2021 Natixis Global Survey of Individual Investors ESG Insights | Natixis Investment Managers (2024)

Values alignment is only the tip of the iceberg for ESG

Six insights from the 2021 Natixis Global Survey of Individual Investors

By Dave Goodsell

As the global economy experienced an 18-month run of shutdowns, lockdowns, and supply chain disruptions, ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) investing has racked up impressive numbers. Record sales in Q4 2020 totaled $152 billion, and total assets invested worldwide reached $1.6 trillion,1 according to Morningstar. By Q4 2021 ESG strategies were on a winning streak in which annualized returns for S&P 500 ESG index outperformed the S&P 500 by 1.53% for the one year period ending October 29, 2021 and 2.06% since its inception on January 28, 2019.2

With the numbers aligned in this way, it’s no wonder that the 2021 Natixis Global Survey of Individual Investors finds that one in four of those invested in ESG say they made their first investment in the past 12 months. While performance most certainly contributed to the dramatic uptick in investment, a deeper look at the numbers shows there is much more behind investors' adoption of ESG.


ESG investors aren’t who (or where) you think

Conventional wisdom says that ESG adoption has been driven by socially conscious Millennials who want their assets to drive environmental, social and ethical change. While that trend can be seen in the data from our survey of 8,550 investors in 24 countries, there’s more to it than meets the eye.

Our group of affluent investors ($100,000 or more in investable assets) is evenly split between 2,459 Millennials (age 25–40), 2,852 Generation X (age 41–56), and 2,887 Boomers (age 57–75). And while ESG investors skew younger, the difference is not all that great: 27% of Millennials say they are invested in ESG, but so do 20% of Generation X and 18% of Baby Boomers. Millennials may have been among the early adopters, but older investors are now warming up to ESG.

ESG investing is keeping the pace among older investors

Investors who invest in ESG

Gen X14%20%

Conventional wisdom also holds that Europe is leading the way in ESG adoption, but survey data shows that isn’t the case among individual investors. Among those surveyed we find North America (28%) is slightly ahead of Europe (22%) and Asia (22%) in ESG investment. What’s most surprising is that it is US investors (32%) who contribute to this higher number, as only 16% of Canadians report owning ESG investments.

Current investment is lowest in Latin America (13%), but that is likely to change dramatically over time as the region has a significantly large number of investors who say they are interested in ESG even if they have not yet made an investment.


Half of those not yet invested are interested in ESG

While one in five globally (21%) have made investments in ESG, there are more than twice as many investors who say they are interested (49%). In fact, 62% of investors in Latin America say they’re interested, including 65% of those in Colombia/Peru and Mexico, 60% in Argentina/Uruguay and Chile.

Just over half of those in Asia say they’re interested, including 58% in Hong Kong and 56% in Taiwan. Interest runs slightly behind in Europe (45%). While North America may have the largest number who have already invested, it’s where the smallest number (39%) say they are interested.

So, if they’re interested, what keeps them from investing? Those surveyed say the biggest roadblock to making an investment is that they simply don’t know enough about ESG (41%). This should not be confused with awareness. Only 17% in this group claim they don’t know what ESG is. What they likely need is more details on how different strategies work and where ESG fits into their own investment plans.

What keeps investors from investing in ESG funds?

41% I don’t know enough

21% I’m not sure it makes a difference on non-financial issues

20% My advisor doesn’t offer ESG investments

19% I don’t want to sacrifice investment performance

17% I don’t know what they are

This need runs strongest in Latin America. In an area where interest is above 60%, half of investors say they need to know more before they invest. This includes 54% of those in Colombia/Peru, 47% of those in Chile, and 53% in Argentina/Uruguay.

Few worry about the efficacy of these strategies in addressing ESG issues. Only 21% say a lack of information on non-financial performance keeps them from investing. Fewer still are worried that ESG will hurt their financial results, as only one in five think they will have to sacrifice investment performance with an ESG strategy. Investor sentiment has shifted dramatically since 2017 when 64% of those surveyed believed they had to sacrifice some return potential to have investments that match their personal values. In fact, 2021 results show no country where more than one-quarter of investors worried about making this sacrifice with ESG investments.


