traditional HR measures—like sick days, absenteeism, and employee satisfaction—alongside strategic human capital measures—like employee performance and the employee experience.

We've provided a quick summary of more than 50 human resources performance measure examples that you may want to consider implementing. Below the infographic, we've provided a detailed list with explanations of each KPI. Then, check out our tips below for making your HR metrics part of a Balanced Scorecard for your HR department.

50+ HR KPIs & Metric Examples–And How To Implement Them

Compensation KPIs

  1. Percentage of Cost of Workforce: The cost of the workforce as compared to all costs can be measured by summing all salaries and dividing by the total company costs within a given period.
  2. Salary Competitiveness Ratio (SCR): Used to evaluate the competitiveness of compensation options. Can be determined by dividing the average company salary by the average salary offered from competitors or by the rest of your industry.
  3. Health Care Expense per Current Employee: Provides an understanding of the comprehensiveness of a company's health care plan. Can be determined by taking the total price of health care costs divided by all employees.
  4. Benefits Satisfaction: This allows a company to see how satisfied an employee is with specific benefits they are offered. Can be determined through surveys, and can be used to break down each benefit individually.
  5. Employee Productivity Rate: Helps to measure workforce efficiency over time. Can be determined by taking the total company revenue and dividing it by the total number of employees.
  6. Return on Investment (ROI): As an organization, you want to ensure that the dollars you are putting into training your employees is paying off. Can be defined as the profit per dollar invested in social compensations/wages.

Employment KPIs

  1. Number of Full-Time Employees: Keeps tabs on the growth of the company workforce over time.
  2. Number of Employees Per Location: Tracks employees’ work location preferences—at home or in the office—so you can better understand your workforce and make informed decisions about your building space and company policies.
  3. Number of Contractors: Examines the growth in associated workers over time. Can be compared to the number of full-time workers to better understand workforce trends.
  4. Retirement Rate: This metric is particularly important for any organization developing a strategic workforce plan. Can be calculated by looking at the number of employees who retired as a percentage of the headcount.
  5. Average Age of Retirement: The summed age of all retiring employees divided by the number of retiring employees. Being aware of these trends aid in forecasting retirement and planning for workforce replacement.
  6. New Hire 90-Day Failure Rate: Helps determine how successful the talent acquisition process is at finding the right fit for jobs.
  7. First Year Voluntary Termination Rate: Reflects on how welcoming the company is to new hires. A high percentage suggests that the right people are being hired, but not embraced.
  8. Average Time to Fill a Job Vacancy: Tracks how efficient the hiring process is in terms of time resources used to fill a vacant spot.
  9. Hiring Process Satisfaction Rate: Provides perspective on how well the process works from the employee’s perspective.
  10. Cost per Hire: Acknowledges the amount of resources invested into acquiring the best talent. Can be determined by averaging the total marketing, hiring process, and referral (if necessary) costs per hire.
  11. Effectiveness of Training: Helps the company understand how comfortable new hires feel after their training vs. before. Typically determined through a post-training survey.
  12. Training Cost per Employee: Helps to measure the amount invested in onboarding new hires.
  13. Percentage of Employees Trained: Helps a company see how quickly new hires are being onboarded.
  14. Diversity Rate: Keeps track of how successfully the organization is creating an environment that fosters an open and accepting community.
  15. Number of D&I Initiatives Implemented: The number of D&I initiatives implemented measures organizational commitment to establishing and maintaining a culture of diversity and inclusion.
  16. Attrition Rate: Helps a company figure out how successful they are at retaining talent. Determined by dividing the number of employees who left the company in a given period by the average number of employees in that time period.
  17. Turnover Rate For Highest Performers: Turnover of top performers in particular is negative and comes at a higher cost. This metric indicates the success of retention efforts and aids planning for talent replacement. Can be determined by dividing the number of high performers to leave in the past year by total high performers identified.
  18. Average Time to Find a Hire: Helps track the efficiency of the hiring process.
  19. Candidates Interviewed per Hire: Determined by calculating the total number of candidates interviewed by the total number of hires in a particular hiring period.
  20. Yield Percentage: This is the percentage of candidates remaining after each round of elimination in the hiring process. A low percentage might indicate the need to update an unclear or unattractive job posting, and a high percentage indicates a larger number of qualified candidates with whom to continue the hiring process.
  21. Knowledge Achieved With Training: Helps the company see not specifically the price of the training, but whether it was effective. Seeing if the individuals retained knowledge well enough to apply it is critical. Can be determined by creating an exam, and monitoring exam pass rate %, average score %, and pre/post training %.
  22. Diversity Numbers/Nationalities In The Workforce: Workplace diversity helps to cultivate innovation and competitive advantage. Diversity of nationalities and ethnicities can be calculated by noting the differences among employee demographic segments.
  23. Acceptance Rate: Dividing the number of acceptances by the number of offers allows organizations to get a sense of how successful their recruitment strategies are. Industry benchmarks can then be a helpful comparison.
  24. Voluntary Termination Rate: Determined by taking the number of employee-led resignations from the company over the total number of terminations in a given time period.
  25. Involuntary Termination Rate: Determined by taking the number of employer-led resignations from the company over the total number of terminations in a given time period.
  26. Absenteeism Rate: Gives perspective on the amount of labor and productivity lost due to sickness and otherwise unpredicted leave. Formula: (Total number of lost workdays due to absence) / (Number of available workdays in an organization) = (Absenteeism rate)
  27. COVID-related Absences: Allows you to see surges as they happen, giving you the opportunity to switch protocols or move to remote work as needed.

