Why Choose Accounting as a Career [+Interview Question] (2024)

Accounting is more than just a financial discipline; it's a profession that presents numerous opportunities to those who pursue it.

In this article, our finance recruitment agency delves into why an increasing number of individuals are opting for accounting as a career and how to effectively respond to the question, "Why did you choose accounting?" during an interview.

What is accounting

Accounting serves as the cornerstone of any organization, whether it's a small local business or a large international corporation. It encompasses the recording, analysis, and interpretation of financial data to facilitate informed decision-making for companies. This discipline ensures financial stability, adherence to regulations, and efficient resource management. The field of accounting is extensive, covering terms such as balance sheets, financial analysis, auditing, tax management, and much more.

Pros of accounting

A job in accounting offers several advantages, including:

  • Greater job security
  • Increased opportunities for remote work
  • Competitive salaries
  • Flexible and advantageous working hours
  • Diverse career prospects, both domestically and internationally
  • Influence on strategic business decisions

Many opportunities

One of the primary reasons why many people choose accounting as a career is the abundance of professional opportunities it provides. Whether you aspire to work for an accounting firm, a corporation, or as an independent consultant, accounting can open doors to a variety of industries. The business world constantly seeks qualified accounting professionals to ensure effective financial management.

Why choose accounting interview question

When asked this question during an interview, recruiters aim to understand your underlying motivation for pursuing a career in accounting. Here's how you can respond convincingly:

Express your interest in numbers

An accountant's role revolves around working with numbers. Emphasize your fascination with numbers and how they convey a company's financial narrative. Highlight how accounting allows you to decode these numbers and assist companies in making informed decisions.

Emphasize your desire to contribute

Articulate your desire to play a pivotal role in an organization's financial well-being by maximizing profits, reducing costs, and ensuring compliance with regulations.

Showcase your problem-solving skills

Demonstrate how accounting enables you to utilize your analytical mindset to resolve intricate problems. These problem-solving abilities are among the highly sought after soft skills by employers in the field of professional accounting.

How to answer “Why accounting”

  • If you want to underscore your passion for numbers and precision:

"I've always been captivated by numbers and the precision that surrounds them. Accounting allows me to work in a realm where every detail matters, and I find that incredibly fulfilling. As an accountant, I can organize complex financial data and aid companies in making well-informed decisions."

  • If you wish to contribute to business success:

"What drives me in accounting is the opportunity to directly contribute to the prosperity of businesses. By closely monitoring finances and furnishing valuable insights, I can assist businesses in expanding, optimizing resource management, and navigating a complex economic landscape."

  • If you relish intellectual challenges:

"Accounting presents a perpetual intellectual challenge for me. I relish solving intricate problems and devising effective financial solutions. Each day presents novel situations to analyze, making my work both stimulating and gratifying."

  • If regulatory compliance and tax management appeal to you:

"Accounting plays a pivotal role in ensuring compliance with tax and financial regulations. As an accountant, I can help companies avert legal and tax issues, which constitutes a significant and rewarding responsibility."

  • If you're intrigued by the role of a financial advisor:

"I'm drawn to the role of financial advisor that accountants fulfill. By closely collaborating with clients or the company I serve, I can guide them in their financial decisions, aid in future planning, and help them attain their objectives."

Fed Finance offers accounting jobs

Working in accounting requires a certain investment, but it's worth it. By following the advice of recruitment experts and developing solid skills, you can pave the way to a successful career in this exciting field.

Looking for a job in finance? Check out our current vacancies or send us your spontaneous application! 😊

Why Choose Accounting as a Career [+Interview Question] (2024)


Why Choose Accounting as a Career [+Interview Question]? ›

"What drives me in accounting is the opportunity to directly contribute to the prosperity of businesses. By closely monitoring finances and furnishing valuable insights, I can assist businesses in expanding, optimizing resource management, and navigating a complex economic landscape."

