Move Re-learner Guide (2024)

Move Re-learner Guide (1)


It seems that all STATUS type moves are always 3 Bigs/Scales or 6 Tiny. (such as Wish, Stealth Rock, Nasty Plot, etc.)
All damaging moves with base power OVER 100 cost 4 Bigs/Scales or 8 Tiny. (such as Close Combat, Eruption, Volt Tackle, etc.)
All damaging moves with base power 80-100 cost 3 Bigs/Scales or 6 Tiny. (such as Earthquake, Zen Headbutt, Extremespeed, etc.)
All damaging moves with base power 40-75 cost 2 Bigs/Scales or 4 Tiny. (such as Bullet Punch, Giga Drain, Thunderpunch, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Thief, U-Turn, etc.)
All damaging moves with base power less than 35 cost 1 Big/Scale or 2 Tiny. Even multi hit moves. (such asIcicle Spear, Rock Blast)
Moves with varying or static base powers (such as Stored Power, Magnitude,Low Kick etc. or Seismic Toss, Night Shadeetc.) have differing costs. (use ctrl +f to find in the list)

Move Re-learner Guide (2)

If you're anything like me, you often wonder how many mushrooms/heartscales you need to have tore-learn a move before you make the trip all the way to the Move Reminder. I wanted to make a nice little reference list for it. I dunno how helpful this will be to everyone. I know it's no big deal to simply go to the relearner and find out how many shrooms or scales you need...go get them...then come back with the proper amount but I'm lazy. *I* personally wanted some kinda reference for the move re-learner myself to bookmark cause I never really memorized what they costed.

Keep in mind, this is only for RE-LEARNING moves your pokemon can learn by leveling up or has had previously from egg moves. If your pokemon only learns the move thru TM/HM ortutors you won't be able to relearn it this way.

For example:
Stealth Rockcan be learned naturally by the Geodude line thru leveling up. It can be relearned with mushroom/scales.
Skarmory can get Stealth Rockthru breeding. It can be relearned if you hadit as an egg move.
Swampert can get Stealth Rock, but only thru a move tutor. It cannot be relearned with mushrooms/scales.

So be sure to check the ingame pokedex entry for the specific mon you're working on before you buy a bunch of shrooms you wasteful heathen. Check out this guide if you're looking for TMs or move tutors. Bookmark that, it's one of the best guides on these forumsimo.

Move Re-learner Guide (3)

If you're unfamiliar withwhere each region's move relearner is, or where/how to farm shrooms and scales, here's how to find them.

KANTO - 2 ISLAND (Mushrooms)

Move Re-learner Guide (4)


Move Re-learner Guide (5)


Move Re-learner Guide (6)


Move Re-learner Guide (7)

You can farm mushrooms from wild Paras in bottom floor of Mt. Moon (simply take the first ladder down on the right you come to after entering, the room will be "L" shaped) They are 100% encounter rate here. I like to use a Pick up mon while I'm catching Paras as you can also pick up more mushrooms this way and even everstones here.

You can farm Heartscales from wild Luvdisc by fishing with super rod at the waterfall area below Evergrande City. (you get the super rod forHoenn in some house inMossdeep iirc). However, they aren't 100% encounter rate so honestly, farming mushrooms is thebetter option. (unless Unova brought a better way that I'm not privy to yet). But if you'd rather do scales, use a water absorb mon with Thief. I use a Quagsire. Keep it under Lv. 40 (or use something with really weak attack ) because you will break the item if you kill the pokemon holding it. Or just catch them if you prefer that method. 1x31s to sell never hurt no one.

Move Re-learner Guide (8)

Even if something can relearn a move, it maybe cheaper to use a tutor instead if it can gain the move that way too.Sticking with the Stealth Rock example and going with the average GTL would be 30k or so for x3 Big Mushrooms to the move relearner vs. 8k or so for x4 Hard Stones to the Tutor in Nacrene City.

Many moves you may want to relearn might have a cheaper TM or tutor for it.So be sure to refer to your pokedex for all the ways in which your moncan learn the move, consult this guide again, and check GTL prices on items and TMs (or farm items you need for free) before you make any hasty decisions. Times are hard fam, you needa save all the yenyou can. You don't wanna waste 30k relearning Rain Dance when you can buy the TM for 10k on GTL. Try to find the cheapest option.

