HR KPIs: Top 10 Key Indicators for Human Resources (2024)

HR KPIs analyze how efficient an HR team is in achieving its HR strategy. Let’s explore HR KPIs to set goals and track progress.

As human resource departments automate more tedious administrative tasks, they are increasingly able to take on a more strategic role in the company.

KPIs have long been used in marketing and sales to set goals and measure progress.

However, at the moment HR departments are using these indicators in their day-to-day work. HR KPIs can help businesses leverage existing data, extract valuable insights, and create a plan for the future.Because of this, knowing how to choose which KPIs to track is key. Let’s take a look at some HR KPI examples after a short introduction to the concept.

In this article, we are going to be talking about the ten key indicators that HR managers should take advantage of.


  • What is a KPI?
  • HR KPI metrics
  • Leverage HR reports
  • Important KPIs for HR managers
  • 10 principal HR KPI’s
  • Human Resources Reports and Analytics Software ✅

What is a KPI?

KPI stands for Key Performance Indicator. These are measurements of progress have become more important to HR leaders as Human Resources Departments have taken a more strategic role.

A Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is a metric that measures the performance of a particular activity or process.

Generally, the objective of a KPI for HR is to analyze the success rate of a project on the basis of the objective you want to achieve.

Therefore, the KPI helps determine whether the HR department has accomplished its goal. This insight facilitates better decision-making and problem-solving.

In marketing departments, marketers will use the open rate of the newsletter in order to measure engagement.

The % of individuals who open the newsletter will determine the relevance and quality of the content that you sent. HR departments should tailor KPIs to match their goals.

For example, HR departments might use absenteeism rates to measure employee satisfaction. They could also measure overtime as an HR KPI, as this data may provide insight into employee workload.

What are KPI reports?

Organizations constantly produce huge amounts of data.

Leveraging this data is crucial for business success. Businesses may utilize this data to measure productivity, track trends, or identify areas for growth.

Too many businesses don’t take advantage of this data. This leads to making blind decisions. It’s also important to remember that not all data will be useful and relevant for business goals. HR KPIs help managers take advantage of the right data.

A KPI report is a visual representation of data associated with key performance indicators. This format is easy to analyze and helps provide immediate insights.

Factorial’s free HR software includes reports and analytics features.

So all your reports are located in one place. This means all your data is summarized and you can manage information at your fingertips, speeding up the process and refining data collection.


What are HR KPIs?

Human Resources key performance indicators (HR KPIs) are metrics used to measure how HR is aiding and contributing to the success of an organization.

All in all, HR KPIs analyze how efficient a company’s HR team is in accomplishing its HR strategy. An organization’s HR strategy is defined based on the HR outcomes needed to accomplish the company’s business goals.

Establishing HR KPIs is essential in order to achieve the best return from a company’s human capital.

Also, HR KPI’s prove indispensable to meeting the key objectives of the HR department.

KPIs for HR: Metrics to Measure Success

In order to be successful, HR managers need to use HR KPIs that reflect the larger goals of the department and company. Further, they must be:

  • Concrete: The KPI should be tangible and it should have a specific goal.
  • Measurable: If you cannot measure the KPI, it isn’t a KPI.
  • Reachable: Stay realistic when defining a KPI that will determine your success.
  • Relevant: Monitor only the things that really matter, don’t waste time with indicators that do not contribute anything to your company.

HR KPI Examples

Turnover Rate

In the wake of the Great Reshuffling, many organizations are dealing with an especially high turnover and attrition rates. Some reports show that turnover rates have jumped 20% higher than their pre-pandemic average. That’s why measuring turnover is more important than ever.

Turnover refers to the percentage of employees that have left over a certain period of time. Having a high turnover rate is tough on company culture and usually leads to a less motivated and productive workforce. While it can vary by industry, turnover rate should stay below 10%.

How can you measure (and reduce) your turnover rate? Check out the formula below:

Turnover rate (%) = (Number of Leavers/Avg. Number of Employees) x 100

If your turnover rate is high, you may want to make sure that you’re providing fair compensation, a good work environment, and a healthy company culture.

Retention of talent

Retention of talent is closely related to the turnover rate. However, rather than measuring the number of employees who left, this KPI measures the number of employees who stayed, or were retained by the organization. If you’re already calculating turnover rate, calculating retention rate may feel redundant. However, This HR KPI can be leveraged differently.

Understanding the average employee retention rate in an organization is important for workforce planning, recruitment, and overall business strategy. Like turnover rate, retention rates may provide insight into other factors such as the remuneration rate or the labor climate. When talent leaves, HR spends valuable time and resources recruiting to fill the position.

Further, the lost productivity from a position that is left open can have serious effects on the business’s bottom line. High staff turnover implies high costs for the employer.

