Why study accounting and finance? (2024)

What is accounting and finance?

Accounting and finance are both of course related to money and businesses. Accounting focuses more on the broader picture of a company’s financial situation, whereas finance focuses more on management of funds, so you could be studying quite different things depending on which specific degree course you choose. Whichever you choose, however, you’ll be learning about how business operate financially.

Read more about studying accounting and finance at uni.

Reasons to study accounting and finance

1. The skills you’ll learn

You’ll learn loads of new transferrable and subject-specific skills on a degree in accounting or finance. Some of the transferrable skills you’ll learn include communication, critical thinking, data analysis, decision making and problem solving. As well as these, you’ll learn subject-specific skills including business accountancy, using financial information for business decision making and you’ll develop an understanding of how commerce, industry and finance work.

2. The career you could have

With a degree in accounting or finance, there are plenty of careers you can go into. You could become an actuary, providing clients with financial forecats or a chartered accountant, record keeping, auditing and advising. You could also work as a data analyst, economist or a tax adviser to provide advice and guidance to clients, businesses or the government.

If you’re still looking for your perfect career, use our Career Matcher tool now.

3. All the topics that get covered

Obviously, what you study will depend on which course you pick and which uni you go to, as well as the optional modules you select. However, there are some common modules that are offered on many of the degrees in this subject area, including accounting and accountability, auditing, business law, taxation and commerce, banking and investment. Therefore, you can expect your degree to cover some (or all) of these topics, depending on whether you go more down the finance or accounting route.

4. You can study all over the UK

Because accounting and finance are popular courses, you’ll be able to study almost anywhere in the UK you want to. According to Complete University Guide’s 2024 accounting and finance league tables, the top five unis overall in the UK are the London School of Economics and Political Science, the University of Bath, the University of Warwick, the University of Glasgow and the University of Leeds. In the same league tables, the top five UK unis for student satisfaction are the University of West London, Bangor University, Aberystwyth University, University of East London and Robert Gordon University.

Find the full 2024 accounting and finance league tables from Complete University Guide here.

5. It’s something you enjoy!

And finally, we hope you enjoy the subject! As you’ll probably be studying it for three years (and possibly more depending on the type of course you choose), you have to really commit to the subject. Enjoying what you study at uni is super important because you’ll be thinking about it pretty much every day, so it’s obviously also a huge bonus if you enjoy what you’re studying.

Overall, as you’ve just found out, there are loads of reasons to study accounting and finance at university. You’ll learn loads of new skills, and there’s a wide range of different careers you could potentially go into after you graduate. Plus, there are unis all across the UK offering high quality courses in these subject areas, so you’ll be spoilt for choice when it comes to selecting your course.

Is accounting and finance for you? Start searching for courses now!

Why study accounting and finance? (2024)


Why did you choose to study accounting and finance? ›

Accounting allows you to develop skills such as leadership and strategic-thinking, valuable skills when it comes to working in the world of business and finance. They allow you to guide organisations with their financial decision-making and can also influence business growth.

How do you answer why did you choose to study accounting? ›

Express your interest in numbers

An accountant's role revolves around working with numbers. Emphasize your fascination with numbers and how they convey a company's financial narrative. Highlight how accounting allows you to decode these numbers and assist companies in making informed decisions.

Why are you interested in accounting and finance? ›

“I chose accounting as a career because it allows me to combine my passion for helping people with my analytical skills. I believe that by providing accurate financial information and insights, I can contribute to a team making informed decisions, ultimately aiding them in achieving our goals.

Why choose a career in accounting and finance? ›

It's a highly respected profession and is also immensely satisfying – you'll draw on strategic, leadership and communication skills, work with a variety of teams and really make an impact on your workplace and the wider world.

What inspired you to study accounting and finance? ›

As long as businesses exist, there always will be a demand for accountants, therefore it is a very reliable degree option. This degree will also allow me to build a career I am passionate about, rather than just settling for regular job I don't care too much about.

What are the 5 main reasons why accounting is important? ›

The importance of accounting
  • Tracking income and expenditure.
  • Ensuring statutory compliance.
  • Provide quantitative financial information.
  • Assess the performance of a business or organisation.
  • Provide data to support decision making.
Apr 26, 2023

What makes you passionate about accounting and finance? ›

Helping Others Through Financial Insights

I selected accounting as a career because it enables me to combine my love of helping people with my analytical skills. I think I can help a team make smart choices by offering accurate financial facts and insights, ultimately assisting them in achieving their goals.

Why do I want to study an accounting essay? ›

I decided to major in accounting because of my logical thinking: I am going to college because I want to have a job, companies will always need people to handle their finances and will pay good money for someone to do so, so I am pursuing a major in a field that is in high demand and will most likely be in high demand ...

Why should we hire you for finance and accounting? ›

The work ethic in your company is a perfect fit for my way of working. I also found that the vision of the company to diversify its business activities aligns with my goal of handling different types of accounting responsibilities. As an accountant , I would be able to contribute more and broaden my horizons.

What are the benefits of studying accounting and finance? ›

Seven reasons to study Accounting & Finance
  • Excellent graduate prospects. ...
  • The world needs accountants. ...
  • You could work in any industry. ...
  • Internationally diverse cohort. ...
  • Joint honours. ...
  • Real-life application. ...
  • Year-abroad opportunities.

Why is accounting and finance important? ›

Accounting and finance management is so important when navigating your business. If you don't know where your money is going and coming from, there is a very good chance you could lose control of your business. When businesses manage their income and expenses there is a stronger potential for growth.

Why you choose accounting as your major? ›

Pursuing an accounting program hones your analytical skills, critical thinking, and attention to detail – qualities that are essential in the field and transferable to various aspects of life.

Why did you choose to study finance? ›

Master skills that prepare you for real-world job responsibilities. Unlike more general degrees, like business administration, finance teaches you in-demand skills in areas including data analytics, risk management, capital allocation, and investment strategy.

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Name: Patricia Veum II

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Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.