Move Re-learner Guide (9)

(Use Ctrl + F to find quick)
(2 Tinymushrooms = 1 Big so just double the amount I have listed if you're using Tinys)

Absorb - 1
Acid - 2
Acid Armor - 3
Acid Spray - 2
Acrobatics - 2
Acupressure - 3
Aerial Ace - 2
After You - 3
Agility - 3
Air Cutter - 2
Air Slash - 2
Ally Switch - 3
Amnesia - 3
AncientPower - 2
Aqua Jet - 2
Aqua Ring - 3
Aqua Tail - 3
Arm Thrust - 1
Aromatherapy - 3
Assist - 3
Assurance - 2
Astonish - 1
Attack Order - 3
Attract - 3
Aura Sphere - 3
Aurora Beam - 2
Autotomize - 3
Avalanche - 2

Barrage - 1
Barrier - 3
Baton Pass - 3
Beat Up - 3
Belly Drum - 3
Bestow - 3
Bide - 3
Bind - 1
Bite - 2
Blaze Kick - 3
Blizzard - 4
Block - 3
Body Slam - 3
Bone Club - 2
Bone Rush - 1
Bonemerang - 2
Bounce - 3
Brave Bird - 4
Brick Break - 2
Brine - 2
Bubble - 2
BubbleBeam - 2
Bug Bite - 2
Bug Buzz - 3
Bulk Up - 3
Bulldoze - 2
Bullet Punch - 2
Bullet Seed - 1

Calm Mind - 3
Camouflage - 3
Captivate - 3
Charge - 3
Charge Beam - 2
Charm - 3
Chip Away - 2
Circle Throw - 2
Clamp - 1
Clear Smog - 1
Close Combat - 4
Coil - 3
Comet Punch - 1
Confuse Ray - 3
Confusion - 2
Constrict - 1
Conversion - 3
Conversion 2 - 3
Copycat - 3
Cosmic Power - 3
Cotton Guard - 3
Cotton Spore - 3
Counter - 3
Covet - 2
Crabhammer - 3
Cross Chop - 3
Cross Poison - 2
Crunch - 3
Crush Claw - 2
Curse - 3

Dark Pulse - 3
Defend Order - 3
Defense Curl - 3
Defog - 3
Destiny Bond - 3
Detect - 3
Dig - 3
Disable - 3
Discharge - 3
Dive - 3
Dizzy Punch - 2
Double Hit - 1
Double Kick - 1
Double Team - 3
Double-Edge - 4
DoubleSlap - 1
Dragon Claw - 3
Dragon Dance - 3
Dragon Pulse - 3
Dragon Rage - 3
Dragon Rush - 3
Dragon Tail - 2
DragonBreath - 2
Drain Punch - 2
Dream Eater - 3
Drill Peck - 3
Drill Run - 3
Dual Chop - 2
DynamicPunch - 3

Earth Power - 3
Earthquake - 3
Echoed Voice - 2
Egg Bomb - 3
Electro Ball - 3
Electroweb - 2
Embargo - 3
Ember - 2
Encore - 3
Endeavor - 3
Endure - 3
Energy Ball - 3
Entrainment - 3
Eruption - 4
Explosion - 4
Extrasensory - 3
ExtremeSpeed - 3

Facade - 2
Faint Attack - 2
Fake Out - 2
Fake Tears - 3
False Swipe - 2
FeatherDance - 3
Feint - 1
Fiery Dance - 3
Final Gambit - 3
Fire Blast - 4
Fire Fang - 2
Fire Punch - 2
Fire Spin - 1
Fissure - 3
Flail - 3
Flame Burst - 2
Flame Charge - 2
Flame Wheel - 2
Flamethrower - 3
Flare Blitz - 4
Flash - 3
Flash Cannon - 3
Flatter - 3
Fling - 3
Fly - 3
Focus Energy - 3
Focus Punch - 4
Follow Me - 3
Force Palm - 2
Foresight - 3
Foul Play - 3
Frost Breath - 2
Fury Attack - 1
Fury Cutter - 2
Fury Swipes - 1
Future Sight - 4

