How Difficult is it to Learn Accounting? (2024)

Explore the world of accounting and its career prospects in different fields. Learn about the challenges involved and the possibility of specializing in areas such as financial accounting, management accounting, and tax accounting.

Key Insights

  • Accounting involves recording, storing, and presenting financial transactions, providing an insight into a company's financial health.
  • Accounting skills can lead to careers like auditing clerk or accounting assistant, and advanced qualifications could open up international opportunities and career advancements.
  • Mastering complex skills and paying close attention to detail are some of the challenging parts of learning accounting. Choosing a specialization may help in overcoming these challenges.
  • Accounting is closely connected with fields like finance, data analytics, technology, and mathematics. Accountants need to be able to use and understand data.
  • Individuals can make the learning process easier by understanding important financial statements, designating desired learning methods, creating a learning routine, and networking with other professionals.
  • According to Indeed, the average salary for an Accountant in the US is $55,045 per year, while a Senior Accountant can earn an average of $71,550 per year.

Are you curious about learning accounting but worried it might be too hard? Of course, the difficulty that comes with learning a new skill is somewhat subjective. The challenges of learning accounting depend on factors likeprior knowledge, budget management, and choosing the right specialization. No matter your current schedule or comfort level with accounting, there are plenty of tools available to help make learning accounting easier than you might think.

What is Accounting?

Accounting involves recording financial transactions and storing and presenting the results in different reports or analyses. It provides proper insight into a company’s financial health. Different accounting types include financial, management, and tax accounting. Employing Accountants is necessary for every company.

Experts Accountants are crucial to a company’s reliable decision-making, predictable cost planning, and accurate measurement of economic performance. In small businesses, accounting may be handled by a bookkeeper or an accountant, some of which work part-time for several companies. Larger companies may have entire finance departments.

Learn more about accounting, why you should learn it, and possible careers through Noble’s comprehensive guide.

What Can You Do with Accounting?

Accounting can be a challenging but enjoyable field of study. Individuals can use their skills to start a business or improve their lives outside work. Generally, accounting courses provide valuable knowledge on managing a budget and expenses effectively.

By completing accounting courses, individuals learn a broad range of topics. Beginner-level accounting courses cover tax returns, financial statements, and computer applications like Microsoft Excel. Advanced courses may dive deeper into financial analysis and presentation, auditing, fraud examination, and international accounting. The more courses an individual completes, the more options the same individual has. Each course opens doors to different career paths. Possible roles for those who have taken some accounting classes include an auditing clerk or an accounting assistant.

Students who complete full accounting degrees may take advantage of international opportunities. Individuals who wish to work abroad can easily find jobs overseas, as most accounting principles are not specific to one region. Good recommendations for career advancements and can be used as stepping-stones for other degrees. There are several opportunities to volunteer for large organizations, as they constantly need more Accountants. Individuals can even use their degrees to further their education towards other topics, such as law.

What Are the Most Challenging Parts of Learning Accounting?

Learning accounting may be challenging for some. The most challenging parts of learning accounting are mastering complex skills and abilities and paying close attention to detail. To overcome these challenges, individuals must develop fundamental skills such as organizing and maintaining financial records, identifying ways to increase value and reduce costs, and preparing and confirming financial records and tax filings. Individuals must be able to provide these services to individuals and organizations, as they may work with both types of clients.

It can also be helpful to choose an area of specialization. Once individuals determine the type of client they prefer to work with, they can focus on specific skills they wish to improve. It may be helpful to research education programs and compare their differences. It is also wise to consider long-term career goals and costs related to the desired specialization. There are different areas of specialization, such as bookkeeping, financial accounting, management accounting, forensic accounting, internal and external financial reporting, and tax accounting. By choosing to specialize, individuals gain valuable insight into specific topics.

How Does Learning Accounting Compare to Other Fields?

Accounting is related to other fields, such as finance, data analytics or data science, technology, and mathematics. Often, there are prerequisites in this field that are required for individuals to learn accounting.

Accountants need to be able to use and understand data to succeed. Accounting requires technical skills and analytics, and individuals should be able to program, use statistics, and handle large data sets. Fintech or financial technology is another excellent skill, as it is centered on financial transactions and services.

Combining data analytics with accounting and finance can boost profits and reduce business costs. Businesses use customer analytics to monitor spending habits and behaviors and algorithmic trading to watch stock prices. Most accounting professionals use advanced analytics to predict trends. Data analytics can help to provide deep insight into a business’s financial operations.

How Can Individuals Make the Learning Process Easier?

Learning accounting can be challenging, but there are many ways for individuals to make the process easier for themselves. Individuals can begin their education by learning to read three critical financial statements: the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement. By knowing these, individuals can understand valuable information about their company’s overall financial health.

Designate Learning Preferences

Another way to ease into the learning process is to designate a desired learning method. When deciding which learning method is best, individuals should consider their budget, desired professional outcomes, schedule, and learning style. Individuals can enroll in in-person, live online, or on-demand classes based on their preferences.

When learning accounting, individuals must be able to dedicate their time to understanding each concept deeply. It is essential to make learning a part of a routine to make steady progress toward their goals. Those who enroll in live online or in-person classes must be able to participate at the assigned class times. Those who watch seminars on their own time, or enroll in on-demand classes, will have more freedom in their choices of schedules. It is best to set aside time each day for learning.