The rate of talent retention is calculated by comparing the number of workers who joined the company in a specific period vs. those who stayed during the same period. All in all, HR should investigate how salary, time off policies, or office climate impact retention.

(Remaining headcount during a set period ÷ Headcount at the start of the period) x 100

See: Key HR Metrics: 12 Strategies to Boost Employee Retention

Duration in the position

Many employee departures are closely related to the time that they keep in the same position.

If they feel they won’t be promoted, many employees tend to look for new opportunities outside of the company.

You can calculate the average time it takes for an employee.


Simply to ascend by counting the number of months it takes each employee with the same charge. Plus, to divide the result by the total number of employees in the company.

If you find that opportunities for growth within the company are limited, it might be a good idea to discuss this with management.

Dismissal rate

The dismissal rate measures employee terminations by the employer. This metric can be affected by factors including the type of employment contract, resignations due to an incapacity to work, or retirements.

If involuntary terminations occur for other reasons than layoffs, such as poor performance or misconduct, then it will cost the company a lot of time and money to replace that employee.

HR managers will want to investigate their hiring practices to see where they aren’t hiring or onboarding in accordance with the company values.

Reviewing this KPI is particularly important!

See: Key HR Metrics: How to Learn from Your Involuntary Termination Rate


Measure the absence rate of employees due to delays, sick leave, or excused or unexcused absences. This indicator can help plan for future absences or adjust your business strategy to prevent them.

HR managers can calculate the key HR KPI by calculating the average value of the hours worked. This will show the impact of absenteeism on the company’s costs.

Once the cost of absenteeism is apparent, it will be easier to create a budget for a preventative strategy.

Average time for recruitment

The average time for recruitment measures the time between the announcement of an employee who is leaving the company and when another candidate is chosen and selected to replace him. It is quite possible to optimize the average time of each new hiring.

But be careful, many factors may be included here.

See: Key HR Metrics: Reduce Your Time to Hire

Education and training

Courses and programs for employees have a direct impact on the company’s activity.

This HR KPI is meant to help boost the productivity levels of each employee. It does this by creating specific strategies to increase the loyalty and satisfaction levels that employees feel when working with the company.


Cost per hire

This HR KPI measures the number of resources invested into each employee. Measuring labor costs includes the costs associated with recruitment, such as advertising positions, the time cost of reviewing and choosing C’s, and conducting interviews.

All the way through to the cost of training; the cost of manager training, an external trainer hired, and the materials used.

This can take up a significant part of the company budget.

However, it is an incredibly important part of any companies success, as without talented dedicated employees businesses cannot function properly let alone succeed.

Therefore, investment in talent acquisition is key.

See: Key HR Metrics: Analyzing Your Cost-Per-Hire

Employee productivity

This KPI is going to measure the efficiency of your workforce. It analyses how long it takes for employees to accomplish certain tasks and goals that have been set for their position in the company.

Essentially, it analyzes how much work employees are taking on and how well they perform these tasks.

To understand employee productivity, HR should consider all the factors impacting employees’ productive output. This includes the time employees spend working, their performance or the quantity of product produced, and the quality of the product delivered.

So employee productivity data should inform future office policies.

See: Key HR Metrics: Boost Employee Productivity

Accidents in the workplace

It is very important to measure the number of accidents in the workplace in order to avoid future issues.

Employee satisfaction

This is a very important HR KPI one should not neglect, especially due to the ‘war for talent.’

Employee satisfaction is dependent on a range of factors beyond just financial benefits. These include a positive work-life balance, remote working and flexible working options, non-monetary benefits. Among them are gym membership discounts as well as a sustainable and social company culture.

Companies can measure talent satisfaction through employee satisfaction surveys, which should be conducted on a regular basis to make sure all employees’ needs are being met and any issues or concerns they have are being addressed.

Download Factorial’s free employee satisfaction survey to measure how happy employees are feeling within their job. This is important as the happier the employee, the better the quality of the work they produce.

See: Key HR Metrics: How to Measure and Leverage Employee Satisfaction

HR KPI Software to Reach Your Goals

Workforce analytics is increasingly important for HR.

Factorial’s human resources reports and analytics feature generates personalized HR reports from data stored on your Factorial account. Our HR and analytics panel creates a customized space to manage all the reports. This includes our automatically generated organizational chart and our time-off reports.

Employees can clock in and out and update their information directly through the employee portal. This not only means that HR always has access to the most up-to-date information.

Also, it means they have plenty of accurate time tracking data and time off numbers to run reports and gain insight.

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  • HR KPIs: Top 10 Key Indicators for Human Resources (3)


    September 15, 2022 at 3:24 pm

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HR KPIs: Top 10 Key Indicators for Human Resources (2024)


What are key KPIs for HR? ›

Some of the most common HR KPI metrics include employee turnover rate, time to hire, cost per hire, absenteeism rate, training and development metrics, employee engagement, time to productivity, diversity and inclusion metrics, employee satisfaction, employee retention, and many more.

