Saving for retirement in your 50s can be 'really stress-inducing,' expert says. These tips can help (2024)

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Turning 50 is a milestone birthday — and it becomes harder to ignore that retirement may be just around the corner. But research shows that many Americans reach that decade feeling financially unprepared for what's ahead.

Generation X — the oldest of whom turn 59 this year — will be the first generation to rely primarily on their 401(k) plans, research from Goldman Sachs notes.

Gen Xers were most likely to say they are behind on retirement, compared with other generations, the firm's research found.

A so-called financial vortex — where competing life goals get in the way of financial priorities — is to blame, according to the research. For example, Gen Xers may be balancing care for aging relatives and children that forces them to put their own financial progress on the back burner.

The typical Gen X household has just $40,000 in retirement savings, according to research from the National Institute on Retirement Security.

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Experts say even in your 50s, it's not too late to take steps to get in better financial shape.

"While retirement is an exciting vision for a lot of people, the transition can be really stress-inducing," said Keri Dogan, senior vice president of financial wellness and retirement income solutions at Fidelity.

Shifting from saving for retirement to living in retirement is one of the biggest transitions a person will make in their lifetime, she said.

"There's a lot to do in those preparation years," Dogan said.

Prepare for the unexpected

To start getting ready for retirement, it helps to come up with a vision for what you want those years to look like, Dogan said.

Start thinking about when you might be able to afford to retire and how you can make your money last and put together a list of decisions you will have to make along the way, such as how to obtain health care coverage, either through Medicare or private insurance, she said.

Also be prepared that your plan will need to be adjusted along the way.

The median age that workers 50 and older expect to retire is 67, according to theTransamerica Center for Retirement Studies. Yet the research also finds that 56% retire sooner than they had planned.

Saving for retirement in your 50s can be 'really stress-inducing,' expert says. These tips can help (1)

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Typical Gen X household only has $40K in retirement savings in private accounts

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The average retirement age actually falls around 61 or 62, according to Dogan, as many people retire earlier than expected because they become caregivers, get pushed out at work or see their health status change.

"That's one of the reasons it is so important to have a plan, so you can look at different scenarios and understand what kind of situation you'd be in if something unexpected were to hit," Dogan said.

Ted Jenkin, a certified financial planner and the CEO and founder ofoXYGen Financial, a financial advisory and wealth management firm based in Atlanta, said he typically helps clients come up with a "work optional" plan to leave their long-term corporate jobs for work they find more fulfilling.

Set limits with your children

Gen Xers are providing more support to their children compared with other generations, said Jenkin, who is a member of CNBC's Financial Advisor Council.

And there's good reason. Elevated inflation has made it a higher hurdle for those younger adults to move out on their own. Meanwhile, many have student loan balances.

But it is important to set limits with that financial support.

"Gen Xers have a very hard time saying no to their kids," Jenkin said.

Set boundaries for how long children will remain on a family cell phone plan or auto insurance policy and when it makes sense for them to start paying rent if they're still living at home, Jenkin recommended.

Save more where you can

Once you hit age 50, you're eligible for what's known as catch-up contributions.

This year, savers who are at or above that age can sock away an extra $7,500 in their 401(k), 403(b) and most 457 plans, as well as the federal Thrift Savings Plan, for a total of $30,500 in 2024.

Likewise, retirement savers 50 and up may contribute an extra $1,000 to IRAs in 2024, for a total of $8,000.

Yet many savers are not taking advantage of those higher limits, according to Fidelity. Just 16.7% of those ages 55 to 59 are making retirement account catch-up contributions, the firm has found.

The good news is even if you can't reach those maximums, just increasing your deferral rate to your retirement saving by just 1% can increase how much you have in retirement.

Brush up on Social Security, Medicare rules

It is a great time in your 50s to look at your Social Security statement to see the retirement benefits for which you may qualify, according to Jenkin.

Importantly, you should also double-check to see that your work records are accurate, he said. The Social Security Administration provides free access to benefit information online.

In addition, because Medicare eligibility does not start until age 65, it's important to think about how you will obtain health care coverage earlier if you need it. For example, it may make sense for someone to retire at age 63½ and then use COBRA coverage for the 18 months until they reach Medicare age, Jenkin said.

If you're in your early to mid-50s, it's also a great time to explore what Social Security claiming strategy fits your particular situation best.

Get expert feedback

It's hard to spot your own financial blind spots, which is why it helps to consult an expert such as a certified financial planner.

Yet 62% of people ages 50 and up have not consulted a financial professional to help, according to a recent AARP survey.

While a reluctance to pay for advice is one reason respondents cited for not consulting with a professional, experts say it is possible to find cost-effective help. Search tools provided by National Association of Personal Financial Advisors; the CFP Board or the XY Planning Network may help identify potential financial professional matches.

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Saving for retirement in your 50s can be 'really stress-inducing,' expert says. These tips can help (2024)


Is it too late to save for retirement at age 50? ›

Experts say even in your 50s, it's not too late to take steps to get in better financial shape. “While retirement is an exciting vision for a lot of people, the transition can be really stress-inducing,” said Keri Dogan, senior vice president of financial wellness and retirement income solutions at Fidelity.

