How Many Hours Do Business Owners Work? According to Studies, It’s a Lot (2024)

Thinking about starting a business but worried about how busy you’ll be? Or, have you already started a business and are wondering how many hours you should be clocking in? Either way, knowing how much other business owners work may be helpful. So, how many hours do business owners work?

Read on to learn averages and why entrepreneurs work the hours they do. Plus, get valuable tips to help you cut back on hours worked (while also getting more done!).

How many hours do business owners work?

Want to ditch the 9 to 5 and become your own boss? Great! But first, there’s something you should know. Business owners put in long hours … a lot of long hours.

Let’s start with some examples of successful entrepreneurs. Patriot’s founder and CEO Mike Kappel regularly clocked 70- to 80-hour workweeks when he started his first business. Self-made millionaire Grant Cardone shared that he works 95 hours per week. And, serial entrepreneur Gary Vaynerchuk says new entrepreneurs must put in at least 18 hours a day for the first year.

Sound extreme? For business owners, long days are the norm—not the exception. In fact, 43% of business owners say that always being on the job is their biggest challenge in entrepreneurship. Similarly, 39% said that balancing work and family was theirs.

So, how many hours do small business owners work on average? Let’s compare a few studies.

According to a study by Inc.:

  • 33% of small business owners (SBOs) work at least 50 hours per week
  • An additional 25% of entrepreneurs log more than 60 hours per week
  • 70% of small business owners work at least one weekend on a regular basis

Another study by The Alternative Board found similar results:

  • 19% of small business owners work 60+ hours per week
  • 30% work 50 – 59 hours per week
  • 33% work 40 – 49 hours per week
  • 14% work 30 – 39 hours per week
  • 5% work 30 – 39 hours per week

And, the long hours don’t stop there—they bleed into vacation time, too. SCORE found that:

  • Only 57% of small business owners take vacations
  • 67% of small biz owners who do take vacations will check in to work at least once a day

Not to mention, 62% of entrepreneurs said the stress of ownership is worse than they imagined. But here’s the upside of it all: Most business owners love it, stating it’s “more rewarding than I could have ever imagined.” In fact, 44% of SBOs want to clock in a minimum of 40 hours. And, 73% reported having more flexibility with their hours than when they were working for someone else.

How Many Hours Do Business Owners Work? According to Studies, It’s a Lot (1)

Why so many hours?

Business owners generally work longer hours than most employees because they have multiple roles in their businesses. This is especially true for entrepreneurs without employees.

When you own a business, you may have to handle tasks like:

  • Setting business goals
  • Conducting a market analysis
  • Strategic planning
  • Creating your business plan
  • Marketing to customers
  • Answering emails, phone calls, and chats
  • Keeping up-to-date on federal, state, and local laws (e.g., labor laws)
  • Sourcing and working with vendors
  • Handling accounting and taxes
  • Applying for small business financing
  • Brainstorming new product or service ideas
  • Hiring and paying employees

…And so on. In short, running a business requires long hours because you have a lot on your plate—and only so many hours in a typical workday.

When you’re passionate about your business and its success, these long hours may fly by. But be careful. Working too many hours for extended periods comes with some drawbacks.

What are the downsides to working so much?

Think you can stick to consistently long workweeks? You may need to reconsider. Working too much can lead to things like:

  • Stress and anxiety
  • Poor work-life balance
  • Lack of sleep
  • Unhealthy habits (e.g., sitting too much)
  • Exhaustion
  • Difficulty concentrating

Over time, working too much can cause burnout—even if you’re passionate about what you do. One Harvard Business Review article reported that entrepreneurs are more at risk of burnout because they’re extremely passionate about work.

So, what exactly is job burnout? The Mayo Clinic defines it as “A special type of work-related stress—a state of physical or emotional exhaustion that also involves a sense of reduced accomplishment and loss of personal identity.”

Long story short, burnout can make you think twice about whether your business is worth the effort.

3 Ways to work fewer hours—and get more done

Yes, you likely need to put in long hours to make your business successful. But, there are several ways you can cut back on your workdays (and even get more accomplished).

1. Automate manual tasks

Administrative tasks, like managing your accounting books and running payroll, are arguably some of the most cumbersome yet important tasks you have. Not to mention, you have emails to write, customer relationships to manage, and so on.

Instead of spending hours on these types of tasks, automate them. You can automate manual tasks through tools like:

  • Accounting software
  • Email marketing software
  • Payroll software
  • Customer relationship management software
  • Project management tools

For example, you can use accounting software to automatically import bank transactions, import data, record transactions, and send recurring invoices to customers.

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How Many Hours Do Business Owners Work? According to Studies, It’s a Lot (2)

2. Hire employees (and remember to delegate)

Is it time to hire your first employee? Consider whether the extra payroll expense will throw off your business budget. Examine your financial statements to determine if you can afford an employee. If you can afford to hire, having an extra set of hands could help you work fewer hours and increase business growth.

Once you have an employee (or employees), use them! Don’t “forget” to delegate tasks to them, or you’ll find yourself in the same boat of overworking.

Failing to delegate is more common among entrepreneurs than you may think. According to The Alternative Board study, small business owners said they don’t because:

  1. They feel they’re the most capable
  2. Their employees don’t have the right skills
  3. They’re in a hurry to get it done
  4. They like doing the tasks

3. Take some time for you

Your business may be your baby, but you also need to take care of yourself to take care of it. Make sure to take some breaks from the 60+ workweeks from time to time.

