How Retail Investors Value ESG and Frame Sustainable Investment Strategies (2024)

A new paper titled “Retail Investors and ESG News” by experts at Wharton and elsewhere has sharpened the debate on the role of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) information in framing sustainable investment strategies. The research finds that retail investors do care a lot about the ESG-related activities of the firms, but mainly if they affect the value of their investments — not necessarily with altruistic motives.

“Retail investors treat ESG information like they do financial information, and they trade [on such news] in the same way as financial news,” said Wharton accounting professor Christina Zhu. She co-authored the paper with Yale University accounting professor Edward M. Watts and Stanford University accounting doctoral student Qianqian Li. It was named an Outstanding Paper in the 2023 research paper prizes by Wharton’s Jacobs Levy Equity Management Center for Quantitative Financial Research and was recognized at theFrontiers in Quantitative Finance Conferenceon September 22.

Zhu said their research disputed findings by many surveys and experiments that retail investors “are willing to sacrifice a little bit of wealth for the environment [or other ESG causes].” According to the paper, retail investors care about ESG factors “primarily to the extent they are financially material for company performance.”

Their trading behavior also “predicts future abnormal returns” for financially material events, the paper added, noting that this finding is “consistent with retail traders benefiting from incorporating ESG-related information in their decision-making.” In other words, retail investors profit from trading on ESG-related information when it is relevant to firm value.

“Retail investors treat ESG information like it’s financial information, and trade [on such news] in the same way that they would trade if it were financial news.”— Christina Zhu

Zhu and her co-authors arrived at those findings after analyzing trading activity by retail investors around nearly 54,200 “distinct ESG-related news events” from December 2015 through August 2022. Retail investor trading activity was 5.7% higher on “ESG news days” than on “non-event days” across that time period. It was more pronounced — 8.1% higher on ESG news days — after 2020, which suggested an increasing sensitivity among retail investors to ESG-related news.

Governance Gets Top Billing

Significantly, the study also found that “retail investor reactions to ESG news events are greater in magnitude than those to analyst forecasts and dividend announcements, but are smaller than those to earnings announcements and management guidance.”

Another important finding was that although all categories of ESG news events generated “significant trade” by retail investors, news related to “Leadership and Governance” aspects impacted their trading the most. “The G-type reactions (on governance aspects) are the biggest because they have a lot of impact on firm value,” Zhu said. “It’s still related to the other categories because it’s the governance of the E and S (environmental and social) portions.”

The paper also found that events with “more extensive media coverage and more pronounced increases in investor attention generate significantly more retail trade,” which it noted was consistent with the findings of other studies. “The significant increase in trading activity by retail investors around high-attention ESG events allows us to reject the hypothesis that they are indifferent to ESG-related information,” the paper stated.

Sustainable Investment Strategies: Is It About the Money, or Not?

The study then goes on to investigate “why retail investors care about these issues.” The paper pointed out that, given these findings, an important question is “whether retail investors value ESG-related factors for pecuniary versus non-pecuniary reasons.”

It is of course possible that retail investors value ESG-related factors for non-pecuniary reasons, and that they are not looking to only maximize returns, the paper stated. They have the ability to pursue non-pecuniary goals since they are acting on their own and not constrained by the fiduciary duties that institutional investors have to perform on behalf of the investors they represent, the authors explained.

“When an event is good for the ESG performance of a company but bad for its stock price, retail investors are selling. They don’t seem to be willing to sacrifice financial returns for ESG performance.”— Christina Zhu

Incidentally, the paper cited research on ESG-related investing by institutional investors by Wharton finance professor Luke Taylor, Wharton finance and economics professor Robert F. Stambaugh, and Chicago University finance professor Lubos Pastor, which also disproved widely held perceptions. That paper, titled “Green Tilts” — also named Outstanding Paper in the 2023 Jacobs Levy awards — found that contrary to popular reports that ESG investing has crossed $35 trillion, large financial institutions have invested only $2 trillion of their total assets under management of $31.3 trillion in firms that adhere to ESG values.

Zhu’s study found that “the average retail investor does not have non-pecuniary preferences.” Specifically, it found that investors buy securities when the implications of ESG news for a firm’s performance are positive; conversely, they sell those securities when the implications are negative for portfolio performance. Those trading activities are “largely independent of the changes in expectations about a company’s ESG performance,” the paper stated.

“It means that when an event is good for the ESG performance of a company but bad for its stock price, retail investors are selling,” Zhu explained. “They don’t seem to be willing to sacrifice financial returns for ESG performance. If the ESG news is good for firm value, then they’re buying.”

