The Pros and Cons of Paying Off Your Loans Early | Blog (2024)

November 2023The Pros and Cons of Paying Off Your Loans Early | Blog (1)

Debt can complicate your finances. If you’re looking to streamline your finances and build a more secure foundation for your financial future, you may want to pay off your loans ahead of schedule. However, like all financial decisions, this strategy comes with benefits and drawbacks. Here’s what you should consider before paying off your loan early.

Save money on interest

When you make a payment on your loan, your money doesn’t just pay down your balance, it also goes towards interest. When you pay off your loan early, you’ll be cutting down on the amount of interest you pay over the life of your loan. These savings can be particularly pronounced if you have a high interest rate loan, explains Forbes contributor Casey Bond.

Peace of mind

In a U.S. News and World Report article by Chris Kissell, credit guru Gerri Detweiler drew a direct line between having less debt and enjoying greater peace of mind. That’s because loans can be more than a strain on your budget — they can also be a source of stress in your daily life, especially during times of upheaval. By paying your loan off ahead of schedule, you won’t have to worry about making payments if you experience a major unexpected life change, such as divorce, loss of employment, or an unexpected catastrophe.

Credit score

Investopedia author Chris B. Murphy explains that your creditworthiness is heavily influenced by your debt-to-income ratio. So if you’re looking to boost your credit score, paying off a loan early can help. And with a better credit score, you may find it easier to secure a loan for your next big purchase.

Prepayment penalties

Before paying off a loan early, make sure to read your loan agreement and look for any “prepayment” fees or penalties. While Waukesha State Bank does not charge prepayment penalties on our consumer loans, some lenders do. So be sure to brush up on the fine print of your loan before you decide to pay it off early.

Less discretionary spending money

Whether you’re paying off a loan with a lump sum or you plan to chip away at it with larger payments, paying off your loan faster will likely mean tightening up your budget. Consider where you’ll get the money to pay off your debt — is it being diverted from your retirement savings plan? Or is it coming from the money you budget for entertainment and dining? If you have to choose between investing the money or paying off bills, Bond suggests that you compare your loan’s interest rate with your return on investment. If your return on investment outweighs the interest rate on your loan, Bond explains that investing may be the better way to grow your money.

Paying off debt early can be a major win for your finances, but it may not be for everyone. For advice tailored to your budget and life situation, consider consulting one of Waukesha State Bank’s financial planners.

The Pros and Cons of Paying Off Your Loans Early | Blog (2024)


What are the pros and cons of paying off loans early? ›

Pro: You may improve your credit profile. Pro: You will have more freedom from debt. Con: You might starve an investment to feed your debt. Con: You might be penalized.

Is there a downside to paying off student loans early? ›

If you have federal student loans and pay them off early, you could lose the opportunity to take advantage of a student loan forgiveness program (if you qualify). If it's still worth it to you to pay off your student loans quickly, it may help to refinance your student loans as part of the process.

Is it worth paying off a personal loan early? ›

Pros of Paying Off a Personal Loan Early

With loan payments out of the way, you free up money to pad your monthly budget. You may have more funds to direct to another financial goal, such as investing, saving for a down payment or just having more "fun money," Nitzsche says.

Is there a downside to paying off a mortgage early? ›

If you pay off your mortgage early, you'll no longer have any mortgage interest to deduct on your tax return if you itemize your deductions. This change is most likely to affect you if you have a large mortgage, a high interest rate—or both—-and your annual interest payments are substantial.

Why is it cheaper if you finish your loan payments early? ›

Save money on interest

The more money you add to your payments and the higher your loan amount, the more you can save. Interest is typically spread out over the loan term. You'll pay less interest by paying off your loan early since the lender will have less time to collect interest from you.

Is there a downside to paying off debt? ›

It May Negatively Affect Your Credit

It's common thinking that paying off any debt can only be good for your credit, but paying off some debts early might actually have the reverse effect.

Is it financially smart to pay off student loans? ›

There are many benefits to paying off your student debt early. You will save on student loan interest and get out of debt faster while improving your debt-to-income (DTI) ratio. With a higher DTI ratio and more disposable income, you could pursue other financial goals, such as buying a house or saving for retirement.

Will my credit go up if I pay off student loans? ›

Paying off your student loans could also benefit your credit score. Notably, it could improve your payment history, as consistently making on-time payments on your student loans helps establish a strong payment history.

Is it bad to pay off student loans all at once? ›

There is a downside, however, if you're paying all of your loans off at once: That's one less deduction you'll be eligible for going forward. Deductions reduce the amount of your income that's subject to tax, which directly affects how much you owe or the size of your refund if you normally get one.

Is it better to pay off loan early or late? ›

Paying off a loan early could save you money in the long term as it can reduce the total amount you need to repay. Bear in mind that you need to account for any early repayment charges to help decide if it's the right choice for you.

Should I pay my loan off early or invest? ›

Investing and paying down debt are both good uses for any spare cash you might have. Investing makes sense if you can earn more on your investments than your debts are costing you in terms of interest. Paying off high-interest debt is likely to provide a better return on your money than almost any investment.

Is it better to close loan early? ›

You should consider pre-closing your personal loan when you have sufficient funds to pay it off without compromising your emergency savings or other financial goals.

Is it better to pay off mortgage or keep money? ›

For guaranteed savings and the security of owning your home debt free, paying off your mortgage earlier is a better option than investing your extra cash.

At what age should you pay off your mortgage? ›

You should aim to be completely debt-free by retirement, and after age 45 you can begin thinking more seriously about pre-paying your mortgage. The opportunity cost of paying off your mortgage before investing for retirement is very high when you are young.

Am I better off paying my mortgage off early? ›

If you can afford to make extra payments, overpaying your mortgage means you pay less interest in the future and pay off your mortgage sooner. This means you could save a lot of money.

Is there ever a penalty to pay off a loan early? ›

However, there are some typical models for determining penalty cost. Percentage of remaining loan balance: The lender will assign a small percentage, such as 2%, of the outstanding principal as a penalty fee if the payoff is made within the first 2 or 3 years of the loan term.

Is there an advantage to paying your debts off early? ›

Almost every type of loan can be paid off early, and there are many benefits for doing so. It can save you money. It can improve your credit score (though not always). It can provide peace of mind.

Is it better to pay off loan or keep? ›

There's no denying that paying off your home loan quickly will help reduce the total amount you spend on interest, but it's not necessarily a bad thing to maintain your mortgage for its full term if you put those additional funds to good use.

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