Can Someone Run a Credit Check Without My Permission? (2024)

In this article:

  • Who Can Access My Credit Report?
  • Who Can Check My Credit Without Permission?
  • How Do I Know if My Credit Was Checked?
  • How Does a Credit Check Affect My Credit Score?
  • What Can I Do to Keep Someone From Getting My Credit Report?

The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) has a strict limit on who can check your credit and under what circ*mstance. The law regulates credit reporting and ensures that only business entities with a specific, legitimate purpose, and not members of the general public, can check your credit without written permission.

The circ*mstances surrounding the release of your financial information vary widely. Knowing when and why someone can check your credit is important to retaining your privacy and making sure people aren't learning more about you than they should. Read on to find out who can check your reports, what permission—if any—they need, and how to stay on top of keeping your personal information private.

Who Can Access My Credit Report?

When you apply for something—like a new line of credit, a new job or an apartment rental—the lender or business you're dealing with may want to look at your credit reports. They do this to evaluate your risk as a consumer and to gain insight into your past financial dealings. In these cases, most entities are required to ask for your permission before pulling your credit reports.

The following are examples of entities that often request permission to check your credit as a result of an application or initiation of some sort of business relationship:

  • Banks and other lenders
  • Utility companies
  • Insurance companies
  • Landlords
  • Employers

Who Can Check My Credit Without Permission?

In most of the cases above, the entities will need your permission to request and view your credit reports. There are some situations, however, in which a business will check your credit through a soft inquiry, also known as a soft pull, to determine whether you're eligible for a preapproved offer. In many cases, businesses with a legitimate reason can initiate a soft pull without your permission. (If you've received a targeted credit card offer in the mail, it was probably a result of a soft pull by a lender.)

Soft inquiries also occur when you check your own credit report or when you use credit monitoring services from companies like Experian. These inquiries do not impact your credit scores.

Beyond soft pulls, there are other situations in which an entity may not need your permission to check your credit. According to the FCRA, some of those situations could be:

  • In response to a court order or federal grand jury subpoena
  • In connection with your application for a license or other benefit granted by the government, when consideration of financial responsibility is required by law
  • In connection with a child support determination, under certain circ*mstances
  • In connection with a credit or insurance transaction not initiated by you, when a firm offer of credit or insurance is extended, and certain other restrictions are met
  • For the purposes of a potential investor assessing the risk of a current obligation

How Do I Know if My Credit Was Checked?

There is a section in your credit reports that tells you exactly who has checked your credit and when. Periodically monitoring your credit can help you understand who is looking at your credit reports and can help you make sure that no one is requesting your personal information without your permission. It can also help you avoid letting any fraudsters open bogus accounts under your name.

You can learn more about how to read your credit reports and can get a free copy of your credit reports and scores through Experian to learn more about how many inquiries, if any, appear in your credit file.

How Does a Credit Check Affect My Credit Score?

Checking your own credit does not affect your credit score. Pulling your own reports is considered a soft inquiry and will not impact your score. Hard inquiries—or ones that are triggered by a new credit application—remain in your credit reports for up to two years and have the potential to impact your score. The effect they have on your score will depend on other features of your credit, but typically the impact, if any, will disappear or diminish within one year.

What Can I Do to Keep Someone From Getting My Credit Report?

Be vigilant and make sure to check your credit often so you know who is viewing your credit reports. This can help you keep track of your credit applications and can also protect you from fraud, as a new hard inquiry could indicate that a fraudster tried to open an account in your name.

Make sure you read all the fine print when applying for products or services and when inquiring about new credit. It may be unclear when a hard inquiry will be recorded as a result of an application or request, so it's helpful to read carefully to make sure you're not racking up inquiries without knowing it.

If you're not sure who has checked your credit it the past two years, get a free copy of your credit report from Experian to see what appears. You can also check out Experian's CreditWorksSM product to learn how you can periodically monitor your credit file and be alerted when changes occur in your credit file.

Can Someone Run a Credit Check Without My Permission? (2024)


Can Someone Run a Credit Check Without My Permission? ›

The short answer is no — a car salesman or soon-to-be-ex-spouse can't get a copy of your credit report without permission, and that's due to the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA).

Can someone run your credit report without you knowing about it explain? ›

Soft inquiries happen all the time without you even knowing—a company might check your credit score if they're planning on mailing you a promotional offer. These inquiries don't affect your credit score at all. But hard inquiries require your actual consent before they can happen.

Can anyone run a credit check on anyone? ›

Access to credit reports is restricted to businesses with a specific need, and to consumers who request their own report. You may get another person's report if you have power of attorney or are the executor of an estate, or with permission. You may also obtain the report of your child, if he or she is a minor.

Can someone check my credit without my social security number? ›

If you do not have a Social Security number, credit bureaus can access your credit history using the other identifiers like your name, date of birth, address, and employment history.

Can you legally check someone's credit score? ›

You will need a valid reason to pull a person's credit report, and some personal information will also be required to prove that they have authorized the inquiry (this is why landlords almost always ask for Social Security Numbers with rent applications).

