Tips for opening a bank account for kids (2024)

It’s common for children to observe and model their parents’ behaviors. Smart money management is no different. Here are some helpful tips to jumpstart your children on the path to financial success.

These days, we’re all spending more time at home—especially our kids. This makes it an ideal time to start giving children a financial literacy foundation that can help keep them stable and successful for the rest of their lives. Teaching good financial habits can start sooner than you think.

Children start to grasp the concept of saving when they’re old enough to slide coins into a piggy bank. Around kindergarten, they have a sense that money is important. When they ask for allowance or want to buy a coveted toy, it makes sense to open a bank account and start teaching them money management basics – and values around spending and saving.

Minor children by law can’t open a savings account. They need a parent or guardian to set up a custodial or joint account. A custodial account is the property of the child, but managed by the parent until the child turns 18. With a joint account, parent and child both have access, but the adult can supervise or limit activity, say, putting a cap on the amount the child can withdraw the account by actively monitoring the activity. Both types can later be converted to their own accounts.

As you shop around, look for a bank that encourages young savers with low (or no) fees and balance requirements. And just as with your money, make sure your child’s account is FDIC-protected.

Beyond those basics, here are five tips for getting your child excited about banking – and starting on a lifetime of sound financial habits.

1. Teach children why it’s important to save money.

Tie the concept of saving in a bank account to waiting for something that’s worthwhile. If you’re in line for an ice cream cone, remind them the result is a treat they really want. Saving is similar; you save for something you’ll want or need later on. With older kids, help them think of savings in terms of goals, achieved over time. For instance, they may want to plan for purchasing their own car, or be prepared to help with college costs.

2. Make opening a bank account a concrete, fun experience.

It’s tempting to look for online banking or to manage your child’s money yourself. But help kids participate in setting up an account. Call your bank in advance for an appointment, and have your child carry in necessary information (see Items to bring to the bank). Some kids are thrilled to participate in a business meeting where they’re center stage, but help out a shy child.

Also, ask if it’s possible to tour the bank; some allow kids a peek at their vault or room of safe deposit boxes, aka treasure chests. It never hurts, either, if tellers offer a lollipop after transactions, or if children can run the family’s change through a coin-sorting machine. These experiences make the bank feel welcoming and enjoyable, which helps a banking habit stick in future.

3. Add bank stops into your shared routine.

Incorporate a stop at the bank to deposit allowances, earnings and gifts part of your family’s regular routine. More broadly, remember you’re modeling financial behavior all the time, whether you intend to or not. Talk out loud about your spending and saving decisions, for instance, when you add money to a family vacation fund. Identify ways you save at the grocery store, and point out when something is a splurge. All this helps children learn the value and uses of money.

4. Give incentives.

Nothing motivates financial awareness and a solid savings habit like interest or matching funds. Show your child how earning interest works: for simply leaving her money in the bank, she earns a bit more of it. If you want to reinforce saving even more, consider matching your child’s savings when, say he’s saving for a particular goal. “If you save $50 toward your ice skates this month, I will match that amount.”

5. Add complexity as children grow.

A six-year-old may not be ready to read her bank statement and reconcile her account, but by the time she’s 10, she could give it a try. By the time children get their first jobs, they will be learning about taxes. And by the time they have their first email accounts, they should be aware of financial scams and schemes that seem too good to be true. By starting their financial education when they’re young, they’ll gain both confidence and savvy when it comes to making sound decisions.

Items to bring to the bank

What you need to have to open a joint account with your child:

  • Your child’s name, birthdate and social security number
  • Your picture identification, such as a driver’s license or passport
  • Your social security number
  • Personal information such as address, phone number, email address
  • An initial deposit (cash, checks) as required by the bank

Interested in opening a checking account for your children?Explore U.S. Bank options.

Tips for opening a bank account for kids (2024)


What is the best way to open a bank account for a child? ›

To open a savings account for your child, you typically need to provide information including your child's name, birthdate and Social Security number. You'll also likely need to provide your own Social Security number, driver's license number, address, phone number and email address.

How to open first bank account for kids? ›

Minor children by law can't open a savings account. They need a parent or guardian to set up a custodial or joint account. A custodial account is the property of the child, but managed by the parent until the child turns 18.

What do I need to open a child's bank account? ›

What do I need to open a child bank account?
  1. Your child's passport, birth certificate or provisional driving licence as proof of ID.
  2. Your own proof of ID and your proof of your address, for example an energy bill or council tax bill.

Is it good to open bank account for kids? ›

The advantage of allowing your child the freedom to operate their own account is that it lets them get familiar with banking terms and how the account works. This information is invaluable once they grow up.

Which bank is best for children's account? ›

Summary of Best Bank Accounts for Minors
Savings AccountForbes Advisor RatingMinimum Monthly Average Balance
HDFC Bank Kids savings account4.7INR 5,000
ICICI Bank Young Stars savings account4.6INR 2,500
SBI savings account for minors4.5No average monthly balance requirement
2 more rows

Which is the best bank to open for kids? ›

Summary of Best Savings Accounts for Kids and Teens 2024
AccountForbes Advisor RatingMonthly Maintenance Fee
USAlliance Federal Credit Union MyLife Savings for Kids4.7$0
M&T Starter Savings Account4.6$0
Alliant Credit Union Kids Savings Account4.6$0
Northpointe Bank Kids Savings4.5$0
1 more row

What do I need to bring to open kids bank account? ›

How to open a bank account for your child
  1. Child's passport.
  2. Child's SIN (if they have one)
  3. Birth certificate.
  4. Parent or guardian government-issued photo ID (e.g. health card, driver's licence, passport)

Is there a free bank card for kids? ›

Help kids manage their pocket money and turn spending into skills, with our free debit card and app for 6 - 15 year olds.

Can a child have a bank account without a parent? ›

Generally, a child must be at least 18 years of age to open a bank account on their own, with some variability by state. However, there are several options that allow children and teens to access the banking experience before 18 with an adult cosigner or custodian.

Can parents withdraw money from a minor account? ›

The minor owns the funds in the account. The adult, as the custodian, has exclusive control of the account and the minor cannot make deposits, withdrawals or transact on the account. If there's more than one adult as the custodian on the account, each may act independently.

Do I have to pay taxes on my child savings account interest? ›

If your child's interest, dividends, and other unearned income total more than $2,500, it may be subject to a specific tax on the unearned income of certain children. See the Instructions for Form 8615, Tax for Certain Children Who Have Unearned Income for more information.

When should a kid get a checking account? ›

Financial experts suggest most kids are able to grasp money concepts by age 9, which makes it a good age to open an initial savings account. Because checking accounts require greater financial responsibility, they suggest waiting until your child turns 15 to open a checking account.

How do I open a bank account for my minor child? ›

You need to fill out the form for opening the account, with the minor as the first account holder, and you as the joint holder. You also need to submit your photographs along with this form. Some banks ask for the minor's photograph as well. You need to submit the child's birth certificate as age proof.

Can a grandparent open a bank account for a grandchild? ›

When opening a savings account for a grandchild, you may have the option of an individual account or a joint account. If you choose a joint account—to share with the child's parent, for example—you'll need to enter the personal information of each account holder.

How much does it cost to open a bank account for a child? ›

Some kids' savings accounts require low minimum opening deposits of $25 or less. Others require $100 or more. Be prepared to help your child save up if needed.

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