How does HIPAA fit into medical ethics? | The Jotform Blog (2024)

In 2015, media reports alerted the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights that a medical center in Florida had mishandled protected health information (PHI), exposing detailed personal and medical information about patients.

The OCR investigation uncovered some unsettling facts. The center waited four years to report that it had lost three boxes containing patient medical files. Its security was so lax that an employee sold patient information for five years before being detected.

The medical center paid $2.15 million to settle HIPAA violations, but atoning for the violation of medical ethics is harder. HIPAA is a set of rules governing healthcare that are based on long-established medical ethics. Responsible healthcare companies view compliance with HIPAA as an ethical requirement.

But what exactly are medical ethics? How does HIPAA fit into them? Let’s find out how you can enable compliance with both HIPAA and ethical standards.

Pro Tip

Securely collect patient health information online with HIPAA-friendly forms.

What are medical ethics?

Medical ethics are the basic principles that guide every healthcare decision. The Hippocratic Oath is simple: First, do no harm. Avoiding harm is the first priority for every healthcare provider.

Medical ethics consists of four main principles, each of which affects HIPAA:

  • Autonomy. Patients have the right to make their own decisions regarding their healthcare.
  • Non-maleficence. Non-maleficence is the duty of medical practitioners to make certain their patients are never without care because of neglect.
  • Beneficence. Beneficence is the obligation of healthcare providers and other professions to always make their patients’ well-being their highest concern.
  • Justice. Justice requires giving all patients access to the treatments they need to heal.

Medical ethics are the core of HIPAA. Let’s work down that same list of medical ethical essentials to see how they apply to HIPAA:

  • Autonomy. Under HIPAA, individuals control access to their information and how it’s used. Patients have the right, upon request, to their PHI.
  • Non-maleficence. Identity theft causes serious harm. To protect patients from this harm, healthcare professionals must always handle PHI in accordance with HIPAA regulations. Establish procedures designed for HIPAA compliance and train your team to recognize the importance of following those procedures.
  • Beneficence. A professionally operated healthcare business has an obligation to help patients get the most benefit from their PHI. Encourage your team to think about how to use the PHI you control to help patients. Could you make it easier for them to file insurance claims or coordinate medical appointments? Approaching business from that perspective will keep team morale high.
  • Justice. HIPAA applies the same standards of privacy and security to each patient’s PHI and requires that covered entities do the same.

Breaching HIPAA regulations can land your business in serious financial trouble. A hospital was fined $85,000 for taking too long to send patients their medical information upon request. Failing to take seriously a patient’s legal rights under HIPAA is a violation of medical ethics that will damage your checkbook and your reputation.

Thankfully, you can be both legally and ethically compliant. Let’s discover how you can follow HIPAA regulations and medical ethics.

How embracing medical ethics aids in HIPAA compliance

While medical ethics are the heart of HIPAA, complying with HIPAA’s legal requirements requires procedures and training. Here are some basic guidelines for dealing with HIPAA in a way that embraces medical ethics:

  • Establish policies to protect PHI. Limit PHI access to staff with a direct need and the proper training in HIPAA and medical ethics. Jotform’s HIPAA-friendly online forms make it safe and easy for patients to input their PHI, and ensure that their information is secure.
  • Understand PHI exceptions as required by law. Government agencies can legally demand access to PHI, without patient consent, such as with a warrant or court order. In certain circ*mstances you may be required to report information, such as a gunshot wound or signs of child abuse, regardless of patient consent.
  • Recognize that patients have autonomy over their PHI. Patients are entitled to a paper copy of their medical information within 30 days of their initial request. Both HIPAA and medical ethics require you to promptly provide PHI to patients.
  • Encrypt PHI when you send it electronically. End-to-end encryption keeps PHI secure until it gets to the right person.
  • Appoint a HIPAA-friendly officer. Assign your compliance officer to monitor PHI procedures for HIPAA compliance. Make the compliance officer responsible for regularly updating data security software.
  • Train your workers on HIPAA compliance. Employees must understand how HIPAA and medical ethics work together.

Health decisions made in compliance with HIPAA and medical ethics result in best healthcare possible. Combining HIPAA compliance with medical ethics protects individuals from identity theft and your business from lawsuits and fines. HIPAA compliance, at its root, is all about protecting a patient’s digital information and safety.

How does HIPAA fit into medical ethics? | The Jotform Blog (2024)


How does HIPAA fit into medical ethics? | The Jotform Blog? ›

Combining HIPAA compliance with medical ethics protects individuals from identity theft and your business from lawsuits and fines. HIPAA compliance, at its root, is all about protecting a patient's digital information and safety.

