What Will Happen When Social Security Runs Out? (2024)

At the end of August 2021, a new report was released that showed Social Security is projected to run out of money in 2033, one year earlier than previous calculations. With that deadline only 12 years away it is likely to impact everyone who is not already enrolled in Social Security as well as many who are. What will happen when the fund runs out? You may have heard that benefits will stop being paid once the fund runs out, but that is not likely to happen. We have laid out some of the changes that are likely to be made to Social Security over the next 12 years or after the fund runs out around 2033.

Reduced Benefits

If no changes are made before the fund runs out, the most likely result will be a reduction in the benefits that are paid out. If the only funds available to Social Security in 2033 are the current wage taxes being paid in, the administration would still be able to pay around 75% of promised benefits. While a 25% reduction in benefits could significantly hurt the retirement plans of those who are relying on their Social Security benefits, it is far less damaging than the program being shut down entirely.

With the potential for benefits to be reduced, some retirees may be tempted to apply for their benefits early to receive as much as they can before the fund runs out. However, if you start taking your benefits as soon as allowed, they will be reduced to 70% of your full-retirement age benefit. Comparing this to the 75% that could be received even after the fund runs out, you would still be hurting your retirement by applying early.

Increased Wage Taxes

To avoid benefit reductions, congress may vote to increase the Social Security taxes charged on employee wages. If the increase were put in place immediately, the employee portion of the tax would need to increase from 6.2% to 8%. This would represent an additional $900 in taxes paid annually for an employee making $50,000 per year.

Another proposal in wage taxes that has become popular in recent years is an additional tax on high earners. Rather than increasing the social security tax of 6.2% on all payers, this would implement a new tax on wage income above $400,000 to help stabilize the social security fund.

Increased Full Retirement Age

Even if the fund does not run out, the full retirement age needed to receive your full Social Security benefit is likely to go up in the future as life expectancies increase. Since the Social Security program was first started the average life expectancy has increased 7 years and yet the full age retirement for Social Security has only increased 2 years. As the fund begins to run out, it is likely that the full retirement age will be raised even further, along with harsher benefit cuts for those who apply early.


While Social Security benefits are unlikely to be completely eliminated 12 years from now, there is a strong possibility that they will be reduced significantly if revenues are not increased in the next few years. To make sure that your retirement plan is secure, you should analyze your retirement income stream under the assumption that your Social Security benefits will be reduced and determine what changes need to be made if that happens.

What Will Happen When Social Security Runs Out? (2024)


What Will Happen When Social Security Runs Out? ›

According to the trustees' report, the Social Security Administration will run out of its reserves in 2035. Without congressional action, the fund will then only be able to pay out 83% of retirees' full benefits.

What's going to happen when Social Security runs out? ›

Reduced Benefits

If no changes are made before the fund runs out, the most likely result will be a reduction in the benefits that are paid out. If the only funds available to Social Security in 2033 are the current wage taxes being paid in, the administration would still be able to pay around 75% of promised benefits.

What would happen if there was no Social Security? ›

The poverty rate for the elderly would be four times as high without Social Security and 15 million more seniors would be left struggling to survive; About 33 percent of Americans rely on Social Security for more than 90 percent of their income. This includes 52 percent of Latinos and 45 percent of African Americans.

Will there be Social Security in 2050? ›

Will Social Security still be around when I retire? Yes. The Social Security taxes you now pay go into the Social Security Trust Funds and are used to pay benefits to current beneficiaries. The Social Security Board of Trustees now estimates that based on current law, in 2041, the Trust Funds will be depleted.

Can a person who has never worked collect Social Security? ›

But even if you never worked and therefore don't have an earnings record, you're not necessarily out of luck. If you're married (or were married) to someone who's entitled to Social Security, you can collect spousal benefits equal to 50% of your husband or wife's benefits at full retirement age.

What happens when retirees run out of money? ›

If you run out of money in retirement, there are still options for you to get enough money to live off. However, you may need to make lifestyle changes that reduce your quality of living, such as going from a house to an apartment or selling your car and walking to places.

Can we sue the government if Social Security runs out? ›

Social Security beneficiaries would remain legally entitled to full, timely benefits and could take legal action to claim the balance of their benefits.

How to survive with no Social Security? ›

4 Steps to Surviving Retirement Without Social Security
  1. Calculate your retirement number without accounting for Social Security benefits. ...
  2. Consider making budget cuts to save more. ...
  3. Brainstorm ways to cut back on expenses in retirement. ...
  4. Adjust your investment strategy to maximize your savings.
Aug 17, 2020

How did people survive without Social Security? ›

They Put Money in Savings Accounts

Savings accounts have always been the lifeblood of earners who want to bank some of their income. Before Social Security, workers who wanted to provide for their future often had to turn to whatever interest banks would pay on their savings accounts.

How do I get the $16728 Social Security bonus? ›

Have you heard about the Social Security $16,728 yearly bonus? There's really no “bonus” that retirees can collect. The Social Security Administration (SSA) uses a specific formula based on your lifetime earnings to determine your benefit amount.

At what age is Social Security no longer taxed? ›

Social Security tax FAQs

Social Security income can be taxable no matter how old you are. It all depends on whether your total combined income exceeds a certain level set for your filing status. You may have heard that Social Security income is not taxed after age 70; this is false.

What is the Social Security 5 year rule? ›

• If you become disabled before your full retirement age, you might qualify for Social Security disability benefits. You must have worked and paid Social Security taxes in five of the last 10 years.

What is the average Social Security check? ›

As of March 2024, the average retirement benefit was $1,864.52 a month, according to the Social Security Administration. The maximum payout for Social Security recipients in 2024 is $4,873 a month, and you can only get that by earning a very high salary over 35 years.

Do millionaires get Social Security? ›

In the United States, pretty much every worker pays into Social Security. This includes very high earners. And everyone who paid into the program gets retirement benefits, even if they are really rich and don't need the money. It's not a means-tested benefit limited to those with low earnings.

Does an ex-wife get Social Security after death? ›

A surviving spouse, surviving divorced spouse, unmarried child, or dependent parent may be eligible for monthly survivor benefits based on the deceased worker's earnings. In addition, a one-time lump sum death payment of $255 can be made to a qualifying spouse or child if they meet certain requirements.

What is the lowest Social Security payment? ›

  • Social Security's special minimum benefit pays at least $49.40 per month in 2023 and $50.90 in 2024.
  • Social Security's special minimum benefit tops out at $1,033.50 per month in 2023 and $1,066.50 in 2024.
  • You'll receive 100% of the benefit if you file at full retirement age or later.
Mar 22, 2023

What happens when we run out of Social Security numbers? ›

Even though we have issued over 453 million SSNs so far, and we assign about 5 and one-half million new numbers a year, the current numbering system will provide us with enough new numbers for several generations into the future with no changes in the numbering system.

What will replace Social Security benefits? ›

In the proposals presented to the Commission, the use of retirement bonds--and annuities based on bond accumulations- would also replace the entire benefit structure of Social Security for the future.

Are they going to discontinue Social Security? ›

The timeline to replenish Social Security is being extended. The federal retirement program said Monday it may not need to cut benefits until 2035, one year later than previously forecast, because of stronger performance by the U.S.

What happens if Social Security is cut? ›

At the same time, the average monthly benefit amounted to a modest $1,688 in 2023. Millions of people rely on Social Security to provide at least basic financial security. Cuts to these benefits would sharply reduce financial security for a broad swath of people. Increasing the retirement age would be such a cut.

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