What Is an IRS 1099 Form? (2024)

Written by Riley Adams, CPA • Reviewed by a TurboTax CPAUpdated for Tax Year 2023 • April 5, 2024 2:57 PM

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Learn about the IRS 1099 Form: See what it's for, who gets it, how to fix mistakes, the different kinds, and why e-filing makes it easier.

What Is an IRS 1099 Form? (5)

Key Takeaways

  • Form 1099 is a collection of forms used to report payments that typically aren't from an employer.
  • 1099 forms can report different types of incomes. These can include payments to independent contractors, gambling winnings, rents, royalties, and more.
  • If you work as an independent contractor or freelancer, you'll likely have income reported on a 1099 form.
  • You should receive most of your 1099 forms by January 31 each year to report the preceding year’s payments to you.

What is a 1099 Form?

The IRS 1099 Forms are a group of tax forms that document payments made by an individual or a business that typically isn’t your employer. The business that pays the money fills out the form with the appropriate details and sends copies to you and the IRS. The form reports payments made during the tax year. In some instances, a copy is also sent to your state taxing authority. The payer is responsible for filling out the appropriate 1099 tax form and sending it to you. The IRS requires payers to provide most 1099 forms by January 31. In certain instances, the date is February 15.

What is a 1099 Form used for?

A 1099 Form documents payments from someone that typically isn’t your employer. This can be an individual, business, or entity, such as the government. There are different 1099 forms that report various types of income and how they were earned. These payments might be for interest, dividends, nonemployee compensation, retirement plan distributions.

If you receive a 1099 form, it’s your responsibility to report the income earned on your tax return.

Who receives a 1099 Form?

Some common examples when you might receive a 1099 include:

  • You should receive a Form 1099-NEC if you earned $600 or more in nonemployee compensation from a person or business who isn’t typically your employer.
  • You should receive Form 1099-MISC if you earned $600 or more in rent or royalty payments.
  • You should receive Form 1099-G if you received a state or local tax refund during the previous year.

Likewise, if you paid a freelancer, independent contractor or other nonemployee $600 or more during the year related to your trade or business, you likely should send them a Form 1099-NEC.

Who sends 1099 forms?

Several types of 1099 forms exist to document payments made between individuals or businesses and another party. You can receive various 1099 forms for different reasons.

One of the most popular 1099 forms is the 1099-NEC for Nonemployee Compensation payments. If you’re an independent contractor or freelancer, you may receive a Form 1099-NEC documenting payments made to you throughout the year from a particular payer.

Payers who make Nonemployee Compensation payments below $600 are typically not required to file the 1099-NEC unless the payer withholds any amount of tax from the payments. However, they may do so if they wish. If you received less than $600 from a payer, you are still required to report the income on your tax return.

TurboTax Tip:

The 1099-NEC form should include payments made to you if they are $600 or more from a single source or if any federal tax was withheld. That is the threshold requiring a payer to file a Form 1099-NEC.

When are 1099s issued?

There are different due dates for different types of 1099 forms. For example, Form 1099-NEC is due by January 31st. If January 31st isn't a business day, then the due date moves to the next business day.

If you’re the one sending 1099 forms:

  1. Most 1099 forms are due to the recipient by January 31.
  2. If you’re mailing a paper form to the IRS, you typically have to send the 1099 by February 28 (postmarked by that date).
  3. If you're using tax software like TurboTax to send the forms to the IRS, we'll import the information for the form for you.
  4. Forms 1099-NEC are due to recipients and to the IRS by January 31 regardless of whether they are electronically or paper filed.

Payers are required to send you these forms early in the tax season. This gives you time to prepare your tax return. It also allows the IRS to have evidence of certain income you received during the tax year.

Despite the early due dates for sending these forms as a payer, you won’t need to file your own income tax return until the tax filing deadline.

The early due dates allow the IRS to verify income that individuals report on their tax returns. This helps the IRS detect refund fraud more easily.

See more on the types of 1099 forms below.

