20 Ways to Use A Bag of Greens (2024)

Greens like spinach, chard, and kale are not only healthyand FULLof vitamins, they’re also incredibly versatile! Check out this list of twenty ways to use a bag of greens.

20 Ways to Use A Bag of Greens (1)

I am ALLLLL about making shopping simpler and buying ingredients that can be used in a variety of ways. I tend to buy them same things at the grocery store, with a few special buys here and there, and then use those staple ingredients for dozens of different recipes.

I buy a few gallons of milk and use it for drinking (of course),yogurt, stovetopricotta, homemade ice cream, pudding cups, and more. I pick up a bag of dried beans to cook and use in burritos, chili, nachos, egg rolls, quesadillas…you get the picture.

And I ALWAYS have a bag of mixed greens on hand. Most often, I buy the “Power Greens” from Costco– just five dollars for a big bag of chard, spinach, and kale.

20 Ways to Use A Bag of Greens (2)

This bag of greens is really like having a handful of magic beans. You can magically use this one ingredient in so many different recipes and foods!

Of course, saving money and simplifying your grocery shopping is a good motivator. But adding extra vitamins and nutrients into your foods at breakfast, lunch, and dinner is even better.

We all know that greens are incredibly good for you. Spinach, kale, and chard in particular are very high in vitamins A, C, and K. They’re also good sources of iron, magnesium, antioxidants, and more.

The great thing about greens is that they taste great on their own, but they also mix well with a ton of other ingredients and foods. If they were in grade school, “plays well with others” would be on their report cards.

If you want to find more ways to get more greens in your diet, then this list is for you. Seriously, I try to add these greens into just about everything. I am only slightly kidding. I’m debating green cookies or sneaking some into a pan of brownies…

  1. Add them to smoothies.
  2. Makesautéed garlicky greens for a side at dinner.
  3. Mix the with cheese to make quesadillas.
  4. Use them insoup. (, or Extra Green Broccoli Cheese)
  5. Make a puree with a little water and add to fresh pasta dough for green pasta.
  6. Chop them up and add them to an omelet.
  7. Make 5-minute super greens pesto sauce.
  8. Use them in black bean and spinach egg rolls.
  9. Sauté them with garlic and make an amazing grilled cheese sandwich.
  10. Put them on a pizza.
  11. Toss them with a pasta dish.
  12. Add them to your freezer burrito filling.
  13. Make a layer of greens in your homemade lasagna.
  14. Put them in a batch of cheesy twisted breadsticks.
  15. Use them indelicious appetizer tartlets for a party.
  16. Mix them with lettuce for a healthy salad.
  17. Chop it and put it in a pasta salad.
  18. Use them to make spinach and artichoke dip.
  19. Make a puree of greens and stir into hummus for a green hummus dip.
  20. Add to a breakfast casserole.

I should note that I often use this bag of greens for any recipe that calls for spinach, kale, or chard. It’s one more step in keeping things simple around here.

20 Ways to Use A Bag of Greens (3)

If saving money (and still maintaining a healthy lifestyle) is your thing, then I want to tell you about my friend Erin’s new book that’s coming out next month. Not only does it have a beautifulcover, but it is also packed FULL of money-saving tips and advice. The book is written for women who want to stay home with their kids, andwomen who are already staying home, but I’m confident that anyone could benefit from Erin’s experience and expertise.

20 Ways to Use A Bag of Greens (4)

Erin has been scratch cooking for a long time, and of necessity has learned a myriad of ways to save money on groceries, clothes, and a dozen other expenses. She shares all this wisdom in easily digestible pieces in her new book. (See what I did there… #foodblogger).

I’m not saying everyone should ask for Erin’s book for Mother’s Day this year… And I’m not saying you should make sure someone orders the book before the release date so you get all the awesome preorder bonus… No, actually, that is EXACTLY what I am saying.

You Can Stay Home With Your Kids: 100 Tips, Tricks, and Ways to Make It Work On A Budget

20 Ways to Use A Bag of Greens (5)

You can order You Can Stay Home With Your Kids, and also find her first book More Than Just Making It (which is longer and includes more of her story) on Amazon.

Sharing is caring!Don’t forget topin and share. Thank you!

20 Ways to Use A Bag of Greens (6)

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20 Ways to Use A Bag of Greens (2024)


20 Ways to Use A Bag of Greens? ›

Put the greens in the blender with nuts you think will go well with them (spinach and almonds; kale and walnuts or pecans), plus some olive oil. Add in a clove or three of garlic, Parmesan cheese if you have it, and so forth. Experiment. And then you can freeze!

