Can Bitcoin really make you a millionaire? (2024)

Over the course of its 15-year history, Bitcoin (CRYPTO: BTC) has made plenty of millionaires. In fact, data from the blockchain analytics platform Glassnode shows roughly 115,000 wallet addresses with a balance of more than $1 million today.

But what are the chances you could one day join this select group? For the patient and long-term investor, the answer might surprise you.

Can Bitcoin really make you a millionaire? (1)

A quick glance at Bitcoin's price over the years shows that the most explosive gains were made in its early days. From 2009 to 2012, the world's original cryptocurrency jumped from less than a tenth of a penny to more than $5, an absurd 710,000% increase. With Bitcoin trading for around $65,000 today, an investment of just $75 when it was worth roughly $5 would have been good enough to make you a millionaire.

As surprising as it may sound, there is still plenty of opportunity for the world's original cryptocurrency to create millionaires, even if the days of it trading for less than $100, let alone $10,000, are likely gone. There are complex simulations and intricate theories that can be useful in capturing Bitcoin's future millionaire-making abilities, but some simple math can do the trick, too.

The halving phenomenon

Bitcoin's performance is often analyzed in relation to its halvings. Occurring approximately every four years, these halvings reduce its inflation rate by half and serve as easy landmarks to break Bitcoin's existence into natural cycles.

One notable observation found by Bitcoin analyst Willy Woo is that holding Bitcoin for at least one halving cycle, or roughly four years, has never resulted in a negative return. Over this period, Bitcoin has shown an average annualized return of 30%. In other words, even if investors bought at the peak of a bull market, as long as they held for at least four years, they would eventually see a 30% annualized return.

For those considering #Bitcoin. Remember to hold for 4 years. It's never returned below 30% annualised for a 4 year investment, no matter how badly timed...BTC: 30-60%, 75% drawdownsSP500: 10%, 35% drawdownsReal Estate: 10%, 30%+ drawdownsVC Funds: 15%-27%, 10 year lock up

While this is a lower-bound scenario, we can use it as a baseline to show what it takes for investors to become Bitcoin millionaires. Assuming an annualized return of 30%, one would need to invest roughly $85,500 annually for five years to hit millionaire status. Over 10 years, this number falls to around $18,250. For a 20-year period, you would only need to invest a mere $1,225 per year.

If you expand your viewpoint beyond the four-year mark, the potential for wealth creation magnifies considerably. Considering Bitcoin's average annual return over its entire history (not just a four-year halving cycle) is roughly 170%, the timeline accelerates, and the required investment amount decreases significantly.

The opportunity is today

It's crucial to acknowledge that past performance doesn't guarantee future results. However, the fundamental numbers behind Bitcoin remain immutable. At its core, Bitcoin's value proposition revolves around one key figure: 21 million.

With a finite supply of 21 million Bitcoins and the ongoing reduction of Bitcoin's issuance rate through halvings, supply and demand dynamics increasingly favor price appreciation over time.

As investors, understanding and embracing these fundamental principles of supply and demand provide a solid foundation for navigating market volatility. While short-term fluctuations and speculative trends may influence prices, the long-term trajectory of Bitcoin's value is anchored in its scarcity and increasing utility. With each halving, the scale tips further toward sustained price growth, presenting a compelling opportunity for hopeful millionaires.

RJ Fulton has positions in Bitcoin. The Motley Fool has positions in and recommends Bitcoin. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.

The Motley Fool is a USA TODAY content partner offering financial news, analysis and commentary designed to help people take control of their financial lives. Its content is produced independently of USA TODAY.

Should you invest $1,000 in Bitcoin right now?

Offer from the Motley Fool: Before you buy stock in Bitcoin, consider this:

The Motley Fool Stock Advisor analyst team just identified what they believe are the10 best stocks for investors to buy now… and Bitcoin wasn’t one of them. The 10 stocks that made the cut could produce monster returns in the coming years.

Stock Advisor provides investors with an easy-to-follow blueprint for success, including guidance on building a portfolio, regular updates from analysts, and two new stock picks each month. The Stock Advisor service hasmore than tripledthe return of S&P 500 since 2002*.

See the 10 stocks

*Stock Advisor returns as of April 15, 2024

Can Bitcoin really make you a millionaire? (2024)


Can Bitcoin really make you a millionaire? ›

Bitcoin has made many millionaires already, and you could be one, too. Over the course of its 15-year history, Bitcoin (CRYPTO: BTC) has made plenty of millionaires. In fact, data from the blockchain analytics platform Glassnode shows roughly 115,000 wallet addresses with a balance of more than $1 million today.