Gastro Acid - 3
Gear Grind - 2
Giga Drain - 2
Giga Impact - 4
Glare - 3
Grass Knot - 3
GrassWhistle - 3
Gravity - 3
Growl - 3
Growth - 3
Grudge - 3
Guard Split - 3
Guard Swap - 3
Guillotine - 3
Gunk Shot - 4
Gust - 2
Gyro Ball - 3

Hail - 3
Hammer Arm - 3
Harden - 3
Haze - 3
Head Charge - 4
Head Smash - 4
Headbutt - 2
Heal Bell - 3
Heal Block - 3
Heal Order - 3
Heal Pulse - 3
Healing Wish - 3
Heart Stamp - 2
Heart Swap - 3
Heat Crash - 3
Heat Wave - 3
Heavy Slam - 3
Helping Hand - 3
Hex - 2
Hi Jump Kick - 4
Hidden Power - 2
Hone Claws - 3
Horn Attack - 2
Horn Drill - 3
Horn Leech - 2
Howl - 3
Hurricane - 4
Hydro Pump - 4
Hyper Beam - 4
Hyper Fang - 3
Hyper Voice - 3
Hypnosis - 3

Ice Ball - 1
Ice Beam - 3
Ice Fang - 2
Ice Punch - 2
Ice Shard - 2
Icicle Crash - 3
Icicle Spear - 1
Icy Wind - 2
Imprison - 3
Incinerate - 2
Inferno - 3
Ingrain - 3
Iron Defense - 3
Iron Head - 3
Iron Tail - 3

Jump Kick - 3

Karate Chop - 2
Kinesis - 3
Knock Off - 1

Last Resort - 4
Lava Plume - 3
Leaf Blade - 3
Leaf Storm - 4
Leaf Tornado - 2
Leech Life - 3
Leech Seed - 3
Leer - 3
Lick - 1
Light Screen - 3
Lock-On - 3
Lovely Kiss - 3
Low Kick - 3
Low Sweep - 2
Lucky Chant - 3

Mach Punch - 2
Magic Coat - 3
Magic Room - 3
Magical Leaf - 2
Magnet Bomb - 2
Magnet Rise - 3
Magnitude - 3
Me First - 3
Mean Look - 3
Meditate - 3
Mega Drain - 2
Mega Kick - 4
Mega Punch - 3
Megahorn - 4
Memento - 3
Metal Burst - 3
Metal Claw - 2
Metal Sound - 3
Meteor Mash - 3
Metronome - 3
Milk Drink - 3
Mimic - 3
Mind Reader - 3
Minimize - 3
Miracle Eye - 3
Mirror Coat - 3
Mirror Move - 3
Mirror Shot - 2
Mist - 3
Moonlight - 3
Morning Sun - 3
Mud Bomb - 2
Mud Shot - 2
Mud Sport - 3
Mud-Slap - 1
Muddy Water - 3

Nasty Plot - 3
Natural Gift - 3
Nature Power - 3
Needle Arm - 2
Night Shade - 3
Night Slash - 2
Nightmare - 3

Octazooka - 2
Odor Sleuth - 3
Ominous Wind - 2
Outrage - 3
Overheat - 4

Pain Split - 3
Pay Day - 2
Payback - 2
Peck - 1
Perish Song - 3
Petal Dance - 4
Pin Missile - 1
Pluck - 2
Poison Fang - 2
Poison Gas - 3
Poison Jab - 3
Poison Sting - 1
Poison Tail - 2
PoisonPowder - 3
Pound - 2
Powder Snow - 2
Power Gem - 3
Power Split - 3
Power Swap - 3
Power Trick - 3
Power Whip - 4
Present - 3
Protect - 3
Psybeam - 2
Psych Up - 3
Psychic - 3
Psycho Cut - 2
Psycho Shift - 3
Psyshock - 3
Psywave - 3
Punishment - 3
Pursuit - 2

