Online Auctions of Fig Trees, Fig Cuttings & Growing Supplies (2024)


This User Agreement sets out the terms on which offers you access to and use of our site. You agree to comply with this User Agreement when accessing or using

About figBid

figBid is a platform that allows users to offer, sell, and buy anything related to figs (ficus carica) and other fruits and plantsin a variety of formats and locations. Any actual contract for sale, is directly between users of figBid.comand does not include figBid is not a traditional auctioneer.

All data provided on is solely informational and you may decide to utilize it or not. This may include but is not limited to pricing, advice, newsletters, articles, ratings and authenticity. Except as otherwise noted, figBidwill help facilitate the resolution of ALL disputes that may arise as expeditiously as possible. Resolutions are strictly at the discretion of figBid and its associates, and methods, and all resolutions are final and compliance is mandatory. figBid has no control over and does not guarantee the existence, quality, safety or legality of items advertised; the truth or accuracy of users' content or listings; the ability of users to sell items; the ability of buyers to pay for items; or that a user will actually complete a transaction or return an item.

1. Using figBid

In connection with using or accessing you will not:

  • post, list or upload content or items in inappropriate categories or areas on our site;
  • breach or circumvent any laws, third-party rights or our systems, policies, or determinations of your account status;
  • use our Services if you are not able to form legally binding contracts (for example, if you are under 18 years old), or are temporarily or indefinitely suspended from using our site;
  • fail to pay for items purchased by you, unless you have a valid reason as set out in an figBid policy;
  • fail to deliver items sold by you, unless you have a valid reason as set out in an figBid policy;
  • manipulate the price of any item or interfere with any other user's listings;
  • post false, inaccurate, misleading, deceptive, defamatory, or libelous content;
  • take any action that may undermine the feedback or ratings systems;
  • utilize the figBid messaging system for anything other than completing a valid figBid transaction;
  • transfer your figBid account (including Feedback) and user ID to another party without our consent;
  • distribute or post spam, unsolicited or bulk electronic communications, chain letters, or pyramid schemes;
  • distribute viruses or any other technologies that may harm figBid or the interests or property of users;
  • use any robot, spider, scraper, data mining tools, data gathering and extraction tools, or other automated means to access our site for any purpose, except with the prior express permission of figBid;
  • interfere with the working of, or impose an unreasonable or disproportionately large load on our infrastructure;
  • infringe the copyright, trademark, patent, publicity, moral, database, and/or other intellectual property rights (collectively, "Intellectual Property Rights") that belong to or are licensed to
  • infringe any Intellectual Property Rights that belong to third parties affected by your use of the Services or post content that does not belongs to you;
  • commercialize any figBid information or software associated with such application, except with the prior express permission of figBid;
  • harvest or otherwise collect information about users without their consent; or
  • circumvent any technical measures we use to provide your user experience.

Sellers must meet figBid's minimum performance standards. Failure to meet these standards may result in limiting, restricting, suspending, or downgrading your user account. If we believe you are abusing figBid in any way, we may, in our sole discretion and without limiting other remedies, limit, suspend, or terminate your user account(s), delay or remove hosted content, remove any special status associated with your account(s), remove, not display, and/or demote listings, reduce or eliminate any discounts, and take technical or any other steps as appropriate to prevent you from using

We may cancel unconfirmed accounts or accounts that have been inactive for a long time. Additionally, we reserve the right to refuse or terminate any user account for any reason at our discretion.

2. Fees

We charge a flat fee of 25¢ to listin any category on, plus a 4% Final Value Fee. Final Value Fees are assessed on the final price of the item sold only and notshipping charges or taxes. You will never be liable for any additional fees from without advance notice and the opportunity to opt-out.

The 25¢ fee is due:

  • whenever a user lists an item for sale;
  • when you post any type of ad;
  • whether or not your item sells;
  • regardless of the amount anitem sells for;
  • whether or not asaleis completed.

Final Value Feesare due:

  • when your itemsells through figBid.

Optional Listing Upgrade Fees

There are Optional Listing Upgradesavailable tosellers. Optional Listing Upgrades are designed tohelp make your figBid listing stand out by adding certain features, such as a subtitle, or bold font. OptionalListing Upgradefees do not fluctuate and amountsare clearly defined on the Create Listing page and wherever the fees are offered throughout the site. Optional Listing Upgrade fees arenever automatically added to a listingand must be selected by the user. Optional Listing Upgrade fees are renewable monthly. Optional Listing Upgrade fees include, but may not be limited to:

  • Subtitle
  • Featured Listing
  • Bold Title
  • Highlighted Listing
  • Good 'til Canceled
  • Sale

Route Insurance allows buyers to purchase insurance to protect purchases. Sellers collect theRoute Insurance purchase price from the buyer and will collect all Route Insurance payments from sellers as a seller fee. Route Insurance fees are then passedto for payment of package protection. Sellers may incur a small charge from their payment gateway (PayPal, credit card, etc) for collecting Route fees and the charge usually does not amount to more than $0.03 per transaction. figBid pays the same fee to collect Route payments from sellers. In the event a buyer purchases Route protection and the order is refunded before shipping, the seller will refund the Route fee back to the buyer's original form of payment and figBId will reimburse the Route fee back to the seller.

