How can I be an accountant if I’m not good at math? (2024)

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I struggle in algebra but I still want to consider being an accountant.

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James Constantine Frangos

Consultant Dietitian & Software Developer since 1972 => Nutrition Education => Health & Longevity.

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Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia

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James Constantine’s Answer

Hello Tyrone,

Is Math Skills Necessary to Become an Accountant?

Being an accountant requires a certain level of mathematical proficiency, but it is not the only factor that determines success in this field. While algebra and other advanced math skills are helpful, they are not the only skills required to be an accountant. Here are some reasons why:

Understanding Financial Concepts

Accountants need to understand financial concepts, such as debits and credits, financial statements, and budgeting. This requires a solid foundation in arithmetic and basic algebra, but not advanced mathematical skills.

Attention to Detail

Accountants must be detail-oriented and able to analyze data accurately. This involves checking calculations, identifying errors, and ensuring that financial records are accurate and up-to-date.

Soft Skills

Accountants need strong communication skills to explain complex financial information to non-financial stakeholders. They also need to be organized, analytical, and able to work under tight deadlines.

Use of Technology

Modern accounting involves the use of technology, such as accounting software, spreadsheets, and databases. These tools often perform complex calculations automatically, reducing the need for advanced math skills.

Continuing Education

Accountants can improve their math skills through continuing education and professional development opportunities. Many organizations offer training programs and seminars to help accountants improve their skills and stay up-to-date with industry trends.

Authoritative Reference Titles:

“The Accountant’s Guide to Mathematics” by Ron G. Manoogian
“Math Skills for Accountants” by Anthony J. Catanach Jr. and James A. Halligan
“Accounting Principles” by Jerry J. Weygandt, Paul D. Kimmel, and Donald E. Kieso

James Constantine.

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Kevin Greenlees

Accountant, Financial Analyst, Automations Developer

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Grand Rapids, Michigan

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Kevin’s Answer

When people discover I'm an accountant, the usual response is, "you must really enjoy math."

And... sure, fine, I do, but it's not a necessity. Most of my coworkers are demonstrably bad at math, but they're excellent accountants.

See, a common misunderstanding about accounting is that it's predominantly about math. In reality, it's more about understanding the principles of how businesses record the economic activities that tell about their history, describe where they are in the present, and attempt to predict--a little--about where they're going. If you're comfortable with basic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, you're already equipped for most accounting jobs. If you're interested in roles involving exponents, there are opportunities for that too, but there's no need for anything more complicated.

Another thing: you don't need to be good at math because you'll almost certainly rely heavily on tools like Excel or other software platforms that handle the calculations for you. While mental math can help to determine whether software is treating data correctly, I could absolutely spend months at work without needing to manually solve a single math problem, thanks to Excel.

Don't let misconceptions about the profession deter you. Accounting is more accessible than you might think, and you may find it a rewarding career path.

Kevin recommends the following next steps:

Learn Excel - it's critical to most entry-level accounting roles and is the basic platform that almost every other accounting software product is going to translate back to.

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John Lunceford

Customer Enablement Executive

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Austin, Texas

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John’s Answer

You don't need to be a math whiz to be an accountant. Your not going to use Algebra or Calculus to do the job. Attention to detail and being meticulous are more important. Software these days takes care of a lot of the mistakes done years ago on paper. When I started my degree, we learned how to do the general ledgers using paper, then learned how to program and use software to automate processes.

Learning things manually helped to understand the concepts and how computers could automate the processes. I worked for years as a comptroller and now work with accounting information systems.

Hope that helps.

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Claudio S Barbosa


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New York, New York

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Claudio S’s Answer

I will answer this based on my experience. I am a CPA and have an MBA in Finance. I failed Algebra and barely passed Calculus and Statistics.

What is important to have is the ability to "read and write". By reading, I mean being able to understand what you are reading and analyze the facts. By writing, I mean being able to write your thoughts in a condensed and easily understandable manner. I call it "idiot proof" writing - someone can read what you write and be able to easily follow.