How does HIPAA fit into medical ethics? ›

Medical privacy refers to the patient's right to control his/her medical information and keep it confidential, and to decide how one wants it used and disclosed (or not used and disclosed). HIPAA provides for privacy of oral, written, and electronic health information with two rules governing privacy and security.

How does HIPAA relate to healthcare? ›

The HIPAA Privacy Rule regulates the use and disclosure of protected health information (PHI) by "covered entities." These entities include healthcare clearinghouses, health insurers, employer-sponsored health plans, and medical providers.

How to make sure a website is HIPAA compliant? ›

How do you make your website HIPAA compliant?
  1. Purchase and implement an SSL certificate for your website.
  2. Ensure all web forms on your site are encrypted and secure.
  3. Only send emails containing PHI through encrypted email servers.

How do HIPAA regulations relate to the ethical and professional standards of nursing? ›

It regulates how a client's personal health information (such as diagnosis or test results) is used and disclosed. Nurses and health care professionals are both legally and ethically required to protect clients' privacy and maintain the confidentiality of their medical information.

Is confidentiality a medical ethical principle? ›

Physicians in turn have an ethical obligation to preserve the confidentiality of information gathered in association with the care of the patient. In general, patients are entitled to decide whether and to whom their personal health information is disclosed.

How is health information protected under medical law and ethics? ›

The HIPAA Privacy Rule establishes national standards to protect individuals' medical records and other individually identifiable health information (collectively defined as “protected health information”) and applies to health plans, health care clearinghouses, and those health care providers that conduct certain ...

What are the three main rules of HIPAA? ›

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) lays out three rules for protecting patient health information, namely:
  • The Privacy Rule.
  • The Security Rule.
  • The Breach Notification Rule.

What is the main purpose of HIPAA? ›

HIPAA is the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996. The primary goal of the law is to make it easier for people to keep health insurance, protect the confidentiality and security of healthcare information and help the healthcare industry control administrative costs.

How does HIPAA apply to healthcare workers? ›

HIPAA for healthcare workers requires measures to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of protected health information (PHI). ◈ Policies and Procedures. Each healthcare organization should have a set of policies and procedures in line with the HIPAA Privacy, Security, and Breach Notification Rules.

What makes an online form HIPAA compliant? ›

Ensuring HIPAA Compliance For Online Forms

Adhere to the Security Rule: This means it needs to comply with proper access controls, employ adequate encryption, and have security software in place to protect data both in storage and in transit between access points.

What makes a platform HIPAA compliant? ›

HIPAA-compliant servers must include the most secure protection available while PHI is in the cloud, but it also must be secure during any sort of internet transfer. That includes end-to-end encryption for any information that is sent back to or between healthcare providers.

How do you ensure you are HIPAA compliant? ›

7 Steps for HIPAA Compliance
  1. Develop policies and procedures so that day-to-day activities comply with the privacy rule.
  2. Designate a privacy officer and a security officer.
  3. Implement effective training programs.
  4. Ensure channels of communication exist to report violations and breaches.

How does HIPAA relate to Ethics? ›

Combining HIPAA compliance with medical ethics protects individuals from identity theft and your business from lawsuits and fines. HIPAA compliance, at its root, is all about protecting a patient's digital information and safety.

Why HIPAA compliance is important for healthcare professionals? ›

Because it establishes information security standards that all healthcare organizations must adhere to. HIPAA compliance ensures covered entities understand and take steps to prevent the risks that could compromise patient data. It establishes key safeguards for keeping sensitive data safe.

What is HIPAA and why is it so important to us as nurses? ›

HIPAA profoundly influences nurse-patient communication by emphasizing the privacy and security of patient health information. Nurses are bound by HIPAA to ensure that any communication, whether oral, written, or electronic, maintains the confidentiality of patient data.

What is privacy in medical ethics? ›

Privacy in Health Care

Patient privacy includes personal space (physical privacy), personal data (informational privacy), personal choices, including cultural and religious affiliations (decisional privacy), and personal relationships with family members and other intimates (associational privacy).

What ethical concept is specifically guided by the use of the HIPAA? ›

The Standards for Privacy of Individually Identifiable Health Information, commonly known as the HIPAA Privacy Rule, establishes the first national standards in the United States to protect patients' personal or protected health information (PHI).

How are ethics and laws related in healthcare? ›

Ethical consideration may many times exceed the need of the law especially in health care. It is adherence to ethical principles that help in creating trust between the public and the health professional. However, certain behavior perceived as ethical for few may not be considered in the same manner by others.

What is the relationship between ethics and healthcare? ›

Basic ethical principles provide guidance for healthcare workers to protect the rights of individuals and support an ethical culture for safety, health, and well-being for all.

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