Use our KPI Dashboard Template –See it here!

Setting KPI Targets

Once your important metrics are defined, set targets for each. A target is a distinct number that represents what you’re trying to achieve; it acts as an indicator of performance. Aim high (but not so high as to be unrealistic) with your targets, and be sure to review them with your team to get feedback before putting them into action.

When setting these targets, it’s helpful to compare your HR KPI numbers to those of similar organizations—this is called benchmarking. Comparing your performance against that of best-in-class industry competitors is an excellent way to identify areas for improvement. By studying their approach and reevaluating your own, you can learn about best practices and how to implement them at your organization. Keep in mind that while benchmarking can be useful for target-setting, it should primarily be viewed as a tool to help you find ways to improve.

Employee Experience KPIs

  1. Employee Satisfaction Index: This is a key metric underlying talent retention. Using a company-wide survey can be helpful in gauging employee happiness.
  2. Number of Employee Satisfaction Surveys: Helps understand how much effort is being put into maintaining and improving employee happiness.
  3. Percentage of Employees Trained in Company Culture: Evaluates the importance and understanding of company-wide organizational culture.
  4. Percentage of Vacation Days Used: Helps show the company attitude toward a healthy work-life balance. Determined by observing the number of vacation days used as compared to those unused.
  5. Employee Net Promoter Score: Measures how likely an employee is to recommend their organization as a place to work. This is determined by the difference in percentage of promoters and detractors.
  6. Average Tenure: The average length of time that an employee spends with the company helps determine employee satisfaction and talent retention.
  7. Learning & Development Score: Reveals whether your employees are satisfied with the development and continuing education opportunities afforded by your company, which impacts the overall employee experience.

Performance KPIs

  1. Percentage of Job Candidates Who Meet Job Criteria: Helps in evaluating the effectiveness of job postings in reaching top candidates.
  2. Rate of Internal Job Hires: Shows the effectiveness of organizational talent development.
  3. Rate of Internal Referral Hires: Allows managers to see the value added when current employees help to identify and acquire talent.
  4. Performance of New Hires: The performance of new hires can be compared to that of other employees. Typically done by evaluating performance reports.
  5. Internal Promotions Vs. External Hires: This ratio measures how many people already working at a company are considered for internal promotion versus the number of externally attracted people. Can be particularly effective when looking at organizational succession planning.
  6. Internal Promotion Rate: Internal promotions indicate successful retention and growth of top performers. Can be determined by dividing the number of promoted individuals by the total number of employees.
  7. Suggestions per Employee: Evaluates employee engagement in improving business processes, and reflects on the openness of a company to employee input.
  8. HR-to-FTE Ratio: The number of HR full time equivalents divided by the total number of full time equivalents. Helps determine HR's ability to provide services. Larger organizations typically have a smaller ratio, but more HR staff overall, than small businesses.
  9. Cycle Time To Process Payroll: Shows timeframe of process, giving projection if assistance/updated process is needed. This is the number of business days in the payroll process from start to finish.
  10. Cycle Time To Resolve Payroll Errors: The number of business days it takes to resolve payroll errors reported by employees. A high number of days could indicate the need to review your payroll process.
  11. Percentage of Workforce Below Performance Standards: Keeps tabs on the amount of low-performing employees in an organization.

