Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of February 10, 2024 (2024)

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of February 10,2024

JudyNote: The globalfinancial system is falling apart with banks failing.

Wehave a flow of drugs and human trafficking at the border, with a president whonot only doesn’t have a clue how to stop it, but files legal chargesagainst those who do.

Cabalgovernments including the US have deliberately caused both global fuel and foodcrises by burning down food processing plants, blowing up fuel supply lines,poisoning the food supply, buying farm land and letting it sit and passinglegislation that drives up fuel prices and prohibits farmers from making aliving.

Theso-called leader of the Free World US has out-of-control inflation and has hitover $34 Trillion in debt, with a President and Vice President who can’tcomplete sentences, let alone solve problems.

Thereis a international Press that refuses to report the news about a populationwhich wants to live in a bubble, ignore what’s going on and calls those of uswho want to do something about it Conspiracy Theorists – just like our US TaxPayer funded CIA has programmed them to do.

Don’tyou think it’s Time for The Storm to hit full force and wake everyone up?

· Sometimesoon the Supreme Court wouldreveal their findings on 2020 and 2022 Election Fraud – a decision that would likelydissolve the Biden Administration and all of Congress – and prove that DonaldTrump was the lawfully elected president.

· Rumorwas that on Sun. 11 Feb. atconclusion of the Super Bowl, there would be an important announcement – thatwould ensure the public’s safety against planned chaos Events by way ofactivation of the Emergency Broadcast System.

· Seven Trumpets – a Call To Arms, EBSDefcon One Alert:

· BREAKING:Med Beds Unveiled, Trump’s Super Bowl NESARA Announcement, Starlink EBS, andthe Countdown to 10 Days of Darkness! - Gazetteller

· EBS Game Theory Operations, ObamaHidden Agenda:

· The World Economy was in collapse.Banks closing. Bank Runs imminent. Thurs.8 Feb. BOOM! Putin’s Chilling Warning To Rothschild: “Our FutureGenerations Will be Born Without Rothschild Chains Around Their Wrists andAnkles.”

· “You have issues on the border,issues with migration, issues with the national debt,more than 33 trillion dollars. ...You have nothing better to do so you shouldfight in Ukraine? …It was the CIA that overthrew the Ukrainian Government in2014. This happened under ‘President Obama’. Isn’t this a War Crime?” …VladimirPutin interview with Tucker Carlson Tues.6 Feb. 2024.

· Mission Remove Biden Just Started. SleepyJoe has lost his mind. He can’t remember anything, or anyone. He’s the firstsitting President in US history to be declared legally incompetent to standtrial. Joe Biden couldn't even remember when he was Vice President, accordingto Special Counsel Report. According to his own Justice Department, Joe Bidenis a criminal who is UNFIT to stand trial. And as far as America is concerned,he is TRAITOR who is unfit to be President.

· Tucker Carlson just RELEASED thesecond part of his UNCENSORED INTERVIEW with Vladimir Putin.Vladimir Putin EXPOSES the truth about Ukraine’s CORRUPTION, the truth aboutIsrael’s PEDOPHILIA, the truth about the ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT system, the truthabout the STOLEN ELECTIONS and much more!

· Thurs. 8 Feb. NewWorld Order & CIA Classified Drops: Herbert the Pervert George Bush Sr

· In the 1980s Osama Bin Laden was CIAAgent Tim Osman.

A.Global Currency Reset:

· The Chinese Elders have released Dubi1 Funds into Paymaster Accounts for Tier 1 (different countriesgovernments) that were now liquid and being paid out. Dubi 2 funds for Tiers2,3,4a (Groups) were released on Sun. 4Feb. and were liquid on Fri. 9 Feb.Dubi 3 funds for Tier 4b (Us, the Internet Group) were released on Wed. 7 Feb. and would be liquid by atleast Sat. 10 Feb.

· Sat. 10 Feb.was the beginning of the Chinese New Year when BRICS countries would beinformed of their new currency rates and Tier4b funds would be liquid inPaymaster Accounts.

· Sun. 11 Feb. the Emergency BroadcastSystem may activate Worldwide after the Super Bowl? POTUSAlert Test Incoming EBS Super Bowl Night. …Q Post 2288

· Chance McFadden: “Was told the paperwork was just completed. The Iraq Governmentwill reveal the new ‘lower denomination’ notes this week and then releasethe new Dinar Rate ($4+) to be published in the Government Gazette on Sun. 11 Feb. and then go on Forex thiscoming Mon. 12 Feb. – the same Mon. 12 Feb. that the Admiral is going to release everything.”