More about selling fees

Users must have a payment method on file when selling on, and pay all fees associated with the use of our site by the payment due date. All reasonable methods will be used to collect unpaid fees. Accounts more than 60 days past due are automatically suspended and subject to a $10.00 reactivation fee. All Listing and Final Value Fees are not refundable except as outlined within this user agreement. The minimum Final Value Fee is $0.25. Any attempt to circumventfigBid's Seller Fees will result in termination of the listing and/or post-sale assessment. Any review for account reinstatement afterdeactivation, revocation, or suspension will be subject to administrative fees, account maintenance fees, anda probationary period.

3. Rules for Everyone

There are rules that all figBid members, both buyers and sellers, need to know and follow. These rules are created to protect you and to keep figBid a safe place to buy andsell.

Rules about general member conduct

figBid members aren't allowed to:

  • Interfere with the figBid site
  • Use profanity on the site
  • Infringe on figBid's intellectual property
  • Create a new account or buy and sell on other existing accounts to avoid restrictions or limits
  • Falsely report that another member has violated a figBid policy

In addition to rules that apply to all figBid members, figBid also has rules specifically about Feedback, buying, and selling.

When a buyer or seller issue comes up, depending on the particular situation, we may consider an individual's performance history and specific circ*mstances, which can influence how we apply our rules and policies. At our discretion, we may choose to be more lenient with policy enforcement. We reserve the right to do the right thing for both buyers and sellers.

Rules about identity

figBid members:

  • Must be at least 18 years old
  • Can't misrepresent their identities
  • Must always provide valid and complete contact information and must always have a valid email address
  • Can't publish the contact information of other members in an online public area
  • Must choose their user ID according to the following:
    • Your username is the unique name thatyou use to identify yourself on figBid. When you register, you should choose a username that you like and will remember. Use your imagination, but keep in mind that there are a few rules you need to follow. Remember that usernames:
      • Can't be obscene or profane.
      • Can't contain an email or web address (URL)
      • Can't containtheword or any variation of the trademarked word'figBid'
      • Can't contain a third party's trademark or brand
    • To offer the best user experience there are other administrative guidelinesfor creating a figBid username. Those rules are available when registering.

Special designations

figBid may appendcertain letter designations to a figBid account that are visible to everyone and designates the account owner as follows:

  • "N" designation - designates the user as a Nursery with a valid, unexpirednursery certificate on file with figBid. The "N" designation is only visible for as long as a nursery certificate provided to figBid is valid or the user requests to remove the Nursery designation. No other rights or permissions are granted to user accounts that display the Nursery designation. Users will not infer that accounts bearing a Nursery designation have additional rights or permissions that non-Nursery figBid members do not have. Users who choose to discontinue the display of a Nursery designation on their account will contact figBid during normal business hours. Nursery certificates submitted to figBid are never shared but kept on file indefinitely.
  • "" designation - a checkmark designates the user as being verified.

Rules about communicating with other figBid members

  • figBid members can't use our member-to-member contact options (messaging):
    • for anything other than completing a valid figBid transaction.
    • for solicitation of any type, except 2nd chance offers as outlined in theListing Conditions below.
    • to share contact information, email address, social media contact, website address, QR code, hashtags (#),active or non-active links of any nature.
    • to send spam.
    • to threaten or engage in threatening behavior.

Rules about blocking other figBid users

  • Every figBid user has the capability to block another figBid user or location. figBid users understand and agree to use the blocking tools prudently and will not hold figBid liable for unintended consequences caused by use or failure to use any blocking tools.

Rules about figBid's responsibilities

  • Your personal information will never be sold, loaned, given out without your permission, traded or given away for ANY reason.
  • Sales and purchase data is not shared with anyone for any reason andkept private at all times.
  • figBid appreciates your ideas but considers these unsolicited idea submissions as non-binding.
  • figBid regularly employs mechanisms to protect all registered users from malicious intent. By using the site, figBid users automatically agree to allow figBid'semployees, associates, or third-party organizationsto determine and eliminate a threat or perceived threat.

Rules regarding taxes

  • All taxes are the sole responsibility of the user. Please review your home state's tax laws and consult a tax professional before using the site.

4. Rules for Sellers

figBid’s policies help to create a safer, fair and enjoyable trading experience for all members. As a seller, you are responsible for reviewing and understanding figBid's selling policies and this User Agreement.

Seller performance standards

figBid expects sellers to consistently provide service that results in a high level of satisfaction. This includes setting and meeting buyer expectations by providing excellent customer service from beginning to end.

As a seller, you're expected to:

  • Promptly resolve customer issues.
  • Ship items on time, within your specified handling time
  • Manage inventory and keep items well stocked
  • Charge reasonable shipping and handling costs.
  • Specify shipping costs and handling time in the listing.
  • Follow through on your return policy.
  • Respond to buyers' questions promptly.
  • Be helpful, friendly, and professional throughout a transaction.
  • Make sure the item is delivered to the buyer as described in the listing.
  • Contact figBid in all cases of non-paying bidders or buyers.

