How to Get Mac Address Windows 11: A Simple and Detailed Guide - Live2Tech (2024)

How to Get MAC Address in Windows 11

Need to find your MAC address in Windows 11? It’s a piece of cake! You can locate it through the Settings app or by using the Command Prompt. This guide will walk you through both methods, so you’ll have your MAC address in no time.

Step-by-Step Tutorial on How to Get MAC Address in Windows 11

In this section, we will look at the steps to get your MAC address using two different methods: through the Settings app and the Command Prompt. Follow these steps to complete the task quickly and efficiently.

Step 1: Open the Settings App

Step 1: Click the Start menu and select the Settings icon.

The Settings app is where you can control many aspects of your Windows 11 system, including network settings. Clicking the Start menu and then the Settings icon will open up a new window.

Step 2: Navigate to Network & Internet

Step 2: In the Settings window, click Network & Internet.

This section allows you to control your network connections. Once you click on Network & Internet, you will see a variety of options related to your internet settings.

Step 3: Access Hardware Properties

Step 3: Click on the Properties of your current network connection.

Locate your current network connection, whether it’s Wi-Fi or Ethernet, and click on it. This takes you to a detailed screen showing various properties of your network.

Step 4: Find the MAC Address

Step 4: Scroll down to find the Physical Address (MAC).

In the properties section, scroll down until you see the field named "Physical Address (MAC)." This is your device’s MAC address.

Step 5: Using Command Prompt as an Alternative

Step 5: Press Win + R, type cmd, and press Enter to open Command Prompt.

If you prefer using the Command Prompt, press the Windows key and R at the same time to open the Run dialog. Type "cmd" and press Enter.

Step 6: Execute the Command

Step 6: Type ipconfig /all and press Enter.

In the Command Prompt window, type "ipconfig /all" and press Enter. This will display detailed information about your network configuration.

Step 7: Locate the MAC Address

Step 7: Scroll down to find the Physical Address (MAC) next to your network adapter.

Scroll through the output until you find your network adapter. The MAC address will be listed as the Physical Address.

After completing these steps, you’ll have successfully located your MAC address. You can now use this information as needed for network configurations, troubleshooting, or other purposes.

Tips on How to Get MAC Address in Windows 11

  • You can easily copy the MAC address from the Settings app by highlighting it and pressing Ctrl + C.
  • Use the Command Prompt method if you’re comfortable with text-based interfaces; it provides more detailed information.
  • Double-check that you are viewing the MAC address for the correct network adapter if you have multiple connections.
  • Remember that the MAC address is unique to each network adapter, so if you switch between Wi-Fi and Ethernet, you’ll have different MAC addresses.
  • Keep your MAC address secure, as sharing it can pose a security risk.

Frequently Asked Questions on How to Get MAC Address in Windows 11

What is a MAC address?

A MAC address is a unique identifier assigned to a network interface controller for use in communications within a network segment.

Why do I need to find my MAC address?

You may need it for network troubleshooting, security configurations, or to allow or block devices on a network.

Can I change my MAC address?

Yes, but it’s generally not recommended unless you have a specific reason, such as privacy concerns.

Is my MAC address the same for all network connections?

No, each network adapter on your device has its own unique MAC address.

Are there any risks in sharing my MAC address?

While generally safe, sharing your MAC address could potentially be used to track your device on a network.

Summary of Steps

  1. Open the Settings App
  2. Navigate to Network & Internet
  3. Access Hardware Properties
  4. Find the MAC Address
  5. Using Command Prompt as an Alternative
  6. Execute the Command
  7. Locate the MAC Address


Finding your MAC address in Windows 11 is a straightforward process that can be done through the Settings app or Command Prompt. By following the steps outlined, you can quickly access this crucial piece of information.

Remember, the MAC address is unique to each network adapter and can be important for various networking tasks and security measures. Whether you’re troubleshooting a connection issue or setting up a new network device, knowing how to find your MAC address can be incredibly useful.

If you’re looking for more detailed instructions or have additional questions, feel free to explore more resources or ask for help in technology forums. Knowing your way around your Windows 11 device can save you time and make you more proficient at handling potential issues. So go ahead, try it out, and enhance your tech skills!

How to Get Mac Address Windows 11: A Simple and Detailed Guide - Live2Tech (1)

Kermit Matthews

Kermit Matthews is a freelance writer based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania with more than a decade of experience writing technology guides. He has a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Computer Science and has spent much of his professional career in IT management.

He specializes in writing content about iPhones, Android devices, Microsoft Office, and many other popular applications and devices.

Read his full bio here.

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How to Get Mac Address Windows 11: A Simple and Detailed Guide - Live2Tech (2024)
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