Why Employers Check Your Credit Report and What They See - Experian (2024)

In this article:

  • Why Do Employers Check Your Credit?
  • What Information Do Employers See When Checking Your Credit Report?
  • How Far Back Do Employers Look?
  • Does an Employer Credit Check Affect Your Credit?

Many employers, especially when hiring for positions that include financial management, perform credit checks on job candidates before making employment offers. Employers can use credit report information to verify identity and may look for signs of excessive debt or past financial mismanagement.

Why Do Employers Check Your Credit?

Some employers use pre-employment credit checks to gauge your ability to handle money responsibly and to get a sense of your overall reliability.

In some regulated financial industries, and in fiscal roles requiring state or federal licensing, pre-hiring credit checks are required by law. Examples include stockbrokers, mortgage brokers, pawnbrokers and payday lenders.

When not required by law, job candidates may be subject to credit checks based on the hiring company's policies. Candidates are typically subject to credit checks for management jobs with large financial responsibility and other positions that require handling large sums such as cashiers and bank tellers.

A candidate who appears overwhelmed with debt, has accounts in collections or has recent bankruptcies could give employers pause about hiring for financially sensitive jobs.

What Information Do Employers See When Checking Your Credit Report?

Employment credit checks can reveal a number of personal details that help verify a job applicant's identity and credentials, including:

  • Full legal name (including past names that may have changed following marriage or divorce) under which they applied for or received credit
  • Past and current addresses
  • Past and current employers in some cases

Of course, a pre-employment credit check also reveals credit-related information, including:

  • A record of credit accounts and payment history
  • Credit utilization rate—the candidate's outstanding debt as a percentage of their available credit
  • Past and current bankruptcies
  • Unpaid bills turned over to a collection agency
  • Other credit inquiries

Credit reports available to employers do not contain all the information found on the credit reports issued to lenders. Most notably, pre-employment credit checks withhold your birth year to discourage the possibility of age discrimination.

Like all consumer credit reports, those provided to employers also do not disclose the following:

  • Credit scores
  • Income
  • Marital status
  • Race or ethnicity
  • Religion
  • Political affiliation
  • Information related to medical bills (even if they're unpaid)
  • Public records other than bankruptcy

How Far Back Do Employers Look?

Like credit checks related to loan and credit card applications, pre-employment credit checks are subject to the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). Under the FCRA, pre-employment credit checks can consider no more than seven years of credit history, unless the job commands a salary of $75,000 or more, in which case up to 10 years of financial history can be reported. In addition, the FCRA allows bankruptcies to be reported for up to 10 years, no matter what the job in question pays.

The FCRA requires prospective employers to notify you in writing and get your written consent before doing so. (But if you deny permission, the employer may withdraw its job offer.)

An employer who has checked your credit must also give you a chance to respond to any negative findings. If the results of your credit check are the reason an employer declines to hire you, the company must tell you so in writing.

Some states have additional laws that forbid or limit use of credit checks in the hiring process. These include California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Nevada, Oregon, Vermont and Washington, as well as cities including Chicago, New York and Philadelphia. For more information on rules governing pre-employment credit checks where you live, consult your state's labor department.

Does an Employer Credit Check Affect Your Credit?

A pre-employment credit check will generate a soft inquiry entry on your credit report, comparable to one that appears when you check your own credit score. Unlike a hard inquiry, which is associated with a new loan or credit application, an employer credit check will not affect your credit scores.

The Bottom Line

If you are concerned about what a potential employer will see if they perform a credit check on you, reviewing your free Experian credit report ahead of time can give you an idea of what to expect. If your report contains a few negative entries, or even more serious issues, prepare to address them if they come up during the hiring process. If your credit report proves a hindrance to your job-hunting efforts, working to build (or rebuild) your credit could help.

Why Employers Check Your Credit Report and What They See - Experian (2024)


When an employer does a credit check what do they see? ›

Rather, potential employers are assessing an applicant's financial behaviors by reviewing a modified version of their credit report that includes credit accounts, payment history, debts, bankruptcies or liens, and certain work history.

Why do companies use Experian? ›

Companies use this information to work out your credit score – each company may use a different method, so your score can vary between them. However, you can get an idea of how companies may see you by checking your free Experian Credit Score. It's up to the company to decide what its criteria are, and who to accept.