As a CPA, you will find that you do a lot of reading and writing. You write narratives about financial statements, you make a story of what is going on in a company, etc.

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Neil I Kwatinetz, CRCM, CFA


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Baltimore, Maryland

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Neil I’s Answer

While I'm not a certified public accountant, I did take a good number of accounting classes in school and did pretty well. The math part isn't too tricky, it's mostly just adding, subtracting, and multiplying, and a lot of it is done automatically. The real challenge in accounting is getting a handle on all the rules. It's a bit like being a lawyer in that sense. It's not just about your math abilities, but more about your comprehension of the rules and knowing the best ways to apply them.

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Megan Nerad, CPA

Consulting Manager at PwC

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St. Louis, MO

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Megan’s Answer

Hello! Because of advancements in technology, a lot of times computers and systems will do the math for you, you just need to validate data inputs and outputs and have good client services skills in most accounting-related jobs. This is especially relevant if you go into public accounting where you interact with people face to face, via phone, and via email in order to get the documents you need to perform your work. Don't be discouraged, keep working on improving your skills and being a well-rounded individual. Best of luck!

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Jose Campos

Tax advisor

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Mexico City, Mexico

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Jose’s Answer

Hello Tyrone,

In today's modern accounting world, you're not expected to crunch numbers manually; that's where our sophisticated software and systems step in. The crux of the job lies in comprehending what those figures signify, which includes understanding the accounting rules and the ins and outs of the company, as well as the systems in play.

Don't worry, this understanding will gradually build up. Entry-level roles typically involve simpler tasks with less responsibility. As long as you bring an eagerness to learn and a keen eye for detail, you'll soon be handling more intricate aspects as you progress in your career. Remember, curiosity and the courage to ask questions are vital; being a math whiz, not so much. So, keep that spirit of learning alive and you'll do great!

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Kristen Wilson

Client Experience Coordinator

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Austin, Texas

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Kristen’s Answer

Hi Tyrone! What an excellent question you've asked and I thank you for being so honest. I struggled with mathematics all through school and even into college. I had to take the remedial course before I could even take the college math courses. I remember sitting across the desk from my sweet academic advisor and crying when she told me that my math scores meant I'd have to take those courses first. She politely reminded me that if I were the only one who struggled, they wouldn't have made entire classes for people who aren't strong in math. That made me feel better and I hope it gives you that same feeling. I've been working at this accounting firm for almost two years now and both of my master's degrees are in English literature. :) Please keep in your mind and heart that nothing is impossible. As with any profession, there are many things that go into making it a career. Communication is a huge part of any job and judging by this question you've been humble enough to ask, I'd say you probably are golden when it comes to the skill of communicating. In fact, I'm willing to bet that you have MANY strengths and (just like me) maybe one of those isn't math just yet but be patient with yourself. Don't give up on yourself or your goal...whatever it may be. Give yourself time and keep asking amazing questions my friend!

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Sarena Velena-White


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Hillsboro, Oregon

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Sarena’s Answer

Hi Tyrone,

Absolutely, you don't need to be a math wizard to excel in accounting! In my experience, I rarely use advanced math like algebra or calculus in my daily work. A lot of the number crunching is handled by handy software tools like Excel or Alteryx.

Most of my time is actually spent on interpreting data and ensuring the information is accurate. Being good at writing and storytelling is a real asset in accounting. Why? Because we often need to explain financial data to our clients and the public in a way they can easily understand.

So don't worry if math isn't your strongest suit. I truly hope you'll keep following your interest in accounting!

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How can I be an accountant if I’m not good at math? (2024)


Can you do accounting if you're not good at math? ›

If you have a basic understanding of arithmetic and algebra, you should have no problem applying math skills to complete all of the introductory accounting courses. While accounting is all about numerical data, you will only really be using addition and subtraction to record and analyze the data.

