Fundamental Analysis - Meaning, Basics, Types & Examples (2024)

Fundamental analysis in finance evaluates a security's value by analysing financials, macroeconomic and microeconomic factors, ensuring a thorough assessment.

What is Fundamental Analysis

3 mins

12 October 2023

Fundamental analysis helps investors understand the true value of a stock by looking at its financial health and economic factors. It guides them in deciding if a stock is priced fairly, too low, or too high, so they know whether to buy, keep, or sell it. This analysis considers outside events, like market trends, along with financial statements to predict how the stock's price might change in the future.

What is fundamental analysis?

Fundamental analysis assesses a company’s potential based on financial and non-financial data to obtain the fair value of its security, stock, bond, or derivative. It involves examining every aspect of a company’s operations through its balance sheet, past performance, financial reports, even market goodwill, management, and consumer behaviour to arrive at the intrinsic value of its securities. The analysis begins from macroeconomic factors such as the economy and industry performance and goes down to microeconomic factors like management, strategic initiatives, and business policies.

Components of fundamental analysis

Here are the primary components of fundamental analysis:

1. Economic analysis

  • Macroeconomic indicators: Analysts look at broad economic indicators like GDP growth, inflation rates, unemployment rates, interest rates, and government fiscal policies. These factors provide a backdrop for understanding the overall economic environment in which a company operates.
  • Industry analysis: This involves examining the specific industry in which a company operates, including industry trends, competitive landscape, regulatory environment, and the overall growth prospects of the industry.

2. Company analysis

  • Financial statements: This includes analysing the balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement to assess the financial health and performance of the company.
    • Balance sheet: Provides a snapshot of the company's assets, liabilities, and shareholders' equity at a specific point in time.
    • Income statement: Shows the company's revenues, expenses, and profits over a period.
    • Cash flow statement: Details the cash inflows and outflows from operating, investing, and financing activities.
  • Ratios and metrics: Key financial ratios and metrics are used to gauge various aspects of a company's performance and financial health.
    • Liquidity ratios: Such as current ratio and quick ratio, which measure the company’s ability to meet short-term obligations.
    • Profitability ratios: Such as net profit margin, return on assets (ROA), and return on equity (ROE), which evaluate the company's ability to generate profit.
    • Efficiency ratios: Such as inventory turnover and receivables turnover, which assess how effectively the company is using its assets.
    • Leverage ratios: Such as debt-to-equity ratio and interest coverage ratio, which measure the company's use of debt to finance its operations.
    • Valuation ratios: Such as price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio, price-to-book (P/B) ratio, and dividend yield, which help in assessing whether a stock is overvalued or undervalued.
  • Growth analysis: Evaluating past growth trends in revenue, earnings, and cash flows, and estimating future growth potential.
  • Management quality: Assessing the competence, experience, and track record of the company's management team, as well as their strategy and vision for the company's future.
  • Competitive position: Analysing the company's competitive advantages, market share, and unique value proposition.

3. Qualitative factors

  • Business model: Understanding how the company makes money, its core products or services, and its target market.
  • Brand strength: Evaluating the strength and recognition of the company's brand in the marketplace.
  • Corporate governance: Assessing the company's governance practices, board structure, and shareholder rights.
  • Regulatory environment: Considering the impact of existing and potential regulations on the company’s operations.
  • Market conditions: Analysing trends, consumer behaviour, and market conditions that could affect the company's performance.

4. External factors

  • Political environment: Examining political stability, government policies, trade relations, and geopolitical risks that could impact the company.
  • Technological changes: Considering the impact of technological advancements and innovations on the company and its industry.
  • Social and environmental factors: Evaluating societal trends, consumer preferences, and environmental concerns that may influence the company’s operations and reputation.

By combining these components, fundamental analysts aim to determine the true value of a company’s stock and whether it is currently underpriced or overpriced in the market. This analysis helps investors make informed decisions about buying, holding, or selling securities.

What are the basics of fundamental analysis?

