Impact of Capital Gains and Social Security | Finance Strategists (2024)

Overview of Capital Gains and Social Security

Capital gains refer to the profit made from the sale of an investment or property. They can be classified into two categories: short-term (held for one year or less) and long-term (held for more than one year).

Social Security, on the other hand, is a U.S. federal program providing retirement, disability, and survivor benefits to eligible individuals. The benefits are funded by payroll taxes collected from current workers and their employers.

It's important to note that while capital gains can increase one's adjusted gross income (AGI), they are not subject to Social Security taxes. However, a higher AGI from capital gains can potentially lead to a higher portion of Social Security benefits being taxable.

Thus, it's essential to understand the interplay between capital gains and Social Security when planning for retirement or managing investments.

Understanding Capital Gains

Capital gains refer to the profit you make when you sell an asset, such as stocks, real estate, or other investments, for more than you paid for it. This gain, be it from a strategic investment or favorable market conditions, reflects the growth of your investment.

Capital gains, however, come with tax implications that can significantly impact your overall financial portfolio.

Types of Capital Gains: Short-Term vs Long-Term

The nature of capital gains is determined by how long you've held onto the asset.

  • Short-Term Capital Gains: Profits from assets held for a year or less. They are usually taxed at your ordinary income tax rate. Such gains can be a result of strategic short-term investments or capitalizing on market fluctuations.

  • Long-Term Capital Gains: Profits from assets held for more than a year. They typically enjoy a lower tax rate, making them favorable for investors. Long-term investments often show commitment to a financial plan and patience in an asset's value to appreciate.

How Capital Gains Are Taxed

The taxation rate for capital gains varies depending on several factors, primarily your income level and the duration you've held the asset.

The tax system is designed to encourage long-term investments. As such, long-term capital gains can be taxed anywhere from 0% to 20%, while short-term gains are taxed at your ordinary income rate.

Properly navigating these tax rates can make a substantial difference in the returns on your investments.

Impact of Capital Gains and Social Security | Finance Strategists (1)

Interplay of Capital Gains and Social Security Benefits

The relationship between capital gains and social security is intricate, but crucial for retirees and those approaching retirement to understand.

These connections can significantly influence your post-retirement financial health, affecting the amount of disposable income you have in your golden years.

Direct Impact of Capital Gains on Social Security Benefits

Capital gains can influence the amount of your Social Security benefits that are subject to taxation.

For instance, if your combined income — which includes your adjusted gross income, non-taxable interest, and half of your Social Security benefits — exceeds a certain threshold, up to 85% of your benefits may be taxable.

The inclusion of capital gains in your income can easily push you over these thresholds, leading to a higher tax on your Social Security benefits. This underlines the importance of thoughtful investment and disinvestment decisions, especially as you approach retirement.

Tax Implications of Capital Gains on Social Security Benefits

It's essential to recognize that not all Social Security benefits are taxable. For those filing as individuals:

For couples filing jointly, the thresholds are between $32,000 and $44,000 for up to 50% taxation and more than $44,000 for up to 85% taxation. Navigating these thresholds as a couple requires joint financial planning and synchronized decision-making.

Impact of Capital Gains and Social Security | Finance Strategists (2)

Examples Illustrating the Impact of Capital Gains on Social Security

Imagine a retiree, John, who gets $20,000 annually from Social Security. He also has $15,000 in other income and decides to sell an investment, realizing a capital gain of $10,000.

This sale pushes his combined income to $35,000, making up to 85% of his Social Security benefits taxable, compared to 50% if he hadn't sold the asset.

John's situation is not unique. Many retirees find themselves in similar scenarios, unaware of the ripple effect of their investment decisions.

Strategies to Minimize the Impact of Capital Gains on Social Security

Timing of Selling Assets

Delaying the sale of an asset can move the capital gains to a year where it might not push you into a higher taxation bracket for Social Security. If you're close to a threshold, consider if it's feasible to delay the sale.

Planning sales around predictable income changes, such as a decrease in earned income during retirement, can also be advantageous.

Using Tax-Advantaged Retirement Accounts

Assets in accounts like IRAs or 401(k)s grow tax-deferred. When you do decide to withdraw, it's considered regular income rather than capital gains.

This can be a strategy to spread out income over several years, thus not pushing your Social Security benefits into a higher taxable bracket.

By utilizing these accounts, you align your financial actions with long-term financial security.

Capital Loss Harvesting

This involves selling investments that have lost value. The resulting capital losses can offset capital gains, potentially reducing the taxable amount.

It's a proactive approach to managing your portfolio, ensuring that even downturns in some investments can have a silver lining for your broader financial picture.

Utilizing Charitable Giving Strategies

Donating appreciated assets, such as stocks, directly to charity can offer a double benefit: you avoid capital gains taxes and receive a charitable deduction.

Beyond the financial benefits, this approach also allows you to make a positive impact on causes and organizations you care about.

