Credit Background Checks & Reports for Employment | Checkr (2024)

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A credit background check helps employers understand a job candidate’s credit history, including how they’ve handled credit, paid bills, and managed debt in the past. A credit background check contains information modified from consumer credit reports to help employers make informed hiring decisions. This type of check is often conducted by employers to understand the credit history of prospective employees, especially when hiring for roles with financial or fiduciary responsibility.

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What is a credit check?

A credit check is a record that indicates how a person manages their money, credit, and other financial obligations. Debt-to-credit ratio, bankruptcies, payment history, open lines of credit, and credit inquiries may all appear on a credit check. Different types of credit checks can be used for different purposes, including evaluating credit risk or determining a candidate’s suitability for a new position.

Why do employers check credit?

Employers also use a credit background check to equip themselves with information to make more informed hiring decisions and to determine a candidate’s qualifications for finance-related roles. If the position sought by a candidate requires sound financial decision-making skills or a high level of trust with the organization’s financial resources, employers may use a credit history check to determine whether the candidate is capable of managing protected resources and safeguarding the organization’s reputation. In some industries or roles, pre-employment credit checks may be required by law.

What does a credit check show?

A credit check may show public information, such as tax liens, collections, and bankruptcies. It may also reveal outstanding balances, payment history, and open lines of credit. Employment credit checks may contain:

  • Names and addresses of current and previous employers
  • Open lines of credit, including mortgages and other loans such as auto or student loans
  • Credit inquiries
  • Payment history, including late and missed payments
  • Unpaid balances turned over to collections
  • Public record information such as bankruptcies

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What do employers look for in a credit check?

When employers run credit history checks as part of a comprehensive background check, they’re looking to understand candidates’ personal history with finances to help ensure they’re hiring qualified people with the utmost integrity and fiscal responsibility. It’s important to note that employers must have a permissible purpose to use credit checks for employment, which includes hiring for positions where the employee will be handling or managing money. An employment credit check is different from a consumer credit check (for example, the type used for credit card applications or car loans). An employment credit check is a modified credit report and does not include credit scores.

How to do a credit check on an employee

To do a credit check on an employee, employers may request the check through a credit reporting agency or partner with a consumer reporting agency, like Checkr. When conducting a credit check, employers must remain compliant with the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA). The FCRA provides requirements for permitted purpose, disclosure, and consent for conducting background checks, including credit checks. Typically, the use of credit history is prohibited unless the employer or employee falls into special categories, such as an employee who would:

  • Handle large amounts of money
  • Work in a managerial capacity
  • Have access to trade secrets
  • Work in a field (such as financial services) in which regulations require credit reports

To remain compliant with laws and regulations, employers must observe the following requirements:

  • Follow certification or credentialing regulations. If you conduct the credit check yourself, you must certify to the credit reporting agency (Equifax, Experian, or TransUnion) that you have informed the candidate, obtained permission, and followed FCRA regulations. If you request the credit check through a consumer reporting agency (CRA), like Checkr, your organization first must be credentialed. This includes providing a statement of your business purpose for ordering the credit check as well as a one-time on-site inspection of your offices.
  • Provide appropriate disclosure and authorization. Employers must inform the candidate they will be conducting a credit check and obtain written permission from the candidate to do so, as required by the FCRA. Some candidates may hesitate for fear of damaging their credit score with too many inquiries. However, employer credit checks are considered soft inquiries and will not affect the candidate’s credit score.

Adhere to federal and local laws. All employers must comply with the FCRA and any applicable state or local ban-the-box laws or fair hiring regulations when running credit background checks. Additionally, some states and cities (like New York and Chicago), have passed laws restricting how credit report information may be used in making hiring decisions.

Get a credit background check with Checkr

Checkr helps employers build trusted teams with a simplified background check process for you and your candidates, and creates transparent interactions with our easy-to-use, mobile-optimized platform and built-in FAQs.

Checkr’s advanced technology not only delivers fast and accurate employment credit check results, and also delivers peace of mind with its built-in features to help you maintain compliance. With screening options to suit the needs of your organization, we help you save time so you can make confident hiring decisions quickly. Get started today.

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The resources provided here are for educational purposes only and do not constitute legal advice. We advise you to consult your own counsel if you have legal questions related to your specific practices and compliance with applicable laws.