What are some of the most common types of 1099 Forms?

Two of the most common types of 1099 forms are 1099-NEC and 1099-MISC. Explore the information about each type of 1099 form below:

Form NameWhat It's ForExampleFiling Due Date
1099-NEC: Nonemployee CompensationReports nonemployee compensation such as income earned as an independent contractor, freelancer, or self-employed individual.Worked as a rideshare driver, food delivery person, freelance writer, or other gig worker.

Due Date to Recipient: January 31

Due Date to IRS: January 31

1099-MISC: Miscellaneous InformationFor payments like rent, royalties, prizes and awards. Also used for substitute payments in lieu of dividends, medical and health care payments, crop insurance proceeds, and other items.Received rent payments for property you lease.

Due Date to Recipient: February 1 (or February 16 if substitute dividends and tax-exempt interest payments reportable by brokers or gross proceeds paid to attorneys)

Due Date to IRS: February 28 (or March 31 if filed electronically)

What’s the difference between the 1099-NEC vs. 1099-MISC?

What is the difference between the 1099-NEC and 1099-MISC forms? Before tax year 2020, business owners primarily used Form-1099 MISC to report nonemployee compensation. Starting in 2020, the IRS reintroduced the 1099-NEC Form to report nonemployee compensation. This change was made to provide a separate filing deadline for nonemployee compensation. Payments that use Form 1099-MISC have different deadlines.

Nonemployee compensation can include any payment for any services performed by a person who is not an employee. These individuals are commonly known as freelancers or independent contractors. Nonemployees are individuals that are not employees who are used by a business to do work. They can typically control or direct the outcome of the work but not what will be done or how the work will be done. Contract workers are also typically required to pay self-employment taxes.

In contrast, as an employee, your compensation is usually reported on a Form W-2.

Now, Form 1099-NEC reports nonemployee compensation. The 1099-MISC still exists to report other types of miscellaneous income.

What are the other types of 1099 Forms?

Form NameWhat It’s ForExampleFiling Due Date
1099-A: Acquisition or Abandonment of Secured PropertyYou may receive this form from your mortgage lender if it canceled some or all your mortgage as part of a property foreclosure. You may also receive it if you forfeited ownership of your property or had your property sold in a short sale.Your lender foreclosed on your house, canceling your mortgage.

Due Date to Recipient (Borrower): January 31

Due Date to IRS: For mailed paper returns, February 28. March 31 if e-filed online with tax software.

1099-B: Proceeds from Broker and Barter Exchange TransactionsReports sales of stocks, bonds, derivatives or other securities. These sales may be made through one or several brokers throughout the tax year.You sold stocks in a brokerage account.

Due Date to Recipient: February 15 (March 15 for reporting by trustees and middlemen of widely held fixed investment trusts (WHFITs))

Due Date to IRS: For mailed paper returns, February 28. March 31 if e-filed online with tax software

1099-C: Cancellation of DebtFor entering into an agreement with a lender to negotiate a debt cancellation with them.Entered into an agreement with your lender to cancel all or part of your mortgage.

Due Date to Recipient: January 31

Due Date to IRS: For mailed paper returns, February 28. March 31 if e-filed online with tax software.

1099-DIV: Dividends and DistributionsFor receipt of dividends and/or certain distributions typically from investmentsDividends from stocks.

Due Date to Recipient: January 31

Due Date to IRS: For mailed paper returns, February 28. March 31 if filed online with tax software.

1099-G: Certain Government PaymentsFor reporting unemployment compensation. Also used to report any state or local income tax refunds during the year.CA state tax refund

Due Date to Recipient: January 31

Due Date to IRS: For mailed paper returns, February 28. March 31 if e-filed online with tax software

1099-INT: Interest IncomeFor receipt of interest payments, and you may or may not need to pay income tax on this interest. You may still need to include the information from this form on your tax return.Savings account interest

Due Date to Recipient: January 31

Due Date to IRS: For mailed paper returns, February 28. March 31 if filed online with tax software.