Why did you choose accounting as a career interview question? ›

I chose a career in accounting and finance because I have always been fascinated by the way financial decisions impact a company's performance and strategy. My natural aptitude for numbers and detail-oriented analysis, combined with my interest in business operations, drew me towards this field.

Why do people choose accounting as a job? ›

The skills you gain, the challenges you tackle, and your impact as an accountant can be immensely rewarding. So, if you're looking for a career combining analytical thinking, job security, and the potential for global impact, enrolling in an accounting program could be the perfect choice for you!

Why do you think you are the best candidate for accounting position? ›

Answer Example: “I believe I am the best candidate for this position because of my extensive experience as an accountant. I have been working in accounting for five years now, and during that time I've learned how to manage budgets, create financial reports and manage accounts receivables and payables.

Why did you choose to study accounting and finance? ›

With a degree in accounting or finance, there are plenty of careers you can go into. You could become an actuary, providing clients with financial forecats or a chartered accountant, record keeping, auditing and advising.

Why would I want to work as an accountant? ›

Accounting professionals can save the business time and money by identifying problems and proposing solutions. You could resolve issues such as non-payment of invoices or balancing a budget. Or find ways to minimise tax payments. If you are good at – and enjoy – problem solving, you'll thrive in accounting.

What is the best answer for "Tell me about yourself as an accountant"? ›

First, provide a basic introduction of yourself. Then you can bring in your experience in the field. You can talk about your years of experience working as an accountant for a specific industry and which areas of accounting were your primary focus areas.

Why are you interested in this position as an accountant? ›

Explain your genuine interest in numbers, financial matters and the role of accounting in managing data. This will demonstrate to the hiring manager that you are aware of the requirements of the role and not only that, but you are interested in every aspect of the role including numbers and statistics.

Why are you passionate about accounting? ›

“I chose accounting as a career because it allows me to combine my passion for helping people with my analytical skills. I believe that by providing accurate financial information and insights, I can contribute to a team making informed decisions, ultimately aiding them in achieving our goals.

Why do you think the accounting major would be a good fit for you? ›

1. There is a clear career path. If you're studying accounting, you're learning well-defined practical skills employers need for a specific set of roles. This gives you a much clearer career path compared to someone who chooses to study English or philosophy, where the potential career paths are more open-ended.

How do you answer why did you choose to study accounting? ›

Express your interest in numbers

An accountant's role revolves around working with numbers. Emphasize your fascination with numbers and how they convey a company's financial narrative. Highlight how accounting allows you to decode these numbers and assist companies in making informed decisions.

What inspired you to study accounting and finance? ›

As long as businesses exist, there always will be a demand for accountants, therefore it is a very reliable degree option. This degree will also allow me to build a career I am passionate about, rather than just settling for regular job I don't care too much about.

Why is studying accounting so important? ›

Accounting is the key tool business professionals use to understand and communicate business phenomena. When you learn accounting, you unlock the ability to understand businesses, produce and act on useful information, and lead organizations toward financial success.

Why is accounting your favourite subject? ›

Commerce has a wide range of subjects to study. Of them, my favourite subject is Accountancy. It scores over the others because of its usability on a daily basis. Everyone, from the vendor selling balloons during festivals to the accountant in the 'big-four', maintains accounts.

Why are you interested in this position? ›

Why are you interested in the position answer? I am interested in this position because it aligns perfectly with my skills, experiences, and career aspirations. I am excited about the opportunity to contribute my expertise to [Company Name] and make a meaningful impact in [specific area or industry].

What is your strength's best answer for an accountant? ›

“My greatest strength is my attention to detail and accuracy. I have a meticulous approach to analyzing financial data and ensuring precision in my work, and I strive to maintain the highest level of accuracy and quality in financial reporting.

Why do I want to study an accounting essay? ›

I decided to major in accounting because of my logical thinking: I am going to college because I want to have a job, companies will always need people to handle their finances and will pay good money for someone to do so, so I am pursuing a major in a field that is in high demand and will most likely be in high demand ...

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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

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Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.