Using personal funds to launch: pros and cons - Dynamic Business (2024)

Having an idea for a business is the start of what can be a very exciting journey, although in truth it may feel more like a rollercoaster ride at times. In particular, coming up with the funds to get the company off the ground at a time when money is tight can be challenging.

Having to consider the route of traditional financing, organising the right business loan and shopping around for the best deal can be very daunting, and this is why a number of people choose to put their personal money into a business. While this might sound like a good idea, it does have its pros and cons, so read on to learn more.

What is meant by “personal money?”

Basically this refers to any funds that you borrow, receive or have as an individual in your own name and not under the business. An individual may decide to self-fund their own start-up using their savings, and on the positive side, it means that there isn’t any additional cost involved. However the downside to this is that there is no interest to be made on the savings, and, if something does go wrong, there is no nest egg to fall back on to support day to day living.

Another option is to consider personal debt, which means using the family home as equity against a loan, remortgaging the property to provide start-up funds, or simply buying equipment, renting premises, purchasing stock, etc. using a personal credit card. Providing that as an individual there is no problem with your credit rating, this is a relatively simple way of getting the business off the ground, which is an advantage. Conversely, you have to be really good at managing individual credit card debts, arranging payment in order not to attract interest on the cards used, and more importantly, not borrowing any more than you can afford.

The pros of self-financing

Having control over the finances, particularly if it is personal money that is being used, is one of the positives. It leads to an even more determined approach to ensuring the business succeeds if you are the primary funder. It also means that you are answerable to just the one person – yourself.

Janine Allis started Boost Juice when on maternity leave and began operating from her home before opening the first juice bar in Melbourne. At the time, the banks and financial institutions were not interested in financing a company that just sold juices and smoothies. That was back in 2000 and now the business is fluorishing with 500 stores in 13 countries.

The Allis’ focus and determination paid off and their innovative approach worked, which it often does when your livelihood and family finances are tied up in it. The responsibility that comes with self-financing means that each area of the business is checked over with more detail and care, because each cent and dollar spent comes from your pocket. Also, as a self-funder, there won’t be any of the external influences that will try to move the company down a path that does not sit well with the owner’s ethos or agenda.

The cons of putting personal money into a business

Uncertainty of cash flow is a key problem, and the business has to hit the ground running to start producing revenue quickly. The company may then have to grow very quickly and it could mean spreading everything a little too thinly. This could be a problem and restrict measured and sustainable growth further down the line.

Another key area of concern is that unless the individual’s expertise is in the financial sector, and even then it is always best to get independent advice, it could be that there are other methods of finance that will provide a better deal than bootstrapping the company (this refers to the idea that an individual pulls themselves up by their bootstraps).

Experienced loan advisers will have the time and the expertise to source the best possible loan for your needs so don’t be so quick to dismiss that option. This can open up access to a number of crucial markets for a new business, and it gives that much needed kick-start with a cash injection just at the time it is needed. Without this support, the business owner is very much on their own at a time when they do need an initial boost.

Last but certainly not least, there is also the problem of a certain amount of naivety when it comes to funding from personal sources. Even if sourced from family income, if something does go wrong then it is not only the business that suffers but family relationships as well.

Which is for you?

At the end of the day, you need to decide whether the risks of putting personal money into your business is worth it. There is a wide range of external finance options available to businesses, particularly SMEs, these days, including commercial loans and venture capitalists. Thanks in part to the technology start-up boom and television shows like Shark Tank, many businesses these days are discovering venture capital as an alternative, and very viable, source of finance.

While it is understandable that personal money might be seen as the easier and more convenient option, getting on that ladder and promoting the company as a viable and sustainable business is more attainable if external backers are used. Plus keeping everything on a business footing with an external loan or investment, particularly by credible investors, will give a level of confidence to those consumers wishing to build up a long-term relationship.

About the author

Barry Oxley is the Director of Lending Specialists, a mortgage broking business based in Melbourne, Australia. Having been involved in the finance industry since 1970, Barry has seen countless businesses through the business loan process, and knows the importance of making sure business owners are well informed before making any financial decisions.