Fundamental analysis involves evaluating a stock by examining various factors to determine its intrinsic value and potential for long-term success. The basics of fundamental analysis include:

1. Company’s structure and revenue:

  • Assess the organisation's overall structure and how it generates revenue.

2. Company’s profits over the years:

  • Analyse the company's historical profit trends to understand its financial performance.

3. Revenue growth over the years:

  • Evaluate the consistency and growth of the company's revenue over time.

4. Company’s debt:

  • Examine the level of debt the company holds, as excessive debt can impact financial stability.

5. Corporate governance:

  • Assess the company's governance practices and the effectiveness of its leadership.

6. Rate of turnover:

  • Evaluate how efficiently the company manages its assets by considering the rate of turnover.

By considering these fundamental factors, investors can make informed decisions about the financial health and potential future performance of a stock.

Types of fundamental analysis

Fundamental analysis can be divided into two main categories:

Qualitative analysis:This type involves evaluating non-quantifiable aspects of a company, such as its management quality, brand reputation, and competitive positioning. Qualitative factors play a significant role in shaping an investor's perception of a company's future prospects.

Quantitative analysis:Quantitative analysis, on the other hand, focuses on tangible, measurable data. This includes financial statements, earnings reports, cash flow, and various financial ratios. Investors use these quantitative metrics to assess a company's financial health and performance.

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Steps to do fundamental analysis

Fundamental analysis can be performed using two main approaches:

1. Top-Down Approach:

  • Starting point: Macro level (Economic Environment)

  • Process: The analysis initiates with an assessment of broader economic factors, such as overall economic conditions, industry trends, and market conditions.
  • Focus areas:

    1. Economic conditions: Understanding the general economic health, interest rates, inflation, and other macroeconomic indicators.

    2. Industry trends: Identifying sectors with growth potential or those likely to outperform based on industry-specific factors.

    3. Market conditions: Analysing the overall market trends, sentiment, and risk factors.

  • Narrowing focus: After evaluating these macro factors, the investor narrows down their focus to specific companies or assets that align with the identified economic and market trends.

2. Bottom-up approach:

  • Starting point: Micro level (Individual Companies)

  • Process: The analysis begins with a detailed examination of individual companies or assets, independent of broader economic considerations.
  • Focus areas:

    1. Financial statements: Scrutinising financial statements to assess revenue, profit margins, debt levels, and other financial metrics.

    2. Competitive position: Evaluating the company's market share, competitive advantages, and overall position within the industry.

    3. Management quality: Assessing the effectiveness and reliability of the company's leadership and management team.

  • Broader considerations: Once the specific companies are thoroughly analysed, investors may then consider broader economic and market conditions to ensure their chosen investments align with the overall economic landscape.

3. Key distinction:

  • The top-down approach starts with the big picture (macro) and narrows down to individual assets, while the bottom-up approach begins with a detailed analysis of individual assets and may later consider broader economic factors.

4. Usage:

  • The choice between these approaches often depends on investor preferences, the type of asset being analysed, and the prevailing market conditions. Some investors may use a combination of both approaches for a comprehensive understanding.

Fundamental analysis examples

Let us consider an example to illustrate how fundamental analysis can be done in the Indian stock market. Suppose we want to analyse the fundamentals of a company named ABC Ltd. The following steps can be taken:

  1. Understanding the business: The first step is to do a qualitative analysis of the business. We have to check the products, promoters, and competitors of the company. We can study the mission, vision, and values of the company on their website.
  2. Checking financial ratios: As there is a long list of companies in the stock exchange, we can easily use financial ratios to select healthy companies from the stock market. We can check the following ratios:
    • EPS (Earnings per share): Increasing EPS for the last 3-5 years is a good sign.
    • Price to earnings (PE) ratio: Lowest among the industry peers.
    • Return on equity: Average 3 years are less than 15% is preferred.
    • Debt to equity: Less than 0.5 is preferred.
    • Current ratio: Greater than 1 is preferred.
  3. Past financial results: We can easily check the past financial results of a company by analysing its all three financial statements like balance sheet, profit & loss statement, and Cash flow statement. The thumb rule is that if revenues or sales, net profit, and margin are increasing for the last five years, then it might be a good stock to consider for long-term investment purposes.
  4. Competitors analysis: The next step is to make a comparison of a company with its peers in the industry. We can check the USP (Unique selling proposition), competitive advantage, product costing, product pricing, brand value, and future strategies of competitors in the industry.
  5. Debt of the company: The next step in how to do fundamental analysis of stocks is to check the total debt of the company, which means how much money a company owes to its creditors.

