Required IQ Scores for Students and Job Seekers? (2024)

Whether you’re a student or a job seeker, you need to focus on what you’re good at and have a good chance to succeed.

One of the most important factors to determine your talents is your IQ. IQ is a measure of your mental ability and your talent in solving and analyzing problems.

In this article, you’ll learn more about IQ and its importance in your growth.

Different Ranges of IQ Scores

The nominal average for IQ scores is considered 100. Here is the list of different ranges of IQ scores and the type of people:

  • Over 140: Genius or near genius
  • 120 – 140: Very superior intelligence
  • 110 – 119: Superior intelligence
  • 90 – 109: Normal or average intelligence
  • 80 – 89: Dullness
  • 70 – 79: Borderline deficiency
  • Under 70: Definite feeble-mindedness

Pros and Cons of Taking IQ Tests

Now it’s time to consider the benefits of measuring the IQ scores of students and even employees.

Here are some pros and cons of taking IQ tests:


  • Detect talented students and employees

The benefits of IQ tests at school help us to identify a great individual as a kind of kindergarten or preschool. Because intelligent people are not usually challenged, many people take to school. Schools can further develop these students when they are identified quickly.

  • Recognize people who are in dangerous ranges of IQ

All my mother and father want to hear that your child is “talented.” The identification of students or even employees who have reduced IQ from a young age as much uncomfortable as this revelation can support such individuals. Schools and companies can offer different perks to those with high IQ scores.


  • Obstacles that get in the way of the average student

At school, IQ tests automatically lead to tracking. If the school identifies high IQ and low IQ children, high IQ students are likely to be placed in talented classes, and low IQ students may be placed in special needs programs.

The earlier the review, the higher the risk of lack of organizational diversity. Schools usually classify students into two or three categories, and they rarely mix. This can lead to a hostile climate in the school.

Accuracy of tests

There are concerns about the importance and accuracy of IQ testing, as well as what they assess. Some psychologists believe that there are at least seven types of intelligence, yet most IQ tests only assess verbal and mathematical abilities.

IQ tests given too early, according to some instructors, are unreliable. And there’s no denying that IQ has little to do with tenacity, perseverance, or a drive to achieve. These attributes become significantly more crucial as a kid grows older than IQ.

Required IQ Scores for Students and Job Seekers? (1)

Jobs vs IQ Scores

Now, you need to become familiar with different types of jobs people can do with different IQ levels.

IQ 100-102

Here are some job positions that people with IQ scores between 100 and 102 usually take.

  • General Office, Dispatcher
  • Police Patrol Officer
  • Cashier, Receptionist
  • General Clerical
  • Meter Reader, Inside Sales Clerk
  • Data Entry, Printer, Teller,
  • Electrical Helper

IQ 103-108

With IQs between 103 and 108, people can usually work as:

  • Administrative Assistant
  • Bookkeeper, Store Manager
  • Drafter, Credit Clerk, Designer
  • Assistant Manager, Lab Tester/tech
  • Telephone Sales, General Sales
  • Accounting Clerk, Secretary
  • Medical Debt Collection
  • Customer Service Representative
  • Computer Operator
  • Automotive Salesman, Technician
  • Typist, Clerk

IQ 110-115

  • Accountant, Copywriter
  • Manager/Supervisor
  • Programmer, Sales
  • Sales Manager
  • Teacher, Analyst, Adjuster
  • Purchasing Agent
  • General Manager
  • Registered Nurse
  • Sales Accountant Executive

IQ 116-130

  • Research Analyst, Attorney
  • Advertising Manager, Editor
  • Engineer, Chemist, Executive
  • Trainee, Manager
  • Auditor, Systems Analyst

How to Measure Your IQ Scores?

Some of the top online IQ exams suitable for college students are:

Brain Metrix

A great free IQ test you can take online is the Brain Metrix exam. This is a 20-question test that takes you only about 15 minutes. Therefore, it’s a really straightforward exam.

This test is one of the most user-friendly tests on the web because it does not require you to provide age or other information.

IQ Exam

This is one of the best online IQ tests you can find on the internet and is developed by a group of researchers at McGill University.

IQ Exam consists of 30 questions, and if you pass the exam, you will receive a certificate with the results. You can go to their website and get important information on how to interpret the IQ results.

Fun Education

This is also a fantastic IQ test you can take online. The developers say that if you pass their exam, you will receive a Ph.D. certificate. Both adults and children under the age of 17 can take the exam but in two different sorts of tests available on the website.

This is a verbal IQ exam with a few spatial IQ questions. These kinds of IQ tests concentrate on verbal reasoning. Based on your personality, you can determine if these tests are of interest to you. Some people find it easy to test verbally, while others dislike it.


