What happens if I work and get Social Security retirement benefits? (2024)

You can get Social Security retirement benefits and work at the same time. However, if you are younger than full retirement age and make more than the yearly earnings limit, we will reduce your benefits. Starting with the month you reach full retirement age, we will not reduce your benefits no matter how much you earn.

We use the following earnings limits to reduce your benefits:

  • If you are under full retirement age for the entire year, we deduct $1 from your benefit payments for every $2 you earn above the annual limit.

For 2024 that limit is $22,320.

  • In the year you reach full retirement age, we deduct $1 in benefits for every $3 you earn above a different limit, but we only count earnings before the month you reach your full retirement age.

If you will reach full retirement age in 2024, the limit on your earnings for the months before full retirement age is $59,520.

Starting with the month you reach full retirement age, you can get your benefits with no limit on your earnings.

Use our Retirement Age Calculator to find your full retirement age based on your date of birth.

Use our Retirement Earnings Test Calculator to find out how much your benefits will be reduced.

What counts as earnings:

When we figure out how much to deduct from your benefits, we count only the wages you make from your job or your net earnings if you're self-employed. We include bonuses, commissions, and vacation pay. We don't count pensions, annuities, investment income, interest, veterans benefits, or other government or military retirement benefits.

Your benefits may increase when you work:

As long as you continue to work, even if you are receiving benefits, you will continue to pay Social Security taxes on your earnings. However, we will check your record every year to see whether the additional earnings you had will increase your monthly benefit. If there is an increase, we will send you a letter telling you of your new benefit amount.

When you’re ready to apply for retirement benefits, use our online retirement application, the quickest, easiest, and most convenient way to apply.

If you need to report a change in your earnings after you begin receiving benefits:

If you receive benefits and are under full retirement age and you think your earnings will be different than what you originally told us, let us know right away. You cannot report a change of earnings online. Please call us at 1-800-772-1213 (TTY 1-800-325-0778), 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, or contact your local Social Security office.

There is a different work test for beneficiaries working outside of the United States. If you live outside of the United States, visit the Social Security Office of Earnings & International Operations page to find the office that serves your country of residence.

More Information
How Work Affects Your Benefits
Examples: How We Deduct Earnings From Benefits

What happens if I work and get Social Security retirement benefits? (2024)


What happens if I work and get Social Security retirement benefits? ›

Your benefits may increase when you work: As long as you continue to work, even if you are receiving benefits, you will continue to pay Social Security taxes on your earnings. However, we will check your record every year to see whether the additional earnings you had will increase your monthly benefit.

At what age can you earn unlimited income without affecting Social Security? ›

later, then your full retirement age for retirement insurance benefits is 67. If you work, and are at full retirement age or older, you may keep all of your benefits, no matter how much you earn.

How much money can you make working if you collect Social Security at 62? ›

Starting in the month you hit your full retirement age, there is no longer an earnings limit. Your benefits will no longer be reduced regardless of how much income you have.

What is the Social Security spousal benefits loophole? ›

The first exception, which can be deemed as the Social Security spousal benefits loophole, works where an individual who remarries at 60 or later may still be entitled to Social Security survivors' benefits if the second marriage ends before the death of the first spouse.

How much can I earn while working and still receive Social Security retirement benefits? ›

There is no cap on how much you can earn while on Social Security — if you've reached full retirement age. Tina Orem is an editor at NerdWallet.

How often does Social Security recalculate benefits based on your earnings? ›

The Social Security Administration recalculates your benefits annually, which means the amount of your checks can change from year to year. This can happen because of factors within your control, such as your work, and factors outside of your control, such as inflation.

At what age is Social Security no longer taxed? ›

Social Security income can be taxable no matter how old you are. It all depends on whether your total combined income exceeds a certain level set for your filing status. You may have heard that Social Security income is not taxed after age 70; this is false.

Can I get a tax refund if my only income is Social Security? ›

You would not be required to file a tax return. But you might want to file a return, because even though you are not required to pay taxes on your Social Security, you may be able to get a refund of any money withheld from your paycheck for taxes.

How do you get the $16728 Social Security bonus? ›

Have you heard about the Social Security $16,728 yearly bonus? There's really no “bonus” that retirees can collect. The Social Security Administration (SSA) uses a specific formula based on your lifetime earnings to determine your benefit amount.

How much money can I earn without affecting my Social Security? ›

If you are full retirement age and earning money, no worries. You're good to go, no penalties involved. However, if you are younger than full retirement age and make more than the yearly earnings limit, which for 2024 is $22,320, the Social Security Administration (SSA) reduces your benefit.

What is the 5 year rule for Social Security? ›

The Social Security five-year rule is the time period in which you can file for an expedited reinstatement after your Social Security disability benefits have been terminated completely due to work.

Is it better to take Social Security at 62 or 67? ›

If you start taking Social Security at age 62, rather than waiting until your full retirement age (FRA), you can expect a 30% reduction in monthly benefits with lesser reductions as you approach FRA. Remember, FRA is no longer age 65: It's 67.

Can two wives collect Social Security from one husband? ›

Each survivor benefit can be up to 100% of your benefit. The amount may be reduced if the women start benefits before their own full retirement age, but they don't have to share — the amount isn't reduced because you've had more than one spouse.

What is the 10 year rule for Social Security? ›

The number of credits you need to receive retirement benefits depends on when you were born. If you were born in 1929 or later, you need 40 credits (10 years of work). If you stop working before you have enough credits to be eligible for benefits, the credits will remain on your Social Security record.

How will the Social Security spousal rule change in 2024? ›

The current spouse benefit is based on 50 percent of the PIA of the other spouse. Reduce this percent each year by 1 percentage point beginning with newly eligible spouses in 2024, until the percent reaches 33 in 2040.

At what age can you collect Social Security and work full time? ›

If you're eligible for Social Security, you can start collecting your benefits as early as age 62, and you can also continue to work.

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Introduction: My name is Van Hayes, I am a thankful, friendly, smiling, calm, powerful, fine, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.