ESG investment driven by enlightened self-interest

Conventional wisdom might also hold that individuals want to invest in ESG solely to align their assets with their personal values, but those surveyed are just as likely to find a profit motive in ESG. Given the global focus on global warming and sustainability, it is not surprising that 41% of ESG investors say they invest this way to help support the environment. But other data demonstrates a more pragmatic view in which their support for global issues intersects with investment strategy.

Investors are just likely to say they invest in ESG to open up new opportunity as in order to “make a better world,” both 37%. Almost the same number say they look to ESG to help them align their assets with their personal values (36%) as say they think ESG is just a better way to invest (35%).

Rather than limiting their expectations on ESG to aligning assets and values, individual investors are connecting their ESG investments to current business trends, as 45% say it is important to invest in companies that are transitioning to a more sustainable business model. Sentiment for this investment thesis is surprisingly strong among older investors: Boomers (48%) are followed closely by Gen X (44%) and Millennials (43%).

In general, many investors (40%) are satisfied with the performance of their ESG investments. Most significantly, 52% of those in the US indicate their satisfaction. One potential drawback to investor satisfaction may be the outsized return expectations they have for all investments. Globally investors say they expect long-term returns of 14.5% above inflation, or about 174% of what financial advisors around the world say is realistic (5.3%).

Where sentiment runs strongest:

Why do you make ESG investments?

To make a better world



















To open up a new investment opportunity















It’s a better way to invest















To align assets and values


















Individuals extend ESG responsibility to government and businesses

Large numbers of investors share a strong commitment to ESG investing, but their beliefs extend well beyond personal responsibility to include the policy makers and the private sector. This comes through clearly in their views on all aspects including the E, the S and the G.

On the environmental side, investors say they would like to take action with their money. Two-thirds of those surveyed say that if a fund demonstrated a better carbon footprint, they would be more inclined to invest. Younger investors demonstrate an even higher affinity for this measure: 73% of Millennials agree that a better carbon footprint could be a key factor in their investment decision compared to 60% of Boomers.

Millennials were also more likely to say ESG factors influence their sell decisions. More than four in ten (43%) in this generation said they had sold an investment because of a company’s poor ESG performance. Only 29% of Boomers claim to have taken similar action with their investments.

Who is responsible for addressing social issues?

2021 Natixis Global Survey of Individual Investors ESG Insights | Natixis Investment Managers (1)58%

of investors say they have a responsibility

2021 Natixis Global Survey of Individual Investors ESG Insights | Natixis Investment Managers (2)78%

say it’s the government’s responsibility

2021 Natixis Global Survey of Individual Investors ESG Insights | Natixis Investment Managers (3)82%

say it’s the responsibility of companies

On the social side of the equation, six in ten investors (58%) worldwide – particularly those in Thailand (74%), China (71%) and Taiwan (69%) – believe they have a responsibility to help solve social issues with their investments. Yet despite this high level of perceived personal responsibility, investors are more likely to say it’s government’s responsibility (78%) to address these issues. Even more investors (82%) say companies should also play a role.

Governance also weighs heavily on the minds of investors, and more than three-quarters of investors (77%) believe it’s their responsibility to keep companies accountable for their impact on society. Another 53% believe the best way to send a message to a company is to sell its stock.

Over the past 50 years there has been a prevailing view in markets that companies are solely responsible for creating shareholder value, but many investors are asking for more. In fact, 60% of those surveyed disagreed with the idea that companies are solely responsible to their shareholders, and not to society. Instead, a majority of investors indicate that they would like to see more action on ESG issues from all sides, including their fund managers.


High expectations for ESG with fund managers

The high expectations investors hold for themselves, policy makers, and private companies extend equally to the asset managers who run their investments. ESG integration is top of mind for a majority of investors, as three-quarters expect their fund managers to look at more than the financial aspect of a company when researching an investment. Investors also expect active ESG management with ongoing investments, as more than half (55%) believe fund managers should sell out of companies with poor ESG records.

Investors also have high expectations for their fund managers to practice active ownership with the investments they hold. Seven in ten investors worldwide expect their fund manager to vote all the shares they own. Even more (74%) expect their fund manager to engage with the companies they’re invested with to influence both better business and ESG practices.

Investors expect fund managers to be active owners

expect fund managers to vote all the shares they own

expect their fund managers to engage with the companies in which they’re invested

With the rising number of ESG-labeled products proliferating worldwide, investor sentiment indicates that they are smart shoppers when it comes to selecting investments. In evaluating funds, they are likely to look closely at the fund’s makeup and 65% believe there are certain controversial sectors – coal, tobacco, weapons, and others – that should always be excluded from ESG products.