Having an acceptable score on IQ tests is a great factor in succeeding in education and finding a good job position. Of course, you need to avoid getting carried away in interpreting the results. Remember that these tests don’t talk about many skills and talents, so you don’t have to be worried if you don’t have a great IQ. Try to focus on your abilities and avoid getting disappointed by the results.

Required IQ Scores for Students and Job Seekers? (2024)


What is a normal IQ score for a student? ›

Historical IQ classification tables
IQ Range ("ratio IQ")IQ Classification
90–109Normal or average
80–89Low average
70–79Borderline defective
Below 70Mentally defective
3 more rows

Do IQ scores predict school and job performance? ›

Because school achievement is a strong determinant of level of entry to the job market, the frequently reported correlation (r ∼ 0.5) between IQ and occupational level, and, therefore, income, may also be, at least partly, self-fulfilling (Neisser et al., 1996).

Is 97 IQ good for a 17 year old? ›

As per research, the average IQ for each age group may be interpreted in the following manner: The average score for 16-17 year-olds is 108, which denotes normal or average intelligence. For adults between 18 and 19 years of age, the average IQ score is 105, which also denotes normal or average intelligence.

What jobs can you get with 110 IQ? ›

IQ 110-115
  • Manager/Supervisor.
  • Copywriter.
  • Sales Accountant Executive.
  • Programmer, Sales.
  • Sales Manager.
  • General Manager.
  • Accountant.
  • Teacher, Analyst, Adjuster.
Feb 17, 2023

What is the average IQ of Harvard students? ›

That's a natural consequence of knowing that nothing truly bad can ever happen to you, no matter what you do. While true, the estimated average IQ at Harvard is 142. IQ is highly associated with self-control and discipline. > IQ is highly associated with self-control and discipline.

What is the average US student IQ? ›

College students once stood out from the pack on IQ tests. Today, they're about average. A recent meta-analysis found that undergraduates' IQs have steadily fallen from roughly 119 in 1939 to a mean of 102 in 2022, just slightly above the population average of 100.

What is Elon Musk's IQ? ›

As mentioned earlier, Elon Musk's IQ score is believed to be between 155 and 160. Above-average IQ scores within this range are only reserved for the "Highly Gifted" IQ classification.

What was Steve Jobs' IQ? ›

"Steve Jobs likely had an IQ roughly 160 or above. Near the end of 4th grade Jobs was tested. Jobs said: 'I scored at the high school sophom*ore level. ' This means he was a 4th grader performing at the 10th grade level.

What is the top 1% IQ? ›

An average person scores 100 on an IQ test using the Stanford-Binet IQ scale. A score of 137 to 160 is considered the top 1 percent to . 01 percent of all scorers. Frank Lawlis, director of psychological testing for American Mensa, also joined the discussion on The Daily Circuit.

Is 91 IQ dumb? ›

Over 80% of the population has an IQ between 80 and 120. Scores of 80-89 are considered to be in the Low Average range of intellectual functioning. Scores of 90-109 are Average. Scores of 110-119 are High Average.

Is 130 IQ genius? ›

115 to 129: Above average or bright. 130 to 144: Moderately gifted. 145 to 159: Highly gifted. 160 to 179: Exceptionally gifted.

How rare is 139 IQ? ›

The IQ scores of most people are represented in the middle of the bell, between 85 and 115. Overall, about 98 percent of people have a score below 130. If you're among the 2 percent with a higher score, you're an outlier.

What is the average IQ of a police officer? ›

According to Wonderlic, a score of 20 to 27 is the particular range that best fits with the successful performance of police work. The national median score for police officers is 21, the equivalent of a 104 IQ, or just slightly above average.

What is the average IQ of a CPA? ›

School teachers, Pharmacists, Accountants, Nurses, and Managers – 120. If you decided to have your IQ measured, the tests are most likely to use the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) or your child (like mine) would be tested with the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children.

What IQ is a certified genius? ›

KISSIMMEE, Fla. — A widely accepted threshold for genius IQ scores is 130 or above. One Kissimmee mother recently discovered her five-year-old has an IQ of 148.

Is 120 IQ good for a 12 year old? ›

So what is the normal IQ range for a 12 year old? Average IQ scores for 12-year-olds range from 97 to 117 points. An IQ score between 85 and 115 is considered normal intelligence for a child this age. Scores between 130-144+ indicate a 12 year old with high potential or giftedness.

What is Albert Einstein's IQ? ›

Most theorists peg Einstein's IQ score between 160-190. Because he never took any kind of test to measure his intelligence, the definite score is still a mystery. But without a doubt, he was a brilliant man with an incredible brain.

What is a good IQ score by age? ›

The mean WAIS-IV IQ is 100 for ages 20-24 and is 99 for ages 25-44. Then it drops to 97 for ages 45-54, to 94 for ages 55-64, to 90 for 65-69, to 86 for ages 70-74 and to 79 for ages 75+.

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Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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