Credit Background Checks & Reports for Employment | Checkr (2024)


How do I pass my employment credit check? ›

Start by consistently paying your bills on time whenever possible. Payment history is a major factor in your credit score. Aim to reduce your debt, especially on credit cards, to lower your credit utilization ratio.

Can I be denied a job because of my credit report? ›

In the majority of states, employers can deny you employment if you have bad credit. Some states and cities have passed laws that prohibit the practice, though there are some exceptions, such as for jobs in the financial sector.

What credit score do you need to pass a background check? ›

Credit scores typically do not show up on a background check. Most background checks for employment do not seek credit information, but rather, criminal history. They are typically looking for whether you are dangerous to employ.

How does a credit check verify employment? ›

Your employment history may be listed on your credit report if you provided information about where you work to a creditor. Lenders typically ask for employer information on credit applications to help verify your identity but they're not obligated to report your job history to the credit bureaus.

What is the minimum credit score for a job? ›

Employers don't get a credit score during this process, and thus there is no minimum credit score for employment.

How do you explain bad credit to a potential employer? ›

A letter explaining bad credit should be honest and transparent. Acknowledge your financial situation, and explain any extenuating circ*mstances that may have contributed to it. Honesty is critical since any lies or omissions will inevitably come to light and could jeopardize your job prospects.

Can a job not hire you because of bad credit? ›

However, a credit score is used for more than financial matters; it may also be used to determine if you qualify for a job. It is possible to be denied a job because of bad credit.

Can you get fired for having bad credit? ›

While it's unlikely that a lousy credit score will get you canned, it's much more likely to stop you from being hired in the first place, it certainly can happen, especially if you're in one of the states that don't restrict the use of employer credit checks.

Will bad credit affect my background check? ›

Though prospective employers don't see your credit score in a credit check, they do see your open lines of credit (such as mortgages), outstanding balances, auto or student loans, foreclosures, late or missed payments, any bankruptcies and collection accounts.

Can an employer rescind a job offer because of bad credit? ›

In cases where the job candidate has had serious financial difficulties, an employer might want to consider rescinding the job offer and look for candidates with a better credit history.

Do employers run credit checks? ›

Background checks for employment often include checking the candidate's credit history, as well as their criminal record and other public records. However, a potential employer must always obtain your written permission and authorization before it can perform a credit check.

Is a credit check and background check the same thing? ›

Although the vast majority of background checks don't include a credit check, it's possible you may run into an exception — for example, if you're applying for a job in the financial industry or any job where you might handle a lot of money.

Which states ban credit checks for employment? ›

Ten states have laws restricting the use of credit reports for employment decisions, including the following:
  • California – Cal. Labor Code § 1024.5 et seq.
  • Oregon – Ore. Rev. ...
  • Washington – Wash. Rev. ...
  • Nevada – NRS § 613.570.
  • Colorado – § 8-2-126, C.R.S.
  • Illinois – 820 Ill. ...
  • Vermont – Vermont Act No. ...
  • Connecticut – Conn.
Jan 25, 2024

What is a soft credit check for employment? ›

A soft credit check is an inquiry into your credit report, initiated either by you or a company. A soft inquiry can occur even if you didn't apply for credit. It is primarily used to screen for preapproval offers or for a background check. Credit scores are not impacted by soft credit checks.

How do creditors verify employment? ›

Mortgage companies verify employment during the application process by contacting employers and by reviewing relevant documents, such as pay stubs and tax returns. You can smooth the employment verification process by speaking with your HR department ahead of time to let them know to expect a call from your lender.

Can a bad credit rating affect employment? ›

Consumer rights attorney Larry P. Smith explained that even if a potential employer isn't looking at your credit history specifically, they may still pull your credit report: “A credit score can affect your job chances by getting you denied employment.

What states prohibit credit checks for employment? ›

Ten states have laws restricting the use of credit reports for employment decisions, including the following:
  • California – Cal. Labor Code § 1024.5 et seq.
  • Oregon – Ore. Rev. ...
  • Washington – Wash. Rev. ...
  • Nevada – NRS § 613.570.
  • Colorado – § 8-2-126, C.R.S.
  • Illinois – 820 Ill. ...
  • Vermont – Vermont Act No. ...
  • Connecticut – Conn.
Jan 25, 2024

Do employers check credit score before hiring? ›

Many companies will conduct employment credit checks as part of their hiring processes. Although employers don't have access to your three-digit credit score, the other information in your credit report could be the difference between getting your dream job and getting passed up.

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Author: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.