After analysing all these factors, we can arrive at an intrinsic value for ABC Ltd.’s stock and decide whether itis undervalued’sor overvalued.

Fundamental analysis provides a long-term perspective and helps investors make informed decisions based on a company’s intrinsic value rather than short-term market fluctuations. It provides a more accurate picture of a company’s value than technical analysis because it takes into account all factors affecting a company.

What is the difference between technical and fundamental analysis?

Technical analysis and fundamental analysis are two distinct approaches used in financial markets for making investment decisions. They differ in their methodologies, focus, and the types of data they rely on. Here are the key differences between these two forms of analysis:


  • Technical analysis:Technical analysis is primarily concerned with studying historical price charts, patterns, and trading volumes. It assumes that past price movements and trading activity can provide insights into future price movements. It often employs charts and technical indicators like moving averages, RSI (Relative strength index), and MACD (Moving average convergence divergence) to identify potential trends and buy/sell signals.
  • Fundamental analysis:Fundamental analysis, on the other hand, focuses on examining financial and non-financial data related to a company or asset. It involves assessing a company's financial statements, economic conditions, industry trends, and management quality to determine its intrinsic value. Fundamental analysts use this information to make investment decisions.

2.Data used:

  • Technical analysis:Technical analysis primarily uses historical price data and trading volumes. It does not consider external factors like company performance or economic conditions.
  • Fundamental analysis:Fundamental analysis relies on a wide range of data, including financial statements, earnings reports, economic indicators, industry reports, management assessments, and various financial ratios. This analysis considers both quantitative and qualitative factors.

3.Investment horizon:

  • Technical analysis:Technical analysis is often associated with short to medium-term trading strategies. Traders using technical analysis may buy or sell assets based on technical signals that indicate potential price movements in the near future.
  • Fundamental analysis:Fundamental analysis is more commonly associated with long-term investment strategies. Investors who use fundamental analysis are often interested in holding assets for an extended period. They seek to assess the long-term prospects and intrinsic value of an asset.


  • Technical analysis:The primary focus of technical analysis is on the timing of trades and entry/exit points. It aims to identify patterns and trends in price data to make profitable trading decisions.
  • Fundamental analysis:Fundamental analysis concentrates on assessing the underlying value and financial health of a company or asset. It aims to determine whether an asset is overvalued or undervalued based on its intrinsic characteristics.

5.Market efficiency:

  • Technical analysis:Technical analysts often assume that market prices already reflect all available information. They believe that historical price patterns can provide insights into future price movements.
  • Fundamental analysis:Fundamental analysts believe that markets are not always perfectly efficient and that assets can be mispriced. They seek to identify these mispriced assets by evaluating fundamental data.

6.Tools and techniques:

  • Technical analysis:Technical analysis uses tools like charts, trendlines, candlestick patterns, and technical indicators to make trading decisions. It often employs quantitative methods to assess price data.
  • Fundamental analysis:Fundamental analysis employs financial ratios (for example, P/E ratio, debt-to-equity ratio), financial statements, economic analysis, competitive positioning, and qualitative assessments of management quality.

7.Use of news and events:

  • Technical analysis:Technical analysis does not rely on external news or events. It assumes that all relevant information is already reflected in price data.
  • Fundamental analysis:Fundamental analysis takes into account external news, earnings reports, economic developments, and other events that may influence the fundamental factors of an asset.

In summary, technical analysis focuses on price data and patterns, aiming to predict short-term price movements, while fundamental analysis delves into the intrinsic value of an asset, often with a long-term perspective. Both approaches have their merits, and investors may use them separately or in combination to make well-informed investment decisions.

What are the pros and cons of fundamental analysis?


