Fund My Business | Pros and Cons | Owners Funds Benefits (2024)

More and more businessownersare personally financing their businesses.For those looking to self-finance, we—with some backup from small biz experts Stephen Key and Emily Chase Smith—want to share some advantages and disadvantages to keep in mind when asking, “Should I use my own money to fund my business?”

Fund My Business: The Advantages and Disadvantages of Own Funds

Fund My Business | Pros and Cons | Owners Funds Benefits (1)

Pro: You Will Run a Better Business

“If you’ve got your own money on the line, you’re going to look at your business very differently, both in the beginning when you’re asking yourself how to fund my business, and down the road,” says Stephen Key, author ofOne Simple Idea for Startups and Entrepreneurs. You’re going to want toreallydo your due diligence to make sure you can minimize the risk of losing your money. “You’re going to plan differently,” says Key. “It becomes all about planning, all about homework, and all about having asolid business plan.” You will run a smarter and better company as a result. And all the rewards will be yours, not the bank.

Pro: One of the Top Owner’s Funds Benefits – It’s Your Business, Your Way

What’s one of the greatest joys offinancing your own business? “You have complete control,” says Smith. “You’re not beholden to anybody but yourself. You don’t have investors looking over your shoulders asking for specific returns.Youdecide how the money is being used.Youdecide how fast you’re looking for a return.” This is one of the big reasons so many entrepreneurs—as our survey shows—dodecide to go the route of self-financing and have business expenses paid with personal funds. It’s a reason that’s awfully hard to argue with.

These pros and cons should hopefully help guide your decision to either self-finance or go with a commercial loan. Regardless of which source of finance you choose, it’s worth remembering some advice Smith shared with us: “No matter where you get your money from, you have to take a long term perspective and acquiresomefinancial savvy tobeasuccessful business owner.”

Con: The Risk of Personal Debt and Bankruptcy

When we think of small biz owners whose business expenses are paid with personal funds, we tend to think of retirement accountsor savings nest eggs. Using funds in retirement accounts can negatively impact business owners in the short term and in the long term. Tapping into these accounts early means business owners may have to pay a penalty fee, as well as taxes on the amount withdrawn. And using these funds may mean not being able to retire when initially planned.

In addition to using their retirement accounts, many small business owners also use personal credits card or line of credits. That’s where Emily Chase Smith, author ofThe Financially Savvy Entrepreneur, says many entrepreneurs get in trouble. “A lot of small business owners are taking on debt on the personal side. Let’s say they’re taking on a line of credit for their business with the bank. They have to then personally guarantee that money,” says Smith. What’s the risk of that? “If the business goes under, then the entrepreneur will either spend the next decade paying it off on the personal side or need to file for personal bankruptcy.”Those are two undesirable outcomes you need to be sure you can live with.

Fund My Business | Pros and Cons | Owners Funds Benefits (2)

Con: Your Money Might Not Be Enough

Strangely, success is one of the worst things that can happen to a self-financed entrepreneur. Say you used $10,000 of savings to start your company and develop a product. Suddenly Target wants to place a gigantic order. You now must have to deliver that order. And you won’t see any money from it until 90 days after delivery. Guess what? You can’t afford to give Target what they want.

Key cautions against business expenses paid with personal funds, “If you’re going to be successful, you’re going to need a lot of capital. The whole dilemma ofcash flowcomes up real quick,” says Key. A bank loan can give you more financial room for potential success. A dip into your savings could see your quick start meet a quick dead end. Smith drives that point home very clearly: “You could have the world’s best business idea, you can be smart, you can be a serious hustler, but if you run out of cash? Your business is gone. No cash, no business.”

Fund My Business: Alternatives to Business Expenses Paid With Personal Funds

Of course, not every small business owner has the means or the desire to self-fund their business—and, fortunately, there area number of alternatives. Here are several to consider.

Bank Financing

Depending on the type of business you’re starting and your personal and professional background, you may qualify for abank or credit union loanto fund your startup. Banks generally require a significant amount of proof that you’re a well-qualified borrower, such as seeing a comprehensive business plan, financial projections for up to five years, previous tax returns, and financial statements. They may require you to pledge personal collateral in case the business plan fails.

If you don’t qualify for a traditional bank loan, you may be able to get a business loanguaranteed by the Small Business Administration(SBA). Banks that offer SBA-backed loans can help you determine if you qualify.


FromKickstartertoIndiegogo, online crowdfunding platforms can make it easy to showcase your business plans and solicit financial backing from individuals around the country or world who are excited or passionate about what you’re doing. These are generally financial gifts, meaning you don’t technically have to pay your “backers” back if your business doesn’t succeed.

However, most backers expect something in return for their gift—such as free products or services once the business is off the ground. (And they will likely be upset if you don’t wholeheartedly pursue your business or your plans fail.)

Angel Investor

You might be able to find an affluent individual who is passionate about your business concept and wants to help you succeed—such as someone who’s already running a business in your industry or a related industry. An “angel” investor not only can provide startup funding—generally in return for equity in your company—but also may potentially give you valuable business insight and guidance (assuming you need it).

Venture Capital

VCs are generally looking to make equity investments in startups that they think will grow significantly and provide them with a healthy return on investment, or ROI, within a certain time frame. The potential drawback, of course, is that they may want to exert some control over your business operations in order to help you achieve the growth they’re looking for.