Quash - 3
Quick Attack - 2
Quick Guard - 3
Quiver Dance - 3

Rage - 1
Rage Powder - 3
Rain Dance - 3
Rapid Spin - 1
Razor Leaf - 2
Razor Shell - 2
Razor Wind - 3
Recover - 3
Recycle - 3
Reflect - 3
Reflect Type - 3
Refresh - 3
Rest - 3
Retaliate - 2
Revenge - 2
Reversal - 3
Roar - 3
Rock Blast - 1
Rock Climb - 3
Rock Polish - 3
Rock Slide - 2
Rock Smash - 2
Rock Throw - 2
Rock Tomb - 2
Rock Wrecker - 4
Role Play - 3
Rolling Kick - 2
Rollout - 1
Roost - 3
Round - 2

Safeguard - 3
Sand Tomb - 1
Sand-Attack - 3
Sandstorm - 3
Scald - 3
Scary Face - 3
Scratch - 2
Screech - 3
Secret Power - 2
Seed Bomb - 3
Seismic Toss - 3
Selfdestruct - 4
Shadow Ball - 3
Shadow Claw - 2
Shadow Punch - 2
Shadow Sneak - 2
Sharpen - 3
Sheer Cold - 3
Shell Smash - 3
Shift Gear - 3
Shock Wave - 2
Signal Beam - 2
Silver Wind - 2
Simple Beam - 3
Sing - 3
Sketch - 3
Skill Swap -3
Skull Bash - 4
Sky Attack - 2
Sky Drop - 2
Sky Uppercut - 3
Slack Off - 3
Slam - 3
Slash - 2
Sleep Powder - 3
Sleep Talk - 3
Sludge - 2
Sludge Bomb - 3
Sludge Wave - 3
Smack Down - 2
SmellingSalt - 2
Smog - 1
SmokeScreen - 3
Snarl - 2
Snatch - 3
Snore - 2
Soak - 3
Softboiled - 3
SolarBeam - 4
SonicBoom - 3
Spark -2
Spider Web - 3
Spike Cannon - 1
Spikes - 3
Spit Up - 3
Spite - 3
Splash - 3
Spore - 3
Stealth Rock - 3
Steamroller - 2
Steel Wing - 2
Stockpile - 3
Stomp - 2
Stone Edge - 3
Stored Power - 1
Storm Throw - 2
String Shot - 3
Struggle Bug - 2
Stun Spore - 3
Submission - 3
Substitute - 3
Sucker Punch - 2
Sunny Day - 3
Super Fang - 3
Superpower - 4
Supersonic - 3
Swagger - 3
Swallow - 3
Sweet Kiss - 3
Sweet Scent - 3
Swift - 2
Switcheroo - 3
Swords Dance - 3
Synchronoise - 4
Synthesis - 3

Tackle - 2
Tail Glow - 3
Tail Slap - 1
Tail Whip - 3
Tailwind - 3
Take Down - 3
Taunt - 3
Teeter Dance - 3
Telekinesis - 3
Teleport - 3
Thief - 2
Thrash - 4
Thunder - 4
Thunder Fang - 2
Thunder Wave - 3
ThunderPunch - 2
ThunderShock - 2
Thunderbolt - 3
Tickle - 3
Torment - 3
Toxic - 3
Toxic Spikes - 3
Transform - 3
Tri Attack - 3
Trick - 3
Trick Room - 3
Triple Kick - 1
Trump Card - 3
Twineedle - 2
Twister - 2

U-turn - 2
Uproar - 3

Vacuum Wave - 2
Venoshock - 2
ViceGrip - 2
Vine Whip - 2
Vital Throw - 2
Volt Switch - 2
Volt Tackle - 4

Wake-Up Slap - 2
Water Gun - 2
Water Pledge
Water Pulse - 2
Water Sport - 3
Water Spout - 4
Waterfall - 3
Weather Ball - 2
Whirlpool - 1
Whirlwind - 3
Wide Guard - 3
Wild Charge - 3
Will-O-Wisp - 3
Wing Attack - 2
Wish - 3
Withdraw - 3
Wonder Room - 3
Wood Hammer - 4
Work Up - 3
Worry Seed - 3
Wrap - 1
Wring Out - 3

X-Scissor - 3

Yawn - 3

Zap Cannon - 4
Zen Headbutt - 3

I reckon all that is correct. Feel free to point out any mistakes or a move I missed. There was alot of moves to keep track of soI'm sure I likely messed up somewhere. lol
Thanks for checking this out :)

Edited by Staggiie

Move Re-learner Guide (2024)


How does the Move Relearner work? ›

The move relearner allows your Pokémon to learn moves from its level-up moveset regardless of whether or not it knew them before. As some moves are learned at level 0, it can be handy to obtain them or just other moves you decided not to use a the time and want to try out again.