Impact of Capital Gains and Social Security | Finance Strategists (3)

Understanding Social Security

Social Security is a lifeline for many retirees. The benefits you receive are based on your 35 highest-earning years of work. However, the way these benefits are taxed can be influenced by other income, including capital gains.

It's a system designed to ensure financial security in retirement, but its interaction with other income sources underscores the need for holistic financial planning.

How Social Security Benefits Are Calculated

Social Security benefits are generally calculated based on the "average indexed monthly earnings." This calculation considers up to 35 years of an individual's adjusted earnings.

This calculation ensures that your benefits reflect your contribution to the system throughout your working years.

How Social Security Benefits Are Taxed

As mentioned, anywhere from 0% to 85% of your Social Security benefits can be taxable, based on your combined income and filing status.

While it might seem daunting to understand the intricacies of this taxation, awareness can help you make informed decisions about other income sources.

Strategic Planning for Capital Gains and Social Security

Balance Capital Gains and Social Security Income

It's essential to strike a balance. While capital gains can provide a lucrative boost to your income, be mindful of how they can affect your Social Security benefits. By spreading out gains or strategically choosing when to

Maximize Social Security Benefits

Timing is crucial when it comes to claiming Social Security. Delaying the age at which you start collecting benefits can result in a significantly larger monthly payout.

While the earliest you can start is age 62, waiting until your full retirement age (between 65 and 67, depending on when you were born) ensures you get 100% of your monthly benefit.

Even more, for every year you delay past your full retirement age until age 70, your benefit increases. This growth can serve as a buffer against potential tax hits from capital gains in the future.

Use Tax-Efficient Investment Vehicles

Apart from retirement accounts, consider other tax-efficient investment options like Roth IRAs, which allow qualified withdrawals to be tax-free.

This means that when you do decide to draw from these accounts, it won't count towards the income determining the taxation of your Social Security benefits.

Roth conversions, where you convert traditional IRA money to a Roth IRA, can also be a strategic move, especially in years where you anticipate lower income.

Apply Asset Location Strategy

It's not just about which assets you own, but also where you place them.

For instance, investments that generate regular taxable income, like bonds, might be better suited in tax-deferred accounts, while stocks, which have the potential for long-term capital gains, could be placed in taxable accounts.

This strategy can ensure you have a mix of both regular and capital gain income, which you can strategically manage based on your Social Security income thresholds.

Adjust Withdrawal Strategies

If you're drawing from multiple income sources during retirement, adjust your withdrawal strategies annually.

For instance, in a year where you realize more capital gains than anticipated, you might want to minimize withdrawals from retirement accounts.

Conversely, in a year with minimal capital gains, it might be advantageous to draw more from retirement accounts and let your other investments grow.

Seek Professional Guidance

While understanding the basics is essential, the intricate dance between capital gains and Social Security can benefit from expert advice.

Financial advisors or tax professionals can offer tailored strategies that factor in your unique financial situation, helping you maximize benefits while minimizing tax obligations.

Impact of Capital Gains and Social Security | Finance Strategists (4)

Bottom Line

The intricate relationship between capital gains and Social Security taxation underscores the necessity for meticulous financial planning, especially for retirees or those nearing retirement.

While capital gains can be a significant source of income, especially when assets appreciate, they can inadvertently affect the taxable amount of Social Security benefits.

Distinct thresholds dictate the percentage of Social Security benefits that become taxable, and capital gains can easily tip a retiree's combined income over these thresholds.

Strategic maneuvers, such as timing asset sales, using tax-advantaged retirement accounts, capital loss harvesting, and charitable giving, can help mitigate adverse tax implications.

Moreover, understanding the Social Security system and seeking expert advice can ensure individuals reap the maximum benefits of their investments while ensuring their Social Security remains as tax-efficient as possible.

If you're keen on maximizing your financial potential while minimizing tax liabilities, consider seeking expert tax planning services today.

Impact of Capital Gains and Social Security FAQs

Capital gains can influence the taxable amount of your Social Security benefits, with up to 85% potentially being taxable based on combined income.

Short-term capital gains arise from assets held for a year or less and are taxed at your ordinary income rate. Long-term gains come from assets held longer and usually have favorable tax rates.

Not necessarily. Depending on combined income, including capital gains, anywhere from 0% to 85% of your Social Security benefits can be taxable.

Strategies include timing of selling assets, using tax-advantaged retirement accounts, capital loss harvesting, and charitable giving.

While one can start at age 62, waiting until the full retirement age (between 65 and 67) ensures 100% benefits. Delaying even further up to age 70 can increase benefits by about 8% annually.

Impact of Capital Gains and Social Security | Finance Strategists (5)

About the Author

True Tamplin, BSc, CEPF®

True Tamplin is a published author, public speaker, CEO of UpDigital, and founder of Finance Strategists.

True is a Certified Educator in Personal Finance (CEPF®), author of The Handy Financial Ratios Guide, a member of the Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing, contributes to his financial education site, Finance Strategists, and has spoken to various financial communities such as the CFA Institute, as well as university students like his Alma mater, Biola University, where he received a bachelor of science in business and data analytics.