Listing Conditions

The rules set forth below help provide a better and safer experience on figBid. To help make things run smoothly, be sure to review and follow these rules when you list your items. We realize sometimes not following a figBid policy is an honest mistake. If your item is allowed, you may just need to edit your listing so that it meets our guidelines. When listing an item, you agree to comply with figBid's rules for listing and that:

  • You are responsible for the accuracy and content of the listing and item offered.
  • Your listing may not be immediately searchable by keyword or category for several hours (or up to 24 hours in some circ*mstances). figBid can't guarantee exact listing durations.
  • Content that violates any of figBid's policies may be modified, concealed, obscured or deleted at figBid's discretion.
  • We strive to create a user-friendly environment where buyers find what they are looking for. Therefore, the appearance or placement of listings in search andbrowse results, and homepage placement,will depend on a variety of factors, including, but not limited to:
    • user's location, search query, browsing site, and history;
    • item'slocation, listing format,price and shipping cost, terms of service, end time, history, and relevance to the user query;
    • seller's history, including listing practices, detailed seller ratings, figBid policy compliance, feedback, and defect rate;
    • the number of listings matching the user's query; and
    • the use and placement of 'special characters' within a listing title, sub-title, or item description.
  • To drive a positive user experience, a listing may not appear in some search and browse results regardless of the sort order chosen by the user.
  • Each listing must have at least one non-AI picture relevant to the item in the listing. AI means a picture that was generated with the help of Artificial Intelligence.
  • Sellers may onlyadd their own photographic and video content to their listings. That means content the seller has created or has rights to use.
  • Metatags, URL links, embedded links, videos, embedded videos, email addresses, active or non-active links, QR codes, social media references, hashtags (#),and references to other websites that are included in a listing may be removed or altered at the discretion of figBid to protect creators,figBid's third-party search engine results, and registered figBid user personal data.
  • We may provide you with optional recommendations to consider when creating your listings.Such recommendations may be based on the aggregated sales and performance history of similar sold and current listings; results will vary for individual listings.To drive the recommendations experience, you agree that we may display the sales and performance history of your listings to other sellers.
  • Sellers may not list one-off, singular, unique, or rare itemsacross multiple selling platforms. figBid administrative staff will conduct periodic accountaudits and listings of this nature that are found on other selling platforms will be ended. Frequent abuse of this rule will result in account suspension.
  • Good 'tilCanceled listings will remain live for 30 days. After 30 days the listing may be canceled at our discretion.
  • Sellers will only solicit Second Chance Offers from a list of non-winning bidders from their own listings.
  • Sellers may not list a promise for an item orany item that will be available at a future date or an 'advanced sale' of any kind.
  • Sellers will not post terms, conditions, or rules in Item Descriptions, that conflict with the Terms & Conditions set forth by figBid now and in the future.
  • Listings created solely for the benefit of aparty other than the seller are not allowed without the prior permission of figBid. There are no exceptions.
  • Generic, "You Pick", or "wish list" listings are not allowed.


Item Descriptions should be thoughtful and thorough but please keep the privacy of third parties in mind. Listings that contain third-party personal identification without consent will be ended by figBid staff. Use of bonafide business names orthird-party monikers is okay.


Sellers will price items accordingly and figBid suggests consulting the past performance for any particular item to determine market values. Additionally, sellers agree to not:

  • Manipulate the price of any item.
  • Present pricing in the Item Description that conflicts witha set price.
  • Offer multiple pricing in a single listing.
  • Request a user to contact the seller for additional pricing.
  • Create a listing with apparent false, inaccurate, or misleading pricing.

Accepted payments policy

To help ensure a safe marketplace, the only payment options acceptable to figBid are PayPal and credit card payments processed through PayPal and Stripe are safe and easy to use. Users may accept other payments for payment upon pickup such aspersonal,business checks or money orders, seller business private payment gateways, and other online payment services. However, it has been our experience that PayPal and Stripe are the best and safest. Additionally, the 'Payment Options' and 'Payment Instructions' sections ofyour listing must state which specific payment methods you accept. If you accept a payment method, don’t place limitations on what forms of it you accept.

Common sense prevails, but the following is not allowed:

  • Sending cash through the mail
  • Sending cash or money orders through instant, point-to-point cash transfer services (that aren't banks) such as Western Union or MoneyGram
  • Paying through bank-to-bank transfers
  • Paying by "topping off" a seller's prepaid credit or debit card
  • Paying using online or other payment methods not specifically permitted in this policy
  • Asking buyers to contact you for additional payment methods, or including misleading or unclear payment information
  • Offering a payment method to some buyers and not to others
  • Discouraging buyers from using any payment method you specified in the listing
  • Discouraging buyers from using figBid's accepted payment methods
  • Asking buyers to pay using a method not mentioned in the listing
  • Paying with Virtual or Cryptocurrencies
  • Placing limitations on payment methods you accept. For example:
    • "I accept PayPal but do not accept credit card payments through PayPal”
    • "I only accept PayPal if the bid amount is greater than $15”
    • "I only accept PayPal Friends and Family payments"

In addition, you aren't allowed to make statements such as:

  • "Contact us for payment information.”
  • "Contact us for other payment methods.”
  • "Contact us for your preferred payment method.”
  • "Buyers may request to pay by check or money order.”

    Non-paying bidders and buyers

    Great buyers are just as important as great sellers. Sellers will make every reasonable effort to collect payments for successful figBid listings in a safe and courteous manner. Although most figBid users will pay immediately, it is customary to wait at least 48 hours after a sale before payment is expected. Within that time period, figBid expects a seller to email an invoice at least twice and send a friendly payment reminder through the figBid messaging systemto the buyer at least once. If the buyer has not responded after 48 hours and those three attempts, please contact figBid immediately. In these instances, never void a sale or delete an invoice without contacting figBid first. figBid needs the opportunity to contact a buyer and recover funds for you and all purchase documentation matters.It's understood that time is of the essence and figBid promises to resolve each case in a timely fashion. Refund of Listing and/or Final Value Fees will not be considered without strict adherence to these guidelines. Your patience is appreciate in these rare but inevitable circ*mstances.