Turn Your HR Kpis Into Action

Once you’ve defined your human resources KPIs, it’s time to start implementing them by creating a Balanced Scorecard. A scorecard is a cluster of data that helps your leadership team critically analyze the effectiveness of your HR strategies in relation to developing a competitive advantage, improving skills, managing your culture, reducing costs, etc. It provides the means to monitor workforce indicators, analyze workforce statistics, diagnose issues, and calculate financial impacts.

Important note: You don’t need to use all of the above KPIs in your scorecard. Take time to identify which HR metrics will bring the most value to your organization and department.

Learn everything you need to know about Balanced Scorecards in this article.

Your HR Scorecard Is Important... Really Important

An HR Balanced Scorecard is a tool to keep your staff focused on activities that not only support the department, but also the company’s overall goals.

Using one of the HR metric examples from above, minimizing employee turnover frequently appears on scorecards. When an HR department successfully lowers the turnover rate, it saves the company from the considerable expense of recruiting, interviewing, and training new employees. This clear outlining of KPIs in a scorecard makes it easy to see how short-term KPIs such as reducing turnover can “accrue” value, and are actually an important part of achieving the organization’s long-term financial goals.

The other primary benefit of a scorecard is that it demonstrates the strategic value of human resources to the leadership team. Since HR departments typically aren’t included in the strategic planning process, creating an HR scorecard is a way to expose the department’s contributions in concrete, clearly understood metrics at the executive level. Having an informed and invested leadership team has been proven to increase HR budgets and department support.

Your Job’s Not Done Yet

Once you’ve successfully aligned your human resources KPIs with the organization’s goals in a scorecard, you’ve still got work to do. Don’t forget to make these steps a routine part of your job:

1. Conduct regular meetings to review HR KPI progress

Take time to consistently review your departmental scorecard to ensure it stays relevant and top of mind. My own ClearPoint team meets monthly to talk about where we might be underperforming; annually, we discuss possible metrics to change or remove. While it helps to have a set cadence for meetings, make sure your department’s lines of communication are always open. Things change, and HR team members—the ones who live those metrics every day—should be able to bring you feedback anytime.

Visuals are especially helpful for departmental meetings because they make it easy to see performance at a glance. Dashboards, for instance (like the one created below in ClearPoint), capture a wealth of KPI data and allow you to present it meaningfully to the group. Everyone can quickly see where they’re falling behind target, and you can focus the conversation primarily on the problem areas.

50+ HR KPIs & Metric Examples (And How To Implement Them) (1)

2. Review your HR Balanced Scorecard with the leadership team

Make sure progress is aligned with the company’s strategic plan, and that it stays that way continuously. If ever organizational goals change, you may need to edit your own scorecard to maintain alignment.

3. Evaluate scorecard metrics periodically to ensure they are still valid

It’s almost inevitable that your measures will change at some point, and it will benefit you to get ahead of this. KPIs should be reevaluated whenever you complete an objective, as well as when your initiatives change. You might also discover that another KPI is a better performance indicator than a metric you’re currently using, which should also trigger a switch.

4. Share your HR metrics and progress with the entire organization

The HR KPI dashboard would also be useful here, to help communicate your department’s contribution to the strategic goals. Don’t be afraid to share both positive and negative results with the group—your department’s efforts to be transparent will generate employee goodwill, even if outcomes are different than expected.

You now have more than 50 HR KPI examples and know how to put the metrics into play with a balanced scorecard. Your next step is to choose the KPIs that will bring the most value to your organization and create your scorecard.

Unlock the Full Potential of Your HR Strategy with ClearPoint Strategy!

At ClearPoint Strategy, we provide the tools you need to measure and enhance your HR performance. Our advanced KPI software allows you to seamlessly track, manage, and report on all your HR metrics.

Ready to transform your HR strategy? Book a demo with us today and discover how ClearPoint Strategy can help you implement and monitor effective HR KPIs.

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HR KPIs & Metric Examples FAQ:

What are key performance indicators (KPIs)?

KPIs are measures used to evaluate the success of an organization. KPIs can be quantitative or qualitative in nature. Qantitative KPIs include metrics such as sales revenue per employee, number of customers served by each call center agent, or revenue. Qualitative KPIs, on the other hand, may include customer satisfaction scores, quality ratings, or product reliability rates.

What is a SMART KPI?

Organizations often use SMART criteria to create a good KPI. A SMART KPI is: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-bound.

