Is Pre-Calc Necessary for a Business Degree? (2024)

Hey, I was wondering if pre-calculus is a crucial requirement for pursuing a business degree? Do most colleges expect me to complete pre-calc before applying for their business programs? Thanks in advance!

5 months ago

Hey there! While pre-calculus may not be an explicit requirement for every business degree, having a solid foundation in math is pretty important for business programs. Many business degrees require courses in statistics, accounting, and finance, all of which rely on mathematical concepts. Taking pre-calc in high school is a good way to show colleges that you're prepared for these types of courses and have a strong background in math.

It's also worth noting that most colleges have general education requirements that may include math courses. By completing pre-calculus, you're not only demonstrating your preparedness for business-related courses but also fulfilling the math prerequisites that may be necessary for your college's general education requirements.

To be on the safe side, you should check the specific requirements of the colleges you're interested in applying to. Look for information on their websites about their business programs and prerequisites, or reach out to their admissions department with your question. That way, you'll have a clear understanding of what each college expects.

In summary, it's a good idea to take pre-calculus if you're planning on pursuing a business degree, as it demonstrates your readiness for college-level math and business courses. However, make sure to check the specific requirements of the colleges you're interested in, as they may have different expectations. Good luck!

5 months ago

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Is Pre-Calc Necessary for a Business Degree? (2024)
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