Exotic Shorthair: Cat Breed Profile (2024)

The exotic shorthair cat has been called the "lazy" person's Persian because they share the Persian cat's facial features but have a shorter coat that requires less grooming—a weekly brush is all that’s needed to care for their fur.

Exotic shorthairs are soft, medium-sized cats that tend to develop strong bonds with their owners, get along with other pets and kids, and have sweet personalities. Although exotic shorthairs have relatively low energy levels and exercise needs, they'll happily play with fishing pole feather teasers or similar toys for hours.

Learn more about the exotic shorthair’s history, care needs, temperament, and more.

Breed Overview

Personality: Affectionate, loyal, easygoing, low-energy,

Weight: Up to 15 pounds

Length: Up to 30 inches

Coat Length: Short hair

Coat Colors: Black, white, golden, silver, smoke, bicolor, and Himalayan

Coat Patterns: Solid, pointed, tabby, and tortoiseshell

Eye Color: Gold, green, and blue

Lifespan: Up to 15 years

Hypoallergenic: No

Origin: United States

Exotic Shorthair Characteristics

Exotic shorthairs have lower energy levels than many other cats, so they can thrive in a variety of households and don't require a lot of active interaction or stimulation. Also, these cats tend to be a little standoffish to strangers.

The exotic shorthair's sweet, relaxed, and playful personality is a mix between a Persian and American shorthair. Combine that with their low-maintenance grooming and exercise needs and this is the perfect pick for first-time cat owners and mellow families.

Affection LevelHigh
Exercise NeedsLow
Energy LevelLow
Tendency to VocalizeLow
Amount of SheddingLow to Medium

History of the Exotic Shorthair

Persian cats have been—and still are—some of the most coveted cats in history. Motivated by the popularity of the breed, American shorthair breeders began to mix Persians, Burmese, and Russian blues into their American shorthair lines sometime during the 1950s. They hoped to recreate the beautiful looks of the Persian in American shorthairs.

Although the first litters of Persian-American shorthair kittens didn't look exactly like Persians, they retained some of the key characteristics—like round faces, short noses, and large, round eyes. But they had shorter, more plush coats. Many breeders then bred these kittens with Persians to further develop the exotic shorthair breed.

As the breed grew in popularity—and the gene pool broadened—fewer breeders incorporated Burmese and Russian blues into their breeding programs to achieve shorter, plusher coats. Eventually, the Cat Fanciers' Association began to limit the number of outcrosses allowed in purebred exotic shorthairs. In 1987, they banned exotic shorthair outcrosses completely, allowing them only to be bred with Persians.

This breed has been beloved for many years, even making its way into pop culture. An exotic shorthair cat played a role on the television series “New Girl,” and though Garfield the cat’s exact breed isn’t known, the cartoon has similar characteristics to the exotic shorthair.

Today, the exotic shorthair is one of the most popular purebred shorthair cats, ranking fourth on The Cat Fanciers’ Association’s list of most popular breeds for 2022.

Exotic Shorthair: Cat Breed Profile (1)

Exotic Shorthair Care

Unlike Persians, exotic shorthairs are extremely easy to groom. While Persians require daily brushing and combing, you can expect to comb an exotic shorthair's coat once or twice per week with a steel comb. Mats, knots, and tangles are uncommon in the exotic shorthair. The exotic shorthair sheds seasonally, so they need additional grooming and bathing to remove dead hair and skin cells during this time.

Because exotic shorthairs have flatter faces, their eyes tend to tear and stain the surrounding fur. You can prevent staining by washing your exotic's face daily with a soft, dry cloth. If your cat's eyes are red, crusty, or have excessive discharge, make an appointment with your veterinarian to investigate the possibility of an eye infection.

As with every breed, you should examine your cat's ears weekly. You can clean away waxy buildup and debris with a soft, cotton cloth. Avoid using a cotton swab, as it can damage the delicate, inner ear structures. If your cat's ears are red, inflamed, or smell funny, see your veterinarian, as these may be signs of infection.

The exotic shorthair has a fairly low energy level and doesn't require a lot of exercise. This cat is content to play an occasional low-key game with toys. They might play with a ball, as an example, and a cat tree is another great way to keep their mind stimulated. When the activities are done, they like to lounge or cuddle for hours. They are social cats that don’t like to be left alone for too long.

Common Health Problems

Ethical breeders take steps to ensure they're producing healthy cats, but there's no guarantee that your exotic shorthair will not develop a health condition at some point. Also, these cats share some of the same health problems as Persians.