Why are KPIs important?

KPIs are important because if you don't know how you're progressing in certain areasm you don't actually know where you're going as an organization. You have no insight into if you're making progress towards your strategic goals, or if you're headed in a direction you want. KPIs act as a 'pulse check' of your strategic plan.

What should I include in a KPI report?

What you include in your report depends heavily on your audience. There are, however, a few pieces of information every KPI report should include. It's important to show the linking goals of your KPIs, the KPI measure data and calculations, and visuals showcasing the data in an easy-to-digest format.

How do I pick which KPIs to track?

It's easy to convince yourself that you need to measure everything for your organization. Remember, though, that KPIs stand for key performance indicators. You want to only measure the most important and influential metrics. To bes identify the right KPIs, tie your measures back to your strategic goals. Make sure they relate to what you hope to achieve in your organization.

50+ HR KPIs & Metric Examples (And How To Implement Them) (2)

50+ HR KPIs & Metric Examples (And How To Implement Them) (2024)


How to set HR KPI? ›

HR managers can calculate the key HR KPI by calculating the average value of the hours worked. This will show the impact of absenteeism on the company's costs. Once the cost of absenteeism is apparent, it will be easier to create a budget for a preventative strategy.

What is an example KPI metric? ›

This popular acronym stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-bound. This is a useful touchstone whenever you're considering whether a metric should be a key performance indicator. SMART KPI examples are KPIs such as “revenue per region per month” or “new customers per quarter”.

What are the KPIs in HR scorecard? ›

Human Resources key performance indicators (HR KPIs) are HR metrics that are used to see how HR is contributing to the rest of the organization. This means that a KPI in HR measures how successful HR is in realizing the organization's HR strategy. The HR strategy follows the organizational strategy.

What is the difference between HR metrics and HR KPI? ›

Key performance indicators help to define strategy and provide a clear focus for an organization. Metrics are measures of everyday activities that add value to an organization but aren't the critical measure for achievable goals. Think of it like this: Every KPI is a metric, but not every metric is a KPI.

How to implement KPIs? ›

  1. A Simple Guide to Implementing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
  2. Step 1 - Identify the area of business performance you wish to measure. ...
  3. Step 2 - Establish the target against which performance will be measured. ...
  4. Step 3 - Compare current performance with the defined target.
  5. Step 4 - Review performance changes to date.

What is KPI for beginners? ›

A KPI stands for a “Key Performance Indicator”, which is a quantifiable and measurable value used to reflect the effectiveness of a business organization in meeting its key business objectives and targets.

What is the difference between metrics and KPIs? ›

To keep your mind fresh, here is a small summary of the main differences between metrics and KPIs: KPIs measure performance based on key business goals, while metrics measure performance or progress for specific business activities. KPIs are strategic, while metrics are often operational or tactical.

How to measure performance in HR? ›

Measuring HR outcomes
  1. How happy and satisfied are our employees?
  2. How engaged are employees with their work and the organisation?
  3. What is our employee churn rate?
  4. What is our absenteeism rate?
  5. What is the impact of our training?

What are the 5 KPIs? ›

  • What is a Key Performance Indicator (KPI)? Key Performance Indicators are quantifiable measurements that help evaluate how well your business is performing. ...
  • Return on Investment (ROI) ...
  • Customer lifetime value (CLV) ...
  • Conversion rate. ...
  • Net promoter score (NPS) ...
  • Customer churn. ...
  • Takeaway.
Jun 12, 2023

What is an KPI example? ›

An example of a key performance indicator is, “targeted new customers per month”. Metrics measure the success of everyday business activities that support your KPIs. While they impact your outcomes, they're not the most critical measures. Some examples include “monthly store visits” or “white paper downloads”.

What are the 4 KPIs every manager has to use? ›

So if you are seeking relevant and meaningful KPIs, simply start with customer satisfaction, internal process quality, employee satisfaction and financial performance.

What is an example of a lead and lag indicator in HR? ›

For example, employee satisfaction surveys are useful as a leading indicator for employee turnover rates. Lagging indicators are reactive (ex-post) and occur after the fact. They provide information about past events and performance, often used to evaluate the success or failure of a project or a strategy.

What are the kra and KPI for HR department? ›

Key Result Areas (KRA) and Key Performance Indicators (KPI) help companies set goals for their employees and measure performance based on those objectives. Successful companies split the overall organization's goals into various KRAs.

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Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.