    Blocking other figBid members

    • Every figBid user has the capability to block another figBid user or location. figBid users understand and agree to use the blocking tools prudently and will not hold figBid liable for unintended consequences caused by the use or failure to use any blocking tools.
    • Sellers must understand that our community is small. As such, blocking another figBid user may not completely eliminate family, friends, etc, of that blocked user from purchasing from you. figBid members will use the blocking tool at their own risk and understand it's their own responsibility to block other figBid users.
    • Sellers agree that a sale to another bonafide figBid user creates a contract and the seller is obligated to complete the sale, even when the seller believes the buyer should have been blocked.
    • If at any time a user feels they are the target of malicious intent by any other figBid user please contact figBid admin right away with the details.

    Prohibited and restricted items

    • Fresh Fruit-Fresh fruits and vegetables are allowedas long as they're allowed in the location to which you want to ship them. The onus of permissibility and responsibility to sell or ship fruits and vegetablesto another state or country lies with the user and not figBid. Usersmust ensure that fresh fruits and vegetables are shipped in a dry(not dried) condition,will reachtheir destination without spoiling, andthat packaging is strong and securely sealed. The following fresh fruits and vegetables are prohibited:

      • Fresh figs in any stage of growth, attached or not attached to figtrees or cuttings, going into or out of the state of CA. This condition is being evaluated daily and is subject to change without notice. figBid will followthe guidance givenby the California Department of Food and AgricultureandUSDA, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. Figs that have been dried and prepared for human consumption as dried figs are allowed as long as they meet the guidelines for Food listed below.
      • Fresh Citrus in any form, everywhere.
    • Plant Material -To reduce the risk of introducing or spreading pests and diseases, the sale and import of plants and seeds are highly regulated.
      • Citrus in any form is not allowed.
      • Endangered plants and noxious weeds/seeds are not allowed. No exceptions.
      • You can list all other forms of plant material as long as they're allowed in the location to which you want to ship them.
      • By listing your item for sale on figBidyou agree the onus of permissibility and responsibility to sellor ship plant material to another state or country lies with the user and not figBid. Please make sure you are aware of all regulations regarding selling, trading and/or shipping plant material from and to other states and/or countries.
      • Make sure your listing follows these guidelines. If it doesn't, it may be removed, and you may be subject to a range of other actions, including limits of your buying and selling privileges and suspension of your account.

    Some plants and seeds are weedy or invasive or have the potential to become weedy or invasive, in all or part of their US range. figBid has assembled a list of resources from regulating agencies and other organizations to provide a comprehensive look at potential problem plants in the US. Some are harmful pests in parts of this country and valuable natives in others. To learn more about noxious weeds, endangered plants, plant diseases, potential threats from pests, and other Federal and State regulations governing plants, please review the resources we’ve assembled below:

    While this list of resources is helpful, it is for reference only and not exhaustive. Most of the resources listed are maintained at the Federal level and figBid users must realize state and local endangered plant, noxious weed, and plant regulations change frequently. As such, the information found in this list may not reflect the most current information available. When in doubt, users are always encouraged to contact their local Agricultural Department.

    • Pesticides-Because of potential health and safety issues, the sale of pesticides is regulated by the U.S. government. Please abide by the following guidelines.
      • Allowed:
        • It’s registered by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and by the buyer's state.
        • The registration hasn't been suspended or canceled by the U.S. EPA or the buyer's state. If you're not sure, find out.
        • It isn't classified as restricted by the U.S. EPA or the buyer’s state.
        • Its package labeling follows all federal and state requirements, and the item description is consistent with the label.
        • The container and original packaging are unopened and intact.
        • The container can be shipped in a way that follows U.S. postal regulations.
        • Also, the buyer must be eligible to purchase the pesticide under federal and state law.
        • Remember that the seller is responsible for making sure the listing is lawful and safe. For this reason, if you're listing a pesticide on figBid, you need to include the following statements in your listing:

          1. I will follow all applicable federal and state laws and regulations and ensure that the buyer satisfies all applicable laws and regulations.

          2. I won't accept bids from, sell to, or ship to states where the pesticide is not registered as a general-use pesticide.

          We recommend copying and pasting this text directly into your listing. Be sure to use thesame font size as the rest of your description.