Some health problems that are common among exotic shorthairs include:

  • Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: This is the most common type of heart disease in cats. It causes the left ventricle of the heart to thicken, affecting the heart’s ability to pump blood. Symptoms include weakness, hind limb paralysis, irregular heartbeat, and labored breathing.
  • Polycystic kidney disease: Otherwise known as PKD, this condition is characterized by enlarged kidneys and improper kidney function. Cysts are typically seen in affected cats by 12 months of age, but kidney failure can occur years later. There are DNA tests that can identify PKD, so ask your cat's breeder for proof that the mother and father have been cleared.
  • Respiratory issues: Because exotic shorthairs have flattened faces, they can have difficulty breathing—especially in hot, humid weather. Your exotic shorthair should always be kept in a climate-controlled environment.

These cats live up to 15 years, on average. If you're concerned about your exotic shorthair's health, talk to your veterinarian about ways you can help your cat live a long, happy, healthy life.


Aside from their drastically different coats, the exotic shorthair and Persian are bred to the same standards. Exotic shorthairs have flattened faces, small ears, and short legs. Unlike the Persian, though, the exotic's coat is short, dense, and plush.

Diet and Nutrition

Your cat's diet and nutritional needs will depend largely on their age, sex, size, and activity level. If you're unsure how much or how often to feed your exotic shorthair, your veterinarian can help you develop a healthy, balanced diet for them. You can also consult the feeding guides developed by your preferred cat food brand.

Overfeeding your cat can lead to obesity, which causes health problems. Leaving food out at all times can encourage too much snacking, so providing the appropriate amount of food at scheduled times during the day can help manage a cat's weight.

Where to Adopt or Buy an Exotic Shorthair

Although it may be extremely difficult to find an exotic shorthair kitten at your local shelter or rescue group, you may be able to find an adult exotic. Reach out to your local shelter, rescue groups, or even your veterinarian to see if there are any adoptable exotic shorthairs in your area.

If you choose to work with a breeder, look for one that has performed—and has proof of—all health certifications. Avoid breeders that always have litters available, have multiple litters on the premises, or allow you to pay for your cat over the internet. These are all signs of a potentially unethical breeder.

Exotic Shorthair Overview

Exotic shorthairs make perfect pets for people who love Persians but don't want the commitment of high-maintenance grooming. These cats are also easygoing and low energy, so they don't demand constant attention or frequent interactive activities—they are content to cuddle.

Like any pet, it's important to do your research and ensure an exotic shorthair is the right pick for your family's lifestyle. The exotic shorthair has a loving, loyal, and calm personality, making them an enjoyable companion for just about everyone who doesn't need an energetic playmate.

Pros of Exotic Shorthairs

  • Low-maintenance grooming
  • Looks a lot like a Persian cat
  • Doesn't need a lot of exercise

Cons of Exotic Shorthairs

  • Prone to respiratory and kidney problems
  • Doesn't have the long, luxurious coat of a Persian
  • May not be energetic or fun enough for kids

LaPerm: Cat Breed Profile, Characteristics, and Care

More Cat Breeds and Further Research

If you’re interested in similar breeds, check out:

  • British Shorthair
  • Scottish Fold
  • Selkirk Rex

Otherwise, check out all of our othercat breed profiles.


  • How much does an exotic shorthair cat cost?

    An exotic shorthair cat can cost between $1,000 and $2,000. However, some kittens might cost as much as $5,000.

  • Are exotic shorthair cats good pets?

    Exotic shorthairs are calm cats that make great pets. They will gladly spend time with you, but they don’t have high demands or high exercise and grooming requirements.

  • Do exotic shorthair cats like to cuddle?

    Yes, exotic shorthair cats like to cuddle. If you’re looking for a relaxed lap cat, this breed may be perfect.

Exotic Shorthair: Cat Breed Profile (2024)


Exotic Shorthair: Cat Breed Profile? ›

Despite its somewhat aristocratic origins, the Exotic Shorthair is playful and affectionate, thriving on human companionship. They are less active compared to other breeds, preferring cozy snuggles to high-energy games. Yet, they possess a gentle, friendly nature, making them excellent companions.

What is the Exotic Shorthair profile? ›

The Exotic Shorthair is a short-haired breed best known for their stubby, flat noses and large round eyes. Their features are squashed, and might look a bit crowded on their face. Their nose, eyes, and mouth are all set in the center of their face. Their coat is very plush and dense.