How to save for retirement in your 50's? ›

To jump-start retirement savings later in life, save as much as possible, maximize contributions to employer-sponsored retirement plans and pay down high-interest debt. Pre-retirees should prioritize paying off their mortgage to free up income for retirement expenses and reduce financial anxiety.

Can retirement cause stress? ›

It turns out, stress and depression during retirement are pretty normal. It's a major life transition, which is unsettling in itself for people who struggle with change, and it brings with it many challenges that some may not be ready to deal with.

What is the best age to retire for happiness? ›

On average, both retirees and pre-retirees said 63 is the ideal age for retirement — and current retirees left the workforce pretty close to that mark. The survey found that 62 is the average retirement age, but future retirees may have some challenges retiring on time.

Is retiring at 50 realistic? ›

If you're fortunate enough to draw a large salary, you could afford to invest more modestly and still have enough wealth to retire by 50. If you don't have a high salary, you could use a more aggressive portfolio to help get you there.

What is the rule of 50 for retirement? ›

50 - Consider allocating no more than 50 percent of take-home pay to essential expenses. 15 - Try to save 15 percent of pretax income (including employer contributions) for retirement. 5 - Save for the unexpected by keeping 5 percent of take-home pay in short-term savings for unplanned expenses.

How much should the average 50 year old have saved for retirement? ›

By age 35, aim to save one to one-and-a-half times your current salary for retirement. By age 50, that goal is three-and-a-half to six times your salary. By age 60, your retirement savings goal may be six to 11-times your salary. Ranges increase with age to account for a wide variety of incomes and situations.

Is 55 too early to retire? ›

The Bottom Line. Retiring at 55 is something of a lofty goal but it's achievable with the right financial plan in place. When considering early retirement, remember that it can affect how much you need to save and where you'll need to keep those savings.

How much should I have in my 401k at 55? ›

By age 40, you should have three times your annual salary already saved. By age 50, you should have six times your salary in an account. By age 60, you should have eight times your salary working for you. By age 67, your total savings total goal is 10 times the amount of your current annual salary.

Can retirement trigger anxiety? ›

Some feel anxious and saddened by the loss of routine and direction in their lives. Almost 1 in 3 retirees say they feel depressed – a rate higher than that of the adult population overall. Cicalese says she misses the structure of her former profession. "I was going here this day, and there that day," she says.

Is retirement good for mental health? ›

Results. Our results indicated that retirement based on aspirational motivations (β = − 0.115, p < 0.001) and positive circ*mstances (β = − 0.038, p < 0.001) significantly reduced depression, whereas retiring under negative circ*mstances could deteriorate one's mental health (β = 0.087, p < 0.001).

How to stop stressing about retirement? ›

Adjusting to retirement tip 1: Embrace change
  1. Adjust your attitude. ...
  2. Build resilience. ...
  3. Acknowledge your emotions. ...
  4. Accept the things that you can't change. ...
  5. Redefine your identity. ...
  6. Set new goals. ...
  7. Strengthen your social network. ...
  8. Enroll in a retirement transition program.
Feb 5, 2024

What is the happiest age of life? ›

The researchers found people reached their happiest when they arrived at the age of 70. Life satisfaction decreased between the ages of nine and 16, increased a little until the age of 70, and then declined again until the age of 96.

What is the smartest age to retire? ›

67-70 – During this age range, your Social Security benefit, if you haven't already taken it, will increase by 8% for each year you delay taking it until you turn 70. So, if your benefit will be, say, $2,500/month if you start at your full retirement age, it would be more than $3,300/month if you can wait.

What is the golden age of retirement? ›

There was never a “golden age” of retirement in America. Retirees 30 or 40 years ago did not have it better than retirees today. Retirees do not have it so much better in other countries. There is no nirvana of free everything for the over-65s.

How much should a 50 year old have in retirement savings? ›

By age 35, aim to save one to one-and-a-half times your current salary for retirement. By age 50, that goal is three-and-a-half to six times your salary. By age 60, your retirement savings goal may be six to 11-times your salary. Ranges increase with age to account for a wide variety of incomes and situations.

What to do if you are 50 with no retirement savings? ›

If you need help saving for retirement, consider working with a financial advisor.
  1. Calculate Your Expected Retirement Spending. ...
  2. Fund Your 401(k) to the Max. ...
  3. Open an IRA Immediately and Fund It. ...
  4. Utilize Catch-Up Contributions. ...
  5. Calculate How Much You'll Receive From Social Security.
Apr 29, 2024

How do people retire with no savings? ›

Individuals who have not saved for retirement and who still own homes can turn to their homes as a source of income. For some, this could mean renting a portion of their space as a separate apartment. Another option is to take a reverse mortgage on a home, although doing so can be costly and complicated.

What is a good age to start saving for retirement? ›

Ideally, you'd start saving in your 20s, when you first leave school and begin earning paychecks. That's because the sooner you begin saving, the more time your money has to grow.

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