UPSC Mains: General Guidelines for Ethics Case Studies (2024)

Ethics is an important paper in the UPSC Mains exam. It consists of two different sections, for a combined total of 250 marks. Tackling case study section may not be easy although it may appear simple. This article gives some important tips that could be implemented while answering Ethics paper in the UPSC Mains examination.

Aspirants would find this article very helpful while preparing for the IAS Exam.

How to Solve Ethics Case Studies?

The General Studies Paper 4, more commonly known as the Ethics Paper can be tricky for many candidates in the UPSC civil service mains exam. In this paper, there are theoretical questions as well as case studies, both for almost the same marks. While the theory portions can be straightforward for candidates to answer, the case studies might prove to be their undoing in the exam. Since candidates have to choose between various courses of action based on ethical and legal considerations and ramifications, they often falter in this decision-making exercise. This article gives you a few general guidelines to follow while solving case studies in the ethics paper in the IAS mains exam.

Using Appropriate Terminologies

Even though the Ethics paper might seem like a generalist paper, it is still based on a syllabus. (Check the UPSC Syllabus for GS Paper 4 here). To make your answers and solutions more akin to the paper, you should use apt terminologies – specific terms which will show your subject knowledge. Your paper should not look like a general essay or a paper on public administration. Some examples of ethics terminologies are professional integrity, ethical competencies, conscience, ethical reasoning, empathy, tolerance, dignity of the individual, attitude, compassion, diligence, bureaucratic inertia, red tape, intellectual integrity, fidelity, moral turpitude, probity, esprit de corps, morality, hedonism, grey areas, equanimity, etc.

Empathise and Place Yourself in Another’s Shoes

The ethics case studies, all portray an issue with a person as the central character and the ethical dilemma faces by him/her. In such cases, you should know how to empathise with this fictional person. Put yourself in his/her shoes and think about the issue at hand. This will be easier if you practice solving case studies.

Ethics vs Legal

While answering questions on ethics, you should also be aware of the difference between ethicality and legality. Being ethical does not mean you need to break the law, but sometimes, the legal course of action is not necessarily ethically correct. The solution here is to think out of the box and strike a fine balance between legality and ethicality. So when making decisions, you must know the difference between ethical decisions and legal decisions.

Raise Questions

Once you start solving case studies, you should raise questions on the issue. What is the core issue? What are the aspects of work/organisation that are affected by it? Who all are affected? What are the possible courses of action? What are the dangers/hazards involved? What are the pros and cons of each course, etc.?

Follow these general guidelines while attempting the case studies in the UPSCMains GS paper IV. Case studies need not be a confusing and difficult affair. You only need to follow a basic methodology while dealing with them. Once you have a framework to follow, you can easily work out the solutions.

The above details would help candidates prepare for UPSC 2021.

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UPSC Mains: General Guidelines for Ethics Case Studies (2024)


How to write an ethics case study in UPSC? ›

Empathise and Place Yourself in Another's Shoes. The ethics case studies, all portray an issue with a person as the central character and the ethical dilemma faces by him/her. In such cases, you should know how to empathise with this fictional person. Put yourself in his/her shoes and think about the issue at hand.

How to prepare ethics for UPSC mains? ›

How to prepare for GS IV Ethics in UPSC
  1. Start early. ...
  2. Prepare a list of keywords (objectivity, values, moral turpitude, etc.) ...
  3. The keyword list is the foundation of preparation. ...
  4. Go through the must-read topics mentioned above.
  5. Refer to the past UPSC question papers and solve the case study questions.

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Best Ethics Books for UPSC GS Paper 4 by Toppers
Best Ethics Books for UPSC GS Paper 4 by ToppersAuthor
Ethical Dilemmas of a Civil ServantAnil Swarup
Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Bureaucracy But Were Afraid to AskT.R. Raghunandan
Method in MadnessParameswaran Iyer
1 more row
Apr 22, 2024

What is the weightage for ethics in UPSC? ›

Paper V – GS papers IV: The paper tests the candidate's knowledge of Ethics, Integrity, and Aptitude. The weightage for this paper is 250 marks.