What to do with a bag of power greens? ›

The Easiest Way to Use Up Salad Greens Is to Cook Them
  1. Add them to eggs. Add a handful to eggs while you scramble them or get a bit fancy these eggs.
  2. Add them to soups and stews. Toss in a few handfuls to any variety of simmering soup, or try this dal.
  3. Add them to pasta. ...
  4. Add them to stir fries.
Mar 17, 2020

What to do with a lot of greens? ›

A few of my favs ways to use Sautéed Greens include:
  1. just as a side dish along any kind of protein.
  2. fold them into a pasta dish and add cheese - kinda like this.
  3. use the greens to stuff into a chicken breast before cooking.
  4. make sure any excess moisture is off the greens and use on top of pizza.
  5. add it into a larb bowl!
Jan 23, 2023

How to use greens about to go bad? ›

Put the greens in the blender with nuts you think will go well with them (spinach and almonds; kale and walnuts or pecans), plus some olive oil. Add in a clove or three of garlic, Parmesan cheese if you have it, and so forth. Experiment. And then you can freeze!

How do you use vegetable greens? ›

Many vegetable greens do well with a quick saute, Ly says. Start by cooking some onion or garlic in oil. Then add the greens and cook until they wilt. Season with salt and pepper, and for an extra flourish, finish with a bit of acid, such as lemon juice or vinegar.

Should you wash bagged greens? ›

Leafy green salads in sealed bags labeled "washed," "triple washed," or "ready-to-eat" that are produced in a facility inspected by a regulatory authority and operated under "Good Manufacturing Practices" (GMP): Do not need additional washing at the time of use unless specially directed on the label.

How long does a bag of greens last in the fridge? ›

While whole heads of lettuce can last as long as two weeks if properly stored, bagged lettuce that has already been cut or torn is likely to deteriorate more quickly—usually in about three to five days. The good news is that it's entirely possible to keep bagged salad fresh and extend the life of your greens.

How long does greens in a bag last? ›

Buy Whole Head Lettuces and Greens for Longer Shelf Life

And since the leaves in bags and boxes are often pre-cut, they generally have a shorter shelf life (three to five days) than whole heads (one to two weeks) after the date of purchase.

What to do with expired greens? ›

5 Ways to Use Up the Leafy Greens Going Bad in Your Fridge
  1. Freeze them. Blend your herbs with a bit of olive oil and pop them into your favorite ice cube molds. ...
  2. Make easy pesto. ...
  3. Add them to smoothies. ...
  4. Stir them into soup. ...
  5. Make a tasty Greek treat.
Feb 15, 2021

What to do with too many salad greens? ›

7 Creative ways to use Salad Greens (other than in salads)
  1. Blend them – yep into your smoothies! ...
  2. Wilt them (on purpose) ...
  3. Add them to a fruit salad. ...
  4. Make a bed for your eggs. ...
  5. Supersize your sandwich filling. ...
  6. Make a Salsa Verde or Sauce. ...
  7. Freeze them!
May 20, 2021

What is the best thing to mix greens in? ›

15 Ways to Make Super Greens Powder Taste Better
  1. Try Different Greens Powder Bases. Super greens powders dissolve and mix well with juice, tea, smoothies, almond milk, and more. ...
  2. Mix with Soup. ...
  3. Add to Hummus or Pesto. ...
  4. Mix with Salad Dressing. ...
  5. Blend in a Smoothie. ...
  6. Mix in Oatmeal. ...
  7. Combine with Breakfast. ...
  8. Bake a Treat.
Jun 7, 2022

What can I put on my greens to make them taste better? ›

  1. Shake With Cold Water and Ice. For some of the best-tasting greens, all you need is some ice and a good shake. ...
  2. Mix With Juice. ...
  3. Mix With a Sports Drink or Electrolyte Powder. ...
  4. Mix With Tea. ...
  5. Add Honey. ...
  6. Add Cocoa. ...
  7. Blend Into a Smoothie. ...
  8. Try Sparkling Water.
Aug 16, 2023

Should you eat greens raw or cooked? ›

When cooked, these vegetables can provide more antioxidants like lutein, beta-carotene and lycopene than when you eat them raw. Cooking vegetables can also increase your mineral intake. For instance, heating Swiss chard, spinach and beet greens can release their high amounts of calcium.

Can you freeze a bag of uncooked greens? ›

Greens freeze well, especially because when you pull them out you have no expectation that they'll be crispy (like green beans or something)! It is important that you keep them in a cold freezer (the colder it is the better they'll keep) and that there is never a thaw cycle in the freezer.

How do you preserve power greens? ›

The preferred method of preserving hearty greens is freezing because it provides a higher quality product than canning or drying. Heartier greens such as spinach, mustard greens, beet tops, collards, kale, and Swiss chard can be frozen. As a low acid food, greens can only be pressure canned.

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.