Can Bitcoin make you a millionaire? ›

Over a long enough period of time, even a relatively small upfront investment could turn into $1 million or more. And, indeed, according to Henley & Partners' Crypto Wealth Report, there are more than 40,000 Bitcoin millionaires in the world right now.

Can you get rich quickly with Bitcoin? ›

It is possible to make $100 per day, but there is no guarantee or specific technique you can use to ensure it happens. Cryptocurrency trading, lending, staking, and investing all come with significant risks because it is such a volatile and unpredictable asset.

Can Bitcoin really reach 1 million? ›

Bitcoin's Price History

Notably, Cathie Wood, CEO of Ark Invest, predicted that bitcoin could reach an astounding $1.48 million by 2030. Obviously, the world's oldest cryptocurrency has come a long way since its first recorded price of less than a cent.

How many bitcoins to become a millionaire? ›

At the time he made those comments, the price of Bitcoin was around $35,000. So, 10 times from those levels would mean that Bitcoin could go as high as $350,000, Saylor said. If this is the case, you would need to own 2.86 BTC to become a millionaire.

Do people really make money with Bitcoin? ›

Buying and holding Bitcoin as a long-term investment — or, as some crypto enthusiasts call it, HODLing — can be a low-effort way to make money in the long term, as long as its price when you finally sell it is higher than the price at which you bought it.

Is Bitcoin still a good investment? ›

Given these factors, the case for investing in Bitcoin remains highly relevant, especially for investors with long-term horizons. While short-term market fluctuations may cause uncertainty, Bitcoin's underlying fundamentals remain robust, making it a resilient asset for wealth preservation and long-term growth.

How much will I get if I put $1 dollar in Bitcoin? ›

1 USD equals 0.000014 BTC. The current value of 1 United States Dollar is +0.12% against the exchange rate to BTC in the last 24 hours. ​ The current Bitcoin market cap is $1.37T. ​Create a free Kraken account to instantly convert USD to BTC today.

How much will $100 in Bitcoin be worth in 2030? ›

If this pattern continues into 2030, the price could peak around 2029 or 2030, potentially aligning with Wood's price prediction. If Wood is correct and Bitcoin reaches $3.8 million, a $100 investment in Bitcoin today would be worth $5,510 in 2030. This translates to a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of over 95%.

How much will $1 Bitcoin be worth in 2025? ›

Bitcoin (BTC) Price Prediction 2030
2025$ 72,843.20
2026$ 76,485.36
2027$ 80,309.63
2030$ 92,968.44
1 more row

How much will Bitcoin be worth in 2040? ›

Based on our long-term Bitcoin Coin price forecast, we anticipated that prices could reach a new all-time high this year. By 2040, the maximum price of the BTC Coin is projected to be around $5,69,240.60. Our average price forecast for Bitcoin is $5,57,632.74 in 2040.

How much Bitcoin do I need to retire? ›

Here is how much you'd need based on the upcoming halvings (years listed are 2 years after each anticipated halving): 2026: 6.25 BTC 2030: 3.125 BTC 2034: 1.5625 BTC 2038: 0.78125 BTC 2042: 0.390625 BTC 2046: 0.1953125 BTC 2050: 0.09765625 BTC According to this theory, in 2050 you would need less than a tenth of a ...

What will happen after 21 million bitcoins? ›

The End of Bitcoin Mining Rewards

However, once the maximum supply of 21 million bitcoins is reached, these block rewards will cease​​. Miners will then solely rely on transaction fees as their compensation for validating transactions and securing the network​​.

Do rich people buy Bitcoin? ›

Billionaire hedge fund managers are also looking for ways to get exposure to Bitcoin. Unlike most retail investors, they are not just investing in Bitcoin for its upside potential. Primarily, they view it as a hedge against inflation and economic uncertainty.

How much Bitcoin should I own? ›

In its latest research report, Ark Invests suggests an optimal Bitcoin allocation of 19.4%. In previous years, Ark Invest's optimal Bitcoin allocation was in the 0.5% to 6% range.

What happens after I buy Bitcoin? ›

In some cases, the purchased bitcoin will be released from escrow directly to the Bitcoin wallet of your choosing. In other cases, it will first be sent to your peer-to-peer platform account wallet (which is typically a custodial web wallet). In that case, you'd then want to withdraw it to a Bitcoin wallet you control.

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