Why would a company check your credit report? ›

For security purposes, the credit report can be used to verify someone's identity, background and education, to prevent theft or embezzlement and to see the candidate's previous employers (especially if there is missing employment experience on a resume).

What does the Experian credit check show? ›

The Experian credit score is derived from a credit bureau check, and includes your borrowing, charging and repayment activities. It summarises a number of positive and negative factors that aim to predict how likely you are to honour your credit commitments in the future.

Can I be denied a job because of my credit? ›

The impact of a poor credit history extends beyond securing loans or making major purchases, it can also be a barrier to employment. Many job seekers are surprised to learn that their creditworthiness could be the deciding factor in whether they land their desired position.

Will bad credit affect employment? ›

So failure and rejection have been mitigated.” Consumer rights attorney Larry P. Smith explained that even if a potential employer isn't looking at your credit history specifically, they may still pull your credit report: “A credit score can affect your job chances by getting you denied employment.

Which companies use Experian for credit checks? ›

Which Credit Card Companies Use Experian?
  • American Express: American Express is known to use Experian the most compared to other credit card companies. ...
  • Bank of America: Bank of America also usually uses Experian for about 80% of the time to pull credit reports. ...
  • Chase: ...
  • Citi: ...
  • Wells Fargo:
Aug 30, 2023

What data does Experian collect? ›

Experian collects credit obligation information from thousands of businesses nationwide. These businesses are typically the suppliers or lenders with which a company has existing financial relationships. Experian also collects legal filings from the various local, county and state courts across the United States.

How accurate is Experian credit score? ›

Is Experian the Most Accurate Credit Score? Credit scores from the three main bureaus (Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion) are considered accurate. The accuracy of the scores depends on the accuracy of the information provided to them by lenders and creditors.

Is it normal for an employer to check your credit? ›

Many employers, especially when hiring for positions that include financial management, perform credit checks on job candidates before making employment offers. Employers can use credit report information to verify identity and may look for signs of excessive debt or past financial mismanagement.

Is it normal for a company to do a credit check? ›

Many employers conduct thorough background checks as part of their recruitment and hiring process. Running a credit check on an employee before extending a job offer is an additional hiring practice for several businesses.

Can a company check your credit without permission? ›

Or, when shopping for a car, can a car dealer run a credit check on you without your permission? The short answer is no — a car salesman or soon-to-be-ex-spouse can't get a copy of your credit report without permission, and that's due to the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA).

Does Experian credit report show everything? ›

Your credit report includes things like: Your full name and date of birth. Your electoral roll information (i.e. whether you're registered to vote at your current address) A list of your current credit accounts, as well as those you've closed and settled within the last six years.

How important is Experian score? ›

The main disadvantage of Experian is that, unlike FICO, it is rarely used as a stand-alone tool to make credit decisions. Even lenders that review credit reports in detail rather than go off a borrower's numerical score often look at results from all three bureaus, not just Experian.

Why is Experian credit score important? ›

They range from a numerical figure of 300 to 850. An Experian score of 650 and above is considered a good score. This signals low risk for lenders, which translates to an increased chance of getting a personal loan on favourable terms for borrowers.

Do employers care about your credit? ›

Yes. Bad credit is one of the reasons you might be denied jobs. Some states and cities do restrict this process but include exceptions for jobs with financial or confidential duties. Employers must follow a defined adverse action process before making a final decision.

How far back to credit checks go? ›

How far back do mortgage lenders look? Mortgage lenders will usually assess the last six years of your credit history. Your credit report contains information on your financial behaviour (including any missed payments or defaults) from the last six years.

Can my employer check my bank account? ›

So, under what circ*mstances can an employer legally ask for and obtain your account information? A potential employer may verify your job history by checking your bank statements for deposits from your former employer. They may also ask for your banking information or a voided check to set up direct deposit payments.

What is considered bad credit? ›

What Is a Bad Credit Score? On the FICO® Score 8 scale of 300 to 850, one of the credit scores lenders most frequently use, a bad credit score is one below 670. More specifically, a score between 580 and 669 is considered fair, and one between 300 and 579 is poor.

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