Using personal funds to launch: pros and cons - Dynamic Business (2024)


Using personal funds to launch: pros and cons - Dynamic Business? ›

Pros and Cons of Using Your Own Money

Using your own money can mean taking more time to start your startup but allows you to focus on developing your product or service first. If you do eventually seek outside financing, potential financiers want to see that you are responsible enough to trust with their money.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using owners funds? ›

The advantages and disadvantages of the different sources of finance
Source of financeOwners capital
Advantagesquick and convenient doesn't require borrowing money no interest payments to make
Disadvantagesthe owner might not have enough savings or may need the cash for personal use once the money is gone, it's gone

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using personal savings to start a business? ›

Fund My Business: The Advantages and Disadvantages of Own Funds
  • Pro: You Will Run a Better Business. ...
  • Pro: One of the Top Owner's Funds Benefits – It's Your Business, Your Way. ...
  • Con: The Risk of Personal Debt and Bankruptcy. ...
  • Con: Your Money Might Not Be Enough.

Is it better to use your own money to start a business? ›

Pros and Cons of Using Your Own Money

Using your own money can mean taking more time to start your startup but allows you to focus on developing your product or service first. If you do eventually seek outside financing, potential financiers want to see that you are responsible enough to trust with their money.

Can I use personal funds to start a business? ›

For business owners with the means, putting personal money into a business is an accessible financing option for new small or startup businesses. There are various sources of personal funds, whether it be personal savings, loan proceeds, or retirement accounts.

What are the disadvantages of private funding? ›

Disadvantages of using private placements

For example, there will be: a reduced market for the bonds or shares in your business, which may have a long-term effect on the value of the business as a whole. a limited number of potential investors, who may not want to invest substantial amounts individually.

What are the disadvantages of self funding a business? ›

Disadvantages of self-financing your business:

You may not have enough money left over to cover your living costs. You should try to leave a contingency fund, in case you need extra money to see you through a difficult period. If your business were to fail, you could lose your home and other personal possessions.

Can you fund an LLC with personal money? ›

Yes, you can personally fund your LLC by contributing your own money to the company. This can be done as an initial capital contribution or through additional contributions at a later time.

What are the risks of using a personal bank account for a business? ›

Confusion in Record Keeping and Tax Reporting. Mixing personal and business expenses in a single account can make it difficult to track business income and expenses. This could lead to errors in financial reporting and tax filings.

What are the disadvantages of personal capital? ›

Cons of Personal Capital

One of the biggest downsides to Personal Capital is cost. If you choose to sign up with Personal Capital Advisors, you will be eating a 0.89% fee. This fee is much higher than what you might be paying to other robo-advising services, like Wealthfront or Betterment.

What are the advantages of owner's funds? ›

Full Control. Using owner's funds provides the business owner with complete control over decision-making. There is no interference from external lenders or creditors.

What is the best way to pay yourself in a small business? ›

Business owners can pay themselves through a draw, a salary, or a combination method:
  1. A draw is a direct payment from the business to yourself.
  2. A salary goes through the payroll process and taxes are withheld.
  3. A combination method means you take part of your income as salary and part of it as a draw or distribution.
Oct 27, 2023

Is it OK to mix personal and business funds and expenses? ›

In general, it's good business practice to avoid mixing business and personal expenditures, and opening a business checking account is one of the first things to do when starting a new business. While it is not advisable to mix personal and business funds, you may encounter situations that will require you to do so.

How do you separate business and personal funds? ›

Here's how to separate business and personal finances
  1. Select the right business structure. ...
  2. Obtain a business tax ID. ...
  3. Open a business bank account. ...
  4. Consider a business credit card. ...
  5. Keep accurate books.
Jan 29, 2024

Can I use my personal account to pay business expenses? ›

If you mix your personal finances and business funds, you jeopardize your protection. So it is best to use a business bank account for corporate transactions.

What are the advantages of owner funds? ›

Owners' funds

These funds typically originate from their personal savings, but they can also be earned by the owners, who are sometimes employed elsewhere. Owners' funds are a cheap, quick, and easy source of finance. As there is no interest, this source of finance is the least expensive.

What is the disadvantage of owner investment? ›

Higher interest: The interest you pay will likely be higher than you would pay to a bank. Need seller approval: Even if a seller is game for owner financing, they might not want to be your lender.

What is the advantage of owner saving? ›

It's easy. The biggest appeal of using your personal savings to fund your business is that it's easy. The money is already yours, so you don't have to spend time searching or applying for finance. In business, time is money because you could be spending those valuable minutes making money or growing your business.

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.