1099-K: Payment Card and Third-Party Network Transactions

Reports credit card payments and third-party payment processing received over the internet. You should receive them if you run a business as an online retailer, ecommerce store or other online business.

For tax year 2023 and earlier, this form is issued when annual third-party network processing activity exceeds $20,000 and 200 individual transactions.

There is no threshold for payment card transactions.

Payments issued through credit card companies or third-party payment providers, like PayPal, that reach a specific threshold.

Due Date to Recipient: January 31

Due Date to IRS: For mailed paper returns, February 28. March 31 if e-filed online with tax software.

1099-LTC: Long-Term Care and Accelerated Death Benefits

Reports payments under a long-term care insurance contract. Also shows accelerated death benefits paid under a life insurance contract or by a viatical settlement provider.Received payments from a long-term care insurance policy.

Due Date to Recipient: January 31

Due Date to IRS: For mailed paper returns, February 28. March 31 if e-filed online with tax software.

1099-OID: Original Issue DiscountWhen you hold bonds or certificates of deposit (CDs) that were issued at an amount less than the face value, you typically recognize as income a portion of this discount each year until the bond is redeemed or it reaches its full matured value. Form 1099-OID reports this annual amount.You paid less than face value for bond investments purchased through a brokerage

Due Date to Recipient: January 31

Due Date to IRS: For mailed paper returns, February 28. March 31 if e-filed online with tax software.

1099-Q: Payments from Qualified Education Programs (Under Sections 529 and 530)Reports distributions from qualified tuition programs and Coverdell Education Savings Accounts (ESAs).You received a distribution from a 529 savings plan or a Coverdell ESA.

Due Date to Recipient: January 31

Due Date to IRS: For mailed paper returns, February 28. March 31 if e-filed online with tax software.

1099-QA: Distributions from ABLE AccountsProvides information related to distributions from Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) accountsYou received a distribution from an ABLE account.

Due Date to Recipient: January 31

Due Date to IRS: For mailed paper returns, February 28. March 31 if e-filed online with tax software.

1099-R: Distributions from Pensions, Annuities, Retirement or Profit-Sharing Plans, IRAs, Insurance Contracts, Etc.

Reports distributions of retirement benefits of $10 or more.You received a distribution from your pension plan.

Due Date to Recipient: January 31

Due Date to IRS: For mailed paper returns, February 28. March 31 if e-filed online with tax software.

1099-S: Proceeds from Real Estate TransactionsReports gross proceeds from the sale or exchange of real estate. Also used for certain royalty payments.You sold your home.

Due Date to Recipient: February 15

Due Date to IRS: For mailed paper returns, February 28. March 31 if e-filed online with tax software.

1099-SA: Distributions from an HSA, Archer MSA, or Medicare Advantage MSAIf you used funds from a tax-advantaged health care savings plan, the institution administering your plan will report distributions through Form 1099-SAReceived distributions from your health savings account.

Due Date to Recipient: January 31

Due Date to IRS: For mailed paper returns, February 28. March 31 if e-filed online with tax software.

SSA-1099: Social Security Benefit StatementReports the amount of benefits paid and repaid. Also shows Medicare premiums, federal income taxes, and other amounts withheld from your benefits.Received Social Security benefits.

Due Date to Recipient: January 31

Due Date to IRS: For mailed paper returns, February 28. March 31 if e-filed online with tax software.

What do I do if I don’t get all of my 1099 forms?

Even if you don’t receive the appropriate forms, you’re still responsible for paying taxes on all of your taxable income. If you didn’t receive a 1099, you still need to report the appropriate amount of income on your tax return. This will help you avoid a bill from the IRS for owed taxes and possible penalties.

If you haven’t received all your 1099s by the January 31st or February 15th deadlines, contact the person or business responsible for sending you the 1099 and request that they send you a copy of your 1099.

Can I file a 1099 Form electronically?

Yes, 1099 Forms can be filed electronically.

