Walking the Ethical Path: 12 Strategies to Enhance Your Personal and Professional Life (2024)

Thank you for reading my latest articleWalking the Ethical Path: 12 Strategies to Enhance Your Personal and Professional Life.Here atLinkedInand atForbesI regularly write about management and technology trends.

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Whether consciously or unconsciously, most of us live life according to our own set of principles and values. We’re conscientious about our choices, and generally act with good intentions in mind. We try our best to be ethical, in other words. And even if we can’t eloquently describe our own moral “code,” we certainly know unethical behavior when we see it.

The thing is, the digital transformation and wave of new technologies are bringing with it a whole new set of ethical obstacles, particularly in a business context. AI, for example, presents significant ethical challenges, such as data bias and data privacy – not to mention the morality of asking machines to make important decisions for us (which, in the case of something like healthcare, could mean life-and-death decisions). Then there are pressing issues around climate change and sustainability to contend with.

In the workplaces of the future, companies of all types will be grappling with ethical questions such as "How can we get the best out of technology while ensuring the well-being of our employees, customers and other stakeholders?” or “How do our actions negatively impact the planet?” As such, I’m already seeing more and more businesses hiring ethicists. And I’m not just talking about big tech companies. The US Army, for example, has a chief AI ethics officer who advises the Army on incorporating ethics into AI design.

Even if you don’t want to change career track and become an ethicist, I believe businesses will increasingly want (indeed, expect) all their employees, at every level of the company, to demonstrate ethical awareness. To put it another way, ethical awareness will become a much sought-after skill.

Here are some practical ways you can become more ethical in everyday life and at work. Starting with everyday life:

1.First, identify and understand your own values. What is important to you? What personal qualities do you think are important in a person? How do you wish to behave and for others to see you? Everything stems from this understanding.

2.Then ask yourself – honestly – do you really follow your own ethics? Are there different actions you could be taking to better live your values?

3.Learn about ethics. There's no single blueprint on how to live ethically, which, for me, only makes the topic of ethics more fascinating. So read up on ethics and delve into the various different schools of thought. It may help you define your own ethical code.

4.Practice empathy. The ability to put yourself in someone else’s shoes can really help you make ethical choices.

5.Look for ways to help others. Yes, you can do things like volunteering and giving to charity but don't overlook the opportunities for small good deeds, like giving up your seat on a crowded train.

6.Respect the rights, values and beliefs of others. Forcing people to agree with you or to go along with what you want isn’t ethical – even if you believe you’re acting with their interests in mind.

7.Avoid the temptation to impose your ethics on others. Remember, being ethical means different things to different people.

8.It sounds obvious, but when you make a promise, keep it!

And in a workplace context:

9.Familiarize yourself with your employer's code of ethics so that you can act on these principles – and call out instances of unethical behavior. If you believe your employer is acting unethically, raise it with your manager in the first instance (ideally in writing so you have a record). If necessary, raise the issue with HR.

10.Think beyond laws and regulations. Obviously, laws are there to ensure companies behave properly, but ethical businesses go beyond bare minimum compliance. So when you're involved in decisions in your company, consider the implications of those decisions on people (both inside and outside the business) and the planet. Ask yourself whether each decision contributes to the wider good, not just the business's profit margin.

11.If you fail to enact change from within and you feel your company doesn’t care about ethics, look for another job at a more ethical company. Which brings me to…

12.When weighing up potential employers, ensure the company’s values align with your own. Think critically here. Try to see things as they really are rather than how you want them to be. Look at how the company really behaves, not how it says it behaves.

Read more about ethical awareness and other essential skills in my new book, Future Skills: The 20 Skills and Competencies Everyone Needs to Succeed in a Digital World. Written for anyone who wants to surf the wave of digital transformation – rather than be drowned by it – the book explores why these vital future skills matter and how to develop them.


About Bernard Marr

Bernard Marr is a world-renowned futurist, influencer and thought leader in the fields of business and technology, with a passion for using technology for the good of humanity. He is abest-selling and award-winning author of 22 books, writes a regular column for Forbes and advises and coaches many of the world’s best-known organisations. He has over 2 million social media followers, 1.8 million newsletter subscribers and was ranked by LinkedIn as one of the top 5 business influencers in the world and the No 1 influencer in the UK.

Bernard’s latest books are ‘Business Trends in Practice: The 25+ Trends That Are Redefining Organisations’, ‘Future Skills: The 20 Skills and Competencies Everyone Needs To Succeed In A Digital World’ and ‘The Future Internet: How the Metaverse, Web 3.0, and Blockchain Will Transform Business and Society’.

Walking the Ethical Path: 12 Strategies to Enhance Your Personal and Professional Life (1)
Walking the Ethical Path: 12 Strategies to Enhance Your Personal and Professional Life (2024)


Walking the Ethical Path: 12 Strategies to Enhance Your Personal and Professional Life? ›

Why Ethics are significant ethics in both personal and professional spheres: Guiding Principles: a set of guiding principles is provided by ethics helping individuals determine what is right or wrong. They offer a framework for making decisions based on values such as honesty, integrity, fairness, and responsibility.

