Differences Between Current Account & Savings Account | HDFC Bank (2024)

There may be times when you need to make multiple payments, receipts and other transactions, similar to traders and entrepreneurs. They need to access their accounts frequently prefer using a Current Account for this. But what is a Current Account and how does it differ from a Savings Account? Here is a list to help you understand the difference between Current Account and saving account:

  • Meaning
    A savings account is a deposit account which allows limited transactions, while a Current Account is meant for daily transactions.
  • Suitability
    A savings account is most suitable for people who are salaried employees or have a monthly income, whereas, Current Accounts work best for traders and entrepreneurs who need to access their accounts frequently.
  • Interest
    Savings accounts earn interest at a rate of around 4%, while there is no such earning from a Current Account. A Current Account is actually a no interest-bearing deposit account.
  • Overdrawing
    When you withdraw more money from the account, than is actually there, then your account is said to be overdrawn. In the case of a savings account, banks neither offer nor allow overdraft facilities, whereas, this facility is provided with a Current Account.
  • Minimum balance
    The minimum balance required to maintain a savings account is usually low, but for a Current Account it is much higher in comparison..
    This should clarify the differences in the purpose and function ofCurrent Accountand Savings Account.

    Having an HDFC BankSavings Accountoffers plenty of benefits. If you are looking to open a Savings Account with HDFC Bank,clickhereto get started.

    Know the top features of aSavings Accounthere.

* The information provided in this article is generic in nature and for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for specific advice in your own circ*mstances.

Differences Between Current Account & Savings Account | HDFC Bank (2024)


Differences Between Current Account & Savings Account | HDFC Bank? ›

Savings accounts earn interest at a rate of around 4%, while there is no such earning from a Current Account. A Current Account is actually a no interest-bearing deposit account. When you withdraw more money from the account, than is actually there, then your account is said to be overdrawn.

What is the difference between current account and savings bank account? ›

Under Savings Account, interest on savings is earned by the account holder, but in a Current Account, you don't get interest pay-outs as the deposited money is used for business transactions.

What is the difference between a current account and a bank account? ›

A current account is a bank account designed to manage your income and day-to-day spending. You can use a current account for: paying your bills. receiving your salary, benefits, pension and other payments.

What is the difference between a bank account and a savings account? ›

The main difference between checking and savings accounts is that checking accounts are primarily for accessing your money for daily use while savings accounts are primarily for saving money. Checking accounts are considered “transactional,” meaning that they allow you to access your money when and where you need it.

What is the difference between account current and current account? ›

Account Current is prepared by a creditor to his debtor. Current Account is prepared for the partners of a firm. Account Current records all the transactions between the supplier and customer. Current Account records all the transactions between the firm and partners.

What is the current account in a bank? ›

A current account means a form of demand deposit, where withdrawals are allowed any number of times, depending upon the balance in the account or up to a particular agreed amount.

How do savings accounts compare with current accounts? ›

What is the difference between a current account and a savings account?
Current AccountSavings Account
You don't always earn interest on your balanceYou will earn interest on your balance
Allow overdraftsDo not allow overdrafts
May have a high minimum balanceLow minimum balance
1 more row

Why do banks prefer current account? ›

One of the most important features of a current account is the fact that it bears no interest at all. The funds in a current account are always made available to the account holder whenever needed, and to compensate for this extra liquidity that the bank provides, there is no interest charged on current accounts.

Can I use my current account for personal use? ›

Compared to savings account, a current account requires a higher minimum balance. It is designed to facilitate frequent transactions - transfer funds, receive cheques, cash, etc. A current account can be operated by individuals, proprietary concerns, public and private companies, associations, trusts, etc.

What are the disadvantages of a current account? ›

No interest or low interest: Traditionally, current accounts do not offer interest, and even if they do, the interest rates might not be as attractive as savings accounts. Minimum balance requirements: Some types of current accounts do have minimum balance requirements, failing which there could be penalties.

What is the difference between a bank and a savings bank? ›

A commercial bank may offer you or your business a savings and checking account, a mortgage, business and student loans and even investment advice. A savings and loan institution specializes in mortgage and home loans and may provide the same kinds of checking and savings accounts as a bank.

What is the difference between current account and checking account? ›

Checking account and current account can be used interchangeably. There is no significant difference between the two terms in terms of the basic functions of the account. “Current Account” is more commonly used in the United Kingdom, while “Checking Account” is more commonly used in the United States.

How do I know if my account is savings or current? ›

Current Account: There is no cap on number of transactions. Savings account: Suitable for individuals to deposit salaries and also for saving funds for emergencies. Current account: Suitable for business enterprises and institutions that make frequent transactions.

What is the difference between a savings account and a current account? ›

A savings account is most suitable for people who are salaried employees or have a monthly income, whereas, Current Accounts work best for traders and entrepreneurs who need to access their accounts frequently. Savings accounts earn interest at a rate of around 4%, while there is no such earning from a Current Account.

Is current the same as savings account? ›

Savings accounts typically have lower fees and provide interest, though at lower rates, while current accounts may come with more fees and offer little to no interest. You can even choose to maintain both types of accounts, tailoring each to your distinct financial needs.

What are the disadvantages of savings accounts? ›

Cons of Savings Accounts
  • Interest Rates Can Vary. Interest rates for both traditional and high-yield savings accounts can vary along with the federal funds rate, the benchmark interest rate set by the Federal Reserve. ...
  • May Have Minimum Balance Requirements. ...
  • May Charge Fees. ...
  • Interest Is Taxable.
Sep 11, 2023

Is a savings account better than a current account? ›

Savings accounts

These often pay a higher interest rate, so the more money you have in the account, the more you can earn. Therefore, if you want to store a large amount of money that you don't need to use for your day-to-day transactions, then a savings account may be better for you rather than a current account.

How do I know if my bank account is current or savings? ›

Banks offering Savings Account facilities generally limit the maximum number of transactions you can conduct monthly. The permitted limit without incurring fees is typically between three and five monthly transactions. However, in the case of a Current Account, there's no limit on the number of transactions allowed.

What are the disadvantages of current account over savings account? ›

No interest or low interest: Traditionally, current accounts do not offer interest, and even if they do, the interest rates might not be as attractive as savings accounts. Minimum balance requirements: Some types of current accounts do have minimum balance requirements, failing which there could be penalties.

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