You can file your 1099 form through tax service software or on paper forms. Filing tax forms electronically can offer several benefits, such as:

  • Faster processing times
  • Improved accuracy
  • Increased security
  • Ability to track the status of your tax return

What do I do if there is an error on my 1099 Form?

If you receive a 1099 form with an error, reach out to the business as soon as possible. Ask them to correct the error.

In some cases, they may be able to correct the error before sending the incorrect 1099 form to the IRS.

If you’re an employer who submitted an incorrect 1099 Form, you’ll have to file a corrected form. Use the same method you used for the original form. Once complete, send a recipient copy to your contractor that they can use to file their taxes.

To understand more about tax deductions, visit our Self-Employed Tax Deduction Calculator for Contractors.

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What Is an IRS 1099 Form? (2024)


What is IRS 1099 requirements? ›

Generally, if the organization pays at least $600 during the year to a non-employee for services (including parts and materials) performed in the course of the organization's business, it must furnish a Form 1099-MISC, Miscellaneous Income to that person by January 31 of the following year.

How do you explain a 1099? ›

A 1099 employee is an independent contractor. The name derives from the Internal Revenue Service's (IRS) Form 1099, which contract workers must complete to report their earnings. Freelancers, consultants, self-employed workers, and sole proprietors are common types of 1099 employees.

Does the IRS check 1099? ›

The IRS knows about any income that gets reported on a 1099, even if you forgot to include it on your tax return. This is because a business that sends you a Form 1099 also reports the information to the IRS.

How much does a 1099 have to be to report it? ›

The 1099 form is used to report non-employment income to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Businesses are typically required to issue a 1099 form to a taxpayer (other than a corporation) who has received at least $600 or more in non-employment income during the tax year.

How does a 1099 affect my taxes? ›

When you work on a 1099 contract basis, the IRS considers you to be self-employed. That means that in addition to income tax, you'll need to pay self-employment tax. As of 2022, the self-employment tax is 15.3% of the first $147,000 in net profits, plus 2.9% of anything earned over that amount.

Can you receive a 1099 and not be self-employed? ›

You don't necessarily have to have a business for payments for your services to be reported on Form 1099-NEC. You may simply perform services as a nonemployee. The payer has determined that an employer-employee relationship doesn't exist in your case.

How does a 1099 prove income? ›

A 1099 form is a type of earnings and tax statement for people who are self-employed. These forms help prove your wages and taxes as a self-employed individual. Companies must issue a 1099-MISC for tax purposes if you provided at least $600 worth of services during the year.

What are 1099 examples? ›

For some taxpayers, the majority (or even all) of their earnings in a given year will be 1099 income. Examples include someone who lives mostly off of Social Security income (SSA-1099), investment withdrawals (1099-B, 1099-DIV) or retirement account withdrawals (1099-R).

Is a 1099 considered income? ›

The 1099 form, by contrast, records income you received as an independent contractor or for some other source of income. For example, if you're a freelancer or own your own business, you'll likely receive several 1099 forms from your clients.

Who is exempt from getting a 1099? ›

Who Doesn't Need to Receive a Form 1099-MISC or 1099-NEC? Generally, C corporations, S Corporations, and LLCs formed as corporations or S Corps don't need to receive a 1099-NEC or 1099-MISC. On irs.gov, check the 1099-NEC instructions and 1099-MISC instructions for exceptions when you are required to issue a 1099.

Who is required to file Form 1099 A? ›

File Form 1099-A for each borrower if you lend money in connection with your trade or business and, in full or partial satisfaction of the debt, you acquire an interest in property that is security for the debt, or you have reason to know that the property has been abandoned.

How do I know if I require a 1099? ›

When a business pays an independent contractor for services performed in the course of that business, the service recipient must file Form 1099 MISC if the payment is $600 or more for the year, unless the service provider is a Corporation.

What is the $600 threshold for a 1099? ›

The new ”$600 rule”

Under the new rules set forth by the IRS, if you got paid more than $600 for the transaction of goods and services through third-party payment platforms, you will receive a 1099-K for reporting the income.

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