How to Justify a Negative Credit Report to an Employer (2024)

Employers are increasingly checking job applicants’ credit reports before making a hiring decision. This is often done to assess an individual's fiscal responsibility. An employer can’t pull your credit without your consent, and if the credit report is used as a reason not to hire you, the employer must provide you with a copy of your report as well as a copy of the Fair Credit Reporting Act, which outlines your rights in regard to credit reporting.

Separation or Divorce

If you're going through marital difficulties including separation or divorce, it can lead to temporarily affected finances reflected in your credit report. Explain the circ*mstances and note the steps you are taking to rebuild your credit and rebuild your life. Don't make it sound like your life is in complete disarray, which might turn off a hiring manager who feels you will be distracted or otherwise occupied on your personal life rather than your professional objectives.

Job Loss

If you became unemployed due to a layoff or downsizing, it's natural that your finances may be temporarily impaired because of your decreased income. If this is the case, emphasize what you have done to keep yourself fiscally afloat during the downtime, such as working temp jobs or cutting your budget. This allows you to turn a negative into a positive. This explanation works best if your credit delinquencies coincide with your dates of unemployment.

Non-Working Spouse

If your spouse lost a job, was terminated, ill, injured or is otherwise unable to contribute financially to your household, it has the potential to damage your personal credit. Explain this scenario if you have financial delinquencies on joint accounts, pointing out to a potential employer that your personal credit history was hurt due to your spouse’s unemployment.

Focus on Repair Efforts

Turn your conversation about your bad credit into a positive demonstration of how you take responsibility for your actions and repair errors to the best of your ability. If you can show you have entered into payment agreements, made minimum payments or otherwise maintained contact with creditors and are trying to repair your credit, you will come across as more responsible than someone who ignored the situation. Employers know that people make mistakes; the sign of a professional is how you behave after the mistakes occur to rectify the situation.

How to Justify a Negative Credit Report to an Employer (2024)


How to Justify a Negative Credit Report to an Employer? ›

If this is the case, emphasize what you have done to keep yourself fiscally afloat during the downtime, such as working temp jobs or cutting your budget. This allows you to turn a negative into a positive. This explanation works best if your credit delinquencies coincide with your dates of unemployment.

How to explain bad credit to an employer? ›

A letter explaining bad credit should be honest and transparent. Acknowledge your financial situation, and explain any extenuating circ*mstances that may have contributed to it. Honesty is critical since any lies or omissions will inevitably come to light and could jeopardize your job prospects.

How to explain a negative credit report? ›

Negative information includes items such as late payments on loans and credit cards, delinquent accounts, charge-offs, accounts that have been sent to collection, bankruptcies, short sales, deeds in lieu of foreclosure, and foreclosures.

How do you explain why you have bad credit? ›

Common causes of a bad credit rating include failing to stick to your credit agreement, paying the bare minimum on your credit card each month, and falling victim to identity theft.

Can you be turned down for a job because of bad credit? ›

If you are seeking employment, your credit history may be checked and you can be denied employment because of bad credit. Prior to applying for a position, it's a good idea to speak to the prospective employer. You have a right to know if your credit will be checked.

Can I lose a job offer because of bad credit? ›

In those instances, an employer can review a credit report, not a low score, and deny them employment based on that. Note that certain legal requirements come with rejecting a potential employee based in whole or in part on information contained in a credit report.”

How do I dispute an employer on my credit report? ›

You should dispute with each credit bureau that has the mistake. Explain in writing what you think is wrong, include the credit bureau's dispute form (if they have one), copies of documents that support your dispute, and keep records of everything you send.

How do I write a letter of explanation for bad credit? ›

There are a few guidelines that apply to writing a consumer explanation letter, regardless of the situation.
  1. Keep it short and to the point. ...
  2. Emphasize the circ*mstances that led to the issue. ...
  3. Explain how your finances have improved. ...
  4. Proofread your letter. ...
  5. Be nice.

How to write a letter of explanation for derogatory credit? ›

Provide a clear explanation: Your letter should acknowledge and indicate why something happened. If, for instance, you fell behind on loan payments in the past or were out of work for a significant period of time, explain the extenuating circ*mstances.

What is a letter of explanation for credit score? ›

A letter of explanation enables the borrower to answer any questions a lender might have about the loan application. Lenders are often required to get letters of explanation for information present on your credit report, such as delinquencies, late payments, bankruptcies, and foreclosures.

What are the three C's of credit? ›

Examining the C's of Credit

For example, when it comes to actually applying for credit, the “three C's” of credit – capital, capacity, and character – are crucial.

How to explain a low credit score to a landlord? ›

Explain why your credit score may be low, whether you're dealing with medical bills, divorce, or other financial situations, and your landlord may be more lenient. Show Proof of Payments- If your credit score is low, but you've always paid rent on time, show your potential landlord proof of your on-time rent payments.

Can an employer not hire you because of your credit score? ›

Only California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Nevada, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington ban credit history discrimination for job applicants in most cases. Even in these states, there are exceptions for financial institutions and similar occupations. Other states have their laws.

What is the minimum credit score for a job? ›

Employers don't get a credit score during this process, and thus there is no minimum credit score for employment.

Can you be denied a job because of debt? ›

In the majority of states, employers can deny you employment if you have bad credit. Some states and cities have passed laws that prohibit the practice, though there are some exceptions, such as for jobs in the financial sector.

How do you explain bad credit to a potential landlord? ›

Write a letter of explanation detailing why your credit score is not very good. Include how you now have good budgeting habits and about your plans to be a responsible tenant. Landlords are free to waive their own requirements—as long as they treat all applicants the same way.

Can you be fired for having bad credit? ›

While it's unlikely that a lousy credit score will get you canned, it's much more likely to stop you from being hired in the first place, it certainly can happen, especially if you're in one of the states that don't restrict the use of employer credit checks.

What are the six C's of bad credit? ›

To accurately find out whether the business qualifies for the loan, banks generally refer to the six “C's” of credit: character, capacity, capital, collateral, conditions and credit score.

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