Bitcoin halving (2024)

Bitcoin halves due to the design of its software, which was created by a mysterious person or group using the assumed pseudonym ‘Satoshi Nakamoto’.

While Satoshi hasn’t explicitly explained the reasons behind halvings, many have speculated that the system was designed to distribute coins more quickly at the beginning to incentivise people to join the network and mine new blocks. Under this theory, block rewards were programmed to halve at regular intervals because the value of each coin rewarded was deemed likely to increase as the network expanded.

Another theory is that the halvings were put in place to introduce deflationary measures into the coin, so the number of new coins rewarded per block is pre-determined. Unlike the fiat monetary system where overprinting by central banks can result in sustained reduction in the value of the currency, the fixed total supply of bitcoin available and the pre-determined rate of printing new bitcoins hedges against this risk.

One criticism of bitcoin’s design – including halvings and the finite supply of 21 million coins – is that it encourages users to save rather than spend in the hopes that coins will increase in value over time. This may have fuelled boom and bust cycles in the past, with users hoarding coins only to cash out at key levels.

Some have also compared bitcoin to a pyramid (Ponzi) scheme for similar reasons, arguing that the system’s design has disproportionately rewarded users who got in early.

Bitcoin halving (2024)


Will Bitcoin go up or down after halving? ›

Halving reduces the supply of new bitcoins, which should in theory increase the price. It is an economic axiom that if demand for an asset remains stable while its supply decreases, its price should go up.

What will happen after Bitcoin halving in 2024? ›

After the halving, the rate of issuance of new bitcoin as well as the rewards for successful bitcoin miners are cut in half. There can only be 21 million bitcoin, and fewer new tokens entering circulation could impact bitcoin prices. That's why the halving is watched closely by miners and investors alike.

How many Bitcoin halvings are left? ›

There will be many more Bitcoin halvings in the future, as they will continue until the last Bitcoin is mined. In total, there will be 32 Bitcoin halvings, which means there are 28 more halvings left to go. Bitcoin has a maximum supply of 21 million BTC, of which 19.7 million have already been mined.

Is Bitcoin halving bullish? ›

Bitcoin halving is considered bullish because each event reduces the rate at which future bitcoins are created. This then boosts the scarcity and value of existing bitcoins.

How much will 1 Bitcoin be worth in 2025? ›

Bitcoin (BTC) Price Prediction 2030
2025$ 69,577.07
2026$ 73,055.92
2027$ 76,708.72
2030$ 88,799.93
1 more row

What will Bitcoin hit in 2024? ›

The 2024 Bitcoin halving is expected to happen on April 17, 2024, and is being highly anticipated. Experts, including Robert Kiyosaki, have predicted that Bitcoin could reach $100,000 by June 2024, while Standard Chartered suggests that Bitcoin could soar to $200,000 by the end of the year.

Should I buy Bitcoin before or after halving? ›

Consider this: if it were universally anticipated that bitcoin's value would surge immediately following the 2024 halving, investors would likely move to acquire bitcoin before the event, driving up its price in the present rather than in the future.

How much will Bitcoin be worth in the next 10 years? ›

What will Bitcoin be in 10 years? Projecting a 10-year growth in a volatile asset like Bitcoin seems a far-stretched notion. However, the BTC price is expected to cross $300,000 by 2030. With global adoption, a single Bitcoin could be worth a million dollars.

How much will Bitcoin be worth in 2040? ›

Based on our long-term Bitcoin Coin price forecast, we anticipated that prices could reach a new all-time high this year. By 2040, the maximum price of the BTC Coin is projected to be around $5,69,240.60. Our average price forecast for Bitcoin is $5,57,632.74 in 2040.

How long after halving does Bitcoin peak? ›

Each halving has resulted in peak prices (prior to a big correction) between 10 and 16 months from the actual event.

Who owns the most Bitcoin? ›

Satoshi Nakamoto, the pseudonymous creator of Bitcoin, is believed to own the most bitcoins, with estimates suggesting over 1 million BTC mined in the early days of the network.

Will Bitcoin halving affect altcoins? ›

Altcoins will react differently to the Bitcoin halving depending on various factors, including tokenomics, value proposition and its overall contribution toward financial freedom.

Will BTC crash after halving? ›

The halving will likely not cause a significant movement in price on the day it happens. Part of the economic impact of the halving has likely already occurred, with investors buying bitcoin in anticipation of the event, and the aftershocks of the halving will continue for months or years afterward, experts say.

Does bitcoin value increase after halving? ›

For example, BTC surged about 5,500% in the four years following the first halving, by about 1,250% in the cycle following the second halving and by roughly 700% in the current cycle. And bitcoin is hit an all-time high this year, whereas during past halvings it has traded 40% to 50% below prior highs.

Is bitcoin halving a good thing? ›

Is Bitcoin halving good or bad? Halving is one of the core economics attracting investors to Bitcoin. This is because, unlike fiat currencies that are bound to be inflationary due to their ever-increasing supply, Bitcoin is capped at a maximum supply, and halvings reduce its inflation rate.

How long after bitcoin halving does price go up? ›

The historical correlation between halving events and the bitcoin price exists, with the price of bitcoin substantially increasing approximately six months after the halving days from 2012, 2017, and 2020.

Will Bitcoin mining be profitable after halving? ›

While miners can earn revenue from transaction fees, they earn the majority of their money from block rewards, which will essentially be cut in half after the halving, he says.

Is bitcoin going to go back up? ›

Our most recent Bitcoin price forecast indicates that its value will increase by 12.35% and reach $74,901 by June 18, 2024.

Will bitcoin halving affect other coins? ›

When its supply is reduced through halving, and if the demand stays constant or increases, we often see a ripple effect on the prices of other cryptocurrencies.

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