How long does it take to prepare ethics for UPSC? ›

The complete course of 'Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude' is covered on Awdhesh Academy in around 120 video lessons (including case studies) of around 15 minutes each. Thus the you need around 1800 minutes (30 hours) to watch the videos (in Hindi or English).

What is the average marks in UPSC ethics? ›

Vajiram & Ravi Ethics Module Course for UPSC

Unlike other papers, where scores typically range from 80-120 marks, the Ethics Paper can yield scores ranging from 125 to 160 marks, underscoring its importance in the evaluation process. The subjectivity inherent in this paper results in a wide range of marks.

How to score 140 in ethics? ›

To score 140 in ethics, aspirants need to have a deep understanding of ethical theories, principles, and their applications. Regular practice, thorough revision, and analyzing case studies are crucial for achieving a high score.

What is ethical dilemma in UPSC mains? ›

An ethical dilemma is a complex situation that often involves an apparent mental conflict between moral imperatives, in which to obey one would result in transgressing another. It's characterized by: Conflicting Values: Individuals or organizations must choose between competing ethical principles or values.

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EDEN IAS presents a comprehensive Ethics course for UPSC Mains, led by India's most loved Faculty for GS IV Tirthankar Roychowdhary Sir.

Is there ethics paper in UPSC? ›

Q1: What is the UPSC Ethics Paper? A: The UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) Ethics Paper is a part of the Civil Services Mains Examination. It assesses the candidate's understanding of ethics, integrity, and aptitude in governance and public service.

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Ethics are not values. Ethics is not social norms. Ethics is not religion. Ethics is not the law.

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How to Answer GS 4 Ethics Paper in UPSC Mains
  1. I. Theory.
  2. Prepare a Definition for Each of the Terms in the Syllabus.
  3. Value mapping.
  4. Flow charts and Diagrams.
  5. Make a database of real life examples.
  6. II. Case studies.
  7. A standard framework for answers.
  8. Articulation.
Feb 3, 2024

Who got the highest marks in UPSC ever? ›

Notable Achievement in UPSC Civil Services Exam

Anudeep Durishetty achieved the highest marks ever in the UPSC Civil Services Exam, scoring an impressive 1126 out of 2025.

Which subject has the highest weightage in UPSC? ›

The subject with the highest weightage in the UPSC Prelims 2023 is Geography, Environment and Ecology. The subjects were assigned a weightage of approximately 17%, after his subjects, Polity was having more weightage of 16%, Economy was having weightage of 15%, and History with weightage of 13%.

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  1. Identify the Problem or Dilemma. ...
  2. Identify the Potential Issues Involved. ...
  3. Review the Relevant Ethics Codes. ...
  4. Know the Applicable Laws and Regulations. ...
  5. Obtain Consultation. ...
  6. Consider Possible and Probable Courses of Action. ...
  7. Enumerate the Consequences of Various Decisions. ...
  8. Choose what Appears to be the Best Course of Action.
Mar 30, 2019

What is the format for writing a case study? ›

Generally, a case study is either formatted as an essay or a report. If it is the latter, your assignment is often divided into sections with headings and subheadings to ensure easy access to key points of interest.

How do you write ethics in research examples? ›

Make sure you include:
  1. A brief description of the study and research methods.
  2. The potential benefits and risks of participating.
  3. The length of the study.
  4. Contact information for the researcher and/or sponsor.
  5. Reiteration of the participant's right to withdraw from the research project at any time without penalty.
Oct 24, 2023

How do you write a research paper for ethics? ›

Bottom Line on Writing an Ethics Paper
  1. Create an outline highlighting your main points.
  2. Write an effective introduction and provide background information on an issue.
  3. Include a thesis statement.
  4. Develop concrete arguments and their counterarguments, and use examples.
Mar 3, 2023

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