        • You can sell collectible pesticide containers or devices if the container or device is empty and rinsed, and you include this information in the item description. Important: Don't dump the remaining contents of a pesticide container down the drain, into the garden, or into the sewer. Instead, check with your local government to find out if there is a pesticide collection program in your area. Most places have programs to collect and dispose of pesticides in a safe and simple way at little or no cost to the participants. To find out about programs in your area, call 1-800-CLEANUP.
        • It is the seller's responsibility to ensure that the pesticide container or device is empty and rinsed before listing it on figBid. However, the buyer should verify the information provided by the seller before completing the sale.
        • You are allowed to list information on the legal use of pesticides.
        • You are allowed to list snakebite kits.
      • Restricted:
        • Before 1970, pesticide products were registered by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). You can't sell these pesticides, but you can sell their collectible containers if you meet the guidelines above.
        • Flea and tick medications that have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are sealed in their original packaging.
      • Not allowed:
        • Pesticides with a canceled or suspended Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) registration
        • Pesticides classified as restricted by the EPA
        • Pesticides in open containers
        • Pesticides that have been repackaged, except for collectible packages
        • Frontline and Advantage flea and tick medications that are purchased in another country and shipped to the U.S.
        • Repackaged flea and tick medication that was approved by the FDA. By repackaging the item, it loses its approval and becomes a violation of federal law.
        • Poisonous or toxic substances that the U.S. Postal Service won't allow to be sent through the mail.
        • Snake venom
        • Diazinon
        • Dursban 50 W
    • Offensive Material
      • is a family website used by many different people. Please be prudent and exercise good judgment when listing any item. Anything deemed offensive will be removed. There are no exceptions to this rule.
    • International Trading
      • Listing items globally can be a fun and rewarding experience. At the same time, it's important that all listings and transactions comply with applicable laws. Users are responsible for making sure their transactions are lawful in both the country of the seller and the country of the buyer.
      • You can exclude countries you don't want to ship to by selecting Listing Preferences > Manage Buyers.
      • We strongly encourage all members to learn about the laws in their own country as well as the countries where they plan to sell.If you're shipping worldwide, please be aware that your item may not appear in the search results in countries where the item is not allowed.
    • Hazardous, restricted, or regulated materials
      • For health and safety reasons, most hazardous materials (such as fire extinguishers, refrigerants, and radioactive materials) can't be listed. Please do not list any materials that may be considered hazardous.
    • Food
      • Before listing food items, be sure to familiarize yourself with federal and state laws and regulations. These items must:
        • Have a clearly marked expiration or use by date
        • Be delivered to the buyer before they expire
        • Not be altered or changed in any way
        • Be stored safely before you ship them
      • When you list these types of items, you're certifying that you've met all safety conditions.
    • Alcohol
      • Alcohol, alcoholic beverages, wine and beer are not allowed.
      • Beer/winemaking kits, Foods with alcoholic ingredients and flavoring (such as liquor-filled chocolates, rum cake, and other items) as long as the item complies with our food policy, Hops, seeds for hops, and other raw materials to make beer or wine, Non-alcoholic or de-alcoholized beer and wine are allowed.
    • Intellectual Property
      • Users are responsible for making sure any item they offer for sale on figBid is authentic and its listing description doesn't infringe on the rights of others.
      • Examples of infringements:
        • Trademark Infringements - Items that bear the rights owner's trademark—such as a logo—but weren't made by the rights owner.
        • Unauthorized copies of audio, video, or other media.
        • Replica and Counterfeit - It's illegal to sell counterfeits, fakes, or replicas of brand-name items.
        • Brand Name Misuse - You may not use brand names in your listing if the product isn't manufactured by or compatible with that brand. You may use "compatible with," "fits," or "for" before a brand name if the item you are describing is specifically designed to be compatible with the products of that brand.
        • Logo Misuse - If you include logos in your listing descriptions, make sure you're authorized to use them. Using someone's logo without permission is a violation of trademark laws and can be misleading for buyers. Creating a logo that's similar to someone else's can also be a trademark infringement.
        • Warranty - Listings that contain a misrepresentation regarding an item's warranty are in violation of trademark laws. Information relating to the warranty of a product is considered material information and should never be misrepresented. You should read the warranty or contact the manufacturer to be sure that the warranty is eligible for a buyer before mentioning it in a listing.
        • Copyright Infringements - A copyright is a legal protection given to authors of creative works, such as movies, music, software, photographs, text, and books, both published and unpublished. Copyright protection prevents you from using the work of others. If the work is not your own, please don't use it.
        • Media, Software, Movies, Paintings - Selling unauthorized copies of media, software, movies, or paintings violates copyright laws. Unauthorized copies include (but aren't limited to) backup, pirated, duplicated, or bootlegged copies. Copyright protection prevents others from using creative works without permission. It may also limit the right to distribute the copyrighted product.
        • Design Right (Europe, Asia, Australia, and New Zealand only) - Design Right applies to the way something looks, the shape and configuration of a product, but not its functionality. Design Rights protect designs from being copied and used by someone else.
        • Patent Rights (Europe) - A patent is a specific set of rights granted to inventors, giving them the right to exclude others from making, using, and selling their invention. Patents are registered with each region's patent and trademark office.
        • Parallel Imports - Some products are intended for sale in a specific market or country. The sale of these products into another country or market could violate trademark or copyright laws. We strongly encourage our members to educate themselves about the laws of their own country, as well as the countries where they plan to do business.

    5. Rules for Buyers

    We want to maintain a safe, fair, and enjoyable marketplace for both buyers and sellers. If you're a buyer, we ask that you review and understand our policies, including the figBid User Agreement, before you bid on or buyan item.

    Our policies are intended to:

    • Follow local laws and regulations
    • Minimize risks to buyers and sellers
    • Make sure that no one has an unfair advantage
    • Create an enjoyable buying experience
    • Protect intellectual property rights

    Purchase Conditions

    When buying or trading an item, you agree to the rules for buyers and that:

    • Importing plant material from outside the US is not allowed, whether directly or indirectly. No exceptions.
    • You are responsible for reading and understanding the full item listing before making a bid or commitment to buy.
    • You enter into a legally binding contract to purchase an item when you commit to buy an item, your offer for an item is accepted, or if you have the winning bid (or your bid is otherwise accepted).
    • We (figBid) do not transfer legal ownership of items from the seller to the buyer.
    • You agree to be responsible for knowing Federal, State, and Local regulations governing your own purchases. Please make sure you are aware of all regulations regarding buying, trading, and/or shipping any form of plant material to your own location or shipping address provided to the seller.

