Marriage Rules by Harriet Lerner: 9781592407453 | Books (2024)

Marriage Rules by Harriet Lerner: 9781592407453 | Books (1)

Marriage Rules by Harriet Lerner: 9781592407453 | Books (2)

Marriage Rules by Harriet Lerner: 9781592407453 | Books (3)

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A Manual for the Married and the Coupled Up

A Manual for the Married and the Coupled Up

A Manual for the Married and the Coupled Up

By Harriet Lerner

By Harriet Lerner

By Harriet Lerner
Read by Natalie Ross

Best Seller

Category: Psychology

Category: Psychology

Category: Psychology | Audiobooks

Paperback $17.00

Dec 31, 2012 | ISBN 9781592407453

Ebook $9.99

Jan 05, 2012 | ISBN 9781101554210

Audiobook Download $17.50

Apr 26, 2022 | 317 Minutes

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    Marriage Rules by Harriet Lerner: 9781592407453 | Books (4)

    Paperback $17.00

    Dec 31, 2012 | ISBN 9781592407453

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    • $17.00

      Dec 31, 2012 | ISBN 9781592407453

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    • Jan 05, 2012 | ISBN 9781101554210

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    • Apr 26, 2022 | ISBN 9780593662779

      317 Minutes

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    About Marriage Rules

    “This is the marriage book we’ve been waiting for!”
    —Brené Brown, Ph.D., LMSW, bestselling author ofDaring Greatly

    Coupling up is complicated—Dr. Harriet Lerner’s marriage rules are not.

    This marriage book provides couple’s therapy in a unique format perfect for today’s world. The renowned author of The Dance of Anger gives readers more than one hundred rules that cover all the hot spots in long-term relationships.

    Marriage Rules offers new relationship advice to age-old problems (“He won’t talk”/“She doesn’t want sex”) as well as modern ones (your partner’s relationship to technology). If one person in a couple follows ten rules of his or her choice, it will generate a major, positive change. All that’s required is a genuine wish for a better relationship and a willingness to practice.

    Marriage Rules is a treasure chest of lively, practical advice to help you navigate your relationships issues with clarity, courage, and joyous conviction.

    About Marriage Rules

    Following a unique format perfect for today’s world, the renowned author of The Dance of Anger gives us just over 100 rules that cover all the hot spots in long-term relationships.

    Marriage Rules offers new solutions to age-old problems ("He won’t talk"/"She doesn’t want sex") as well as modern ones (your partner’s relationship to technology.) You’ll also learn how to:

    • Calm things down and warm them up
    • Talk straight and fight fair
    • Listen well as a spiritual practice
    • Connect with a distant partner
    • Survive the unique challenges of children, stepchildren and difficult- laws
    • Follow a 12-step program to overcome defensiveness
    • Know how and when to draw the line
    • Take back your marriage when things fall apart

      Marriage Rules is a treasure chest of lively, practical advice to help you navigate your couple relationship with clarity, courage, and joyous conviction. If one person in a couple follows ten rules of his or her choice, it will generate a major, positive change. All that’s required is a genuine wish for a better relationship and a willingness to practice.

    About Marriage Rules

    Following a unique format perfect for today’s world, the renowned author of The Dance of Anger gives us just over 100 rules that cover all the hot spots in long-term relationships.

    Marriage Rules offers new solutions to age-old problems ("He won’t talk"/"She doesn’t want sex") as well as modern ones (your partner’s relationship to technology.) You’ll also learn how to:

    • Calm things down and warm them up
    • Talk straight and fight fair
    • Listen well as a spiritual practice
    • Connect with a distant partner
    • Survive the unique challenges of children, stepchildren and difficult- laws
    • Follow a 12-step program to overcome defensiveness
    • Know how and when to draw the line
    • Take back your marriage when things fall apart

      Marriage Rules is a treasure chest of lively, practical advice to help you navigate your couple relationship with clarity, courage, and joyous conviction. If one person in a couple follows ten rules of his or her choice, it will generate a major, positive change. All that’s required is a genuine wish for a better relationship and a willingness to practice.

    Listen to a sample from Marriage Rules

    About Harriet Lerner

    Harriet Lerner, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist whose many acclaimed books, including The Dance of Anger and the upcoming Why Won’t You Apologize, have topped six million copies in combined sales. She is a dynamic, sought-after speaker who has appeared… More about Harriet Lerner

    About Harriet Lerner

    Harriet Lerner, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist whose many acclaimed books, including The Dance of Anger and the upcoming Why Won’t You Apologize, have topped six million copies in combined sales. She is a dynamic, sought-after speaker who has appeared… More about Harriet Lerner

    About Harriet Lerner

    Harriet Lerner, Ph.D., is a clinical psychologist whose many acclaimed books, including The Dance of Anger and the upcoming Why Won’t You Apologize, have topped six million copies in combined sales. She is a dynamic, sought-after speaker who has appeared… More about Harriet Lerner

    Product Details

    Category: Psychology

    Paperback | $17.00
    Published by Avery
    Dec 31, 2012 | 288 Pages | 5-5/16 x 8 | ISBN 9781592407453

    Category: Psychology

    Ebook | $9.99
    Published by Avery
    Jan 05, 2012 | 288 Pages | ISBN 9781101554210

