German umlauts: How to use them & type them | Complete guide (2024)

Umlaute are basically just vowels with googly eyes - but what do they do, and how do you pronounce them?

If you’re learning German, you’ve probably come across some curious-looking letters before and wondered how to pronounce words like “übermäßig” or “Mäuseöhrchen”. We’re here to bring some clarity:

The German alphabet has four letters that don’t exist in English:

  • Ä
  • Ö
  • Ü
  • (ß)

The first three are called “Umlaute” and we’ll take a close look at each one of them so you know what they are, what they sound like and how to use them.

German umlauts: How to use them & type them | Complete guide (1)

Umlaute meaning

An Umlaut is a diacritic mark, or accent, which looks like two dots and goes above a vowel. This usually changes the pronunciation of the vowel or transforms it into another independent vowel. Different languages have different Umlaute or other vowel alterations, for example, Hungarian has the “ű” and Danish has the letters “æ”, “ø”, and “å”.

The three German Umlaut letters are “ä” as in “März”, “ö” as in “Königin”, and “ü” as in “Glück”.

Originally, “ä”, “ö” and “ü” were considered variants of the base letters “a”, “o”, and “u”, but since the spelling reform in 1996, they’re officially recognized as separate letters.

Let’s have a closer look at each one of them!

The Ä

The “ä” indicates a change in the sound of the letter "a" that makes it sound similar to the English "eh" sound, as in "bed" or "head." It’s a common mistake to mispronounce the “ä” like a common “e” even among native German speakers. You’ll notice this, especially in the North, where a word like “ähnlich” (similar) is often falsely pronounced “ehnlich”.

Example words with Ä

Der Bäcker[deːɐ̯ 'bɛkɐ]Bakery
Der Käfer[deːɐ̯ 'kɛːfɐ]Bug
Der Bär[deːɐ̯ 'bɛːɐ̯]Bear
Wäre[ˈvɛːʁə]Would be
Zählen[ˈtsɛːlən]To count

The “Äu” exemption

There’s one case in which the “ä” is not pronounced like a classic “ä” and that’s in combination with the vowel “u”. As you may remember from our guide on German vowels and diphthongs, certain vowel combinations have their own unique pronunciation and “äu” is one of those. Instead of pronouncing both vowels separately, “äu” is pronounced like the English “oy”.

Example words with Äu

Das Häuschen[das 'hɔɪ̯ʃən]Little Haus
Die Äußerung[diː 'ɔɪ̯sɛʁʊŋ]Statement

The Ö

The German letter "ö" is a vowel that sounds similar to the “o” in the English “occur”. It’s the most common one of the three Umlaute, so you won’t be able to escape it!

Here are some example words with the letter “ö” - from oil paintings to birds.

Example words with Ö

Öffnen['œfnən]To open
Die Ölmalerei[diː ˈœlmaˌlaːraɪ]Oil painting
Die Öffentlichkeit[diː ˈœfn̩t.lɪçkaɪt]Publicity
Das Löwenmäulchen[das ˈløːvənˌmɔʏlçən]Snapdragon
Das Gedöns[das ɡəˈdœns]Stuff
Der Körper[deːɐ̯ ˈkœʁpɐ]Body

The Ü

The German “ü” sound is difficult to describe as no similar sound exists in English. That’s probably why so many English speakers tend to ignore the two dots and treat the “ü” like a common “u”.

It may take some practice but you’ll get there. Start by saying the "o" in the English word "do" like you have a strong British accent!

Example words with Ü

Übermorgen['yːbɐˌmɔʁɡn̩]The day after tomorrow
Die Blüte[diː ˈblytə]Blossom
Der Schlüssel[deːɐ̯ ˈʃlʏsəl]Key
Der Frühling[deːɐ̯ ˈfʁyːlɪŋ]Spring
Die Würde[diː ˈvʏɐ̯də]Dignity
Liebe Grüße[ˈliːbə ˈɡʁyːsə]Kind regards
Die Übersetzung[diː ˌyːbɐˈzɛtsʊŋ]Translation

The ß

The "ß", also called "Eszett" (sz) or "scharfes S" (sharp s) is not an Umlaut, but it deserves to be mentioned since it’s the only letter that is completely unique to the German language. It’s only used in the middle of words, so there is no upper case form of it. It’s pronounced as a sharp ‘s’-sound and can be replaced by writing “ss”.

