The pros and cons of a career in financial services - Tiger Recruitment (2024)

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The financial services industry is one of the most important to the UK, and in turn, jobs within financial services have increased significantly over the past few years. There are 1.1 million financial services employees employed in the UK.It is an industry that offers a wide variety of roles and career opportunities and, as a result, attracts large numbers of prospects. Take a look at some of the positions we are working on in the City at the moment!

As with all industries, there are pros and cons to working within this exciting space. If you’re toying with the idea of a career move in the City, here are some of the things you may want to consider:


Financially rewarding

There is potential to achieve a higher-than-average income at all levels within the industry, as well as a promising career path, great benefits and bonuses. City-based firms often reward hard-working employees with wellness benefits like free gym membership, access to healthy meals and medical consultations.


No day will ever be exactly the same. The fast pace and unpredictable nature of the industry means you’ll always be busy and learning new things. There’s likely to be an exciting buzz around the office and definitely no time for clock watching.


On a daily basis you’ll be faced with high-profile individuals and businesses. It gives you an excellent opportunity to network with new people every day, and this in turn can open lots of doors. In this space, it’s usually not about what you know; it’s who you know.

Social Scene

The financial services industry is known for its ‘work hard, play hard’ mantra. It wouldn’t surprise us if you met life-long friends in the City. And if you’re a bubbly person who loves to socialise, you’ll fit right in.

Potential risks:

Long hours

Working in financial services is not a typical 9-5 affair. Approximately one in three of all employees work in excess of 40 hours per week and a large number work considerably more than that. The work itself can be fairly high pressured and stress-inducing due to the fast pace and the demanding nature of clients and colleagues. To minimise burn-out, we strongly recommend focussing on personal wellness and encourage you to take all of your annual leave. This will help counter-balance any stress caused.

Difficult characters

In a support role you may be expected to deal with employees that will not give you an easy ride!

Competition for jobs is high

As financial services offers good promotion prospects and numerous career opportunities, this means it is a competitive industry. And you’re competing with the best of the best.

Few permanent opportunities

Due to the unpredictable nature of the economy, many of the financial services firms prefer to hire into long-term contracts rather than permanent roles. If you want to work in the City you’d need to be comfortable with this. Rest assured, those in long-term contracts enjoy all the same benefits and bonuses as permanent staff!

We believe the benefits of working in the City far outweigh the risks, but at the end of the day it needs to feel right for you and your lifestyle choices. If you want to discuss taking your next step, get in touch today.

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The pros and cons of a career in financial services - Tiger Recruitment (2024)


What are the pros and cons of financial services? ›

The pros and cons of a career in financial services
  • Financially rewarding. ...
  • Variety. ...
  • Exposure. ...
  • Social Scene. ...
  • Long hours. ...
  • Difficult characters. ...
  • Competition for jobs is high. ...
  • Few permanent opportunities.

What are the cons of a finance career? ›

They can include high stress, big responsibility, long working hours, continuing education requirements, and, in some cases, a lack of job security—the finance industry is generally quite cyclical.

Is financial services a good career choice? ›

BLS data indicates that personal financial advisors earned a median annual income of nearly $95,390 as of 2022, more than double the median annual salary for all occupations nationwide. Financial analysts—among the most common careers in finance—earned a median annual salary of $96,220.

Is a career in finance worth it? ›

A career in finance can be very lucrative. The average salary for a finance major is $101,038. Pursuing a career as a financial advisor or another form of financial sales can go well beyond this number, whereas a career in corporate America or the government typically stays close to it.

What are the pros and cons of hiring a financial advisor? ›

Pros of hiring a financial advisor include gaining access to expertise, leveraging time, and sharing responsibility. However, there are also potential downsides to consider, such as costs and fees, quality of service, and the risk of abandonment.

What are the advantages of financial services? ›

Providers of financial services, then, help channel cash from savers to borrowers and redistribute risk. They can add value for the investor by aggregating savers' money, monitoring investments, and pooling risk to keep it manageable for individual members. In many cases the intermediation includes both risk and money.

Can you make money in financial services? ›

Financial services have long been considered an industry where a professional can thrive and work up the corporate ladder to ever-increasing compensation structures.

What is the highest paying job in financial services? ›

9 highest paying finance jobs
  • Chief compliance officer. The top-paying finance job on our list is Chief compliance officer. ...
  • Chief financial officer. ...
  • Private equity associate. ...
  • Hedge fund manager. ...
  • Insurance advisor. ...
  • Financial advisor. ...
  • Compliance analyst. ...
  • Information technology auditor.

Why should I work in the financial services industry? ›

A career in finance is yours to build. With a broad range of opportunities available, whether that's through advisory support, business development, underwriting, customer service, or even marketing, the sector itself caters to a diverse set of skills and interests.

Do finance jobs make a lot of money? ›

People who have a bachelor's degree in finance take in $124,000 a year on average, according to data collected by Comparably. 1 However, and it becomes apparent just how many finance-related careers pay well above average. Here's a look at how you can expect to fare in some of the field's more common occupations.

Do finance degrees make a lot of money? ›

The average starting salary for finance majors is $55,000, and the average mid-career salary is $110,000.

Are finance jobs hard to get? ›

You don't need an MBA to work in finance, but the field is highly competitive, especially at the entry-level. Internships offer experience, exposure, and a tryout for a full-time gig.

What are the cons of a financial manager? ›

Cons of Becoming a Financial Manager

Managing the financial health of an entire organization comes with a great deal of responsibility. That responsibility can, in turn, cause you a lot of stress. This can be a very fast-paced job, too, which can contribute to work-related stress.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of financial literacy? ›

In conclusion, financial literacy has both its advantages and disadvantages. On the one hand, being financially literate can help individuals make more informed decisions with their money and avoid debt. On the other hand, financial literacy can also lead to people becoming more materialistic and obsessed with money.

What is the biggest challenge in financial services? ›

8 Challenges of the Financial Services Industry
  1. Cybercrime. ...
  2. Regulatory Compliance. ...
  3. Big Data in Finance. ...
  4. AI and Blockchain in Finance. ...
  5. FinTech Disruption. ...
  6. Keeping Up With Technology. ...
  7. Customer Retention in the Financial Services Industry. ...
  8. Customer Experience in the Financial Services Industry.

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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.