How to Budget Using The Envelope System - NerdWallet (2024)

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Key takeaways:

  • With the envelope system, you allocate your take-home pay toward specific categories by placing cash in labeled envelopes.

  • On TikTok, it's known as "cash stuffing."

  • You can apply a digital approach to the envelope system with the help of apps and spreadsheets.

  • This system allows you to closely track all of your money; a downside is that it takes a significant amount of effort.

What is ‘cash stuffing’?

The envelope system — also known on TikTok as "cash stuffing" — is a budgeting method that allows you to physically portion out your monthly income into different spending categories.

This money management system has been around for years, but cash stuffing or the envelope budgeting method has taken on new life from high-profile exposure on TikTok.

The concept is simple: Take a few envelopes, write a specific expense category on each one — like groceries, rent or student loans — and then put the money you plan to spend on those things into the envelopes.

Traditionally, people have used the envelope system on a monthly basis, using actual cash and envelopes. More recently, people have adopted digital methods, including spreadsheets and apps like Goodbudget and Mvelopes.

How the cash stuffing method works

Cash stuffing doesn’t have to be complicated, but it does require some organization and planning on your part. The three steps below outline how you can begin your budgeting journey, if this is the right method for you.

1. Start with a budget

A solid budget can make the cash stuffing method smoother by ensuring you have enough money to cover your expenses. Consider using the 50/30/20 budget, where you put 50% of your after-tax income toward needs like rent and groceries, roughly 30% toward wants like travel and eating out, and at least 20% toward savings and debt repayment.

Say you take home $3,500 a month. This is what your budget might look like:

  • $1,750 in your needs envelopes.

  • $1,050 in your wants envelopes.

  • $700 in your envelopes for savings and debt repayment.

Keep in mind that this is just one budgeting strategy and you can divvy up your money as you see fit.

2. Create your envelope categories

Think about the types of expenses you have and sort them into categories. You get to decide how broad or specific to be here. You can have a general “going out” envelope, for example, or you can have a “movies” envelope, a “restaurants” envelope and a “drinks” envelope.

Next, label an envelope for each category and fill it with the amount of cash you’ve allotted for that expense. That's the "cash stuffing" part of the process.

3. Limit spending to the envelopes

When you pay for something, use money only from the corresponding envelope. For example, if you set aside $50 in an envelope marked “coffee,” and you buy a $5 latte at Starbucks, you’ll take the money from the envelope. That leaves you with $45 left to spend on coffee for the month.

You can refill your envelopes once a month or after you get your paycheck.

How to Budget Using The Envelope System - NerdWallet (2)

The pros

The cash stuffing envelope system also helps avoid the overdraft fees and debt that can come with frequent debit and credit card swiping. Physically dividing up your money also makes you aware of exactly how much you have available to spend on a given item, which helps curb overspending on impulse purchases.

“What either makes or breaks a budget is the variable expenses. It’s the going out with friends here and there. ... It’s all these little things that add up,” says Carlos Moreno, a financial specialist and coordinator of the Mobility Mentoring Center at Economic Mobility Pathways, a Boston nonprofit that serves low-income families. “That’s where the envelope system is so effective. It shows you right then and there how much money is going into specific categories.”

Cash-only users are more likely to feel an emotional connection to their money, too. Because cash is visible, touchable and instantly parts with you, it’s easier to be aware of how much you’re spending — and you’re likely to spend less than you would with a credit card, according to several studies.

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The cons

Making regular trips to the bank or ATM to withdraw money can be time-consuming and leave you vulnerable. Carrying large sums of cash puts you at risk of loss or theft. You’ll also miss out on the protection and rewards that credit cards can offer.

Protect your savings allotment by putting it into a savings account, preferably one that pays a good interest rate, rather than keeping it in an envelope where it could be easily lost or stolen.

» MORE: How to choose the right budget system

Who benefits from the cash stuffing envelope system

The envelope system can help new budgeters and impulsive spenders. It lets you set goals and gauge how much you spend and save. We recommend this method to people who want to take charge of their finances in a hands-on way.

Want a free budget worksheet?

Use the Nerds’ 50/30/20 budget worksheet to see how your budget stacks up, and spot opportunities to save money.


How to Budget Using The Envelope System - NerdWallet (4)

How to Budget Using The Envelope System - NerdWallet (2024)


What is the Nerdwallet envelope method? ›

The concept is simple: Take a few envelopes, write a specific expense category on each one — like groceries, rent or student loans — and then put the money you plan to spend on those things into the envelopes. Traditionally, people have used the envelope system on a monthly basis, using actual cash and envelopes.