· Fri. 9 Feb. Texas Snake: "Was included in a call that contained some very valuableinformation regarding our anticipated benefits but was placed on a do notreveal type NDA, so please appreciate the position I find myself insharing other than it is very, very positive for us as well as around theGlobe. Will open for a short time so some guessing can take place to seeif anyone has a clue as to what is about to unfold"

· The Iraqi Stock Exchange (ISX)has completed their linkup...of international platforms. They are doneand live.

· The new rates were locked in on Bank and Redemption Center screens. (You willget a better rate at a Redemption Center than if you exchanged at a bank).

· On Thurs. 15 Feb. 2024. Tier4bexchanges and bond redemption will wrap up.

· Reclamation andRestitution Allowances and increases in Social Security was expected to occur sometime in Feb. 2024.

B. Fri. 9 Feb. Wolverine on Non Disclosure Agreements:

The Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) is a fundamental process in ALL large commercial contracts.Remember that you are about to become an "ultra-high net worthindividual" and your confidentiality agreement prohibits you from:

1. Talk about your date.2. What you areexchanging.3. What rates you achieved in any format.

The first short NDA would be signed andgenerated electronically by the Safe Link website from which we will obtain ourT4B 800# to make our exchange and exchange appointments.

The second NDA would be signed in hard copyat the exchange and exchange appointment.

All calls and voicemails will be logged.All phone call logs will be logged. All text messages will be logged. Twitterwill be monitored (if active). Facebook will be monitored (if active). Allnetworks will be monitored social networks and forums. All devices will connectto the federal government systems and seek to cancel exchanges for anyone whoviolates the Non-Disclosure Agreement by discussing virtual reality exchanges,dating or exchanging her, etc.

These confidentiality agreements will lastapproximately 90 days (possibly longer). Certain words will not be allowed tobe mentioned.

If you need to talk to friends, family, oranyone related to your specific projects, be sure to add them to your NDAAddendum/Waiver document.Be careful not to send unnecessary messages orinformation that goes against the law.These are legal agreements we aresigning!

Avoid sharing confidential informationwith your friends and family. Even telling your children puts you at risk. Bevery careful! Be careful of your surroundings. Anything you text, write, or saycan be used against you because of your confidentiality agreement. Don't riskit.


This will come into effect as you completethe information on the Safelink website.

There are some mechanisms within theSafelink website that require you to agree to an NDA before receiving the 800number to call.If you are bringing a guest to your appointment, please informthe telephone operator.

They will also be asked to sign aconfidentiality agreement and bring their KYC documents.You will not receiveresponses from any moderators/administrators.

There are exemptions for your NDA thatneed to know this information and are determined to know the proof and theorigin of the funds, for example: lawyers, asset managers, accountants, etc.

They are already protected byconfidentiality within their professional files. But that doesn't mean youcan't get them to sign another one with you directly.

Ask your banking team to let you have anNDA template that you can use alongside yours. Print multiple copies.

When you arrive at the appointment, youwill sign the NDA again with wet ink.Ask if you can add a short list of exemptions,i.e. spouse, children, etc.Take that list with you and make sure it is attachedto the NDA before you sign it.

C. Recent GCR History:

· On Thurs. 25 Jan.the gold-backed US Dollar was introduced from the US Treasury in Reno.

· The next day on Fri. 26 Jan.all 86 Global Currency Reset platforms were loaded and launched.

· By Sun. 28 Jan.the new Iraqi Dinar Rate (which had been released in-country on Mon. 1 Jan.) and the new US Note wereboth trading on the Forex.

D.Global Economic Crisis:

· In 2019, Mastercard—in partnershipwith the UN—launched a credit card that monitors its holders carbon footprintand cuts off spending when they've reached their allocated carbon allowance.The card was discontinued in 2022, but you can be absolutely certain that the exactsame functionality will be programmed into CBDCs if they're ever allowed to getoff the ground.

