10 Creative Ways to Use Spent Coffee Grounds (2024)

In the morning, nothing quite goes down so nicely as a cup of coffee, sometimes even three or four. Most of us associate that morning favorite with terms like “pick-me-up” or “caffeine” or “eye-opener,” and the desired effect of a cup of coffee, (or maybe a pot), is so renowned and beloved that there is a whole collection of paraphernalia — mugs, t-shirts, signs and so on — to memorialize the passion with which coffee devotees approach the morning’s first cup.

In fact, so much interest has been put on the power of the beverage produced by coffee that it has distracted us from the other great resource the coffeemaker provides: spent coffee grounds. For every pot of coffee, there is something wondrously useful that more often than not gets thrown away. Well, that just seems insane! It’s time the world knew just how wonderful coffee grounds can be, even after the coffee has been brewed. (Hint, be sure to buy organic to get the most of these benefits and avoid pesticides in your cuppa.)

1. Get Green

It’s become fairly known, in this new day of composting, that coffee grounds are aces for the old compost heap. The basics of composting are that we want both “green” and “brown” compost matter. A good ratio to aim for is one part green — our coffee grounds, as well as vegetable scraps and actual green stuff like grass — to about thirty parts brown, such as dead leaves, cardboard, straw or paper. The green stuff provides nitrogen needed for healthy soil, which coffee grounds are full of.

2. Avoid Pests

As well as being nitrogen-rich, which means good for a little fertilizing in the garden, spent coffee grounds also repel garden pests like ants and slugs. Just sprinkle a bit around plants. Apparently, those perennial pests aren’t into pick-me-ups, so those grounds are a bit of soil enriching, chemical-free pesticide.

3. Don’t Make a Stink

Coffee grounds, as we all have seen, are quite absorbent: Put a few spoonfuls of grounds in the filter and soon enough they’ve filled the thing up. They are also excellent at absorbing bad smells (ironic, seeing as coffee smells so good), so spent grounds can be put in an open container in the fridge and/or freezer to neutralize unwanted odors, a la baking soda.

4. Scrub Down

Also similar to baking soda, coffee grounds are abrasive, and that translates into some quality cleaning. Sure, it sounds odd to use something we typical think of as trash to clean, but it works. The grounds are coarse enough to help with food and such stuck to surfaces, but they are mild enough not to damage anything. Just keep in mind that they might stain things like white grout or areas inside of cracks.

5. Just Dye

But, let us not dwell on the fact that coffee may stain some things, like pajamas tops that have been dribbled upon, and rejoice in the fact that it can dye stuff. After a bit of that antique look on paper (cool treasure maps!), clothes, hair or wood, then a little spent coffee is a environmentally friendly way of getting it done. Dilute coffee with some water and apply for natural color.

6. Make a Scent

Probably on par with the actual first cup of morning coffee every day is the smell of said coffee brewing. It smells so right. But, we needn’t brew ourselves another coffee (eventually, everyone gets the jitters) every time we are after that smell. Rather, we can use the old grounds to make a candle. Just save the wax ends of old candles, do a little melding and out comes DIY coffee candles.

7. Chimney Sweep

Truthfully, this is not for the chimney but rather for the fireplace, and it is genius. Ever been annoyed by the eruption of ashy smoke that happens when trying to shovel out the fireplace? Here’s the remedy: Spread used coffee grounds over the ash, and they will weigh it down so that it doesn’t plume up during cleaning.

8. Exfoliate Ya Face

Being mildly abrasive and all, used coffee grounds make for a great exfoliator, scrapping away dead skin cells while actually rejuvenating the skin. Just mix with water and coconut oil or avocado, and that’s the business. And, to think, it almost got thrown away! Get to it, beautiful (or handsome)!

9. Wake Up

True, waking up with coffee doesn’t seem like a new idea until someone starts talking about doing so in the shower. But, that is just the ticket. Caffeine can actually be absorbed through the skin, so why not put a little coffee in the soap? It turns out folks have been doing it, and they’ve shared a recipe for homemade coffee soap.

