How can you build a strong network in investment banking as an introvert? (2024)

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Networking is a crucial skill for anyone who wants to succeed in investment banking. However, if you are an introvert, you might find it challenging to connect with people and build relationships in this competitive and fast-paced industry. Fortunately, there are some strategies that can help you overcome your shyness and develop a strong network in investment banking as an introvert. Here are some tips that you can apply to your networking efforts.

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    How can you build a strong network in investment banking as an introvert? (3) 3

How can you build a strong network in investment banking as an introvert? (4) How can you build a strong network in investment banking as an introvert? (5) How can you build a strong network in investment banking as an introvert? (6)

1 Know your strengths

As an introvert, you might have some advantages over extroverts when it comes to networking. For example, you might be more attentive, thoughtful, and analytical, which can help you ask insightful questions, listen actively, and provide valuable feedback. You might also be more selective and authentic, which can help you build deeper and more meaningful connections. Instead of focusing on your weaknesses, embrace your strengths and use them to your advantage.

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2 Plan ahead

One of the challenges that introverts face when networking is feeling overwhelmed or anxious in unfamiliar or crowded situations. To avoid this, you can plan ahead and prepare yourself for the networking events or meetings that you want to attend. For example, you can research the people or firms that you want to talk to, prepare some questions or topics that you want to discuss, and rehearse your elevator pitch or introduction. You can also set some goals and expectations for yourself, such as how many people you want to meet or follow up with.

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3 Leverage online platforms

Another way to network as an introvert is to leverage online platforms that can help you reach out to people and showcase your skills and interests. For example, you can use LinkedIn to find and connect with potential contacts, join relevant groups or communities, and share your insights or achievements. You can also use email or social media to initiate or maintain contact with people that you have met or want to meet. However, make sure that you personalize your messages and avoid spamming or being too pushy.

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4 Seek quality over quantity

As an introvert, you might prefer to have fewer but deeper conversations than many but superficial ones. This can actually be a good strategy for networking in investment banking, as you want to build trust and rapport with your contacts and show them that you are genuinely interested in them and their work. Therefore, instead of trying to meet everyone at a networking event or conference, focus on finding and talking to the people that you have something in common with or that you can learn from. You can also follow up with them later and keep in touch regularly.

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  • Anandasubramanian C P Principal Consultant | Banking SME, Payments, Liquidity, Lending
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    Investment banking is a closed society. A few with high skills, put together the deals. However being a small team doesn’t work always.


5 Find a balance

While networking is important for your career in investment banking, it is also important to find a balance between socializing and recharging. As an introvert, you might need some time and space to relax and reflect after a networking session or meeting. This can help you avoid burnout and stress, and also improve your performance and productivity. Therefore, don't feel guilty or pressured to attend every networking opportunity that comes your way. Instead, prioritize the ones that are most relevant and beneficial for you, and schedule some downtime for yourself afterwards.

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6 Be yourself

Finally, the most important tip for networking as an introvert is to be yourself. Don't try to pretend to be someone that you are not, or to fit into a stereotype of what an investment banker should be like. Instead, be confident and authentic, and show your passion and enthusiasm for the industry and the role that you want. People will appreciate your honesty and sincerity, and will be more likely to remember you and help you. Remember that networking is not about impressing or pleasing others, but about building mutually beneficial relationships.

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    I've personally come across many in my own network within the investment banking space who are introverts, but excellent deal makers when it comes to work in the space, so I would second the thought that always be yourself - as long as you've covered the bases on the knowledge and deal execution front, and are a passionate networker irrespective of whether you like socializing less or more, your network will eventually grow over time.


    How can you build a strong network in investment banking as an introvert? (31) 3


7 Here’s what else to consider

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How can you build a strong network in investment banking as an introvert? (2024)


How can you build a strong network in investment banking as an introvert? ›

As an introvert, you might prefer to have fewer but deeper conversations than many but superficial ones. This can actually be a good strategy for networking in investment banking, as you want to build trust and rapport with your contacts and show them that you are genuinely interested in them and their work.