What are the KPIs in HR scorecard? ›

Human Resources key performance indicators (HR KPIs) are HR metrics that are used to see how HR is contributing to the rest of the organization. This means that a KPI in HR measures how successful HR is in realizing the organization's HR strategy. The HR strategy follows the organizational strategy.

What are leading and lagging indicators in human resources? ›

A leading indicator is an input measure of survey responses, real-time data, or ad hoc metrics that point to predictions about potential future outcomes and current trends. A lagging indicator is an output measure of past occurrences, showing what has already happened or was previously reported.

What are the key risk indicators for HR department? ›

Human resource KRIs:

These KRIs are most commonly utilized by HR departments or companies that deal with staffing and recruitment. Common KRI options include labor shortages, high staff turnover, low staff satisfaction or low recruiting conversion.

How to measure HR performance? ›

7 metrics to measure HR effectiveness
  1. Employee engagement. Engaged employees are more efficient and effective at what they do. ...
  2. Turnover rates. This metric shows you the rate at which employees are leaving the company. ...
  3. Employee net promoter score. ...
  4. Absenteeism. ...
  5. Cost per hire. ...
  6. Internal mobility rate. ...
  7. HR tech ROI.

What is the kra of HR? ›

Key Result Area/KRAs outline an employee's roles and responsibilities within their organization. KRAs help individuals align their roles to the larger business plan and focus on results rather than activities. This allows employees to set priority goals and objectives, and make effective decisions.

What is the HR balanced scorecard? ›

The HR Scorecard is a strategic management tool that enables organizations to evaluate and measure the effectiveness of their HR functions in achieving business goals. It is a visual representation of key HR metrics and indicators that help in assessing the impact of HR activities on organizational performance.

What are the 5 KPIs? ›

  • What is a Key Performance Indicator (KPI)? Key Performance Indicators are quantifiable measurements that help evaluate how well your business is performing. ...
  • Return on Investment (ROI) ...
  • Customer lifetime value (CLV) ...
  • Conversion rate. ...
  • Net promoter score (NPS) ...
  • Customer churn. ...
  • Takeaway.
Jun 12, 2023

What are human resources metrics? ›

HR metrics are key data points that help companies evaluate their human capital efforts and determine the effectiveness of their HR programs and initiatives. Employee attrition, benefits participation, employee engagement, cost per hire, and more are examples of critical HR metrics.

What is an indicator in HR? ›

Human Resources key performance indicators (HR KPIs) are metrics used to measure how HR is aiding and contributing to the success of an organization. All in all, HR KPIs analyze how efficient a company's HR team is in accomplishing its HR strategy.

What do leading indicators provide in an HR balanced scorecard? ›

The HR scorecard is meant to measure leading HR indicators of business performance. Leading indicators are measurements that predict future business growth. These are called HR deliverables. They are also known as HR metrics, and more specifically HR KPIs, as they are metrics that are linked to the business strategy.

What is a leading indicator in HRM evaluation? ›

Leading indicators are proactive, predictive measures that can signal future events. They give an organization an idea of what might happen in the future based on current conditions.

What is the most important KPI for HR? ›

Here is the complete list of the top 26 human resources KPIs and metrics that every HR professional and manager should know:
  • Absenteeism Rate.
  • Overtime Hours.
  • Training Costs.
  • Salary Cost By Department.
  • Salary Cost Development By Department.
  • Salary Cost Development By Country.
  • Employee Productivity.
  • Talent Satisfaction.

What key performance indicators KPIs are best to include in an HR dashboard? ›

What is KPI for HR analyst?
  • Recruitment KPIs: Time to hire, cost per hire, offer acceptance rate, source of hire, applicant to hire conversion rate. ...
  • Retention KPIs: Turnover rate, retention rate, regrettable turnover rate. ...
  • Learning KPIs: Training hours per employee, training cost per employee, training completion rates.
Jan 27, 2024

What is an HR compliance checklist? ›

An HR compliance checklist is a systematically organized checklist that provides a list of tasks that need to be completed. Human resource specialists use it to prepare for an HR audit.

What is SOP in HR? ›

HR SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) instruct human resource team members about their roles and responsibilities regarding employee recruitment, onboarding, training, performance management, and exit process. They act as guidelines that help HRs perform their roles proactively during an employee lifecycle.

What is the human capital scorecard? ›

The human capital scorecard would consist of four quadrants, each devoted to one of the basic human capital management activities: acquiring, maintaining, developing and retaining. Planning would not be part of the scorecard. By its nature, planning deals with the future.

Can you give me 5 examples of human resources? ›

Employee selection, training, compensation, benefits, leadership, motivation, surveys, evaluation, and all things to do with people at work .

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