· Putin says the United States iskilling the dollar with our own hands. “To use the dollar as atool of foreign policy struggle is one of the biggest mistakes of the U.S.political leadership. I think everyone understands very well that no matter howmany dollars are printed, they are quickly dispersed all over the world. Theywon’t stop printing it. Nevertheless, it is the main weapon used by the U.S. topreserve its power across the world. As soon as the political leadershipdecided to use the U.S. dollar as a tool of political struggle, a blow wasdealt to this American power… It is a stupid thing to do and a grave mistake. Doyou even realize what is going on or not? Does anyone in the U.S. realize this?What are you doing? You are cutting yourself off. Ask any intelligent andthinking person in the U.S. what the dollar means for the U.S. You’re killing it with your own hands!”

· US Inc. According to the CBO,federal public debt amounted to $26.2 trillion at the end of the 2023 fiscalyear, accounting for 97% of GDP. That figure is expected to reach 99% this yearand exceed the country’s annual economic output in 2025 at 101.7% of GDP.

· Fri. 9 Feb. Rafi Farber: Another banking crisis is emerging, willit be the last? Arcadia Economy: The next banking crisis appears to be upon us,as New York Community Bancorp teeters on the brink of collapse. Ironically,NYCB was one of the rescue banks that stepped in during last year's fiasco andabsorbed the assets of the now-failed Signature Bank. I guess that didn't workout so well now that Signature's benefactor is also failing. This comes as anestimated $1.5 trillion in commercial mortgage loans come due this year andnext, which is reassuring. The unfolding banking disaster comes as gold andsilver diverge wildly in terms of open interest, with the number of gold opencontracts at 5-year lows, but silver open interest curiously going in theopposite direction. This is something that, technically speaking, I have neverseen before.

· In China, 271 tons of physical gold were withdrawn from the stock market inJanuary. It is the second largest withdrawal in history. The beer seems tobe maturing. In what, we will soon find out.

E.Restored Republics:

· Fri. 9 Feb. TheBRICS’ Plan to Redefine Global Economic Power: Commodities vs. Financial Assets

· Fri. 9 Feb. JudyByington Bombshell Report! Q Clock Ends Today, POTUS ALERT or EBS – TheCountdown Begins! No One’s Talking About Chili – Like Maui, it’s Been Burned tothe Ground – Restored Republic via a GCR as of February 9, 2024

· Fri. 9 Feb. Masteringthe Art of War: Trump’s Strategic Silence Unleashed in a Sting Operation,Deciphering the QFS Code & the Mystery of the Hidden Watermark

· Thurs. 8 Feb. BOOM!Judy Byington Bombshell Report! BLACKOUT CONFIRMED. PHASE 1 NOW, ACTIVE – IT’SCOMING – Thurs. 8 Feb. 2024 Is A Big Day – We Are Going to Show You a New World– Restored Republic via a GCR as of February 8, 2024

· Thurs. 8 Feb. ItBegins… NYC Starts Arresting more Migrants! Beating NYPD & Involved in NYCCrime Spree

· Thurs. 8 Feb. POTUSALERT or EBS – The Countdown Begins! EBS Activation, POTUS ALERT, Q 2320,Tucker Carlson, President Trump, Judy Byington, FISA, President Putin, BRICSand Deep State

F. Fri. 9 Feb. “Ken and Barbie vs. GoliathIRS” Update: Mocking God& the Constitution Tom Fairbanks,Intelligence Support Activity (ISA)

Thedeception displayed by the Court and Prosecution in the Federal Case againstKen Cromar exposes just how serious the battle between Barbie & Ken vsGoliath IRS actually is. While the desperation of the IRS and DOJ toconvict Barbie & Ken demonstrates the venerability of the IRS and itsorchestrated scheme to defraud and fleece the American public (We the People).

· Despite Ken Cromar’sfiling asking the court for a delay so hecould subpoena witnesses for the hearing on Cromar’s Motion to Dismiss, the5:30 am wake-up call on February 8, 2024, “Cromar, you have court today,“ was aclear indication that Judge Nielson had already made up his mind.Atone o'clock, Judge Nielson told Ken Cromar that he had read all of Cromar’sarguments carefully about why the court lacked jurisdiction (authority to hearthis case as presented by the government prosecutor) but Judge Nielson said hewas not persuaded.He then explained his thinking and even providedSupreme Court sites to support his analysis, and then said, "Therefore,Defendant Cromar's motion to dismiss is denied."

· Cromar stated, “It should have been unnerving and stressful, but today it wasnot.I felt amazing peace and had great faith that our motion todismiss could kill the case and drop all the charges, but equally as much faithto trust God's will and His timing.Either way, I was at completepeace.”