    Some plants and seeds are weedy or invasive or have the potential to become weedy or invasive, in all or part of their US range. figBid has assembled a list of resources from regulating agencies and other organizations to provide a comprehensive look at potential problem plants in the US. Some are harmful pests in parts of this country and valuable natives in others. To learn more about noxious weeds, endangered plants, plant diseases, potential threats from pests, and other Federal and State regulations governing plants, please review the resources we’ve assembled below:

    While this list of resources is helpful, it is for reference only and not exhaustive. Most of the resources listed are maintained at the Federal level and figBid users must realize state and local endangered plant, noxious weed, and plant regulations change frequently. As such, the information found in this list may not reflect the most current information available. When in doubt, users are always encouraged to contact their local Agricultural Department.

    Buying practices policy

    We want all figBid members to be able to buy and sell on figBid with confidence. We want our sellers to bring great service and value to our marketplace, and we strive to protect sellers from unfair and unsafe buyer activity.

    This policy outlines our expectations for buyer behavior. When buyers don't meet these standards, we encourage sellers to report the concern.

    Not paying for an item

    If you've placed a winning bid or clicked Buy it Now in a listing, or a seller has accepted your offer, you've entered into a valid contract and committed to purchasing that item.

    • Due to the perishable nature of some items, timely paymentis necessary to ensure safe and prompt delivery of your item. Timely payment usually means 48 hours or less, or any payment timeline as outlined by the seller in the item listing.
    • If you don't pay for an item, even if you've changed your mind, you're violating our policy. figBid will notify youby email and a'non-paying' bidder notation will be entered into your account. Three 'non-paying' bidder notations is an automatic account suspension. Gross neglect of payment at any time is an automatic account suspension. After suspensionyour account will besubject to a $10.00 reactivationfee.

    Making unreasonable demands

    When you bid on or buy an item, you accept the seller's terms as set out in the listing, provided the listing complies with our listing policies. You're entitled to expect that the seller will do what they've said with regards to shipping, payments, and item returns. We know thatexceptional circ*mstances can arise, and we allow you to make reasonable and limited requests. However, we don't require sellers to fulfill requests that are outside of their terms.

    We don't allow unreasonable or excessive demands. We also consider using the threat of negative feedback as a way to make demands of the seller to be extortion and we don't allow it.

    • Allowed:
      • Asking to use one of the alternative shipping options specified in the listing
      • Asking to use a more expensive shipping option to get the item more quickly, and offering to pay the extra shipping cost
      • Asking the seller if it's acceptable if your payment is briefly delayed due to exceptional circ*mstances
      • Asking to return an item according to the seller's return policy
      • Asking whether a seller will combine shipping for multiple purchases
    • Not Allowed:
      • Requesting or demanding a change to the shipping method or delivery location, other than those specified in the listing
      • Requesting or demanding a change to the payment method or timing, other than those specified in the listing
      • Requesting or demanding a partial refund or discount not covered by the original listing under threat of negative Feedback.
      • Requesting or demanding additional items or services that are outside of what is contained in the listing

    Leaving inappropriate feedback

    Feedback is an essential tool for letting other members know about your experiences with a seller, and we encourage you to be honest. However, we don't allow misuse of Feedback.

    • Allowed:
      • Leaving negative or neutral Feedback with an appropriate comment reflecting your experience
      • Leaving low detailed seller ratings if the seller's performance doesn't live up to your expectations
    • Not Allowed:
      • Leaving inappropriate Feedback comments, such as comments containing obscene language, slander, insults, etc,or personally identifying data.
      • Leaving negative or neutral feedback or low detailed seller ratings because a seller didn't provide additional goods and services not mentioned in the original listing. We consider threatening to do this to be Feedback extortion.
      • Consistently leaving low detailed seller ratings or negative Feedback for sellers who sell the same or similar items as you. We consider this to be Feedback manipulation.

    Misusing returns

    We encourage all sellers to specify a clear return policy in their listings. Always check the return policy specified in a listing before committing to pay for an item.

    If you want to return an item, review the seller's return policy before initiating a return. Sellers may specify requirements for returns such as time limits, restocking fees, and who pays for return shipping.

    • Allowed:
      • Returning a faulty item or an item that wasn't as described in the listing
      • Returning an item within the terms of the seller's return policy
    • Not Allowed:
      • Returning a different item (for example, a used or older model of the same product or an empty box)
      • Not returning the item in the condition that it was sent to you
      • Returning an item that has been damaged after being delivered
      • Claiming an item isn't as described in the listing in order to circumvent a seller's return policy
      • Not following the terms of the seller's return policy
      • A pattern of purchasing items and receiving excessive refunds

    Customs declarations

    Asking a seller to falsely declare an item as a gift on a customs form is considered to be encouraging illegal activity.

    Bid retractions

    We may take action against a buyer if we see a pattern of excessive or invalid bid retractions. You can only retract a bid under exceptional circ*mstances. Bid retractions will not be allowed after intentionally bidding on a listing to reveal a sellers' reserve price or the proxy bid of another user.

    Unwelcome and malicious buying

    We consider bidding on or buying an item when you have no intention of completing the transaction, or circumventing a seller's buyer requirements, to be unwelcome and malicious buying.

    Fraudulent payments

    You must pay for items using one of our accepted payment methods. We encourage sellers to make sure that payment has cleared before sending an item and to report attempted fraud to us.

    Contact information

    All figBid members must keep their account details up to date. We take action when we know that a member has false or missing contact information, or if we can't contact a member because they have an invalid or dead email address.