How to budget with envelopes? ›

You just take the exact amount of cash you've budgeted for each category and stick it in individual envelopes. Then throughout the month, you check your envelopes to see what's left to spend—because you'll see the literal amount in cash.

What is one drawback of using envelope budgeting? ›

If you decide to use cash and envelopes instead of digital tools, you'll need to cash your paychecks and divide up the money every pay period. This can get tedious. Cash is vulnerable to theft and loss.

What is the 50 30 20 rule? ›

The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings. The savings category also includes money you will need to realize your future goals.

What is the envelope method example? ›

The envelope system can also be used for non-monthly expenses. For example, if you want to spend $1,000 on Christmas, then write “Christmas” on an envelope and start socking away a predetermined amount of money each month from your budget.

How do you do the envelope trick for saving money? ›

It works like this: Gather 100 envelopes and number them from 1 to 100. Each day, fill up one envelope with the amount of cash corresponding to the number on the envelope. You can fill up the envelopes in order or pick them at random. After you've filled up all the envelopes, you'll have a total savings of $5,050.

Does the envelope system really work? ›

The envelope system can still work, but in a different way. Remember, the idea behind carrying limited physical cash is simply to control how much you spend, almost utilizing it as a quick visual. The fix: Keep money in your bank account, but list expenses on your envelope. DO NOT spend more than what you allocated.

What is the envelope budget hack? ›

Instead of having money set aside for each category in your head, or even scribbled on a paper somewhere, take one envelope for each expense category and mark it clearly. Now, put the exact amount of cash for this month in the envelope for each category. Do this with every expense category, and voila!

How to save $5000 in 3 months with 100 envelopes? ›

The 100-envelope challenge is pretty straightforward: You take 100 envelopes, number each of them and then save the corresponding dollar amount in each envelope. For instance, you put $1 in “Envelope 1,” $2 in “Envelope 2,” and so on. By the end of 100 days, you'll have saved $5,050.

What expenses are not in an envelope budget? ›

Bills, insurance, debt, and utilities are all expenses that will subtract from your income. They don't require an envelope, but if you like to budget for future months, it doesn't hurt to set aside extra funds for your monthly bills.

What are the pros of the envelope budget system? ›

Pros of Envelope Budgeting
  • It's free.
  • It discourages overspending.
  • Helps break dependence on credit cards.
  • Helps you catch budget issues in real time.
  • Creates a tangible form of accountability.

How do you use the envelope budget system without cash? ›

How to Hack the Cash Envelope System to Forgo Using Cash
  1. Use Gift Cards. Instead of stuffing your spending envelopes with cash, use gift cards. ...
  2. Use a Budgeting App Based On the Envelope System. ...
  3. Use Multiple Accounts for Different Types of Spending. ...
  4. Track Your Spending After Every Transaction.

What is zero cost budgeting? ›

Zero-based budgeting (ZBB) is a method of budgeting in which all expenses must be justified for each new period. The process of zero-based budgeting starts from a “zero base,” and every function within an organization is analyzed for its needs and costs.

How to budget $5000 a month? ›

Consider an individual who takes home $5,000 a month. Applying the 50/30/20 rule would give them a monthly budget of: 50% for mandatory expenses = $2,500. 20% to savings and debt repayment = $1,000.

How to budget $4000 a month? ›

making $4,000 a month using the 75 10 15 method. 75% goes towards your needs, so use $3,000 towards housing bills, transport, and groceries. 10% goes towards want. So $400 to spend on dining out, entertainment, and hobbies.

What is the envelope technique? ›

The idea is to split up your money according to how much you want to spend in each category—and then only let yourself spend until the cash in each envelope is gone. Envelope budgeting works best for variable expenses, like groceries and dining out, which change slightly every month depending on your spending habits.

What is the envelope method used for? ›

The envelope budgeting system is one option for tracking spending each month. This method requires dividing the available spending money into separate envelopes that represent your key spending categories. They can be virtual envelopes: The approach can be adapted for use with mobile budgeting apps.

What is the envelope strategy? ›

The envelope budgeting system is a cash-based approach to budgeting. To follow the system, you label an envelope for each of your discretionary spending categories—the categories that don't have a fixed cost each month—and then fill the envelopes with the amount of spending cash you've allocated in your budget.

What is the envelope method in statistics? ›

The envelope method offers a more flexible technique for modeling dependent variables that are both intuitive and easy to control. It models the logic whereby the value of the independent variable statistically determines the value of the dependent variable.

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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

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Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.