ESG is becoming an integral part of advisor relationships

Increasingly, ESG investing is becoming part of the conversation between investors and their financial professional. In fact, 59% of investors worldwide say their advisor has spoken to them about ESG investments, an increase of 8% over the 51% of investors who said so in 2016. Another 56% say their advisor has gone so far as to ask if there are ESG issues that are important to them. Results from our survey suggest that advisors may want to open this line of questioning with more clients.

Most frequently, it is Millennial investors (68%) who say their advisor is speaking with them about ESG, while the same is true for 60% of those in Generation X and only 52% of Boomers. It is interesting to note that while fewer Boomers are ESG investors (18% of Boomers vs. 27% of Millennials), there is still a significant number of Boomers (44%) who say they are interested. Like the younger generation, they are likely to say the reason they don’t invest is that they don’t know enough (42%).

How investors ask advisors for ESG


ask for ESG factors to be included in the investment analysis


ask about investing in companies solving big global issues


ask to invest in companies aligned with personal values


ask to exclude companies that conflict with their values

At the same time as advisors ask more about client interests, individual investors are becoming clearer in how they ask for ESG. Half take the direct route and ask for ESG factors to be included in the investment analysis process alongside other financial factors. Four in ten (42%) also ask to participate in the opportunity to invest in companies that are solving big global issues. They are also more likely to favor positive screening, by asking to invest in companies that reflect their values (41%) rather than screening out those that conflict with their values (35%).

What’s beneath the surface?

Recent outperformance has helped to shine the spotlight on ESG investing, and the market has responded with a 30% uptick in the number of investors choosing these strategies for their portfolios. A closer look at the numbers shows that investors have a longer-term view on investing this way that looks past immediate performance benefits. At the same time, their goal for ESG investing is not just to “save the world.”

Instead, as ESG becomes more widely adopted and investors are learning more about the different kinds of ESG investments, a more holistic view is coming into focus. Call it enlightened self-interest in which individuals see that with the right ESG strategy they may have an opportunity to pursue both the values many want and the financial performance they expect.

About the Survey
Natixis Investment Managers surveyed 8,550 investors globally across 24 countries in March and April 2021, with the goal of understanding their views on the markets and investing.

An online quantitative survey of 43 questions was hosted by CoreData Research. Each of the 8,550 individual investors had minimum net investable assets of US $100,000 (or Purchase Price Parity [PPP] equivalent).

2021 Natixis Global Survey of Individual Investors ESG Insights | Natixis Investment Managers (4)

1 © 2021 Morningstar, Inc. Global Sustainable Fund Flows: Q4 2020 in Review. All Rights Reserved. The information contained herein: (1) is proprietary to Morningstar and/or its content providers; (2) may not be copied or distributed; (3) does not constitute investment advice offered by Morningstar; and (4) is not warranted to be accurate, complete or timely. Neither Morningstar nor its content providers are responsible for any damages or losses arising from any use of this information. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Use of information from Morningstar does not necessarily constitute agreement by Morningstar, Inc. of any investment philosophy or strategy presented in this publication. Reproduced with permission.

2 FactSet.

3 Natixis Investment Managers, Global Survey of Individual Investors conducted by CoreData Research, February-March 2019. Survey included 9,100 investors from 25 countries.

The data shown represents the opinion of those surveyed, and may change based on market and other conditions. It should not be construed as investment advice.

This material is provided for informational purposes only and should not be construed as investment advice. The views and opinions expressed are as of October 2021 and may change based on market and other conditions. There can be no assurance that developments will transpire as forecasted, and actual results may vary.

Past performance is no guarantee of, and not necessarily indicative of, future results.

All investing involves risk, including the risk of loss. No investment strategy or risk management technique can guarantee return or eliminate risk in all market environments. Investment risk exists with equity, fixed income, and alternative investments. There is no assurance that any investment will meet its performance objectives or that losses will be avoided.

Sustainable investing focuses on investments in companies that relate to certain sustainable development themes and demonstrate adherence to environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices, therefore the Fund’s universe of investments may be reduced. It may sell a security when it could be disadvantageous to do so or forgo opportunities in certain companies, industries, sectors or countries. This could have a negative impact on performance depending on whether such investments are in or out of favor.