    6. Rules about bidding and paying

    • You can't use figBid if your account contains false contact information. - Buyers and sellers sometimes need to be able to get in touch with each other, and we need to be able to contact our members.
    • figBid will bid incrementally for you up to your maximum bid. Your maximum bid is always kept a secret from other users.
    • You must pay for any item you commit to buying. - Some figBid sellers use an auction-style format, allowing you to bid on an item. Bidding is fun, but keep in mind that each bid you make is a legallybinding contract to purchase the item if you win. The same is true for Buy It Now purchases. Not paying for an item after you agree to buy it has negative consequences.
    • You must pay for any item you've won or committed to buy, in a timely fashion. Usually, payment to the seller is immediate but should not be longer than 48 hours after the listing has ended or you've committed to buying.
    • You can only bid if you really intend to buy the item. - Don't place a bid unless you mean to buy the item.
    • You can't bid on your own item. - We call this shill bidding and it not only violates our policies, but it's also against the law in many places.
    • Be careful about bidding on several items if you only want one. - If you're the winning bidder of more than one auction-style listing, you need to purchase all the items you've won, even if they're the same or similar.
    • You can only retract a bid under specific circ*mstances. - For example, if you meant to bid $10.00 but accidentally bid $1,000.00, you can retract the bid. Even then, you need to bid the amount you originally intended immediately. Never use bid retraction to manipulate the bidding process. Bid manipulation is unfair, and it has serious consequences.
    • Make sure that you read the listing description before you bid. - Many of the problems buyers and sellers encounter are the result of simple misunderstandings about what is for sale and the terms of the sale. For example, some sellers only want to sell to bidders who live in a certain country, or who will pay using PayPal. Only bid on or buy an item if you can meet the requirements described in the listing. If you bid on an item and you don't meet the seller's requirements, we consider that unwelcome and malicious buying.
    • If you know the seller, you can't bid on the item with the intent to increase its price or desirability artificially. - This rule applies to family, friends, roommates, employees, and online connections.
    • Buying items from someone just to increase their Feedback score or improve their search standing is called shill bidding, and it's against our policies.
    • If you buy an item from a seller in another country, you can't ask the seller to mark the item as a gift in the customs declaration. - This is illegal, and against our policies.

    7. Rules about Feedback

    Feedback is an essential tool for letting other members know about your experiences with a particular user, and we encourage you to be honest. However, we don't allow misuse of Feedback.

    • You can't abuse the Feedback system. This means you can't threaten to leave a seller negative Feedback if that seller won't do something that wasn't promised in the original listing. This is called Feedback extortion and is against our policy.
    • Feedback extortion can also be conveyed from seller to buyer and it is not allowed.
    • Also, you can't leave Feedback if you're only doing it to help increase a seller's Feedback score. This is a type of Feedback manipulation and is also not allowed.
    • Leaving inappropriate Feedback comments, such as comments containing obscene language, slander, insults, etc,or personally identifying data is strictly forbidden.
    • Consistently leaving low detailed seller ratings or negative Feedback for sellers who sell the same or similar items as you is not allowed. We consider this to be Feedback manipulation.
    • There is a 30-day window for leaving feedback. That time period may be increased by figBid under exceptional circ*mstances.
    • Make sure that you understand and follow all of our Feedback policies.
    • If you're having a problem with a seller:
      • Be honest and have good intentions when you try to resolve a transaction problem.
      • You can't try to contact other potential buyers to "warn" them about a seller. This is called transaction interference. If you have a concern about a seller's behavior, report it to us and we'll investigate.

    8. Limitation of Liability

    figBid functions properly and up-time is 99% or better. But we cannot guarantee the continuous operation of or access to our services. Bidding updates and other notifications in figBid's software may not occur in real time. Such functionality is subject to delays beyond figBid's control.

    You agree that you are making use of our services at your own risk and that they are being provided to you 'AS IS' on an 'AS AVAILABLE' basis. Accordingly, to the extent permitted by applicable law, we exclude all express or implied warranties, terms and conditions including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement.

    In addition, to the extent permitted by applicable law, we (including our parent, subsidiaries, and affiliates, and our and their officer, directors, agents and employees) are not liable, and you agree not to hold us responsible, for any damages or losses (including, but not limited to, loss of money, goodwill or reputation, profits, other intangible losses, or any special, indirect, or consequential damages) resulting directly or indirectly from:

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    • glitches, bugs, errors, or inaccuracies of any kind in our services;
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    • the content, actions, or inactions of third parties, including items listed using our services or the destruction of allegedly fake items;
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    • the duration or manner in which your listing appear in search results; or
    • your need to modify practices, content, or behavior, or your loss of or inability to do business, as a result of changes to this User Agreement or our policies.

    Some jurisdictions do not allow the disclaimer of warranties or exclusion of damages, so such disclaimers and exclusions may not apply to you.

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    The name "figBid" and other figBid marks, logos, designs, and phrases that we use in connection with our Services are trademarks, service marks, or trade dress of figBid in the U.S. and other countries.They may not be used without the express written prior permission of figBid.

    10. Release

    If you have a dispute with one or more users, you release us (and our affiliates and subsidiaries, and our and their respective officers, directors, employees and agents) from claims, demands and damages (actual and consequential) of every kind and nature, known and unknown, arising out of or in any way connected with such disputes. In entering into this release you expressly waive any protections (whether statutory or otherwise) that would otherwise limit the coverage of this release to include only those claims which you may know or suspect to exist in your favor at the time of agreeing to this release.