Can Move Relearner teach TM moves? ›

TR/TM moves

If the Pokémon previously knew the move, but did not learn it via TR in Pokémon Sword or Shield, the move cannot be relearned this way. In Pokémon Scarlet and Violet, Pokémon can be taught any move they had previously learned via TM, but forgotten.

Can a Move Relearner teach pre-evolution moves? ›

no they can't. You MUST learn the move before evolving, otherwise you cannot get it back on that poke.

How to spawn a Move Relearner? ›

A move relearner is an NPC who allows Pokémon to learn moves from their level-up movepools. They spawn in Mountainous, Plains, and Ice Plains biomes. They can also be spawned using the NPC editor tool.

Can Pokémon relearn moves they never learned? ›

Pokemon can even relearn moves they never knew in the first place, like Greninja "remembering" Night Slash long before level 70.

Can Move Tutor only be used once? ›

General Move Tutor

Like all Move Tutors in FireRed and LeafGreen and the free Move Tutors in Emerald, these moves can only be taught once. Not every move is available at the start, and they are unlocked after key moments in the story.

Can a Move Relearner teach egg moves? ›

From Generation VI onward, any move that a Pokémon knew when it hatched can be taught to it again by the Move Reminder if it ever forgets it (unless the Pokémon is given a battle-ready symbol), regardless of whether that move is an Egg Move.

Is there a move that every Pokémon can learn? ›

All Pokemon who are normally compatible with TMs can learn Toxic, Hidden Power, Frustration, Return, Double Team, Facade, Round, Swagger, Sleep Talk, Substitute and Confide. Since there are 19 Pokemon who are normally incompatible with TMs (list later on), these moves are learned by 699 Pokemon, the highest total.

Do Unevolved Pokémon learn moves faster? ›

Unevolved pokémon typically learn moves faster than their evolved forms. Some also stop learning moves upon evolution, usually the pokémon that evolve through elemental stones. This never happens to pokémon that evolve through level up, though. So its a good idea to hold off and get the moves you'd like for those ones.

Is there a move only one Pokémon can learn? ›

A signature move (Japanese: 得意技 とくいわざ signature move) or signature attack is generally considered a move that can normally only be learned by a single Pokémon, evolutionary family, or group of Legendary and Mythical Pokémon within a given generation.

Do Pokémon stop learning moves when they evolve? ›

Pros and Cons of Evolution

Evolved Pokémon often learn particular moves at later levels than unevolved Pokémon, or they might learn different moves altogether. Although evolved Pokémon's moves are generally more powerful, some Trainers may want to wait to evolve their Pokémon until it learns a certain favorite move.

Can the Move Relearner relearn egg moves? ›

Relearning Egg Moves

From Generation VI onward, any move that a Pokémon knew when it hatched can be taught to it again by the Move Reminder if it ever forgets it (unless the Pokémon is given a battle-ready symbol), regardless of whether that move is an Egg Move.

How does move tutor work? ›

Introduced in Pokémon Crystal, move tutors are certain characters throughout the regions that can teach moves to your Pokémon they don't normally learn. Some teach moves for free, while others require some form of payment like colored shards or Battle Points.

How does the move teleport work? ›

Use it to flee from any wild Pokémon. The user switches places with a different Pokémon instantly, using telekinetic power. The user switches places with a party Pokémon in waiting, if any. If a wild Pokémon uses this move, it flees.

What does the move instruct do in Pokémon? ›

Instruct causes the target to repeat its most recent move immediately; PP will be deducted from moves used in this manner, and damage dealt by moves used in this manner is considered for the purpose of Counter, Mirror Coat, and Metal Burst (even if the target did not select a move this turn).

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.