Why are having ethics important in personal life what about professional life? ›

Why Ethics are significant ethics in both personal and professional spheres: Guiding Principles: a set of guiding principles is provided by ethics helping individuals determine what is right or wrong. They offer a framework for making decisions based on values such as honesty, integrity, fairness, and responsibility.

How do you apply ethical decision-making in your everyday life? ›

How to make ethical decisions
  1. Evaluate your choice carefully. ...
  2. Consider the consequences of a decision. ...
  3. Consult others about your decision. ...
  4. Act according to your values. ...
  5. Take accountability if your choice has unintended consequences. ...
  6. Learn and improve.
Sep 30, 2022

How do ethical behavior help a person in choosing his own path of decision? ›

Ethical decision-making is based on core character values like trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and good citizenship. Ethical decisions generate ethical behaviors and provide a foundation for good business practices.

What is an example of personal ethics and professional ethics? ›

Personal needs are satisfied by following personal ethics. Professional needs are satisfied by following professional ethics. Example : Openess, Honesty, Friendliness, Respect for Others, Loyalty, Honesty, Integrity. Example : Abiding by the law, Industry Standards, Worker Treatment, Confidentiality, Worker Safety.

How can ethics help you in your personal and professional growth? ›

Ethics provide emotional security and therefore aids professional growth by helping individuals' confidence in their abilities and their expertise which ensures a comfortable sense of emotional security.

How do you apply ethics in your daily life? ›

9 Ethical Behavior & Moral Values in Everyday Life
  1. Make society better. When we help make society better, we are rewarded with also making better own lives and the lives of our families and friends. ...
  2. Treat everyone equally. ...
  3. Secure meaningful employment. ...
  4. Succeed at business. ...
  5. Lessen stress.

What is an example of ethics in everyday life? ›

An example of a personal code of ethics is as follows: A person chooses to return a wallet that they found on the ground to lost and found rather than keep it for themselves due to their personal ethic of honesty.

What is an example of ethical reasoning in real life? ›

For example, hunting is legal in Virginia, but it would be difficult to say that everyone agrees that it is ethical to hunt. Some people will argue that hunting is ethical because it manages the wildlife population, while others will argue that it is never ethical because it creates pain and suffering.

What are three ways to make ethical decisions? ›

The answer is discussing three critical principles for ethical decision-making: transparency, responsibility and empathy.

How can ethics help you make better decisions? ›

It can bring you business – when you make ethical decisions you consider the feelings and needs of others. Treating your customers with respect is an ethical decision you can make. In many cases this will return to by having others refer you. Being ethical helps build trust.

What are the 7 steps to ethical decision-making? ›

Legal responsibilities
  • #1. Identify the problem. ...
  • #2. Apply the code of ethics. ...
  • #3. Determine the nature and dimensions of the dilemma. ...
  • #4. Generate potential courses of action. ...
  • #5. Consider the potential consequences of all options and determine a course of action. ...
  • #6. Evaluate the selected course of action. ...
  • #7.

How can I make ethical decisions and action? ›

A Framework for Ethical Decision Making
  1. Identify the Ethical Issues.
  2. Get the Facts.
  3. Evaluate Alternative Actions.
  4. Choose an Option for Action and Test It.
  5. Implement Your Decision and Reflect on the Outcome.
Nov 5, 2021

What are the four 4 examples of professional ethics? ›

  • honesty.
  • trustworthiness.
  • loyalty.
  • respect for others.
  • adherence to the law.
  • doing good and avoiding harm to others.
  • accountability.

What are the three types of professional ethics? ›

Business ethics: The ethical principles or codes designed for a business operation f. Legal ethics: The ethical principles or codes designed for maintaining a legal system. WORK ETHICS: Industry and Society are the two systems which interact with each other and are interdependent.

What are the 7 rules of the code of ethics? ›

7 Ethical Principles
  • Honesty and Integrity.
  • Fairness of commercial practices.
  • Data confidentiality.
  • Professional behavior.
  • Professional skills and added value.
  • Social respect.
  • Environmental care.

Why is ethics important for professionals? ›

The importance of professional ethics cannot be overstated. It is essential for building trust and credibility with clients, colleagues, and the wider community. It also helps to maintain the integrity and reputation of the profession, and ensures that professionals are held to account for their actions.

Why is it important to study ethics in your personal life? ›

Ethics allows you to live an authentic life.

Integrity is making commitments and sticking to them through thick and thin — no matter how much violating them may benefit you. Having a firm character or set of principles to guide your life and the choices you make is what ethics is all about.

How important are ethics to you personally? ›

Personal ethics defined

These ethics influence various aspects of a person's life and help individuals develop their work ethic, personal and professional goals, and values. Individuals use their ethics to determine between right and wrong and influence how someone behaves in challenging situations.

Why is personal life and professional life important? ›

The lack of balance between the personal and professional life can cause a burnout, a syndrome that includes emotional exhaustion, depersonalization of relationships, patients and the work, reduced sense of accomplishment (negative self-evaluation), and can be associated with impaired job performance and poor health.

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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

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Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.