To learn more about True, visit his personal website or view his author profiles on Amazon, Nasdaq and Forbes.

Impact of Capital Gains and Social Security | Finance Strategists (2024)


Impact of Capital Gains and Social Security | Finance Strategists? ›

Capital gains can influence the taxable amount of your Social Security benefits, with up to 85% potentially being taxable based on combined income.

How do capital gains impact Social Security? ›

While capital gains income will not result in a reduced benefit, it may determine whether you must pay taxes on those benefits. More than half of Social Security recipients pay some income taxes on their benefits.

Is a taxable brokerage account worth it? ›

A taxable brokerage account is a great place for surplus savings if you've already saved as much as the IRS will let you into your tax-advantaged retirement accounts. You may even start putting money into your taxable brokerage before you max out your retirement savings.

Do capital gains count as income for Medicare premiums? ›

Answer: A big-enough capital gain can trigger Medicare's income-related adjustment amount, which are surcharges on your Part B and Part D premiums. As you note, there's a two-year delay between the higher income on your tax returns and higher premiums.

How can you grab a 0% tax rate? ›

For example, if you're filing as an individual, you can earn taxable income of up to $44,625 in 2023 and qualify for the 0 percent rate. For 2024, that threshold for individuals rises to $47,025.

How do capital gains affect income? ›

Capital gains are generally included in taxable income, but in most cases, are taxed at a lower rate. A capital gain is realized when a capital asset is sold or exchanged at a price higher than its basis. Basis is an asset's purchase price, plus commissions and the cost of improvements less depreciation.

Does capital gains count as income for Social Security disability? ›

Non-work income such as annuities, interest or dividends, and pensions may require you to pay income tax, but they will not be on your Social Security record. Capital gains, veterans, government or military retirement benefits, and inheritances also fall under the non-work income category.

Why should no one use brokerage accounts? ›

If the value of your investments drops too far, you might struggle to repay the money you owe the brokerage. Should your account be sent to collections, it could damage your credit score. You can avoid this risk by opening a cash account, which doesn't involve borrowing money.

What is the downside to a brokerage account? ›

Brokerage accounts don't offer all the services that a traditional bank offers. Brokerages might not offer additional products such as mortgages and other loans. Brokerages may not have weekend or evening hours.

Do I have to pay capital gains tax on a brokerage account? ›

Any income you earn in a taxable brokerage account is taxed when the income is realized. If you sell a stock at a gain, that gain is taxable. If you earn interest on your cash balance, that interest income is taxable in the tax year in which it was received.

Do capital gains affect Social Security taxation? ›

It's important to note that while capital gains can increase one's adjusted gross income (AGI), they are not subject to Social Security taxes. However, a higher AGI from capital gains can potentially lead to a higher portion of Social Security benefits being taxable.

What is not counted as income? ›

Nontaxable income won't be taxed, whether or not you enter it on your tax return. The following items are deemed nontaxable by the IRS: Inheritances, gifts and bequests. Cash rebates on items you purchase from a retailer, manufacturer or dealer.

Does selling a house count as income for Social Security? ›

Income limitations: Selling your home does not directly impact your eligibility for Social Security benefits. However, if you earn income from the sale, it could potentially affect the taxation of your benefits or eligibility for certain assistance programs.

Do you pay capital gains after age 65? ›

Whether you're 65 or 95, seniors must pay capital gains tax where it's due.

At what age do you not pay capital gains? ›

Capital Gains Tax for People Over 65. For individuals over 65, capital gains tax applies at 0% for long-term gains on assets held over a year and 15% for short-term gains under a year. Despite age, the IRS determines tax based on asset sale profits, with no special breaks for those 65 and older.

How to avoid capital gains tax over 65? ›

Utilize Tax-Advantaged Accounts: Tax-advantaged retirement accounts, such as 401(k)s, Charitable Remainder Trusts, or IRAs, can help seniors reduce their capital gains taxes. Money invested in these accounts grows tax-free, and withdrawals are not taxed until they are taken out in retirement.

What type of income reduces Social Security benefits? ›

When we figure out how much to deduct from your benefits, we count only the wages you make from your job or your net earnings if you're self-employed. We include bonuses, commissions, and vacation pay.

What income does not count against Social Security? ›

For the earnings limits, we don't count income such as other government benefits, investment earnings, interest, pensions, annuities, and capital gains.

Do capital gains count as income in retirement? ›

Capital gains and dividends

Fully taxable investment vehicles and accounts, such as stock, bonds, and mutual funds are taxed the same whether you're retired or still employed.

Do dividends and capital gains affect Social Security benefits? ›

However, dividends and capital gains can still affect your ultimate net Social Security benefits due to taxes. At the federal level up to 85% of Social Security benefits are taxable, based on your combined income: Combined income = adjusted gross income + nontaxable interest + half of your Social Security benefits.

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.