· Conspicuously absent from the hearing was Prosecutor Mark Woolf, who had previouslystated he was quitting the case, yet continued to prosecute Cromar even afterthe addition of a Special Prosecutor from Washington DC. – This radical changein direction makes me wonder if this is evidence that the prosecution ismonitoring the articles and comments about Barbie & Ken in an effort tosubvert Ken Cromar’s defenses?It is certainly an interestingobservation.

· Mr. Woolf’s attempt toget Ken Cromar to plead to “submitting falsedocuments to the IRS” exposed just how serious the IRS’s ruling that theCromars DID NOT and NEVER DID OWE ANY TAXES is to the prosecution.Thisis the smoking gun and everyone now knows it. The IRS and DOJ’s posture of“Win At All Costs” mandates that IRS’s ruling must be destroyed as though itnever happened.This is a “no holds barred” moment for the IRS and DOJbecause they cannot allow the public cannot see Barbie & Ken prevail orelse everyone will finally know the truth about the fraudulent IRS.

· The evidence shows the orchestrated collusion of those who have perpetrated thisCrime Against Barbie & Ken, which began in the Utah Federal Court underChief Judge Robert J. Shelby who, without a single hearing, ordered the sale ofthe Cromar Home. Then after Judge Shelby refused to continue to protect thefraudulent buyer, “Bishop” Bellinston, the case was moved to a lower court, theFourth District Court in Provo Utah under Judge Christine Johnson, without the approvalof Judge Shelby. The Cromars filed numerous lawsuits in an attempt to protectthemselves, their life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, which each of thecourts claimed were frivolous filings. (Denial of Constitution Rights)

· Barbie & Ken filedPetitions in the US Tax Court demanding Copies ofthe Notices of Deficiency and Notices of Determination that were required to besent to the Cromar before any legal action could be made against them.Following a thorough search of the IRS records the IRS filed a Motion toDismiss the Petitions with the US Tax Court on the grounds that No Notices ofDeficiency or Notices of Determination existed in the IRS records. ThentheUS Tax Court Ordered the Petitions to be Dismissed and Acknowledged that Barbie& Ken DID NOT and NEVER DID OWN ANY TAXES for the tax years 1990 through2020.

· Over joyed with theNews of their Victory over the IRS, Barbie &Ken made an appointment to meet with their LDS Bishop and Stake President sothey could share the news of their victory with them. At the appointment,however, Barbie & Ken were not allowed to speak, but instead they werepresented with a Notice of Trespass informing them that they would be arrestedif they stepped foot on any ChurchProperty.What astartling reaction from the Christian Brothers who had been called to beShepherds over Barbie& Ken. Condemned and ostracized without accusation orwitnesses and literally removed from the Church withoutexcommunication.Not everything is as it Appears!

· Now, I have beeninformed that Ken Cromar’s Bishop is beingsubpoenaed to testify against Ken.WOW – the Prosecution must bedesperate to figure out a way to get rid of the IRS ruling. First of all,what do they think Ken’s Bishop knows about their legal problems with theIRS?Is this an attempt to create an illusion that Barbie & Kenhave made a confession to their Bishop, which the Bishop is willing expose?

· This should scare the daylights out of every latter-day saint.Every conversation with an ecclesiastical leader, whether by confession or not,can be used against you. This completely violates Clergy-Confidentiality(Scott vs Hammock 870 P.2d 947 (1994) No. 910112 SupremeCourt of Utah). “A clergyman or priest cannot,without the consent ofthe person making the confession, be examined as to any confession made tohim in his professional character in the course of discipline enjoined by thechurch to which he belongs”. More importantly,if there is noconfession involved the clergyman is still acting in the protected capacity ofa clergyman and is required to keep any confidences they may have.

· What an awkwardposition for the LDS Church to be in! At a timethat the LDS Church is under scrutinyfor the way it handles allegationsof Sexual Assault with religious leaders being instructed to call the Abuse HotLine, which is managed by the LDS Church’s Legal Representatives, KirtonMcConkie, and then claiming Clergy-Confidentiality to avoid making the leadertestify in court;the prosecution against Ken Cromar pulls this?

