Which of the following will likely provide the most expensive access to funds? A. A credit card company B. An investment company C. A life insurance company D. A finance company E. A payday loan company | Homework.Study.com (2024)

Short-Term Borrowing for Unsecured & Secured Loans


Short-term loans occur over several months to a year and exist in two types: secure and unsecured. Explore the different timelines of loans, and the distinctions between those that are secured, and those that are not.

Which of the following will likely provide the most expensive access to funds? A. A credit card company B. An investment company C. A life insurance company D. A finance company E. A payday loan company | Homework.Study.com (2024)


Which of the following will likely provide the most expensive access to funds? A. A credit card company B. An investment company C. A life insurance company D. A finance company E. A payday loan company | Homework.Study.com? ›

Answer and Explanation:

What is the most expensive source of funds? ›

Equity capital tends to be among the most expensive forms of capital as investors may expect a share in profit. There are no tax benefits like the ones offered by debt financing.

Who provides the most expensive loans? ›

1. Payday loans. Payday loans are popular among individuals with poor credit because they give you cash quickly and they don't usually require a credit check. The problem is that the interest rates are astronomically high -- in some cases, more than 500%.

Which financial institution would likely charge the highest interest rate for a loan? ›

Higher interest rates and fees: Banks tend to charge higher interest rates and more fees compared to their credit union and online lender counterparts.

What are the most expensive assets? ›

The top 10 most valuable assets in the world by market capitalization are 1. Gold ($14.5 trillion) 2. Microsoft ($3 trillion) 3. Apple ($2.7 trillion) 4.

What is the most expensive capital of a company? ›

Cost of equity is a return, a firm needs to pay to its equity shareholders to compensate the risk they undertake, by investing the amount in the firm. It is based on the expectation of the investors, hence this is the highest cost of capital.

What is the most expensive way to borrow money? ›

Credit cards are a notoriously expensive way to borrow money. If you don't pay off your balance every month, the high interest rate means borrowing that money gets expensive, fast.

What makes a loan expensive? ›

Loan Fees

Check for additional fees and charges that can increase the amount you pay — the more fees, the higher the cost of borrowing. Common fees can include: Origination fees - the amount charged for processing the loan application and underwriting services.

What makes a loan high cost? ›

On the other hand, a high-cost mortgage has the following three major criteria in its definition: The APR exceeds the APOR by more than 6.5 percent. The total lender/broker points and fees exceed 5 percent of the total loan amount.

What is the most expensive thing bought with a credit card? ›

The largest purchase ever made on a American Express Business Centurion Card was reportedly a $170 million painting, bought by Chinese billionaire Liu Yiqian Liu.

What card do billionaires use? ›

One of the world's most prestigious credit cards is the Centurion® Card from American Express*. Though there may be other cards with more elaborate benefits, those cards are kept well under wraps.

Which type of credit is usually the least expensive? ›

For longer-term debt the secured line of credit is clearly the least expensive form of credit.

Who charges the higher interest rate a bank loan or credit card? ›

Among their drawbacks, credit cards typically have higher interest rates than personal loans. And some have monthly or annual fees. Most credit cards are unsecured, but borrowers with poor or no credit history may use secured cards, which require a deposit that's used as collateral.

Why do finance companies charge higher interest? ›

Interest rates and bank profitability are connected, with banks benefiting from higher interest rates. When interest rates are higher, banks make more money by taking advantage of the greater spread between the interest they pay to their customers and the profits they earn by investing.

Which type of loan typically charges the lowest rate of interest? ›

In general, a secured loan, like a mortgage, will have a lower interest rate than an unsecured loan, like a standard personal loan, because it is less risky for the lender. This is due to the collateral the borrower puts up to get the loan.

What is the cheapest source of funds? ›

Retained earning is the cheapest source of finance.

Which is the best source of funding? ›

Enabling Business Capabilities I Solutions…
  • Personal Savings. One of the most common sources of funding for new business owners is their personal savings. ...
  • Friends and Family. ...
  • Business Loans. ...
  • Crowdfunding. ...
  • Angel Investors. ...
  • Venture Capitalists. ...
  • Small Business Grants. ...
  • Business Incubators and Accelerators.
Jun 12, 2023

What is a high cost fund? ›

High Cost Funds (HCF) help offset the financial impact on Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) that provide educational services to high need children with disabilities.

What are the 2 most important sources of funds? ›

Debt and equity are the two major sources of financing. Government grants to finance certain aspects of a business may be an option. Also, incentives may be available to locate in certain communities or encourage activities in particular industries.

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