A few ways you can take care of yourself include:

  • Taking breaks (including vacations!)
  • Getting plenty of rest
  • Managing your stress
  • Spending time with loved ones
  • Enjoying your favorite hobbies

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This is not intended as legal advice; for more information, please click here.

How Many Hours Do Business Owners Work? According to Studies, It’s a Lot (2024)


How Many Hours Do Business Owners Work? According to Studies, It’s a Lot? ›

Another study by The Alternative Board found similar results: 19% of small business owners work 60+ hours per week. 30% work 50 – 59 hours per week. 33% work 40 – 49 hours per week.

How many hours does the average business owner work? ›

Most entrepreneurs work more than 50 hours per week.

As an entrepreneur, you may think that you have the opportunity to choose your hours and work when you want to, but running a business is a huge commitment and requires a lot of time to do well.

Do most entrepreneurs work long hours? ›

While it's a myth that every startup requires you to work overtime every week, most startup employees put in 50-60 hours per week, and many founders put in 60-100 per week. Your body ultimately needs sleep, food, relaxation, and even boredom to function properly.

Do business owners work twice as much? ›

Small business owners work incredibly hard to build their companies and keep them running every day. In fact, a New York Enterprise Report poll found that small business owners work twice as much as everyday employees and that 25% of owners work more than 60 hours a week to make sure their companies stay afloat.

What percent of small business owners work more than 40 hours a week? ›

19% of small business owners work over 60 hours a week

More than 70% of owners say they work more than 40 hours per week. 81% of business owners work nights and 89% work over the weekends.

Do CEOs work 80 hours a week? ›

About half (47%) of a CEO's work was done at company headquarters. The rest was conducted while visiting other company locations, meeting external constituencies, commuting, traveling, and at home. Altogether, the CEOs in our study worked an average of 62.5 hours a week.

Why are business hours 9 to 5? ›

Henry Ford started the concept of 9-5 working hours in 1926 for his assembly line workers. Before that schedule, employees were working much longer hours. The 9-5 arrangement ensured employees were all there and engaged during business hours, and it made people more productive because they worked together efficiently.

Why do entrepreneurs sleep so little? ›

The Stress Soup

Cash-Flow Nightmares: Financial worries are like bedtime monsters for entrepreneurs. Thoughts of cash flow, investments, and balance sheets are the perfect recipe for a sleepless night. Decision Dilemmas: Every decision an entrepreneur makes can feel like defusing a bomb.

Can entrepreneurs be lazy? ›

The Misconception of 'Lazy'

Firstly, when we talk about 'lazy' entrepreneurs, it's not in the context of lethargy or an aversion to hard work. Instead, it's about those who constantly seek more efficient, streamlined methods to achieve their goals. They're the ones who ask, “Is there a better way?”

Do business owners have free time? ›

And, the long hours don't stop there—they bleed into vacation time, too. SCORE found that: Only 57% of small business owners take vacations. 67% of small biz owners who do take vacations will check in to work at least once a day.

Are business owners happier than employees? ›

The Wall Street Journal article cites a professor from Baylor University who says, “Despite dismal failure rates, long hours, low income, high stress levels, and a host of other problems, entrepreneurs report consistently higher rates of happiness than wage earning employees.”

How many first time business owners fail? ›

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), approximately 20% of new businesses fail during the first two years of being open, 45% during the first five years, and 65% during the first 10 years.

Do business owners work harder than employees? ›

It's not just about the hours

Small business owners work more, sure. But they're also under more pressure. This is true whether they have employees or not. If they don't have employees, they worry because super small businesses tend to have fewer resources to fall back on.

How many businesses make over $1 million? ›

9% of small businesses make over $1 million

It's likely that this number is higher today. There are 16% of owners less successful, making less than $10,000 per year. If you were to start a small business now, the most lucrative industries are technology, health, and energy.

How much is a business worth with $1 million in sales? ›

The Revenue Multiple (times revenue) Method

A venture that earns $1 million per year in revenue, for example, could have a multiple of 2 or 3 applied to it, resulting in a $2 or $3 million valuation. Another business might earn just $500,000 per year and earn a multiple of 0.5, yielding a valuation of $250,000.

Is owning a business hard? ›

Starting a small business is no small feat. You must be resilient and dedicated if you want to build a business that makes a profit and stands the test of time. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, roughly 20% of new businesses don't make it past the first year.

What is a typical day as a business owner? ›

On a typical a day, a business owner may need to respond to messages and emails, return phone calls, place orders, deal with customer questions, feedback or complaints, and maintain careful business records.

How many hours do business owners sleep? ›

While not a scientific study, the Expert Reviews Sleep Survey claims to dispel the stereotype that CEOs thrive on a few hours' sleep. Yet the tide may already have been turning; a 2022 poll of Fortune 500 CEOs revealed these business leaders sleep an average of 6.3 hours a night.

How many hours do millionaires work? ›

The typical millionaire works around 60 hours each week, which equates to a ten-hour, six-day workday. Bear in mind that a 10-hour, six-day workweek is the very minimum for a self-made billionaire. According to several prominent billionaires, aspiring entrepreneurs should work 70- to 80-hour workweeks.

How many hours do business management work? ›

Some business managers may have opportunities for temporary or permanent job transfers to different offices around the country or overseas. Most professionals in this role put in at least a 40-hour week.

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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.