    11. Indemnity

    You will indemnify and hold us (including our affiliates and subsidiaries, as well as our and their respective officers, directors, employees, agents) harmless from any claim or demand, including reasonable legal fees, made by any third party due to or arising out of your breach of this Agreement, your improper use of figBid's Services or your breach of any law or the rights of a third party.

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    • Arbitration procedures - Arbitration is more informal than a lawsuit in court. As such, arbitration procedures and costs are fluid and dependent upon a number of factors including interpretation and substance of the claim. Information regarding procedures for filling, arbitration, costs, etc are available by contacting figBid administration.
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    We may amend this User Agreement at any time by posting the amended terms on Our right to amend the User Agreement includes the right to modify, add to, or remove terms in the User Agreement. Your continued access or use of our Services constitutes your acceptance of the amended terms. We may also ask you to acknowledge your acceptance of the User Agreement through an electronic click-through. This User Agreement may not otherwise be amended except through mutual agreement by you and an figBid representative who intends to amend this User Agreement and is duly authorized to agree to such an amendment.

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    The following Sections survive any termination of this User Agreement: Fees, Content, Disclaimer of Warranties; Limitation of Liability; Release, Indemnity, Legal Disputes, and General.

    Online Auctions of Fig Trees, Fig Cuttings & Growing Supplies (2024)


    How many years does it take for a fig tree to produce figs? ›

    Figs typically form on new stem growth each year and ripen months later. Most fig trees take three to five years to start ripening fruit. Prior to that, figs may form along stems where each leaf attaches, but they won't ripen. Potted figs may bear fruit sooner.

    What is the best mix for fig cuttings? ›

    Prepare the soil: Use a well-draining potting mix, which can simply be a mix of 60% peat and 40% perlite. The soil should be damp but not overly wet. Plant the cutting: Insert the cutting into the soil, making sure that at least one node is below the soil level.

    What month do you take fig cuttings? ›

    It's best to take the cuttings in the winter, either before or after the danger of frost. POP generally takes the cuttings in late fall after leaves have dropped and the trees have gone dormant. These cuttings are stored in the fridge, wrapped in slightly damp newspaper inside a plastic bag to retain moisture.

    What is the best fertilizer for fig trees? ›

    Use a general-purpose, slow-release, and preferably organic fruit tree fertilizer with a formula composition of 8-8-8 or 10-10-10. Choose a fertilizer that will also help maintain their preferred pH. Fruiting Fig trees given too much nitrogen can promote lots of leafy growth and not much fruit.

    Do fig trees need a lot of water? ›

    So, what are the water requirements for fig trees? A general rule is 1 to 1 ½ inches (2.5-4 cm.) of water per week either from rainfall or irrigation. The tree will let you know if it needs to be watered by the yellowing of its foliage and the dropping of leaves.

    Can you propagate a fig tree from a branch? ›

    Like many fruit trees, fig trees are mostly propagated from cuttings. This process involves taking a stick or twig from an existing fig tree and planting it in some kind of soil media.

    Do fig cuttings need light? ›

    No light is required in this stage and there is some information to suggest that light at this stage may encourage cuttings to send out leaves before roots, which generally sets back or kills cuttings since the leaves can't survive for long without roots.

    Can you take fig cuttings in summer? ›

    Take cuttings in summer

    Cut off the parts that you want to remove anyway and then cut them into smaller pieces. Put them along the edges of a pot filled with soil. Keep the soil moist all the time, the cuttings will dry out if you don't. It's easier if you keep the cuttings in a spot with shade.

    What can I add to water to make cuttings root faster? ›

    Add a Pothos! I'd heard of using willow as a natural rooting hormone (no idea where to source that however), but didn't know Pothos has this 'super power' too! Just pop a Pothos cutting in with the water with your slow-to-grow cuttings and it helps speed up root development.

    Where to cut figs for propagation? ›

    Take cuttings (not too thick) and cut them into around 8 inch (20 centimeter) long pieces. Cut them right above a little bud where a leaf was growing. A new little stem will start to grow from this point. Put the cutting in a pot filled with moist soil and leave it there.

    What vitamins do figs have? ›

    Nutritional profile and portion size
    Raw figsDried figs
    Choline4.7 mg15.8 mg
    Vitamin A7 mcg0 mcg
    Beta-carotene85 mcg6 mcg
    Lutein and zeaxanthin9 mcg32 mcg
    13 more rows
    Dec 4, 2019

    Do you need 2 fig trees to get fruit? ›

    Figs are self-fruitful, so you need only one plant to produce fruit. Mature fig trees can be 10 to 30 feet tall. If you have more room, plant several. Choose early, mid and late-fruiting selections to extend your harvest from summer into early fall.

    What is the lifespan of a fig tree? ›

    Trees have been known to live as long as 200 years. Growing conditions – Fig thrives best in areas of moderate relative humidity and can be grown at higher elevations in areas of low rainfall. Fig requires some dry months particularly at the flowering and fruiting periods and requires some winter chilling.

    What is the timeline of a fig tree? ›

    New fig trees can take anywhere from three to five years before bearing fruit after planting. The rooting process takes a full growing season; when propagating figs from cuttings, fruit production can be four to six years out. Fig trees start by producing slowly with just a few fruits during the first years.

    How many times can you harvest figs? ›

    Outdoor-grown figs will ripen in August through September in zones 6 and 7. Further south, in zones 8 to 11, they will ripen earlier, in June. In warmer climates you can expect two harvests in the summer, the first in June and the second in August.

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    Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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    Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.