Example words with ß

Spaß[deːɐ̯ ʃpaːs]Fun
Schließen[ˈʃliːsən]To close
Genießen[ɡəˈniːsən]To enjoy
Der Schoß[deːɐ̯ ʃɔs]Lap
Die Straße[diː ˈʃtʁaːsə]Street

How do you pronounce Umlaute?

Here’s a reminder of how to pronounce the German Umlaut sounds:

  • A: similar to the "a" in the English word "cat", with the lips slightly more rounded
  • Ö: similar to the "e" in the English word "her", especially if you said it with a German accent
  • Ü: similar to the "o" in the English word "do" if you said it with a British accent

While that may give you an idea of the correct pronunciation, the easiest way to learn new sounds in a different language is by listening to a native speaker and copying them. So take it from Feli:

How to pronounce German Umlauts in 10 minutes! | Feli from Germany

How to type German Umlaute

There are a couple of ways to type a German Umlaut on your keyboard depending on your device and operating system:

German umlauts: How to use them & type them | Complete guide (2)



  • Ä: Hold down the "Option" key and the "U" key, then release both keys and type "A".
  • Ö: Hold down the "Option" key and the "U" key, then release both keys and type "O".
  • Ü: Hold down the "Option" key and the "U" key, then release both keys and type "U".


  • Ä: Hold down the "Alt" key and type "0196" on the regular number keys. Release the "Alt" key and the letter "Ä" should appear.
  • Ö: Hold down the "Alt" key and type "0214" on the regular number keys. Release the "Alt" key and the letter "Ö" should appear.
  • Ü: Hold down the "Alt" key and type "0220" on the regular number keys. Release the "Alt" key and the letter "Ü" should appear.


  • Ä: Tap and hold the "A" key on the keyboard until a pop-up menu appears. Slide over to the "Ä" character.
  • Ö: To type "Ö", tap and hold the "O" key on the keyboard until a pop-up menu appears. Slide over to the "Ö".
  • Ü: To type "Ü", tap and hold the "U" key on the keyboard until a pop-up menu appears. Slide over to the "Ü".

Alternatively, you can just write the “ä” as “ae”, the “ö” as “oe” and the “ü” as “ue”.

Or you can add a German keyboard to your phone’s keyboard settings and switch to it when you need to type Umlaute. To do this, go to "Settings" > "General" > "Keyboard" > "Keyboards" > "Add New Keyboard" and select "German".

That way, you can easily switch between your primary keyboard and the German keyboard by tapping the globe icon. That’s how I do it!

How Umlaute can change meaning

Swapping a single letter easily alters the entire meaning of a word - and so does swapping a regular vowel for its Umlaut.

Many words that include a certain vowel in the singular, use the respective Umlaut in the plural:

  • Der Apfel (apple) → die Äpfel (apples)
  • Das Kalb (calf) → die Kälber (calves)
  • Die Maus (mouse) → die Mäuse (mice)
  • Das Haus (house) → die Häuser (houses)
  • Das Huhn (chicken) → die Hühner (chickens)
  • Der Bruder (brother) → die Brüder (brothers)
  • Der Lohn (wage) → die Löhne (wages)
  • Der Sohn (son) → die Söhne (sons)

Also, if a noun has a vowel that can be transformed into an Umlaut, a related verb or adjective will often have the Umlaut instead.

Here are some examples:

  • Der Mann (man) → männlich (male)
  • Der Haufen (heap) → sich häufen (to appear in heaps)
  • Zuhause (home) → häuslich (homely)
  • Die Geburt (birth) → gebürtig (by birth)
  • Die Person (person) → persönlich (personal)

Another way to alter the meaning of certain nouns is by swapping their vowels for the Umlaut and then adding the syllable “chen” at the end. This creates the diminutive form, which implies that something is small and cute:

  • Der Hase (rabbit) → das Häschen (little rabbit)
  • Die Maus (mouse) → das Mäuschen (little mouse)
  • Das Brot (bread) → das Brötchen (roll, literally “little bread)
  • Der Bruder (brother) → das Brüderchen (little brother)

Üben, Üben, Üben

Another great word with “ü” is “üben”. It means “to practice”, which is the key to mastering any language. Making sounds that don’t exist in your native language can be tricky, and you may end up twisting your tongue a little - but that’s ok.

After all, Umlaute are a distinctive part of the German language and learning about them gives you important insights into its complexities.

One great place to practice is our German language blog. Just head over there and pick a topic that piques your interest!

German umlauts: How to use them & type them | Complete guide (2024)


German umlauts: How to use them & type them | Complete guide? ›

Press NUM on your keyboard's number pad to activate the NUM lock. Then press ALT and keep it pressed while you type the code 132 on the number pad. 132 is the code for the letter ä, the a umlaut.

