Finance for You (2024)

Drive the Car you want today with a Hire Purchase Loan from Finance for You.

We get money to people when they need it – quickly, conveniently and responsibly.

Finance for You (3)

We use the latest technology and data to offer fast and convenient Car loans to customers all across Ireland. Finance for You is a responsible customer focused lender. We aim to approve loans that match our customers’ specific requirements and reflect their individual circ*mstances and risk profile. We are completely transparent with all our customers, we also have absolutely no hidden charges and no penalties.

Finance for You is an innovative and dynamic consumer finance group, we offer a proven and a more flexible alternative to conventional Banks, finance houses or Credit Unions. Our loan products and associated interest rates are tailored to your individual needs and particular circ*mstances.

Finance for You is Ireland’s fastest growing consumer lending group.

The four key pillars to our responsible lending are;





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Finance for You (2024)


How to reply for financial help? ›

Saying Thank You For Financial Support
  1. “Thank you for offering me the money I needed. ...
  2. “Your generosity amazes me. ...
  3. “You lent me money when I needed it without knowing if you'd ever get it back. ...
  4. “I would have been in a real bind without your help. ...
  5. “I knew if anyone would help, it would probably be you.

Do 90% of millionaires make over $100000 a year True False? ›

And one crucial detail to note: Millionaire status doesn't equal a sky-high salary. “Only 31% averaged $100,000 a year over the course of their career,” the study found, “and one-third never made six figures in any single working year of their career.”

How did Jack end up with more money than Blake? ›

Explain how Jack ended up with more money in his investment account by the time he retired, when Blake invested more money. Jack came out ahead—more than $1 million ahead! Because He started investing earlier. Jack put in less money but started nine years earlier than Blake.

What is the best financial decision you've ever made? ›

Here are 10 decisions that you can make to help ensure your finances are working as a support system for you.
  • Save at least 25% of income. ...
  • Reverse Budgeting. ...
  • Create a good philosophy around competing goals. ...
  • Figure out what is best: renting or buying your home. ...
  • Take the stress out of finances. ...
  • Max out retirement plans.
Mar 8, 2023

How do you thank someone for their support and kindness? ›

For kindness
  1. “Thank you for thinking of me as often as you do. Please know your kindness means the world to me.”
  2. “You always go above and beyond. Thank you for all you do.”
  3. “I don't know where to start in saying thank you for being you. ...
  4. “The more time we spend together the more I realize what a special person you are.

How do you thank someone for financially supporting you? ›

I am forever indebted to you. Dearest [Name], your financial aid has embedded hope in my heart when it was needed most. Please accept my deepest thanks. Dear [Name], it is with much love and appreciation that I express my gratitude for your generous financial aid.

What is the Jack and Blake example? ›

When Jack turned 21, he decided to start investing $200 a month every year for nine years. At age 30, he decided to stop investing altogether. But his friend Blake started when Jack stopped, investing $200 a month every month starting at age 30, all the way until the ripe old age of 68.

How much debt does Jack in the Box have? ›

Total debt by year
YearTotal debtChange
2023-09-30$3.16 B-0.1%
2022-09-30$3.16 B41.72%
2021-09-30$2.23 B-4.23%
2020-09-30$2.33 B82.95%
19 more rows

When Tina has $1000 per year she can invest to save money for her future? ›

If Tina has $1,000 per year she can invest to save money for her future, her best option for the highest growth would typically be investing in a diversified portfolio of stocks. Stocks have historically provided higher returns than other investment options such as bonds or savings accounts.

What is the best answer to why finance in an interview? ›

Here's an example of how to highlight your educational background in your answer:"I chose to study finance because I realized I was passionate about investing and excellent at investment strategies. I took capital markets, financial accounting, corporate finance, financial modelling, and portfolio management courses.

What is the toughest decision you ever have to make? ›

Here's another sample answer: "One of the hardest decisions I've had to make was choosing between two strong team members for a promotion. I personally liked one person better than the other, but I had to choose the person I liked less, because they were more qualified to succeed in the new role.

What is your biggest financial mistake? ›

Overspending on housing leads to higher taxes and maintenance, straining monthly budgets.
  • Living on Borrowed Money. ...
  • Buying a New Car. ...
  • Spending Too Much on Your House. ...
  • Using Home Equity Like a Piggy Bank. ...
  • Living Paycheck to Paycheck. ...
  • Not Investing in Retirement. ...
  • Paying Off Debt With Savings. ...
  • Not Having a Plan.

How do you respond to a financial aid offer? ›

Your student aid offer will include directions on accepting aid. Follow those directions carefully. You might have to enter the amounts you're accepting in an online form and then submit the form. If you receive a paper aid offer, you might have to sign it and mail it back to the school.

How do you respond when asked for help? ›

“No, sorry, I'm not able to help” says no help is forthcoming. “Yes, I will help you and I will try my best” and “Yes, I will help you. Let me see what I can do” both say that help is on its way.

What do you say when you need financial help? ›

5 Tips for Asking for Financial Help
  • Figure out Your Needs. You'll feel more comfortable asking for help when you have a clear picture of your needs. ...
  • Ease into It.
  • Explain the Stakes.
  • Have a Plan. We all enjoy feeling like our money is going to a good cause, but we also want to know that it won't be wasted. ...
  • Be Gracious.
Mar 14, 2024

How do you respond to a help offer? ›

So in turn I pay it forward. If I accept the help, I say “THANK YOU VERY MUCH.” If I decline the help, I say, “NO THANK YOU.” I always pay forward by HELPING OTHERS and I always RECIPROCATE the help I receive from others.

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Author: Kelle Weber

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Author information

Name: Kelle Weber

Birthday: 2000-08-05

Address: 6796 Juan Square, Markfort, MN 58988

Phone: +8215934114615

Job: Hospitality Director

Hobby: tabletop games, Foreign language learning, Leather crafting, Horseback riding, Swimming, Knapping, Handball

Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.