What is Sustainable Investing? (2024)

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Traditional investing delivers value by translating investor capital into investment opportunities that carry risks commensurate with expected returns. Sustainable investing balances traditional investing with environmental, social, and governance-related (ESG) insights to improve long-term outcomes.

In many ways, sustainable investing can be seen as part of the evolution of investing. There is a growing recognition among industry participants that some ESG factors are economic factors, especially in the long term, and it is, therefore, important to incorporate material ESG factors.

There are three critical elements of sustainable investing:

  • Sustainable investing is additive to asset management theory and does not mean a rejection of foundational concepts.
  • Sustainable investing develops deeper insights about how value will be created going forward using ESG considerations.
  • Sustainable investing considers diverse stakeholders, consistent with how companies are developing.

Why Is Sustainable Investing Important?

Interest in sustainable investing continues to grow, and the pressure is on for investment organizations to move toward the sustainable investing model. In an era when the investment industry is challenged by rising end-client and regulatory expectations and challenging economics, the alternative of maintaining the status quo leaves the industry vulnerable to decline.

The next stage of development will depend heavily on industry leadership and innovation in investment thinking and practice, as well as data management. If these are present, the future is exceptionally bright.

Explore comprehensive research on Sustainable Investing at the CFA Institute Research and Policy Center. Gain valuable insights and in-depth analysis on the subject.

Evaluate and Improve Your Commitment to Sustainable Investing

ESG skills, including sustainable investing specialization, are increasingly sought after in the investment management industry. Assess your individual or firm's skills and get personalized resources to help improve and maintain your aptitude with our Rubric Assessment Tools.

These rubrics are intended to provide a framework for investment organizations and investment professionals to do a candid self-assessment of areas needed for future sustainability effectiveness. The rubrics will help you recognize your strengths and develop plans for building your capabilities where gaps exist.

After you complete your assessment, you will receive a number of resources, on-screen and via email, to aid you in upskilling.

Each rubric has 18 multiple-choice questions and should take you no more than five minutes to complete. You may choose to do one or both, and your results are confidential.

Take the Investment Organization AssessmentTake the Investment Professional Assessment

CFA Institute Is Committed to Sustainable Investing

As the largest global association of investment professionals, CFA Institute has committed to the development of sustainable investing and ESG investing and analysisthrough a variety of efforts including the following:

Report: Future of Sustainability in Investment Management

Read the latest Future of Finance report, which examines the present state of sustainable investing and how the sustainability trend of the next 5–10 years will develop. Investors and the investment industry have a considerable role to play in determining the pathway and shaping a future worth investing in.

Report Input

This report is informed by the views of more than 7,000 investment industry stakeholders.

What is Sustainable Investing? (2024)


What is Sustainable Investing? ›

Sustainable investing is an investment strategy that considers both the financial returns and the long-term impact on the environment and society. Investors avoid companies that cause harm or seek out companies that promote positive change.

What is sustainable investing? ›

Sustainable investing refers to types of investments that aim to generate long-term financial returns while advancing sustainable outcomes.

What is considered a sustainable investment? ›

Sustainable investing directs investment capital to companies that seek to combat climate change, environmental destruction, while promoting corporate responsibility.

What does it mean to be a sustainable investor? ›

Traditional investing delivers value by translating investor capital into investment opportunities that carry risks commensurate with expected returns. Sustainable investing balances traditional investing with environmental, social, and governance-related (ESG) insights to improve long-term outcomes.

What is an example of a sustainable investment? ›

Directly investing in companies with strong ethical practices allows you to support specific businesses you believe in. This strategy requires some research to determine a company's ethical standing. Example: After checking ESG ratings, invest in a company like Tesla, which is focused on sustainable energy solutions.

What is the need for sustainable investing? ›

Investors cited that their growing interest in sustainable investing is due to factors including new climate science findings (53%) and the financial performance of sustainable investments (52%). A majority of investors also believe that companies should address environmental and social issues.

Why is sustainability important in investing? ›

Key Points. Sustainable investing promotes long-term economic growth by encouraging companies to operate more ethically and responsibly. It helps protect the environment by directing capital towards sustainable practices and technologies.

How do you identify sustainable investments? ›

To identify a sustainable investment, one can consider both the output of the economic activity itself and the way the activities are delivered to build a comprehensive perspective on the positive contribution criteria.

What are the goals of sustainable investing? ›

In addition to financial performance, asset owners see an opportunity to target positive social and environmental impact, avoid reputational risk and comply with regulations.

What are the key elements of sustainable investing? ›

Sustainable investing is an investment approach that considers environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria in addition to traditional financial factors. Environmental criteria might include factors like a company's carbon footprint, resource use and energy efficiency.

What is the sustainable investment rule? ›

The sustainable investment rule states that public sector net debt as a proportion of gross domestic product (GDP) will be held over the economic cycle at a stable and prudent level.

What is sustainable impact investing? ›

While there are many possible definitions, Bank of America defines sustainable and impact investing as: “Investments that target competitive financial returns and seek positive social and environmental effects.” Other common terms include socially responsible investing (SRI); environmental, social and governance (ESG) ...

How big is sustainable investing? ›

$30.3 trillion is invested globally in sustainable investing assets. Data published in new GSIA report – Global Sustainable Investment Review 2022 – the 6th edition of this landmark publication. In non-US markets, sustainable investment assets under management (AUM) have increased by 20% since 2020.

What is also considered as investing sustainably? ›

ESG Investing (also known as “socially responsible investing,” “impact investing,” and “sustainable investing”) refers to investing which prioritizes optimal environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors or outcomes.

What is sustainable in investment terms? ›

The SFDR defines sustainable investment as "an investment in an economic activity that contributes to an environmental or social objective, provided that the investment does not significantly harm any environmental or social objective and that the investee companies follow good governance practices".

What funds are considered sustainable investments? ›

There are various types of sustainable funds, such as Equity Funds, Fixed Income Funds, Balanced Funds, Index Funds and ETFs, and Thematic Funds. Each type of fund focuses on different asset classes, investment strategies, or sustainability themes.

What is the difference between ESG investing and sustainable investing? ›

ESG metrics are used to evaluate your performance in specific areas such as carbon emissions, diversity and inclusion, and executive pay. On the other hand, sustainability covers a range of topics such as supply chain management, stakeholder engagement, and community development.

Is sustainable investing profitable? ›

The growth of sustainable investing

From 2020 to the end of 2021, assets in these funds grew 52 percent to $362 billion. Broadridge Financial Solutions projects that ESG assets could reach $30 trillion by 2030. Despite this growth, however, sustainable investing does not necessarily yield greater returns.

What are the cons of sustainable investing? ›

However, there are also some cons to ESG investing. First, ESG funds may carry higher-than-average expense ratios. This is because ESG investing requires more research and due diligence, which can be costly. Second, ESG investing can be subjective.

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Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.