    Category: Psychology | Audiobooks

    Audiobook Download | $17.50
    Published by Penguin Audio
    Apr 26, 2022 | 317 Minutes | ISBN 9780593662779


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    Marriage Rules by Harriet Lerner: 9781592407453 | Books (34)

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    Marriage Rules by Harriet Lerner: 9781592407453 | Books (35)

    Natural Therapy for Your Liver

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    “This is the marriage book we’ve been waiting for!”
    —Brené Brown, Ph.D., LMSW, bestselling author of The Gifts of Imperfection and Daring Greatly

    “Required reading for anyone hoping to interact successfully with any other human.”
    —Martha Beck, author of Leaving the Saints

    "If you’re asking the question, "But what do I DO?" this book is for you. Marriage Rules is wise, gripping, funny, sanity-saving and above all, useful. It’s brimming with Lerner’s warmth, sharp wit, remarkable clarity, and practical advice."
    —Edward M. Hallowell, M.D. author of Driven to Distraction

    "This book is an astonishing blend of down-home wisdom and clinical experience. I can’t think of a better comprehensive guide to making marriage work for today’s couples. Read it for your own relationship and give it to every newlywed you know."
    —William J. Doherty, Ph.D., professor at the University of Minnesota and author of Take Back Your Marriage

    "Don’t be fooled by this book’s simplicity: Lerner, a distinguished psychologist, offers a real-life roadmap for a healthy relationship. She is an outstanding guide, accompanying us on the hard moments of the journey while escorting us firmly in the direction of love and joy and wisdom."
    —Pat Love, co-author of How to Improve Your Marriage Without Talking About It

    "Open this book anywhere and you’ll find a rule that will rescue you from the swamps and quicksands of marriage and couplehood. What a beautiful, smart, witty and eminently helpful book!"
    —Janis Abrahms Spring, Ph.D., author of After the Affair

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    Marriage Rules

    By Harriet Lerner

    By Harriet Lerner

    By Harriet Lerner

    Read by Natalie Ross


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    Marriage Rules by Harriet Lerner: 9781592407453 | Books (2024)


    What is the #1 rule of marriage? ›

    The Golden Rule.

    Treat your significant other the way you would want to be treated. Be the person you would want to be married to.

    What are the golden rules of marriage? ›

    Follow the four golden rules – don't lie, keep your promises, argue productively and always play nice – and your relationship will never go anywhere but forward.

    What are the marriage laws in the United States? ›

    The marriage age is generally 18 years, with the exception of Nebraska (19) and Mississippi (21). In addition, all states, except Delaware, allow minors to marry in certain circ*mstances, such as parental consent, judicial consent, pregnancy, or a combination of these situations.

    What is the 2 2 2 rule for married couples? ›

    So what is it? The 2-2-2 Rule involves going on a date night every two weeks, spending a weekend away every two months and taking a week-long vacation away every two years. The idea behind it is that prioritizing and planning to spend time together strengthens your relationship.

    What is the 7 7 7 rule for marriage? ›

    Here's how the 777 Rule works: every seven days you go on a date, every seven weeks you go away for the night and every seven months the two of you head off on a romantic holiday. It might sound a tad prescriptive, and an à deux holiday almost twice a year could be one too many, but nevertheless we get the point.

    What is the golden rule in relationships? ›

    The golden rule: “Treat others how you want to be treated”.

    The hope is that you feel highly enough about yourself as a human that you would treat others with the same dignity and respect that you yourself feel you deserve (I have many conflicting thoughts on this topic though, so expect another blog post soon).

    What is God's rule of marriage? ›

    A good marriage practices mutual submission. Ephesians 5:21 commands us to submit to one another out of reverence to Christ. Marriage is not a 50/50 deal. It's a 100/100 deal—each willing to surrender all to the other person.

    What is the universal law of marriage? ›

    Recalling that article 16 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that: (1) Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family.

    What does the Bible say about marriage? ›

    Marriage involves spiritual, emotional, and physical closeness. In the Old Testament, we are taught, “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh” (Genesis 2:24). Married couples are meant to be unified in every possible way.

    What is the rule number 1 in marriage? ›

    Respect each other

    One of the greatest rules of a happy marriage is respect. Even when you're fighting, you have to maintain respect for each other in order for things to work. It's important to keep calm when you have disagreements. It's OK to get angry, but never resort to name calling or spiteful comments.

    What is Rule 1 in a relationship? ›

    The first rule of relationship harmony is all about speaking respectfully.

    What is the 1 1 1 rule in marriage? ›

    What is the 1-1-1-1 rule? This rule breaks down into four key commitments: 1 Week vacation alone each year: A yearly child-free getaway allows you to reconnect as a couple, rekindle romance, and focus on shared interests outside of parenthood. 1 Date night every week: Ditch the distractions!

    What is the 3 sentence rule in marriage? ›

    Tech-savvy couples know this means to limit talk to the most pertinent points, usually in three sentences. Pause. Give your partner a chance to respond.

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    Author: Domingo Moore

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    Author information

    Name: Domingo Moore

    Birthday: 1997-05-20

    Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

    Phone: +3213869077934

    Job: Sales Analyst

    Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

    Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.