What level of math is needed for accounting? ›

All accounting students are required to take courses in Algebra and Statistics in their first two years of study. These mathematic courses usually include College Algebra, Elementary Statistics and Business Statistics.

Is finance hard if you're bad at math? ›

Believe it or not, mastery of advanced math skills is not necessary to have a career in finance. With today's technology, all math-related tasks can be done by computers and calculators. That said, there are some basic math skills that would certainly make you a better candidate in the finance industry.

How hard is math in accounting? ›

Accounting isn't hard-core math. It's basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Possibly some light, entry-level algebra, but that's it. You don't have to understand calculus.

Do accountants use a lot of math? ›

When pursuing a career in accounting, having a solid foundation in mathematics is essential. Accounting is a field that requires a keen understanding of numbers, calculations, and financial analysis. It can be challenging to excel in this profession without a solid grasp of mathematical concepts.

What are some possible consequences of poor math skills in accounting? ›

It can lead to poor decision-making, as the business may not understand its financial health accurately. Additionally, a lack of accounting knowledge can lead to errors in tax filings, resulting in costly penalties and fines.

What math is most used in accounting? ›

Arithmetic. Basic arithmetic—addition, subtraction, multiplication and division—is at the core of the accounting math skills that accountants need. Companies rely on accountants to square their balance sheets, ensuring that the organization stays in the black.

Is accounting a difficult major? ›

Earning a degree in accounting can be challenging due to the complex nature of the subject matter, however it is not necessarily categorized as math-heavy. Students who are dedicated, diligent, and hard-working can successfully earn an accounting degree.

Does bookkeeping require math? ›

A high school degree will provide the basic math, writing and communication skills that are necessary for being a bookkeeper. Other relevant skills like time management , organization and teamwork can also be learned in high school.

What math is used most in finance? ›

From basic arithmetic to percentages, compounding, statistics, probability, calculus, and linear algebra, these tools can help you analyze investments, assess risk and reward, and build a successful investment strategy.

How much math is required in finance? ›

Usually, if you're considering a finance major in college, it's suggested that you finish around three to four years of math during your high school years. The most advanced level you might need to reach varies based on the college you're interested in, but it could be as high as Algebra II or Pre-Calculus.

Is finance harder than accounting? ›

While both finance and accounting can be difficult majors, accounting is considered more difficult because it requires more discipline and a lot of math. Accounting is more complex because it relies on precise sets of arithmetic principles.

Can I do accounting if I'm not good at math? ›

Expertise in mathematics is not required to succeed as a bookkeeper or an accountant.

How do I know if I will like accounting? ›

If you enjoy math, data analysis, logical thinking and communicating information to other people, you may enjoy being an accountant. You can also consider shadowing a practicing accountant to learn more about the details of the career and whether you would enjoy it.

Is accounting harder than nursing? ›

The classes and techniques you learn during a nursing program are less likely to be familiar. This may present a challenge for some students, but others can take to the new field naturally and may find it to be easier than the advanced mathematics of an accounting degree.

Can an accountant have dyscalculia? ›

Dyscalculia: News from the web: In our link for today a few very short answers by someone who is passionate that you can be an accountant even if you have dyscalculia, or dyslexia for that matter. Great support to go for your ideals and “own” your learning disability and do not let it stand in the way of your dreams.

Do you need to be good at math to do bookkeeping? ›

Bookkeeping and math

Personal qualities such as patience, accuracy, perseverance, responsibility, organization, and vigilance are also important. It is obvious that mathematics is the foundation of accounting. If there were no mathematics, then there would be no accounting.

Do you have to be smart to do accounting? ›

You don't need to be a maths genius

It's a common misconception that accountancy is all about maths. In reality, numeracy is important, but it's only one of a number of required skills.

Is becoming an accountant hard? ›

How Hard Is It To Become An Accountant? Becoming an accountant isn't as easy as simply announcing that you are one, but it isn't as difficult as you might think, either. The subjects you must master can be challenging and intense at times, but if you put in the time and effort you'll do just fine.

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