Chopped Competition at Home (2024)

I know I’m not the only one who’s watched the show Chopped and thought it would be such a fun game to compete in. Intense and stressful, but FUN!Chopped Competition at Home (1)

When my family was coming for a visit after Christmas, I knew it was the perfect time to create our own version of the game to play at home. We had an absolute blast!

We had 16 people, so we had to change the format a little to fit our crowd. We ended up with eight teams, each team with one adult and one kid.

The TV show has four chefs competing in three rounds, with a chef being eliminated after each round. Instead of this, we had four rounds (appetizers, salads, main course, and dessert) with two teams competing in each round.

Everyone who wasn’t competing in a round scored the competitors on taste, creativity, and presentation. Instead of eliminating a team each round, we just tallied up the scores at the end and determined the winning team based on overall points.

Before the competition began, Tim made his famous margaritas. Here he is with my sisters-in-law, Amy and Jolynne.

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This was a fun way to start off the competition!

I took so many pictures, and can’t help but share them as they tell the story better than I can. This is probably the most images I’ve shared in a post, but it’s fun to see how everything happened and let the pictures tell the story!

Round 1: Appetizers

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I created the “mystery box” ingredients for each round. I didn’t get as crazy as they do on the show because I figured it would be challenging enough for everyone to create a recipe on the fly, especially with the kids involved.

Mystery Box Ingredients: Appetizer Round

Puff Pastry

Sundried Tomatoes


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The teams had five minutes to brainstorm ideas before the timer started. Here are my sister-in-law Jolynne and niece Carson brainstorming their appetizer. We allowed Internet use during the brainstorming session only.Chopped Competition at Home (5)

I was on the appetizer round, too. I worked with my niece Mallory to create a sundried tomato, goat cheese, and basil filled puff pastry with a kumquat balsamic drizzle. It wasn’t the most creative, but it was super delicious!

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Jolynne and Carson created two versions of their appetizer–savory and sweet.Chopped Competition at Home (7)

The sweet version had apples, kumquats, and cinnamon and was amazing. The savory version incorporated salsa with the sundried tomatoes and was also lovely.Chopped Competition at Home (8)

I didn’t get pictures of any of the appetizer round dishes. Tim was on picture duty for my round so I blame him! 😉

Round 2: Salads

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Tim and our nephew Garret battled my sister-in-law Amy and nephew Griffin in the salad round. There were a variety of aprons to choose from and it was pretty funny that Tim picked this feminine one with heart pockets!

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Mystery Box Ingredients: Salad Round

green leaf lettuce



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The salad round was probably the hardest round to score mega points. How can salad compete with desserts?

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Amy and Griffin made a salad with bacon-wrapped dates, which certainly helped! They had a really unique presentation of their salad. I don’t have a final picture, but here’s an in-progress photo.

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Here’s a look at Tim and Garret’s salad as they were plating it. The big piece of shaved parm on top? Ummm…unique?

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Tim made a delicious homemade dressing for their salad, which impressed me since I’m pretty sure was his first homemade dressing ever. It was a delicious vinaigrette with orange zest.

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Round 3: The Main Course

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The main course was by far the hardest to execute, so I put my dad and brother on the job. My dad is amazing at coming up with recipes on the fly and my brother is great under pressure. My dad was paired with my niece Leah and Gavin was with Luke.Chopped Competition at Home (17)

Mystery Box Ingredients: Main Course Round

chicken thighs

corn tortillas


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The pressure was on! My dad and brother Gavin both did a great job of including their young teammates.Chopped Competition at Home (19)

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My little Lukey was the youngest competitor, but he was so into it!

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Time’s up!

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We used paper plates because 4 rounds with 16 plates needed in each round=too many dishes!

Papa (my dad) and Leah created an Asian-flavored chicken with rice in a tortilla and added the pear as a garnish.Chopped Competition at Home (24)

Hey wait, is this a blog photo from 2010? I’m almost forgot what unstaged food taken in the dark looked like. 😉

And here’s Gavin and Luke’s dish, a baked chicken and bacon taco with pear salsa and rice and asparagus on the side.

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Overall the competition took a long time, but watching it was fun! Here’s my feisty mom watching the action.

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And here she is again tasting everything with my niece Kailynn.

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Round 4: Dessert

For the dessert round my brother Rob was paired up with Meghan and my mom was supposed to be paired up with my niece Kailynn. By this point my mom was really tired, though, so Carson stepped in and did a second round with Kailynn.

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Mystery Box Ingredients: Dessert Round

sweet canned dark cherries

chocolate bunnygrahams

semi-sweet chocolate baking bar

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Kailynn was super impressive in this round. She made crepes from scratch with no recipe!Chopped Competition at Home (30)

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They created a cherry filling along with a chocolate topping with a chocolate bite on the side. They processed the bunny grahams and used them like a powered sugar topping for the chocolate bite.

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Rob and Meghan made Cherry Garcia Double Chocolate Brownies.

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Look at that intensity!

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Meghan always wants to bake, so she was thrilled to be in the baking round.

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Both desserts were so fabulous! A perfect way to end the evening.