· To subpoena Ken Cromar’Bishop to testify against him is not onlyanother unconstitutional act, but it also creates a very dangerous and slipperyslope for the LDS Church. If they do not step in to intervene on Ken Cromar’sbehalf and prevent the Bishop from testifying against Ken, their entirepractice for defending their leaders, who are involved with cases of SexualAbuse, will be utterly destroyed.

G.The Real News for Fri. 9 Feb. 2024:

· "The next six months for theestablishment is very precarious," warns former asset manager Edward Dowd.If they collapse it [economy] before the election, it's because they lost control.They're going to try to pump this up and keep it going. The jobs report in theUS just came out today. Anybody with worth their salt has called this the mostfraudulent jobs report we've ever seen. It's a joke. It's a complete joke.Fraud is now on the government balance sheets. They're cooking the books.”…Edward Snowden, Telegram Fri. 9 Feb.

· More lawmakers call for Biden to beremoved under 25th Amendment:

· Fri. 9 Feb. Brazil:Brazilian authorities have raided the home of President Jair Bolsonaro &seized his passport, they claim he tried to overthrow the government byquestioning the 2022 Brazil elections. Brazil's Supreme Court has recentlymandated a large-scale police operation targeting President Jair Bolsonaro.SOUND FAMILIAR???

· Fri. 9 Feb. Texas: The Texas NationalGuard responds to the Supreme Court's order to remove therazor wire in Eagle Pass by installing even more. Governor Abbott has said"Texas will not back down" as it defends its border. The BIDEN REGIMEand SCOTUS are very clearly trampling all over Texas 10th amendment rightsunder the US Constitution. Biden is trying to push us into a CIVIL WAR.Theywould rather WORLD WAR III, and CIVIL WAR than have Trump back in office.

· Whether it's true or not someoneshared that illegals are not getting $1,000/mo on debit cards,BUT $5k per month. WTH ! Still waiting on Biden's $600 stimulus from 3 yearsago

· Fri. 9 Feb. Ireland: NOW- Protest against mass immigration in Dublin, Ireland.

· Former Assistant U.S. Attorney AndyMcCarthy says there is enough evidence to invoke the 25th Amendment to removeJoe Biden after Special Counsel Robert Hur concluded hisinvestigation into Joe Biden’s handling of classified documents. “Well, myfirst impression was that this is supposed to be about whether there’s enoughevidence to indict, and as you read the report, I can’t help but say it surelooks like there’s enough here, to invoke the 25th Amendment. And I know that’snot what he’s looking at, what his purpose is, but his fitness for office is amajor issue here,” McCarthy said on Fox News.

· Fri. 9 Feb. BREAKINGNEWS: Tucker Carlson’s Secret Moscow Meetings with Snowden and Tara Reade – NowThat is Interesting!

· Fri. 9 Feb. HistoricalEnigma: JFK, The Mafia, and the Illuminati

· JFK is Still Aliveand in a Secret Witness Protection Program:

· JFK’s Historic April 27 1961 SpeechExposed Obama, Hillary, Bush, Pope Francis, Military Tribunals, Crimes AgainstHumanity and the New World Order:

H. InternationalChild Sex Trafficking, Organ and Adrenochrome Harvesting Ring Run Out of theVatican and housed in China’s Three Gorges Dam in the 1500 mile tunnel thatruns between the Vatican and Jerusalem:

· Fri. 9 Feb. The UN and ClintonFoundation allegedly use an old US base in Panama to support thesmuggling of illegal immigrants into America, suggesting an organized humantrafficking operation. The Clintons are accused of funding this activity.

· Disney sent children to EpsteinIsland under the guise of snorkeling. Why do so many kidsdisappear in Disney World? Why does Disney groom your children throughpropaganda movies and cartoons? Disney is the definition of child sextrafficking.

· Children are more valuable thandrugs. In excess of 8 MILLION CHILDREN go missing each year!CIA Officer and U.S. Marine Intelligence Officer confirmed that the torture ofchildren to produce Adrenochrome is real. He also confirmed that the Clintonsare head deep in child kidnapping and child trafficking.

· Tim Ballard: A child was raped 60,000times – and was the fate of thousands of children. Millionsof children as young as 5 years old are being raped over and over again. Childsex trafficking is the fastest growing criminal enterprise in the world. Thereis a 5000% increase in child rape videos.

· Madagascar Passes Bill to CastrateChild Rapists:

· Israeli Prime Minister BenjaminNetanyahu orders military officials to draw up plans for"evacuating" people in Rafah.