  1. Long-term perspective:Fundamental analysis provides a long-term perspective, making it suitable for investors looking to hold assets for extended periods.
  2. Informed decision-making:It allows investors to make well-informed decisions based on a company's financial health and economic conditions.
  3. Value investing:Fundamental analysis is the foundation of value investing, a strategy that has yielded positive results for many prominent investors.


  1. Time-consuming:Performing fundamental analysis can be time-consuming and requires a significant amount of research and data analysis.
  2. Influence of emotions:Investors may still be influenced by emotions and market sentiment, even when armed with fundamental analysis.
  3. Complexity:Understanding financial statements and ratios may be challenging for inexperienced investors.


Fundamental analysis serves as a robust tool for investors seeking a thorough understanding of a company's intrinsic value and long-term potential. By evaluating financial and non-financial factors, investors can make informed decisions aligned with a stock's true worth.

While fundamental analysis provides a comprehensive view, it contrasts with technical analysis, which focuses on short-term price movements. Despite its time-consuming nature and susceptibility to emotional influences, fundamental analysis remains a cornerstone for investors adopting a strategic, value-oriented approach to the market.

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Frequently asked questions

What is the fundamental analysis with example?

Fundamental analysis involves assessing the intrinsic value of an asset by analysing both quantitative and qualitative factors. For example, an investor may examine a company's financial statements, management quality, competitive position, and industry trends to determine whether its stock is a good investment.

What are the fundamental analysis objectives?

The primary objectives of fundamental analysis are to determine the intrinsic value of an asset, assess its financial health, and make informed investment decisions based on a long-term outlook.

What are the instruments of fundamental analysis?

Instruments of fundamental analysis include financial statements (income statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement), economic indicators, industry reports, management assessments, and various financial ratios (for example, P/E ratio, debt-to-equity ratio). These instruments help investors evaluate the value and prospects of an asset or company.

What are the five steps of fundamental analysis?

The following are the five steps for fundamental analysis of stocks:

  1. Economic analysis: This involves analysing the overall economic environment to identify the impact of macroeconomic factors on the company’s performance.
  2. Industry analysis: This involves analysing the industry in which the company operates to identify the impact of industry-specific factors on the company’s performance.
  3. Company analysis: This involves analysing the company’s financial statements, management, and competitive positioning to identify the company’s strengths and weaknesses.
  4. Valuation analysis: This involves determining the intrinsic value of the company’s stock using various valuation models.
  5. Investment decision: This involves making an investment decision based on the results of the previous four steps.

What are the two types of fundamental analysis?

There are two types of fundamental analysis: qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis.

Qualitative analysis involves analysing non-numeric data such as the company’s management, brand value, and competitive positioning.

Quantitative analysis involves analysing numerical data such as financial statements, ratios, and other metrics.

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Fundamental Analysis - Meaning, Basics, Types & Examples (1)

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Fundamental Analysis - Meaning, Basics, Types & Examples (2024)


Fundamental Analysis - Meaning, Basics, Types & Examples? ›

Fundamental analysis involves assessing the intrinsic value of an asset by analysing both quantitative and qualitative factors. For example, an investor may examine a company's financial statements, management quality, competitive position, and industry trends to determine whether its stock is a good investment.

What are the types of fundamental analysis? ›

There are two types of fundamental analysis – Qualitative and Quantitative. Qualitative is inclined towards goodwill, market conditions, brand value, and company performance. In contrast, the quantitative analysis is statistically driven. Fundamental analysis is often compared with technical analysis.

What is fundamental analysis with example? ›

Fundamental analysis is a method of determining a stock's intrinsic value. Fundamental analysts search for stocks trading at prices higher or lower than their real value. If the fair market value exceeds the market price, the stock is deemed undervalued, and a buy recommendation is given.

What is fundamental analysis pick the best answer? ›

Understanding fundamental analysis

Fundamental analysis is a method of attempting to determine the intrinsic value of a stock, using publicly available financial information to analyze its business model, financial ratios, financial statements, company management, and other factors.