How to type a German umlaut? ›

Press NUM on your keyboard's number pad to activate the NUM lock. Then press ALT and keep it pressed while you type the code 132 on the number pad. 132 is the code for the letter ä, the a umlaut.

What is the umlaut rule in German? ›

German orthography is generally consistent in its representation of i-umlaut. The umlaut diacritic, consisting of two dots above the vowel, is used for the fronted vowels, making the historical process much more visible in the modern language than is the case in English: ⟨a⟩ – ⟨ä⟩, ⟨o⟩ – ⟨ö⟩, ⟨u⟩ – ⟨ü⟩, ⟨au⟩ – ⟨äu⟩.

How to type umlaut on US keyboard? ›

In the Microsoft and Word environment you will find character or symbol maps with the the German umlauts among the Extended ASCII lists. For typing Ä, Ö, and Ü press and hold the Alt key followed by 0196, 0214, and 0220, for ä, ö, and ü it is Alt+0228, Alt+0246, and Alt+0252 in Word for Windows.

How to type ö on keyboard? ›

ö = Hold down the Control and Shift keys and type a : (colon), release the keys, and type an o. Ö = Hold down the Control and Shift keys and type a : (colon), release the keys, hold down the Shift key and type an o.

How do you type symbols on a German keyboard? ›

The characters ², ³, {, [, ], }, \, @, |, µ, ~, and € are accessed by holding the AltGr key and tapping the other key. The Alt key on the left will not access these additional characters.

What is the Alt code for the umlauts? ›

German Alphabet Special Characters
LetterLetter TypeAlt Code
ÜUppercase Umlaut (U)0220
ßEszett (ss)0223
äLowercase Umlaut (a)0228
öLowercase Umlaut (o)0246
3 more rows

What is the difference between an umlaut and ä diaeresis? ›

Often mistakenly called an umlaut, a diaeresis (pronounced “die heiresses”; it's from the Greek for “divide,” and is devilishly hard to spell) consists of two dots carefully centered over the second vowel in such words as “naïve” and “reëlection.” An umlaut is a German thing that alters the pronunciation of a vowel ( ...

Do Germans still use umlauts? ›

In modern German orthography, the affected graphemes ⟨a⟩, ⟨o⟩, ⟨u⟩, and ⟨au⟩ are written as ⟨ä⟩, ⟨ö⟩, ⟨ü⟩, and ⟨äu⟩, i.e. they are written with the umlaut diacritic, which looks identical to the diaeresis mark used in other European languages and is represented by the same Unicode character.

What is an example of an umlaut? ›

An umlaut is a symbol that is written over vowels in German and some other languages to indicate the way in which they should be pronounced. For example, the word `für' has an umlaut over the `u.

How do you text U with an umlaut? ›

On a Mac, you simply hold the OPTION (or alt) key down while pressing the letter u. (You must HOLD the option key, not simply press it once.) Then release and press the letter you want the umlaut over (a, o or u).

What is o with 2 dots on top? ›

O-umlaut. The letter o with umlaut (ö) appears in the German alphabet. It represents the umlauted form of o, resulting in [œ] or [ø]. The letter is often collated together with o in the German alphabet, but there are exceptions which collate it like oe or OE.

How to type German umlauts on a laptop? ›

For lowercase “a” with an umlaut (ä), press Alt + 0228. For uppercase “Ä,” press Alt + 0196. This way, you can enter umlauts quickly.

How do I type the letters å, ä, ö? ›

til / typing Swedish letters on a US keyboard
  1. å is the easiest, option + a.
  2. ä uses the umlaut accent, option + u , then a.
  3. ö also uses the umlaut accent, option + u , then o.
  4. á uses the acute accent, option + e , then a (this works the same for é, í, and ó)
Feb 10, 2022

What is the i with two dots called? ›

Ï, lowercase ï, is a symbol used in various languages written with the Latin alphabet; it can be read as the letter I with diaeresis, I-umlaut or I-trema.

How do you type ß on a keyboard? ›

On a Windows computer, hold down the Alt key and type 0223 on the numeric keypad, this will give you the lowercase letter ß.

What is the difference between Ü and Ö in German? ›

Ö-Sound: say a German “e”. Then, without changing the position of your tongue, round your lips like you'd do when pronouncing the German “o”. Ü-Sound: pronounce a German “i”. Then, without changing the position of your tongue, round your lips like you'd do when pronouncing the German “u”.

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