How to build your network as an introvert? ›

7 tips for networking as an introvert
  1. Consider online networking. For some introverts, networking in person can be overwhelming. ...
  2. Connect with others one-on-one. ...
  3. Find a networking partner. ...
  4. Prepare before in-person events. ...
  5. Come up with a plan. ...
  6. Be aware of your nonverbal communication. ...
  7. Remember to follow up with your contacts.
Mar 4, 2024

How to do networking for investment banking? ›

With networking, there are three main strategies: 1) Conducting informational interviews, where you build connections with bankers over time; 2) Cold emailing, where you directly ask about open positions; and 3) Cold calling, where you do the same thing but on the phone instead.

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Skills that an investment banker requires are Intellect, discipline, creativity, open-mindedness, and social skills.

Why is networking important for investment banking? ›

Investment banking networking is not just about the end goal of winning an offer, but about getting to know bankers on a personal level. And if you're not sure whether or not investment banking is for you, networking with dozens of bankers will reveal your preferences quickly!

How do I stop being shy on networking? ›

How to network if you are shy or introverted
  1. You should be curious, not needy.
  2. Show you are genuinely interested.
  3. Don't try and sell anything; ask for their guidance and expertise.
  4. Carry business cards and give them to the people you want to meet again.
  5. Follow up a conversation with an email.

How do I improve my social skills as an introvert? ›

By practicing active listening, showing genuine interest in others, asking open-ended questions, being confident and comfortable with silence, sharing your own experiences and thoughts, finding common ground and connecting over shared interests, improving your nonverbal communication, being yourself, trying to see ...

Can introverts work in investment banking? ›

Introverts in Investment Banking can excel by focusing on strategic networking. Start with targeted one-on-one interactions, cultivating deeper connections. Leverage online platforms to engage in meaningful discussions, showcasing expertise.

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Investment Bankers today must master data analytics and financial modeling with advanced software, as big data plays a pivotal role in deal-making and strategy. Proficiency in blockchain and understanding of cryptocurrencies are increasingly valuable due to their impact on financial markets.

What type of person is an investment banker? ›

Investment bankers are financial advisors who work with corporations, governments, and other large entities. They assist clients with raising capital, often through stock offerings or floating a bond issue. They can also assist with major financial transactions such as mergers, acquisitions, or the sale of a company.

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Connect with people from different divisions. Knowing people outside your own division can help you perform better on the job and also give you clearer picture about careers at Goldman Sachs.

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There are several methods to go about networking, but contacting bankers approximately six months before the interview process is an intelligent way to begin. Each bank (and school) has a distinct recruitment cycle, so make sure to find out when it usually starts.

How to meet investment bankers? ›

There are three main strategies for networking in investment banking: 1) Conducting informational interviews and networking events, where you build connections with bankers over time; 2) cold emailing, where you directly ask about open positions; and 3) cold calling, where you do the same thing, on the phone.

Are introverts better at networking? ›

Most people think you need to be an extrovert to be a great networker, but while being outgoing and gregarious may be helpful, it's the introverts who have the real networking advantage. What's the best job for you? What is this?

How can I improve my personality as an introvert? ›

If we really want to stop acting in sync with our introversion there are several things we might try:
  1. Spend time with people when you're feeling low on energy.
  2. Increase sources of external stimulation.
  3. Rush making big decisions.
  4. Find someone to talk to about everything you're thinking.
Aug 11, 2022

How to network for people who hate networking? ›

Here are six strategies for your consideration.
  1. Embrace Your Introversion or Shyness. Networking is not just for extroverts. ...
  2. Seek Quality Over Quantity. ...
  3. Leverage Online Networking Platforms. ...
  4. Leverage Existing Relationships. ...
  5. Focus on Building Genuine Relationships. ...
  6. Find Networking Opportunities That Align with Your Interests.
May 30, 2023

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Make space for communication

Be sure that you're giving introverts space to share their ideas and concerns, whether that's by asking for their opinions in meetings, holding regular open-door hours, or giving them an employee engagement platform like Blink where they can respond anonymously to company-wide polls.

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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.