Policy Takeaways

According to Zhu, the findings of her paper could inform several proposed actions for regulators and policymakers. For instance, the Securities and Exchange Commission has been considering a requirement for publicly held companies to disclose their climate-related risks, she noted. Also, many states have banned the consideration of ESG factors in the investment decisions of their pension plans, she added.

“The evidence [from the study] is important because it’s at least one data point that can be used in shaping policy in the future,” Zhu said. “The basic takeaway is that ESG-related news matters to retail investors just like any type of financial information would matter to them.”

How Retail Investors Value ESG and Frame Sustainable Investment Strategies (2024)


Why do investors value ESG? ›

Investors increasingly believe companies that perform well on ESG are less risky, better positioned for the long term and better prepared for uncertainty. Companies that realign to the stakeholder capitalism agenda may have a competitive advantage over those that try to return to business as usual.

What is the advantage of using the ESG framework as an investor? ›

It lets you align your money with your values while also avoiding risks. By focusing on ESG factors, you can invest with confidence by mitigating hidden risks associated with environmental regulations, social unrest, and poor corporate governance.

How are investors encouraging better ESG approaches by companies? ›

Investors have a range of strategies at their disposal to engage corporate management and to communicate their views on corporate ESG risks to policy makers and the broader public. The most common strategies are direct dialogue, shareholder proposals and proxy voting, public policy engagement and divestment.

How does ESG engagement create value for investors and companies? ›

In such cases, ESG engagement allows corporations to provide updated data and a more nuanced explanation of their ratings to investors. Most corporate interviewees also use ESG engagement dialogues to explain how their management of ESG issues is related to broader, strategic considerations.

Why are ESG factors important for investors? ›

ESG has gained significant importance as investors and stakeholders increasingly consider non-financial factors when making investment decisions. ESG factors help assess the overall sustainability and ethical performance of companies, which can have implications for their long-term success and reputation.

Why is ESG score important to investors? ›

The importance of ESG ratings for investment

An ESG criteria is thought to help investors consider the 'unmeasured' or 'unrepresented' environmental, social and governance topics when making investment decisions.

What is the role of ESG in investment strategy? ›

ESG investing takes into account how a company's practices and policies impact profitability and future returns, SRI is more tightly focused on whether an investment is more precisely in line with an individual investor's values. ESG factors in corporate performance while SRI solely focuses on the investor's values.

What is the usefulness of ESG to ordinary investors? ›

Investors who focus on ESG metrics will tend to take this into account when screening potential investment candidates. ESG stocks represent companies who score high on the various ESG factors. Besides having high sustainability ratings, companies that score high on ESG factors often tend to be well run and profitable.

How does ESG create value? ›

Tying ESG to value levers

Waste reduction and energy efficiency can save operating costs. Addressing climate risk in supply chains and physical infrastructure can also help prevent losses, reduce insurance costs, and avoid negative hits to shareholder value due to write-offs.

How do investors influence sustainability? ›

Shifting other investors' evaluation of issues

By publicly and continuously highlighting these environmental and social issues, an investor can raise attention to environmental and social issues among other investors and thereby motivate these other investors to influence companies.

Why is ESG reporting important to investors? ›

Managing Risks

Companies may detect and control risks related to their operations, supply chain, and investments using ESG reporting. Companies may lessen their risk of reputational harm, regulatory penalties, and legal responsibility by evaluating and disclosing their environmental and social effect.

How much do investors care about sustainability? ›

Here's the proof! The proof that people care is in the numbers. Morgan Stanley surveyed millennial investors and found that 90% of them want to be able to invest their retirement savings sustainably. They also found that 80% want to have choices, in regards to which impactful projects they invest in.

What do ESG investors look for? ›

ESG investing screens companies based on criteria related to being pro-social, environmentally friendly, and with good corporate governance. Together, these features can lead to sustainability.

How do you integrate ESG into valuation? ›

In order to incorporate environmental, social and governance factors into the valuation of a company, ESG-related adjustments can be made to the cost of capital in addition to cash flow components and long-term growth rate.

How do investors measure ESG? ›

Different areas of ESG can involve different types of measurement, for example: environmental – waste management, transportation and business miles, energy usage and carbon emissions. social – employee wellbeing, diversity and inclusivity practices, and local community engagement.

How does ESG impact investors? ›

ESG is a set of criteria across environmental, social, and governance dimensions that may have material effects on business performance. Investors use ESG considerations to assess the risks and opportunities present in potential investment decisions.

Why do investors care about sustainability? ›

Sustainable investing promotes long-term economic growth by encouraging companies to operate more ethically and responsibly.

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