10. Fight Cellulite

Maybe it’s all to good too be true, or maybe not. Cellulite is more genetic and permanent than something easily remedied by a beauty product, but coffee — good for speeding up fat metabolism and blood circulation — is reputed to reduce the forming of cellulite. Regardless, it’s good for the skin, so why not give a little coffee ground body scrub a go?

Well, hopefully, you had the wherewithal to get a pot brewing before settling into read this article, but if not, fear not, as some spent coffee grounds are only a few minutes away.

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10 Creative Ways to Use Spent Coffee Grounds (2024)


10 Creative Ways to Use Spent Coffee Grounds? ›

Store in an airtight container. To store wet coffee grounds, scoop them into an airtight container and put them in the refrigerator. The cold temp will keep them from sprouting mold until you're ready to use them.

How to store used coffee grounds for body scrub? ›

Store in an airtight container. To store wet coffee grounds, scoop them into an airtight container and put them in the refrigerator. The cold temp will keep them from sprouting mold until you're ready to use them.

What plants don't like coffee grounds? ›

Avoid using coffee grounds on alkaline-loving trees, such as linden, ironwood, red chestnut and arborvitae. Coffee grounds used as mulch or compost inhibit plant growth on geranium, asparagus fern, Chinese mustard and Italian ryegrass.

What plants benefit from coffee grounds? ›

There are a select few plants that can benefit from fresh grounds—including acidity-loving Hydrangeas, Rhododendrons, Azaleas, Lily of the Valley, blueberries, carrots, and radishes—but generally, most common houseplants will prefer low to no acidity.

What to do with a lot of coffee grounds? ›

Enrich Your Compost Bin Or Garden

Used coffee grounds make great additions to compost bins and gardens. They're what the gardening world calls “green”, or very rich in nitrogen. Worms love nitrogen-rich soil, which means adding coffee grounds to your compost bin makes worms more likely to stick around.

Is used coffee grounds good for your yard? ›

In gardening lore, used coffee grounds famously contain nitrogen and acid, which plants love and need. This is a key reason so many gardeners recommend the grounds for use in the garden with acid-loving plants, or in compost.

How to use coffee grounds as an air freshener? ›

Also, you can place coffee grounds in an old sock (clean, obviously) or stockings and tie it off to make a portable air freshener. Place it under the seat in your car or over a hidden air vent in your home to spread the scent.

Can I rub coffee grounds on my face? ›

Scrubbing the face with coffee grounds can help to clear away dead skin cells and unclog the pores. The chlorogenic acids in coffee may also reduce inflammation and protect against some strains of bacteria.

Do coffee grounds tighten skin? ›

Fine coffee grounds do not dissolve in water, making them great for exfoliating the skin. Exfoliating away dead skin can make your skin appear brighter and very soft. Coffee is also great for making the skin appear tighter.

How to burn used coffee grounds? ›

Place the grounds either in a bowl or on a flat surface (like a piece of aluminum foil) outside. Burn the grounds like you would burn incense. Choose a spot upwind of your location for best results. For an extra dose of repellent, add fresh bay leaves to the fire.

Is it good to pour leftover coffee on plants? ›

Coffee grounds (and brewed coffee) are a source of nitrogen for plants, producing healthy green growth and strong stems. Coffee also contains calcium and magnesium — both of which are beneficial to plant health. To use coffee as a plant fertilizer, you'll need to dilute it. It should look like weak tea.

Can I sprinkle unused coffee grounds in my garden? ›

Coffee grounds are rich in nutrients, especially nitrogen. They also have some amount of other nutrients like potassium and phosphorous. Overall, this means that adding coffee grounds to your garden can work fairly well as a fertiliser. Coffee should be spread in a thin layer, rather than being clumped in one place.

Is leftover coffee good for anything? ›

Coffee: not only can it be used as an energy booster but also as a fertilizer, insect repellant, meat tenderizer, and household cleaner. Elizabeth Brownfield is a writer and editor specializing in food, cooking, and travel.

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