· FBI still defying court ordersto turnover Seth Rich’s personal and work laptops.

· 6.3-magnitude earthquakehits Hawaii's Big Island; 4.5-magnitude earthquake around Los Angeles.

· New York Rep. Claudia Tenneysays Biden needs to be “removed or charged" and has submitted a letter toAG Garland on the 25th Amendment.

I.Thurs. 8 Feb. New Benjamin Fulford: Secret AdrenochromeIntel! Actionable Intelligence on Child Torture Centers Received from HighLevel US Official

· A high-level governmentofficial (this person has been alone in the roomwith US Presidents and Israeli Prime Ministers) has given us very detailed andactionable intelligence on child torture facilities located across the US, theUK and elsewhere.

· It includes the names andaddresses of the torturers, the names of thetortured children and the exact location of the torture centers.

· The first PDF filecontains the names of 540 children who arestill being tortured daily.

· The second one containsthe names of 400 children who were tortured todeath.

· If you find your missingchild’s name on the list, we promise we willleave no stone unturned to either rescue or get justice for your child. This ispossible because the files contain the names and home addresses of 456“Adrenochrome Harvesters,” the euphemism they use for child torturers.

J. Covid/ Ebola/ Swine Flu/ Polio/ Small Pox/BSE/ Zika/ Sars/ Monkey Pox/ AIDs/ Vax/ H1N1/ Graphene Oxide/ Chem trails/Fluoride, Processed Foods, Human Clones Hoaxes:

· In Dec. 2002, Dr. Anthony Faucidescribed how the distinction between "bioweapons" and"biodefense" does not exist, as later demonstrated byhis gain-of-function research: "I found myself again, never imagining thatI would be doing this, needing to learn from people that I never thought Iwould be learning things from, namely bio-weaponers. People who are our ownbio-weaponers in the US decades ago, international figures, people from othercountries, the UK, and also importantly, defectors particularly from the SovietUnion who had vast experience in the ways of bio-warfare."

· Fri. 9 Feb. Brave New World: A studyfound that the COVID-19 pandemic in UK was iatrogenic,as it did not originate from the SARS-CoV-2 virus, but originated fromMidazolam use in euthanasia and then likely later from mass vaccination. Themain findings supporting this conclusion are:

• There were relatively few cases ofinfections in early 2020, indicating the non-prevalence of the SARS-CoV-2 virusin the UK.

The UK Health Security Agency declared on 19 March 2020, theabsence of any “high consequence infectious disease”, denying the existence ofa pandemic.

The enormous spike in excess deaths attributed to COVID-19 wasinconsistent with the lack of prevalence of the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which was notverified, due to shortages and unreliability of PCR tests.

• NHS and Nightingale hospitals weremostly empty, confirming absence of a pandemic.

The excess deaths were spread uniformly and simultaneously acrossall English regions, inconsistent with natural contagion.

The spikes in excess deaths across all regions were stronglycorrelated with Midazolam injections, implicating euthanasia, particularly ofthe elderly in care homes.

On investigation, the UK Government, Amnesty International and the CareQuality Commission have all acknowledged that “a systemic or structuraldysfunction in hospital services” and the widespread blanket use of “Do NotAttempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation” (DNACPR) notices in care homes havecontributed to excess deaths in the UK

M.Biden Crime Family:

· The FBI found residue of cocaine onHunter’s gun holster and tied it back to the gunpurchase when he was on cocaine based upon his tell-all book! STUPID!

·Biden admitted he had classified documents strewn about his home dating back to 1974. They were also in hisChina-funded Penn office (where he was paid $1 million to be a “professor,” butnever taught a single class).

· Way back onSunday 27Dec.2020aUkrainianPress Conference outlined international corruptionsanctioned under Democratic Senators and demanded return of billions stolenfrom the Ukrainian people laundered through what has been referred to as the BidenCrime Family.

· While serving as Vice President inthe Obama Administration Joe Biden outwardly bragged on TVabout blackmailing a Ukraine prosecutor. (The video was taken off theInternet).

· Just before the2020 ElectionBidenwas filmed on TV while admitting, “We have put together the most comprehensivevoter fraud organization in the history of politics (and you guys did it forthe Obama Administration also”). Joe Biden brags about having “the mostextensive and inclusive VOTER FRAUD organization” in history.

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of February 10, 2024 (2024)
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Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

Phone: +639107620957

Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.