Natixis Distribution, LLC is a limited purpose broker-dealer and the distributor of various registered investment companies for which advisory services are provided by affiliates of Natixis Investment Managers.


2021 Natixis Global Survey of Individual Investors ESG Insights | Natixis Investment Managers (2024)


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Ranked as the 18th largest asset manager worldwide with €1,079 billion in assets under management (as of December 31, 2022), Natixis Investment Managers helps institutional investors, investment funds, corporations, and individuals to build up their investment portfolios by offering them a range of tailored solutions.

How much is invested in ESG funds? ›

Until recently, investors were pouring money into ESG and sustainability funds — roughly $20 billion in 2019, $50 billion in 2020 and $70 billion in 2021, said Alyssa Stankiewicz, who researches ESG funds at Morningstar.

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ESG assets are set to reach over $40 trillion by 2030 in line with our inaugural BI ESG Market Navigator study, which revealed that investor appetite remains resilient with over 85% of asset managers planning to boost ESG AUM.

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More than half of investors plan to increase their ESG-orientated investments in 2024, according to a survey from deVere Group. Nigel Green, CEO of deVere Group, described the surge in ESG-oriented investments as “not just a statistical blip” but a reflection of a “fundamental shift” in investors' mindsets.

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🏆 Natixis CIB has been recognized as “Global Repo Team of the Year” and “European Repo Team of the Year”, as part of the Securities Finance Times' Industry Excellence Awards 2023.

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BlackRock, Inc. is an American multinational investment company. Founded in 1988, initially as an enterprise risk management and fixed income institutional asset manager, BlackRock is the world's largest asset manager, with US$10 trillion in assets under management as of December 31, 2023.

Why are investors pulling out of ESG funds? ›

Global investors pulled £8billion from woke ESG funds last year amid a backlash over greenwashing and the 'vague' promises they offer. Figures from industry group Calastone show the three-year boom in the funds focused on environmental, social and governance issues was now over.

Who is the largest ESG asset manager? ›

Vanguard Group

As of 2023, Vanguard manages more than US$8tn in assets, making it one of the largest asset managers globally.

Is ESG investing legal? ›

In its 2020 ESG rule, the DOL discounted the consideration of ESG factors by fiduciaries as being economically relevant. However, under the Biden administration, the DOL reversed course and deemed ESG a permissible factor for consideration if undertaken in the context of a risk/return analysis.

Where does ESG money come from? ›

IS IT JUST MILLENNIALS DOING IT? No, the vast majority of money in ESG investments comes from huge investors like pension funds, insurance companies, endowments at universities and foundations and other big institutional investors.

Who invented ESG? ›

It refers to a set of metrics used to measure an organization's environmental and social impact and has become increasingly important in investment decision-making over the years. But while the term ESG was first coined in 2004 by the United Nations Global Compact, the concept has been around for much longer.

What is ESG in simple words? ›

ESG means using Environmental, Social and Governance factors to assess the sustainability of companies and countries. These three factors are seen as best embodying the three major challenges facing corporations and wider society, now encompassing climate change, human rights and adherence to laws.

Why not to invest in ESG? ›

Another objection to investing on ESG principles is that because so many investors are attracted to companies with high ESG scores, the prices for such securities are inflated. Thanks to their popularity, their past performances have been strong, but their future returns will be weaker.

Why is everyone investing in ESG? ›

Investors increasingly believe companies that perform well on ESG are less risky, better positioned for the long term and better prepared for uncertainty. Companies that realign to the stakeholder capitalism agenda may have a competitive advantage over those that try to return to business as usual.

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Our businesses strive to deliver environmental, social and governance (ESG) solutions that help reduce risk, enhance value and expand the frontiers of sustainable finance.

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Rating History
Date :10-Jan-202427-Oct-2021
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Natixis Reviews FAQs

Is Natixis a good company to work for? Natixis has an overall rating of 3.9 out of 5, based on over 2,868 reviews left anonymously by employees. 79% of employees would recommend working at Natixis to a friend and 58% have a positive outlook for the business.

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Natixis CIB is the market leader in 2022 in Equity Capital Markets (ECM), ranking #1 in France(1) with 13% market share. Thanks to its Strategic Equity Capital Markets team, Natixis CIB successfully completed 15 equity capital transactions and raised funds for more than €8.5 bn on behalf of its clients in 2022.

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