What to Expect When Transitioning from Accounting to a Finance Career (2024)

What to Expect When Transitioning from Accounting to a Finance Career (1) If you're transitioning from accounting to finance, you can expect a few things in your career journey. Deciding to switch careers can be daunting, but it's also an exciting opportunity to explore new possibilities.

The field of finance is much broader than accounting and offers a more diverse range of job responsibilities and clients. You can expect to find more variety in a finance career. From investment banking and financial analysis to risk management and insurance, there are many different directions you can take your job in finance. This expanded role may feel challenging at first. Still, with some preparation, your transition can be smooth.

Here are a few things to anticipate as you go from a career in accounting to finance:

Work with a more diverse set of clients.

You may have worked with a few different types of clients as an accountant. But in finance, you'll likely work with a much more comprehensive range of clients and learn about new industries and business models. This diversity can be both challenging and rewarding.

Be prepared to use different tools and techniques.

In finance, you'll use various tools and techniques to make decisions. This can include financial modeling, statistical analysis, and data mining to identify trends. If you're not familiar with these tools and techniques, don't worry - there's plenty of training available to help you.

While accounting roles typically involve working with financial statements and reports, you will utilize various tools and methods for analyzing data and making financial decisions.

Work on more strategic decisions.

In finance, you'll be involved in more long-term planning and decision-making. This includes things like investment strategies, capital budgeting, and risk management. This may be a significant change if you're used to working mainly on the business's day-to-day operations. But it's also an exciting opportunity to learn new skills and contribute to the company meaningfully.

While accounting roles tend to focus more on specific tasks such as bookkeeping or tax preparation and ensuring compliance with financial regulations.

Work with a different type of team.

In finance, you'll likely work with a cross-functional team that includes people from other departments like marketing, sales, and operations, broadening the types of projects you work on and the people with whom you interact. While in accounting, you may have only worked closely with other accountants or accounting department members.

Expect different paces of work.

Things move a lot faster in finance, and there's often less time to complete tasks. This can be challenging at first, but it's also an opportunity to learn new skills and sharpen your time management abilities. You'll need to be able to make adjustments and make decisions quickly, so being comfortable with change is a must.

These are only a few things you can expect when transitioning from accounting to finance. While it can be a significant change, it's also an exciting opportunity to learn new skills and grow your career. So, if you want a career in finance, don't be afraid to take the leap!

What to Expect When Transitioning from Accounting to a Finance Career (2024)


What to Expect When Transitioning from Accounting to a Finance Career? ›

Work on more strategic decisions.

Is it hard to transition from accounting to finance? ›

To make the transition, you may need to build up some additional skills and knowledge in areas such as financial modeling, valuation, and risk analysis. You can do this by taking courses, earning certifications, and seeking out opportunities to work on financial analysis projects.

Is finance a better career than accounting? ›

The field of finance offers more career choices but also less predictability. In some cases, careers in finance might offer higher pay. Careers in accounting can offer more predictable and stable work but less pay in many cases.

How do you transition out of an accounting career? ›

Jobs to consider if you want to make a career change from accounting
  1. Financial analyst. ...
  2. Financial advisor. ...
  3. Business analyst. ...
  4. Project manager. ...
  5. Technical writer. ...
  6. Chief financial officer. ...
  7. Accounting teacher. ...
  8. Financial services engineer or developer.
Mar 7, 2024

Why switch from accounting to FP&A? ›

Still, it is a much broader concept that includes financial decisions, planning, and analysis FP&A in addition to financial accounting. It doesn't have only "record-keeping" of the financial statements, but it also checks the reasons and context too, whether small business startups or large companies.

Can you start a career in finance in your 40s? ›

When it comes to finance, you're never too old to make a name for yourself as long as you have the right education, experience, and attitude. Here's everything you need to know about starting a finance career at or after 40 years old.

Is finance a tough career? ›

The median annual wage for business and financial occupations is $46,310 higher than the median annual wage for all occupations. Drawbacks of a career in finance can include high stress, long working hours, continuing education requirements, and, in some cases, limited job stability.

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Work-Life Imbalance: A Struggle for Accountants

Work-life balance is a struggle that many professionals face, and accountants are no exception. Long working hours and job pressures can affect an accountant's well-being, resulting in burnout and a lack of job satisfaction.

Is 40 too late to become an accountant? ›

There is no set limit on how old you can be before you can become an accountant. If you are eligible to pursue a degree related to accounting, certification under professional programs, and to get some experience, you can kick-start your accounting career anytime.

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18 jobs that offer a career change from accounting
  1. Financial journalist. ...
  2. Banker. ...
  3. Communications associate. ...
  4. Mathematics teacher. ...
  5. Nonprofit accountant. ...
  6. Federal financial investigator. ...
  7. Entrepreneur. ...
  8. Finance professor.
Apr 18, 2024

How to break into FP&A from accounting? ›

Gain Practical Experience in Finance

Real-world experience is critical. Seek internships or entry-level positions in accounting or finance to familiarize yourself with financial reporting and analysis. Take on roles that involve budgeting, financial modeling, or data analysis to gain insights into the FP&A process.

Is FP&A more accounting or finance? ›

FP&A isn't strictly an accounting role, although it's closely related to the field. FP&A focuses more on future financial planning and strategic analysis, helping businesses forecast revenues and expenditures, and make strategic business decisions.

Is CPA worth it for FP&A? ›

Getting a CPA or having an accounting background is helpful in giving you a background in the fundamentals of accounting that will benefit you in an FP&A role. In a study carried out of 500 top FP&A positions including companies such as Netflix, Apple and Tesla, 15% mention a CPA as preferable.

Is finance hard to break into? ›

Most people have traditionally viewed finance careers as high-cost but high-reward. It's extremely difficult to break in, but once you're in, the compensation and exit opportunities make the initial effort worth it.

Is finance a good minor for accounting? ›

Finance. Finance and accounting go hand-in-hand, and some encourage students to actually double major in accounting and finance. If you choose not to double major, which can lengthen the time required to get your degree, then minoring in finance is the next best choice.

Can I transition into finance? ›

Yes, transitioning into finance without a finance degree is possible. Many roles value skills and experience over specific degrees. Additional education, certifications, or relevant experience can facilitate the transition.

Can you be a banker with an accounting degree? ›

Can an Accounting Major Get Into Investment Banking? Well, the short answer is yes. It's possible. But it might require a few extra steps on your part as an accounting major to successfully get in.

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