What are the five steps of fundamental analysis? ›

  • How to do fundamental analysis.
  • Step 1: Economic and Market Analysis.
  • Step 2: Analysis of Financial Statements.
  • Step 3: Forecasting relevant payoffs.
  • Step 4: Formulating a security value.
  • Step 5: Making a recommendation.

What is the best way to define fundamental analysis? ›

Fundamental analysis (FA) is a method used to identify a stock's intrinsic or fair market value by examining a range of economic factors and financial metrics. FA let's investors determine if a stock's intrinsic value is lower or higher than its current market price.

How to learn fundamental analysis? ›

How to start a fundamental analysis ?
  1. Understand the company first.
  2. Use the financial ratios for initial screening.
  3. Closely study the financial reports of the company.
  4. Find the company's competitors/rivals and study them.
  5. Check the company's debt and compare with rivals.
  6. Analyse the company's future prospects.

What is the formula for fundamental analysis? ›

It consists of finding a company whose price-earnings (P/E) ratio is low compared to others of its kind. To find the price-earnings ratio, divide the stock's current price by its earnings per share. If a stock is selling for $35 now and its earnings last year were $7 a share, the P/E ratio would be 5 (35/7=5).

What is the primary objective of fundamental analysis? ›

Answer and Explanation: The fundamental analysis will estimate the current value of the business operation by evaluating future earnings. With that being said, the estimated business valuation will be compared with the market value of business, which could conclude whether the firm's stocks are mispriced.

Is fundamental analysis a strategy? ›

They should exist as part of a trading strategy that covers many variables. Fundamental analysis variables provide a means by which you can measure countries, stocks and other assets. Once individual markets are put onto a scale, investors can start to work out their intrinsic value in relation to one another.

What is the main purpose of fundamental analysis? ›

The primary objectives of fundamental analysis are to determine the intrinsic value of an asset, assess its financial health, and make informed investment decisions based on a long-term outlook.

What are the disadvantages of fundamental analysis? ›

Limitations: However, fundamental analysis has its limitations: Subjectivity: Interpretation of data and assumptions about future growth are subjective and can vary among analysts. Time-consuming: Gathering and analysing extensive financial data can be time-consuming, especially for individual investors.

How do you analyze stocks for beginners? ›

A very, very basic example of stock analysis would include looking at a stock's share price, comparing it to its historical averages and moving averages, overall market conditions, and looking at the company's financial statements to try and gauge where it might move next.

What is fundamental analysis in simple terms? ›

Fundamental analysis is a method of evaluating the intrinsic value of an asset and analysing the factors that could influence its price in the future. This form of analysis is based on external events and influences, as well as financial statements and industry trends.

What are the key ratios in fundamental analysis? ›

These are the most commonly used ratios in fundamental analysis. They include dividend yield, P/E ratio, earnings per share (EPS), and dividend payout ratio. Investors use these metrics to predict earnings and future performance.

What is the difference between fundamental and technical analysis? ›

Fundamental analysis focuses on financial statements and economic indicators to assess an asset's intrinsic value, making it more suitable for long-term investment decisions. Alternatively, technical analysis examines share price movements and trends to identify investment opportunities.

What are the fundamental types? ›

Fundamental data type: The basic data types defined in the programming language c or c++ form the fundamental basis of any program. Examples- integer, floating, character, etc. The basic data types defined in the programming language c or c+ form the fundamental basis of any program.

What are the three types of market efficiency? ›

Fama identified three levels of market efficiency:
  • Weak-form efficiency.
  • Semi-strong efficiency.
  • Strong-form efficiency.

What is top down vs bottom up fundamental analysis? ›

A top-down analysis begins at the macro level, looking at things like national economic data (e.g., GDP or unemployment) and then honing in on more micro variables. A bottom-up approach is the opposite, beginning micro (e.g. looking at a single company's financial statements) and then broadening out.

How many types of analysis are there in the stock market? ›

The types of analysis in the stock market include fundamental analysis, which evaluates a company's financial health; technical analysis, focusing on statistical trends and price movements; and sentiment analysis, assessing market emotions and investor attitudes to predict stock price directions.

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