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Rob and Meghan’s presentation wasn’t the best, but this dessert was SO GOOD.

Kailynn and Carson rocked the presentation with their crepes. Despite the poor lighting and paper plate, can’t you see how great this was? Kailynn is 16 and Carson is 12!

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The crepes ended up being the big winners. This board shows how the final scoring ended up.Chopped Competition at Home (38)

Carson wrote the part about being featured on Happy Healthy Mama. 😉 At the time I wasn’t even sure if I was going to post about this, but it was too fun not to share!

If you get the chance, I highly recommend doing a Chopped competition at home. Our family had so much fun!

Chopped Competition at Home (2024)


Chopped Competition at Home? ›

Yes, the losing and winning chefs get paid to be on Chopped. For the losing chefs, they take home around $1,000 for appearing on the show. But how much do Chopped winners get paid? The Chopped winner takes home a whopping $10,000.

How to host your own Chopped competition? ›

How To Throw Your Own 'Chopped'-Inspired Cooking Party
  1. Write Your Own Rules. Typically, Chopped starts out with four chefs simultaneously cooking in individual kitchens. ...
  2. Make Teams, If Desired. ...
  3. Put Together a Secret Basket. ...
  4. Ready, Set, Cook! ...
  5. Set Out Food for Everyone and Judge.
Jan 13, 2017

How do I host a cooking competition at home? ›

Throw a Family Cook-Off! How to Host a Cooking Competition In Your Kitchen
  1. Give each team a basket of the same ingredients, enough to feed four. ...
  2. Allow 10 minutes for each team to plan their dish. ...
  3. Set the clock. ...
  4. Eat and critique.
Feb 10, 2017

Do you get paid to compete on Chopped? ›

Yes, the losing and winning chefs get paid to be on Chopped. For the losing chefs, they take home around $1,000 for appearing on the show. But how much do Chopped winners get paid? The Chopped winner takes home a whopping $10,000.

How do you get to compete on Chopped? ›

Casting for "Chopped" consists of three parts: an online application, an on-camera interview, and, if you're chosen, a day of get-to-know-you filming that's used for the introductions at the start of each episode.

How much of Chopped is scripted? ›

In the same interview with Tasting Tables, Vignola said that the competition is completely real. They don't stop and start throughout the rounds to try to look for the perfect shots. "It's very much like real kitchen life, and you have to just make it happen," he said.

Do Chopped contestants know ingredients beforehand? ›

The only info they are given is the pantry list. They are given a full pantry list so they know what items exist — they don't know where they are placed, but they know they are there. Anything else, we're under the assumption that they should know. We would never put an ingredient in the basket that is toxic, etc.

Who is the richest Chopped judge? ›

Who is the richest Chopped judge? Christ Santos is the richest judge on Chopped. He is a renowned New York City chef, former executive chef, and New York's Stanton Social owner. Thanks to his endeavours as a chef, TV personality, and entrepreneur, he has an estimated net worth of $8 million as of 2023.

Do Chopped winners get taxed? ›

All federal, state and local taxes on prizes are the prize winner's responsibility.

Is Chopped biased? ›

But, the judging appears to be disingenuous and biased. They seem to favor personalities, stories and potential over the actual dishes served. They let their favorites through even when given uncooked dishes or those missing a basket ingredient.

Is Chopped filmed in one day? ›

An episode of Chopped takes approximately 12 hours to tape, with deliberations after each round taking about 20 minutes. Judging is done by consensus among the judges. While contestants do not know the ingredients ahead of time, they are given a tour of the kitchen prior to taping.

How much time do Chopped contestants get to plan? ›

No, the contestants don't have additional time to prepare. From the time the basket is revealed, to the start of each cooking round, everything is shot in real time. They do a couple takes of cooks opening the basket, but there is no time in between.

Do you have to audition for Chopped? ›

The show is looking for skilled, creative and competitive professional chefs. Producers request basic personal information along with how you learned to cook plus accomplishments and specialties along with photos of yourself and several of your dishes. Applicants can go to to apply.

How much money do Chopped winners actually get? ›

The Appetizer and Entrée rounds are judged independently from one another, while in the Dessert round, the judges consider the chefs' overall performance during the entire competition. The winner receives $10,000, but special competitions and tournaments have featured larger cash prizes.

How much is a Chopped franchise? ›

Facts & Figures
Liquid capital required$150,000
Investment$327,000 - $699,000
Franchise fee$30,000
Offers FinancingYes
4 more rows

How do I start a cooking competition? ›

Here are some suggestions and ideas.
  1. Don't make it overly complicated. ...
  2. See if there is a way to do it over two class periods, with planning and prep on day one followed by cooking and judging on day two.
  3. Decide what type of competition you want: individual vs. ...
  4. If possible, get judges who don't know your students.
Feb 28, 2020

Do you have to be a chef to be on Chopped? ›

But non-chefs sometimes get a chance to compete.

The Food Network films special episodes with amateur cooks, such as "grandmas who cook"or “firefighters who bring the heat in the kitchen," in which case no professional experience is needed.

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