By connecting with other accounting professionals, individuals can receive much-needed support and motivation throughout the learning process. Other students are likely facing similar challenges and can offer support. Networking may or may not be built into accounting programs. Whether individuals are learning in-person or live online, students can find networking opportunities. Individuals should introduce themselves and actively participate in in-person conversations or on discussion boards. The more actively individuals network, the more in-depth their learning experience and professional connections will be. Through networking opportunities, individuals can find work, develop new ideas, compare progress, build genuine relationships, and receive support.

Learn Accounting with Hands-on Training at Noble Desktop

Individuals can learn accounting through finance classes with hands-on training at Noble Desktop. Finance courses boast small class sizes, expert instructors, and free retakes. Noble’s Financial Analyst Training Program teaches excel and critical financial and corporate finance options. Individuals gain basic and intermediate skills in Excel while learning to build a comprehensive valuation model for a public company. Critical concepts taught include advanced Excel for financial modeling and accounting, corporate finance, and valuation.

Noble also offers Intro to Financial Accounting, through which individuals master the fundamentals of financial accounting and begin taking the next steps in accounting or finance. Enrollees see real-life examples and go through real 10-K’s to better understand how accounting concepts apply to large companies such as Facebook, Amazon, and Apple.

How Difficult is it to Learn Accounting? (2024)


How hard is it to learn accounting? ›

Earning a degree in accounting can be challenging due to the complex nature of the subject matter, however it is not necessarily categorized as math-heavy. Students who are dedicated, diligent, and hard-working can successfully earn an accounting degree.

What is the hardest part of learning accounting? ›

The most challenging parts of learning accounting are mastering complex skills and abilities and paying close attention to detail.

Is accounting easy to pass? ›

The overall CPA Exam pass rates hover slightly below 50%. This makes passing the CPA Exam a difficult, but achievable, goal. You'll need to study wisely, set a strategy for managing your time, and call on your support network, but with the right plan and good study materials, you will conquer it.

Is accounting extremely hard? ›

Accounting programs entail challenging courses that require a solid understanding of key concepts such as debits, credits, income, and expenses. The curriculum can be demanding, emphasizing critical thinking and analytical skills. Moreover, obtaining a degree in accounting requires commitment.

Is accounting a lot of math? ›

Expertise in mathematics is not required to succeed as a bookkeeper or an accountant. What is needed, however, is the confidence and ability to be able to add, subtract, multiply, divide as well as use decimals, fractions and percentages.

How can I learn accounting easily? ›

Step-by-Step Guide
  1. Step 1: Understanding the Accounting Equation. ...
  2. Step 2: Familiarize Yourself with Financial Statements. ...
  3. Step 3: Learning to Record Business Transactions. ...
  4. Step 4: Posting Journal Entries to the Ledger. ...
  5. Step 5: Prepare the Trial Balance. ...
  6. Step 6: Make Adjusting Entries. ...
  7. Step 7: Prepare Financial Statements.
May 30, 2023

Which is the easiest course in accounting? ›

Financial and Managerial Accounting

A lower-level financial or managerial accounting course may be the easiest course in your degree curriculum since they are meant to help you build a foundation on accounting concepts and principles.

Is accounting harder than finance? ›

Accounting relies on precise arithmetic principles, making it more complex, whereas finance requires a grasp of economics and accounting without as much mathematical detail.

What is the easiest branch of accounting? ›

Managerial accounting is generally considered to be easier than financial accounting. The main reason for that is that managerial accounting mainly involves budgeting and forecasting, and it's meant for internal use.

Is CPA harder than bar? ›

Yes, the CPA Exam is harder than the Bar Exam.

Both the CPA Exam and the Bar exam are notoriously difficult exams that require months of rigorous study and cover very different material. However, if you look at just the exam pass rate for first-time takers, then the CPA exam is harder, with only a 14 - 20% pass rate.

Why is CPA so hard? ›

There are several factors that make the CPA exam one of the most challenging credentialing examinations. Most test takers have identified the vast amount of information covered on the exam to be the primary reason for its difficulty, which in turn requires a substantial amount of study and preparation.

What is the easiest accounting job? ›

The easiest accounting field often depends on an individual's aptitude and interests, but many find that basic bookkeeping and accounts payable/receivable roles tend to be relatively straightforward entry points into the accounting profession.

Is a bachelor's in accounting hard? ›

Accounting is considered one of the most difficult subjects at University, and likely the most challenging in the college of business. From my experience, there are several folks who will attempt to get an accounting degree and ultimately fail due only to lack of ability and not lack of dedication.

What kind of math do accountants use? ›

Algebra. Double-entry accounting requires an understanding of algebra to balance debits and credits. Accountants also use algebra to calculate liabilities and depreciation. Understanding algebraic equations helps accountants manage financial data and recommend strategies.

What is the hardest thing in accounting? ›

In summary, the most difficult part of accounting involves a mix of complex principles, large volumes of data, changing regulations, technology, communication, ethics, time management, attention to detail, problem-solving, and teamwork. Each of these aspects presents its own challenges.

How long does it take to learn accounting? ›

A typical accounting degree takes three years to complete at undergraduate level. This can increase to around five years if you decide to further your study with a postgraduate degree.

Is it difficult to be an accountant? ›

Key Hard Skills for Accountants

They often use algebra, calculus, and statistics in their daily work. Bookkeeping: Accountants need to know the accepted practices for preparing and presenting financial reports. Depending on the specific position, they need to know how to maintain ledgers and prepare bank deposits.

What level of math is needed for accounting? ›

All accounting students are required to take courses in Algebra and Statistics in their first two years of study. These mathematic courses usually include College Algebra, Elementary Statistics and Business Statistics.

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