Can credit bureaus get your info without your consent? ›

Under the law, credit bureaus and other CRAs can release your information only to those third parties that have certified that they have a purpose permitted by the law to obtain your consumer report, such as to evaluate your application for credit, insurance, or employment, or to rent you an apartment.

Can a company run your credit card without authorization? ›

First of all, a business can't charge your card without your permission. It would need to get your authorization first. This holds true whether you're paying with your smartphone or for any other online card-not-present transaction.

Can someone check my credit without my consent? ›

The bottom line

Even those who want access to your report can only ask for it if they have a legally permissible reason to do so. Both the credit reporting bureau and the person seeking access without a “permissible purpose” can be held liable if they breach the FCRA.

How can I see if someone ran my credit report? ›

When you request a copy of your credit report, you will see a list of anyone who has requested your credit report within the past year, including any employers or prospective employers who have requested your report within the past two years for employment purposes.

Can you sue someone for running your credit without permission? ›

Right to Seek Damages: If a credit bureau, a user of consumer reports, or a provider of information to a bureau violates the FCRA, you may be able to sue in state or federal court for damages. Additionally, companies may face a penalty for running credit without permission.

How to run a credit check on someone else? ›

Contact one of three credit reporting agencies.

Three national credit reporting agencies do credit checks on individuals. They are Equifax, Experian and TransUnion. Going through one of these agencies is the only legitimate way to obtain someone's credit report.

Can someone do a credit search on me? ›

Your credit report can be securely accessed by a company if they need information about you – for example, when you request to set up mobile phone contract, apply for a mortgage, or get a loan.

Can someone run my credit report without me knowing? ›

Now, the good news is that lenders can't just access your credit report without your consent. The Fair Credit Reporting Act states that only businesses with a legitimate reason to check your credit report can do so, and generally, you have to consent in writing to having your credit report pulled.

How do I check if my SSN is being used? ›

Review the earnings posted to your record on your Social Security Statement and report any inconsistencies to us. Contact the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) at 1-800-908-4490 or visit them online, if you believe someone is using your SSN to work, get your tax refund, or other abuses involving taxes.

Can someone apply for credit with my Social Security number? ›

A dishonest person who has your Social Security number can use it to get other personal information about you. Identity thieves can use your number and your good credit to apply for more credit in your name.

Who can run a credit check? ›

While the general public can't see your credit report, some groups have legal access to that personal information. Those groups include lenders, creditors, landlords, employers, insurance companies, government agencies and utility providers.

Can I call someone to check my credit score? ›

Each major credit bureau has a main customer service support phone number: Experian: 888-397-3742. Equifax: 888-378-4329. TransUnion: 888-909-8872.

How much does it cost to check someone's credit score? ›

Fees paid to the three major credit bureaus – Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion – or an online tenant screening service generally run between $25 and $75, depending on the information requested.

Can someone check my credit score without my permission? ›

Can Anyone Check Your Credit? The short answer is no. Legally speaking, a person or organization can check your credit only under certain circ*mstances. Someone either needs to have what's called “permissible purpose” or have your permission and cooperation in the process for the credit check to be considered legal.

Is it illegal for someone to check your credit score? ›

It won't show up as a search engine result, and your loved ones can't request it, regardless of your relationship. If an individual does use your personal information to obtain your credit history, you can sue for actual damages or $1,000 — whichever is greater — according to legal website Nolo.

What is the 7 year rule for credit report? ›

The 7-year rule means that each negative remark remains on your report for 7 years (possibly more depending on the remark). However, after that period has ended, a remark will most probably fall off of your report.

How do I find out who ran my credit? ›

All you have to do to verify a company checked your credit report is get a copy. Every time someone, including you, checks your credit history an inquiry is added instantly. Your personal credit report lists all of the inquiries, including some not seen by anyone else.

How to dispute an unauthorized credit inquiry? ›

  1. Contact the company that made the inquiry. ...
  2. Report and document the fraud. ...
  3. Notify the credit bureaus. ...
  4. Place a fraud alert. ...
  5. Dispute the unauthorized inquiry with the credit bureaus.
Jul 19, 2023

What is it called when someone uses your credit card without permission? ›

Credit card fraud is when somebody makes unauthorized purchases using a stolen or misappropriated credit card (or card number).

How can you find out if someone is using your credit score? ›

The best way to find out if someone has opened an account in your name is to pull your own credit reports to check. Note that you'll need to pull your credit reports from all three bureaus — Experian, Equifax and TransUnion — to check for fraud since each report may have different information and reporting.

Can someone pull my credit report? ›

The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) has a strict limit on who can check your credit and under what circ*mstance. The law regulates credit reporting and ensures that only business entities with a specific, legitimate purpose, and not members of the general public, can check your credit without written permission.

Do you have the right to know who has used your credit reports? ›

You also have the right to know who has requested your credit report in the last year or, for employment-related requests, two years. Accurate Reporting – If inaccurate information is discovered in your file, the consumer reporting agency must examine the disputed information, usually within 30 days.

What does it mean when someone runs your credit? ›

A hard inquiry, or a "hard pull," occurs when you apply for a new line of credit, such as a credit card or loan. It means that a creditor has requested to look at your credit file to determine how much risk you pose as a borrower. Hard inquiries show up on your credit report and can affect your credit score.

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