While self-funding your small business can provide motivation and the pride of building a business without outside help, it’s not the best route for everyone. Make sure to consider all your funding options carefully and choose the one that makes the most sense for you.

Looking for Small Business Financing?The Hartford has partnered with leading small business lenders to help business owners secure financing.Apply todayfor access to the capital you need from a lender you can trust.

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Fund My Business | Pros and Cons | Owners Funds Benefits (2024)


Fund My Business | Pros and Cons | Owners Funds Benefits? ›

Some of the advantages of mutual funds include advanced portfolio management, dividend reinvestment, risk reduction, convenience, and fair pricing, while disadvantages include high expense ratios and sales charges, management abuses, tax inefficiency, and poor trade execution.

What are the pros and cons of self-funding your business? ›

The pros and cons of self-financing for startups
  • Full ownership. One of several excellent finance solutions that do not dilute ownership is self-financing. ...
  • Autonomy. ...
  • Financing in the future. ...
  • Cost management. ...
  • Limited resources. ...
  • Growth limit. ...
  • You are solely responsible for the consequences. ...
  • Lower credibility.

What are the pros and cons of investment funds? ›

Some of the advantages of mutual funds include advanced portfolio management, dividend reinvestment, risk reduction, convenience, and fair pricing, while disadvantages include high expense ratios and sales charges, management abuses, tax inefficiency, and poor trade execution.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of owners' funds? ›

The advantages and disadvantages of the different sources of finance
Source of financeOwners capital
Advantagesquick and convenient doesn't require borrowing money no interest payments to make
Disadvantagesthe owner might not have enough savings or may need the cash for personal use once the money is gone, it's gone

What are the cons of private funding? ›

Disadvantages of using private placements

For example, there will be: a reduced market for the bonds or shares in your business, which may have a long-term effect on the value of the business as a whole. a limited number of potential investors, who may not want to invest substantial amounts individually.

What are the pros and cons of venture funding? ›

Venture capital funding can be a valuable source of capital for startups and early-stage companies. It offers access to significant capital, expertise, networks, and support. However, it also comes with certain disadvantages, such as loss of control and dilution of ownership.

What are three 3 disadvantages that business owners may experience? ›

Disadvantages of Small Business Ownership
  • Financial risk. The financial resources needed to start and grow a business can be extensive. ...
  • Stress. As a business owner, you are the business. ...
  • Time commitment. People often start businesses so that they'll have more time to spend with their families. ...
  • Undesirable duties.

How can I benefit from owning a business? ›

What Are the Benefits of Owning Your Own Business?
  1. Following Your Passion. ...
  2. Providing for Your Community. ...
  3. Being Your Own Boss. ...
  4. Ownership Equity. ...
  5. Taking Advantage of Tax Breaks. ...
  6. Establishing Core Values and Mission Statement. ...
  7. Choosing a Target Market. ...
  8. Selecting a Team of Associates.
Nov 9, 2023

What are the business benefits? ›

The definition of business benefits would be the difference between the total income of a company obtained from the sales of a product, plus the assumed costs of marketing the product. These costs would be those related to the production and distribution of the product.

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Key Takeaways

Mutual funds offer diversification or access to a wider variety of investments than an individual investor could afford to buy. Investing with a group offers economies of scale, decreasing your costs. Monthly contributions help your assets grow. Funds are more liquid because they tend to be less volatile.

What are the pros and cons of investing? ›

Long-term investments can provide steady growth over an extended period, but they require patience and dedication. On the other hand, short-term investments offer greater liquidity and potential for quick returns, but they come with higher risks and require active management.

What are the pros and cons of growth funds? ›

Growth fund pros and cons
  • Volatility. Growth funds are much more volatile than many other types of funds. ...
  • Low to no dividend payouts. If you're looking for an investment that will provide a trickle of income, growth funds aren't it. ...
  • Long-time horizons.
Nov 15, 2023

What are the benefits of investing in a business? ›

Overall, investing in businesses is a smart move for any business owner. It can help you to diversify your portfolio, generate additional income, and build relationships with other professionals. If you are looking for a way to grow your business, investing in businesses is a great option to consider.

Can I fund my business with my own money? ›

Otherwise known as bootstrapping, self-funding lets you leverage your own financial resources to support your business. Self-funding can come in the form of turning to family and friends for capital, using your savings accounts, or even tapping into your 401(k).

Can I use personal money for business? ›

Yes, you can use personal money to pay for business expenses (just not the other way around.) In fact, most businesses start up this way with the owners putting their personal money into the business to get things started. In the end, the accounts track it all when they balance the books.

What are the disadvantages of self-financing? ›

Drawbacks of Self-Financing

While self-financing has many benefits, it also has some drawbacks, including: Limited access to capital, which can limit the company's growth potential. Increased risk, as the company is solely responsible for funding its operations and growth.

What is the advantage of using own funds? ›

You're in control: the funds are yours, so there's nobody else to answer to. The profits are yours: more shareholders means more people to split profits with. Mindful money management: you're likely to be more cautious of spending if it's yours.

Can you self fund your business? ›

Fund your business yourself with self-funding

Otherwise known as bootstrapping, self-funding lets you leverage your own financial resources to support your business. Self-funding can come in the form of turning to family and friends for capital, using your savings accounts, or even tapping into your 401(k).

What does it mean when a company is self funded? ›

A Self Funded, or Self-Insured plan, is one in which the employer assumes the financial risk for providing health care benefits to its employees.

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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

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Job: Human Hospitality Planner

Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.