Do Exotic Shorthair cats like to be held? ›

Exotic shorthairs make perfect pets for people who love Persians but don't want the commitment of high-maintenance grooming. These cats are also easygoing and low energy, so they don't demand constant attention or frequent interactive activities—they are content to cuddle.

What breed of cat was bred with the American Shorthair to produce the Exotic Shorthair breed? ›

The exotic shorthair breed got its start when American shorthair breeders began crossing their cats to Persians. The initial crosses were meant to acquire the silvery Persian coat color and green eyes in a shorthaired cat breed.

What is the breed standard for Exotic Shorthair cats? ›

Exotic Shorthair Overview

Except for the fur, it meets all the breed standards designed for its Persian parent breed. These cats are medium-sized, with a broad, oval head and a short, "pushed in'' muzzle. Their coat is short, yet slightly longer than lengths generally seen in other shorthaired cats.

How much does an Exotic Shorthair cat cost? ›

How much does a Exotic Shorthair cat cost? Exotic Shorthair cats cost between $1,000-$5,000.

Are Exotic Shorthairs high maintenance? ›

Low-Maintenance Grooming: Unlike their Persian counterparts, Exotic Shorthairs boast a short, plush coat that requires minimal grooming. A weekly brush is typically all it takes to keep their coat looking pristine, allowing more time for play and cuddles.

Do Exotic Shorthairs meow a lot? ›

The Exotic Shorthair is a calm breed of cat. While they will have energy as a kitten and will enjoy play sessions as they grow, they tend to prefer snuggles over vigorous exercise. They're comfortable as housecats and don't do well outside. They also tend to be a quiet cat without a lot of meowing to communicate.

Do Exotic Shorthairs like to cuddle? ›

Beyond their captivating look, Exotic Shorthairs are known for their affectionate and laid-back demeanor, making them ideal pets for families, singles, and seniors alike. They enjoy lounging around the house, cuddling with their human companions, and engaging in playful antics.

Can Exotic Shorthair cats be left alone? ›

Because they don't like being left alone, you shouldn't get an Exotic Shorthair if he's going to be left home alone for long periods of time. In this case, you may consider getting a second cat so they can keep each other company when you're not there. As always, you'll want to keep in mind that each cat is different.

How long do Exotic Shorthair cats live? ›

The Exotic Shorthair lifespan is typically 8–15 years, and they can be prone to conditions common in cats and brachycephalic breeds. Fortunately, some common conditions inherited from their Persian parent can be avoided, says Stephen Quandt, a feline training and behavior specialist.

Do Exotic Shorthair cats have health problems? ›

When it comes to health, the Exotic is prone to various genetic problems: Polycystic kidney disease (PKD) Respiratory problems due to their flat faces and the brachycephalic (square and flat) shape of the skull. Eye problems, such as progressive retinal atrophy (PRA)

Do Exotic Shorthair cats have Down syndrome? ›

While cats cannot have Down syndrome due to the fact that they have no chromosome 21, they can have genetic disorders or illnesses that may cause symptoms like the ones above.

How smart are Exotic Shorthair cats? ›

Exotic Shorthairs are intelligent cats, making them generally easy to train. They respond particularly well to positive reinforcement techniques. Be patient and consistent with your training methods.

What is the demeanor of the Exotic Shorthair? ›

In terms of temperament, Exotic Shorthairs typically share many traits with Persians, including their gentle, affectionate nature and laid-back demeanor. They are known for being calm, loving companions that enjoy lounging around the house and spending time with their human family members.

What is the Exotic Shorthair attitude? ›

Friendly and Affectionate: Exotic Shorthairs are known for their loving nature, often forming strong bonds with their family members. They thrive on companionship, making them excellent pets for households looking for a furry friend to share in their daily activities.

What is the Exotic Shorthair a descendant of? ›

The Exotic Shorthair is a comparatively new cat breed that came into existence in the 1950s. They are a crossbreed between a Persian cat and an American Shorthair as well as Russian Blue and Burmese. They wanted to create a silver-coated American Shorthair that looked like a Persian.

What is the personality of an Exotic Shorthair female? ›

Personality and Temperament

The Exotic Shorthair is a gentle friendly cat that has the same personality as the Persian. They love having fun, don't mind the company of other cats and dogs, also love to curl up for a sleep in a safe place. They may be a bit wary of strangers that come to house.

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.